Okay, last chapter. Sorry this story was so short but not much you can do when all you have is two people observing turtles. Please let me know what you thought, I love reading reviews, and on to the last chapter.

Ch 6 Freedom.

The two turtles ran out the room and down the corridor. In front of them, they noticed a door at the end of a long hallway with a sign marked exit. They quickly headed toward the door. As they moved, they noticed other steel doors much like theirs along both sides of the corridor. Blue pushed a black button on the side of the first door and smiled when the door went up, Red ran down the corridor and began pushing every black button next to the other doors and both turtles were pleased when several other turtles from Red's clan ran out and joined them in their escape.

The new group of turtles ran through the woods happy and free. Blue and Red watched as they walked quickly behind, keeping their eyes looking around and making sure they were not being followed. After several minutes, they ran through an underbrush and stopped as they heard noises coming from up ahead.

Blue smiled when half a dozen turtles stepped out of the underbrush and smiled back at them. "Hey Leo!" A smaller turtle called out waving as they approached. "Bout time you showed up."

"Yeah, what took you so long?" Another turtle asked. He was slightly taller then the other turtle. In his hands he was twirling a stick. "We were beginning to think we may have to gather up the other tribes and storm the place."

Leo smiled and nodded toward Red. "Had to convince my new 'mate' that we needed to leave that place the humans put us into." He told them and laughed at their surprise looks. "Long story." He said, then made a sweeping motion with his hand toward his new companion. "This is Raphael, leader of the Fire tribe." He told them.

"You can call me Raph." He told them with a smile. "And it's probably former leader, pretty sure I've been replaced by now." The other turtles bowed to him. "And who are you two?"

"This is Donatello, leader of the Mountain Tribe and this is Michelangelo, leader of the Forest Tribe." Leo said as he motioned from one turtle to the other. "The rest of the turtles are from their two clans I suspect." He said, raising an eye ridge at the two leaders who nodded at him.

Both bowed to Raphael as they were introduced. The stick wielding turtle approached him. "You can call me Donnie." He told him. "And the Fire Tribe is currently with Leonardo's Water Tribe." He told him. "After you and the others got caught, the few that remained sought refuge with them." He then looked at Leo again. "So what exactly is going on?"

"I'll explain everything later." He told him, then looked at all the turtles that were standing around waiting for everyone to continue onward. "Spread the word to all terrapin tribes!" He called out jumping on a rock. "Our home is no longer safe, humans have found us and now that they know about us, they will continue to look for others of our kind so we all must look for a new home." He turned to the other leaders. "Donnie, Mikey, and Raph." He gave them a determined look. "Make sure all your clan is prepared as soon as possible." He looked at the rest of the turtles. "We leave tonight!"

The group of terrapins, led by Donnie and Mikey, began making their way further into the underbrush. Leo and Raph let the others get ahead of them and followed behind, keeping slightly back to guard the rear. "I have to admit." Raph told Leo. "I'm actually going to miss that place."

Leo raised his eye ridges in surprise at him. "What?" Raph asked looking back at him also in surprise. "Don't tell me you didn't enjoy having that human food given to you almost everyday and not having anything to do except enjoy playing in the water and lazing about in the grass." He then winked at him. "Among other things." He said with a playful smile and brought him into his arms and up against his body. He attempted to lean down and kiss Leo but the smaller turtle pushed him away.

"You were foolish to go there by yourself Raphael." Leo scolded. "If it wasn't for some of your clan members getting to my water tribe, your whole clan could've been wiped out." He began to walk but stopped and turned to Raph with a look of anger. "I know your tribe is known for it's stubbornness and being hot heads but you really need to stop and think about what you're doing before you do it." He turned away and kept walking.

Raph watched him walking away, a smile slowly began to make it's way on his face. "Ya know Leo." Raph took his hand and stopped him. "It was pretty cool the way ya finally convinced me ta leave that place." He smiled at him and once again, brought him close, this time refusing to let go when Leo tried to push away. "Care to convince me to stay with the water tribe?"

Leo stopped pushing and smiled widely at him, he began to fingered his plastron as he thought about Raph's proposal. "I think I can come up with something." He said with a sly smile as he and Raph leaned in for a deep, passionate kiss.

After a few minutes, they broke the kiss and the Leader of the Water Tribe led the Leader of the Fire Tribe toward a new home.


Okay, let me know what you all think of the story. More to be posted soon. -Peace- :)