Disclaimer: Reading "A Journey Beyond Sanity" beforehand would be helpful in providing a better idea of Stardust's character. Enjoy the final chapter, featuring the oh so favourite couple of... Well, you all should know!




Reality welcomed my eyes from that rather horrific experience, abruptly jolting the pony leaning against my side and causing puzzled concerned eyes to regard me openly. I huffed, shaking my head a little at the sheer ludicrous dream that was.

"Jack?" That sweet, beautiful melodious voice caused me to gaze in her direction, Twilight's head tilted curiously. "Is something the matter?"

Right... It was the two of us, stargazing on our favourite hill. I must have dozed off by mistake... And, in the process, had equally interesting and unnerving dreams thrown in-between. Damn...

"Sorry love... Might have fell asleep for a moment..." I confessed sheepishly, never able to lie anymore towards those startling sparkling eyes, shining more gorgeously than the constellations gleaming over us. I managed a wry grin. "Did I miss a shooting star?"

Twilight shook her head in response, the faintest look of exasperation replaced by pure fondness, violet eyes sparkling in humour. "Not yet. Though that must have been some dream to jolt you awake like that? Oh, did you experience a myoclonic jerk?"

A what? I shook my head right back. "Nah, just..." Myself getting it on with myself. But before that... "It's weird." I had to admit to the alicorn close to my side, looking up to the beautiful stars that night. "I had... Multiple dream scenarios all at once... Remember that one I dreamed myself in those parallel universes Starlight would've made?"

I didn't need to see to know Twilight nodded. "Something similar happened?"

The fact that the gorgeous Princess was genuinely interested in my own experiences than a favourite hobby of hers was appreciated, and reminded myself over why I cherished the breathtaking alicorn all the more.

"Yeah... But this time it's... Nah it's silly..."

Twilight's beautiful fur brushed against my average own. "Come on, tell me."

I chuckled, closing my eyes. "It's honestly ridiculous love."

"Tell me something that isn't new concerning you, honey." I heard Twilight teasing, picturing the playful grin. How much she's grown since the season one day. Sighing, I opened my hazel eyes again, looking back to the perfect mare, taking a long moment to admire those perfect sparkling eyes and flawless smile... Since Twilight probably realized this, a faint adorably blush on her muzzle prompting my own mild chuckle, and her playful shove to my side.

Where were we? Ah yes.

I turned back up to the stars. "Multiple instances, realities and what-ifs, had I ended up with other specific ponies or people had my arrival here in Equestria played differently..." Including Celestia, and Tempest! "I remember... Some of those dreams came from those worlds we once visited to save my other selves..."

"Huh..." Twilight's voice was solemn then, as though contemplative and not at all worried. Half of me anticipated suspicion and jealously, not out of lack of trust but just knowing the mare so well. "A magical link, perhaps, connecting brief memories of your other lives with particular... Others?" A dash of hesitancy. "Triggered from our travels across multiple worlds a while back? Otherwise it's the first time I've heard of such a phenomenon."

"You don't sound too elated to learn something new, Twilight."

"With you, Jack, nothing shocks me too much anymore."

I laughed lightly, looking back to the mare I loved more than anything else. "And even though I'm happy for all those other me's, finding someone perfect in their eyes and wishing them all the best, you know what love...?"

Twilight tilted her head quizzically. "What's that?"

In answer, a gold hoof pulled a yelping alicorn by the back into my teasing embrace, the suddenly flustered mare with beautiful sparkling eyes and breathtaking smile's muzzle pressed against my own. But instead of a teasing smirk, my smile softened in tender affection, other hoof brushing that gorgeous purple mane.

"I'm far more content with the perfect life I have right now..."

The look on Twilight's face was more brightening than the gleaming stars above, the kiss which followed forming a constellation in my own heart.

AN: Thank you all for joining me on these what-if trips! This concludes what would happen if Stardust paired with so many others outside of just Twilight. But, to me, of them all, Twilight's all who's perfect for his sorry arse! Have a good day!