Disclaimer: The following is a nonprofit Fan based story; The FLASH and all related characters are owned by DC comics, the CW and anyone I may have missed.

This is my Halloween Special, hope you all enjoy it. Its separate from Rewriting History. The Goal is to finish this story within the next month maybe into early November. I decided to release this one a little early so I have ample time to finish it.

Anyway, here we go!

The Flash: Bloody Halloween

Chapter 1: First Blood

Searing pain flooded into Barry's head as he drifted back into the world of the living. But something was different. It was so loud and bright, like Metropolis during rush hour. He was temporarily blind and deaf, or simply over stimulated. His eyes flickered around the room he was in but he could barely make out any of the black fuzzy blobs in his field of vision. The high pitch wailing in his ear was not helping him at all so imagine his surprise when he went to remove his cowl only to find it had already been removed exposing his identity to everyone around him.

In a panic he began to vibrate his face, he had no idea how many of the people around him had made out his identity and frankly it didn't seem to concern him that much. What did concern him was the fact that of the six black silhouettes he could see abnormally colored eyes. One had pale blue, two others had yellow two others had red and the last one which might have been the leader of this group of people had golden eyes.

"Well, well, well" the golden eyed figure approached him and crouched down to Barry's level. "Look who decided to wake up." The other five shapes hissed and growled like feral animals as they formed a circle around Barry. "Maria will be pleased." He leaned into focus and Barry could make out every detail and contour of this man's face.

His skin was a mixture of sickly pale and gray. His ears were slightly pointed while a chain was pierced through his ear lobe and connected to the left corner of his mouth. Speaking of his mouth he gave Barry a toothy grin that held way too many pointed teeth for the Flash's liking. Whatever this guy was, he was definitely male, he was not human.

"Maria…?" Barry said weakly

"Forget him Luther…hiss…" one of the yellow eyed things hissed. "Let's feast! I want to suck the marrow from his bones!"

"No you won't! Mother wants this one intact! He's her precious pet!"

Barry forced himself to his feet wobbling as he did. He felt like he had no strength left in him, like he hadn't eaten all day. "I'm nobody's pet…"

The one named Luther smirked before lunging at Barry, but the fastest man alive vanished in a flurry of lightning as he always did, but he failed to notice one tiny detail; his once golden colored lightning had changed to blood red.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Team Flash was starting to panic about their friend's whereabouts. Ten minutes ago Barry's tracker signal as well as all those displaying his vitals and energy outputs had cut out and when it came back on twelve seconds ago Barry's vitals were so low he should have been dead.

"I GOT HIM!" Cisco cried out as Barry's signal blinked back onto his screen. "What ever happened down there he got out!"

"His vitals are abysmally low!" Caitlin panicked as she felt both Joe and Iris set their gaze upon the young scientist.

"Where is he now? Is he alright?" Iris pleaded.

"He's heading right for S.T.A.R. Labs!" Sure enough as Cisco finished his sentence Everyone turned to the Cortex entrance just in time to witness Barry slide to a stop. They all stared at Barry in petrified science.

The fastest man alive looked horrible; his skin had lost its color bordering on ghoulish gray and even his eyes had become bloodshot. The most terrifying part of his visage as the large blood splatter all over his right collar and chest. The neck and cowl had been torn off as evidence suggested while a ghastly slash decorated Barry's jugular. He didn't even get to say anything as he collapsed to the floor like a rag doll as his friends silently screamed his name.

6:05 PM

(Twelve Minutes Ago)

October 31st, Halloween, All Hallows Eve, whatever you want to call it Central City celebrates this spooky holiday every year. Children go out dressed as goblins, ghouls, witches and anything else that goes bump in the night, but ever since the Flash came to Central city many children have taken up super hero identities as their costumes.

Speaking of the Flash, our hero was currently running around the city making sure all the kids were being safe on this candy getting holiday. Especially considering the theme of Halloween was usually Trick or Treat! Emphasis on Trick and the Trickster.

"Alright Cisco, seems like nothing's going on tonight. Which is strange all things considered."

"Yeah well, don't get too cocky bro. Remember the Halloween Party at Jitters doesn't start for another three and a half hours, plenty of time for a meta-human to rear its ugly head. Speaking of said party have you got a costume?" Cisco asked his fast friend through the comms.

"I don't know. I was thinking I'd just wear my suit and go as the Flash."

"Ok three things. First; that's my suit. Second dressing up as you usually do does not count as a costume. Third; have I mentioned it's my suit?"

Barry rolled his eyes. "You know, after two years I figured you'd be ok with at least calling it our suit."

"Tell you what, if you can create this thing from scratch I'll gladly let you call it your suit." Cisco chuckled to himself. "Man I love Halloween!"

"I think you love the sugar high and the overtly sexual female costumes more than the actual holiday." Caitlin's voice came over the comm as she entered into the cortex. "Why don't you come back to the Lab Barry, it looks like all's quiet tonight."

"Negativo on that Caitlin." Cisco cut her off. "Reports are coming in about a small incident at St. Marco's Cathedral."

"What happened?"

"Not sure but from what social media is saying there was some kind of cave in in the catacombs."

"Since when did St. Marco's have catacombs?" Barry asked

"They're more of the original church rather than catacombs." Caitlin interjected. "The original St. Marco's was burned down in 1824. It was used as part of the Underground Railroad during the Civil War and as a bootleg brewery during prohibition. The cathedral was built on the ruins in 1954."

"Ok, I'll get right on that!" Barry ran off for St. Marco's Cathedral to rescue those that needed it. "HELLO?" He cried out as he entered the dark and damp underbelly of the old church. "IS THERE ANY ONE DOWN HERE?" His golden electricity gave of a feint light providing a beacon of sorts for any civilians.

"HELP! PLEASE! OVER HERE!" Barry ran towards the voice to find a man crouched next to a woman. The woman was pinned under what looked to be a large coffin of sorts. "Please, my girlfriend is trapped! I can't get her free!"

"Leave it to me." Barry got into position and began to vibrate the coffin until it crumbled to splinters and dust. "Are you two alright?"

"Yes, but I think there are others trapped down there." The woman said.

"What were you all doing down here anyway?"

"We were setting up the Church's Halloween Bash." The man spoke up. "We're new in town and we thought it would be appropriate to host a Halloween party in the crypts of the church."

"Isn't that a little disrespectful to the dead?" Barry asked.

"Well, this section of the church wasn't used for anything other than ceremonies. No one was actually buried here." The woman spoke up.

"I'll find the rest of your group. In the mean time you guys might want to get out of here."

"You don't have to tell me twice." The woman said. She sounded a lot more frightened than her boyfriend, but then again she was the one pinned under an old coffin.

Barry continued to look around the dark room but the dust from a possible collapse made it difficult to perceive what was happening in the western part of the church. Barry began spinning his arms to create suction so that he might clear out all the dust and smoke.

"IS ANYONE ELSE DOWN HERE?" The flash yelled out.

"HELP!" Someone yelled from the bowels of the catacombs. Barry took off towards the voice. As he ran he heard what sounded like the flapping of hundreds of tiny wings but they were nowhere to be seen. He found the voice's owner trapped behind a fallen wall.

"Hey! It's OK!" Barry eyeballed the rubble to see if there was a way for him to get the people out. "I'm going to get you out of there."

"Please…" The woman was crying. "Hurry. My boyfriend…he's not moving!"

"Stand back." Barry got a running start and using his powers he phased right through the crumbled wall. He approached the woman who was cowering slightly. "Hey, are you OK?"

"Save me flash…" The woman said as she seemingly gained some composure. "I'm in…" She stood upright and a shiver went through Barry's body. "NEED!" She screamed as she lunged at Barry.

Using his speed he moved out of the way trying to figure out what was wrong with this woman. "Hey I'm here to help you! Just stop trying to attack me OK!"

"That's right Flash, you are here to help us." Barry heard a new voice behind him but when he turned around he was met with a crowbar to his head, and that was the last thing he could remember.

7:42 PM

(Present Time)

Barry shot upright gasping for air as he did.

"BARRY!" Caitlin was immediately by his side trying to calm him down. "Easy there Barry! Just calm down! You're back in S.T.A.R. Labs!" It took a few moments but Barry managed to calm himself down slightly.

"Caitlin? What happened? How'd I get here?" Barry was so confused by the change in his surroundings.

"Just calm down Barry." Caitlin gently pushed him to lay back down. "You gave us quite the scare all things considered."

"What do you mean?"

"When you came back you…" Caitlin sounded frightened. "You looked so awful we thought you were going to die. For a while we really thought we lost you."

BA-BUMP…BA-BUMP…BA-BUMP A drumming began to pound in the back of Barry's skull but he chose to ignore it.

"You'd lost quite a lot of blood." Caitlin said catching Barry's attention like a she was holding a bone for a dog. "Thankfully the wound in your neck healed before you lost too much. We had to give you a blood transfusion but I'm surprised it hasn't brought more color to your face or done anything for your eyes."

"My eyes?"

"They are extremely blood shot Barry; I've never seen anything like this before." She pulled out a pocket torch and shined it in his eye. For Barry it felt like looking directly in the sun. with a pained yelp he turned away from the light. "Barry!? Are you OK?"

"That was freaking bright Cait." Barry rubbed his eyes hoping they'd readjust but they weren't if anything everything was getting too clear. "God this is weird." He blinked over a hundred times but still he could see too clearly. "What's happening to me Cait?"

BA-BUMP…BA-BUMP…BA-BUMP There was the drumming again. This time it had grown a little louder and for some reason he felt hungry.

"God I'm hungry…"

Seeing as he wanted food. Caitlin grabbed a calorie bar and gave it to him. "Here, eat this for now. I'll tell Joe and Cisco to pick up some pizza or burgers if you want."

Barry took the bar and took a few bites. It tasted horrible, not at all like it usually did. He grimaced as he swallowed and gave Caitlin a smile despite her worried looks. Almost as soon as the bar hit his stomach Barry felt sick. Caitlin could see what was coming and almost as fast as Barry she produced a container for him. He lurched forward and spilled the contents of his stomach into the small container.

"What the hell's happening to me!?" It was then that he noticed some kind of sweet smell billowing off Caitlin like a fresh pie on a windowsill. "What's that smell?" He sniffed several times just to see if it really was coming from Caitlin and it was. "It's wonderful."

"Barry?" Caitlin was getting uncomfortable with the way Barry was staring at her. It reminded her about several nature documentaries she watched about predators stalking their prey. "What are you doing?"

BA-BUMP-BA-BUMP-BA-BUMP The Drumming was picking up pace and somehow Barry failed to notice that he had gotten off the medical bed and was inches away from Caitlin's face.

Reflexively Barry inhaled through his nose, taking in Caitlin's scent. She smelled so sweet, He couldn't put his finger on the smell but he really liked it. I mean really, really liked it.

"Caitlin…" Barry brushed a strand of her hair out of her face and behind her left ear. Caitlin shivered slightly at his touch.

"Barry you're freezing!" Caitlin grabbed Barry's hand. Sure enough it was ice cold to the touch.

"I feel fine Cait…" He leaned in closer and sniffed her hair. "Are you using a new shampoo or perfume Cait?" She stiffened at his proximity. Whatever Barry was doing it was scaring her.

BA-BUMP-BA-BUMP-BA-BUMP "Uh, no…" She said quietly.

Louder and louder the drumming got. It was making Barry crazy, he just wanted the damn drumming to stop. Suddenly Barry felt like he was a passenger in his own body when he suddenly pinned Caitlin against the wall in a burst of speed that wasn't uncommon for him. Whatever the hell was happening to him he wanted Caitlin to get away from him. He prayed and pleaded that she'd do something to break free and escape but it was as if neither she nor his body could hear him.

Barry used his right hand to trace a finger down Caitlin's cheek and neck stopping just at her jugular sending a tremble down the young doctor's body and Barry understood where the drumming was coming from; it was Caitlin's heartbeat.

BA-BUMP-BA-BUMP-BA-BUMP Caitlin's heart was beating at a mile a minute as Barry continued to draw closer. She wanted to break away from him but she strangely felt drawn to him. It was not the ideal position for her. Barry leaned in parting his lips as he angled himself and when she saw his teeth her eyes widened in terror. Barry's mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth.

A theory quickly developed in her mind. Pale skin. Cold touch. Bad reaction to light. Cannot keep regular food down. Sharp Teeth. Either she was going crazy or Barry had somehow become a Vampire and he was about to bite her.

"GET BACK!" Caitlin suddenly found her strength and pushed Barry off of her. The two scientists looked confused for a moment but then Barry rushed her again so Caitlin screamed.

6:11 PM

(One hour and a half ago)

Barry's consciousness drifted in and out of focus for a minutes. His arms and legs felt heavy like there were weights on them. A blinding light filled his vison forcing him to shut his eyes. When he opened them again he really wished he didn't.

He was right over a withered husk of a woman. Clad in an old scarlet dress. Her hair long and silver. She was definitely dead though the most shocking thing was that her mouth was filled with razor sharp fangs.

He glanced around the room, it was filled dozens of people. All of them had pale gray skin, pointed ears, and sharp fangs. He had no clue what they were all he knew was that they were not human.

The one that was holding him used a sharp talon to open Barry's neck and let the blood from his neck drip into the maw of the corpse. Barry's Meta-Human blood definitely did the trick with its super healing.

The Corpse opened its eyes, her sclera were pitch black while her irises were golden, and she jumped up sinking her teeth into Barry's neck and she began to drink his blood. The more of his blood she drank the younger and prettier she got. Her silver hair turned red, her decaying gray skin reformed and adapted a pale color. Her lips regrew and turned blood red Barry's fast healing was beneficial to her as much as it was for him. He could hear them chanting.



One of the individuals walked up to the so called Bloody Mary and draped a black cloak over her shoulders.

"Ah, Luther, you've served me well in my absence."

"My loyalty is unwavering my beloved Maria." Luther bowed to Marry.

"I've returned my children." She said as she looked towards Barry with a smile. Blood trickled down the corner of her mouth. "And now…Let's welcome your new brother." Using a sharp talon she cut open her own wrist and let her blood drip into Barry's mouth. When she was done the creatures holding Barry let him fall to the ground.

"Don't worry the first night is always the worst." Barry heard her. "You can try to resist the allure of human blood but come sun up all your Free Will will be mine. Enjoy your last night of freedom Barry Allen." She stalked towards him like a hungry predator. It was one of the last things Barry saw before he blacked out.


(Present Time)

Cisco, Joe and Iris all burst into Caitlin's lab a moment later to find Barry holding Caitlin tightly. There was blood splattered everywhere even from where they stood in the door way to the lab they could see Caitlin's lab coat stained crimson with blood.

"CAITLIN!" Cisco rushed to his friend.

"Barry…?" Iris whimpered completely shocked seeing Barry holding a bloodied Caitlin.

Barry let go of Caitlin and backed away from his friends. Cisco slid and caught Caitlin before she hit the floor.

"What did you do?" Cisco asked quietly before looking at his friend with rage. "WHAT DID YOU DO!" On reflex Cisco fired a shockwave at Barry. Barry was blasted into the wall.

Iris and Joe rushed to Cisco and Caitlin and thankfully found her unharmed but they did notice the bloody scalpel in her right hand. That's when they saw a long deep gash on Barry's chest, along with what looked like a hole in his neck. The wounds still dripping blood in contrast to his pale skin.

"What the hell is going on here?" Joe asked the young doctor who seemed to be shaking in fear.

"Barry…" Caitlin stuttered. "He…He…attacked me…"

"You attacked her!?"

"Why would you do that Barry?" Iris pleaded

Everyone turned to Barry. "This is going to sound crazy…crazier than usual any way." Barry stood up looking relatively unharmed from Cisco's shock wave. "I uh, I got bitten by a Vampire." Barry finished for Caitlin as all eyes turned to him full of confusion and fright.

Please tell me what you liked, didn't like, look forward to/think will happen, or your general thoughts and comments, this'll help me make this story better; I'm a big boy so I can take criticism. And if you Review, Favorite or Follow you get a Shout Out and questions answered either privately or in the next chapter.


Have a Fantastic Day or Night