Chapter 11
Three Years Later
I tossed my red scarf around my neck, wishing Gajeel was here to be my personal space heater. He was on his way through the snowy streets, probably looking dearly for me. The thought made me laugh. I called Lucy.
"Hey girl. Ya know that brute is hunting you down."
"Yeah. I just wanted a walk. My legs get stiff from sitting around all day."
Lu sighed. "You know you shouldn't be outside. You could get sick."
"I know. I just needed the fresh air. My husband loves me, but he smoldered me."
"You're preggo, Levs. He is just overprotective. Metalicana warned you about it."
After my rescue from Jose a few years ago, I had met Metalicana and Igneel, and I realized how much alike their sons were to them. I saw Rogue and Gajeel in Metalicana so clearly it had almost given my whiplash. I stroked my chin, smiling at the thought of seeing Metalicana after I gave birth to his first grandchild.
"The idea of it was sexy at first, but now it's unbearable." I sighed, placing a hand over my swollen stomach. I felt my baby girl moving slightly, causing my slight discomfort. I gasped slyly.
"What's wrong?" Lu asked seriously.
"A kick. She's been getting more active. Especially when Gajeel talks to her. It's the cutest thing I have ever seen." I grinned at the memory.
Gajeel adored our unborn child. When I told him of the news, he went into a state of shock, but then he snapped back to reality, pumped up. He was already so protective, promising boys should beware the little fighter he would raise. That was a discussion we would have later on.
"You need to sit down." Lucy warned me. I saw familiar headlights.
"It's okay. He's here. I'll see ya tomorrow."
"Of course, Preggo." She teased while hanging up. I saw Gajeel nearly leap from his new truck towards me. I smiled as he enveloped me in his arms. I kissed his chin.
"I didn't mean to piss you off, Shrimp." He said worriedly. I loved when he looked over me, giving me his undivided attention
"Mhmm… I'm in love with you, Gajeel." I told him. His body heat warmed me instantly. And a different warmth built up slowly.
"Hormones?" He asked after pressing a kiss to my forehead.
I swatted his chest. "Just roll with it, ya big lug."
Gajeel kneeled and pressed his ear to my stomach. "Mhmm… I agree…Your mommy is crazy, honey."
I smacked his head and he continued with a grin. "Daddy will warm you up at home, sweetheart."
As if hearing my husband, the baby moved again, kicked softly. I rubbed the sore spot.
"Do you know how cute that is?" I asked. He stood up and gave me a look.
"Cute ain't a good word for me." He reminded me.
"I have to use good words around the baby." I teased. He wrapped me up in his arms, pressing another kiss to my forehead.
"Let's get you home and warmed up. You have classes online to finish up, if I'm not mistaken." He pointed out. I rolled my eyes and headed to the car, pouting.
"But we can get pizza on the way." He added slyly. My eyes lit up quickly, causing Gajeel to laugh loudly.
Five Years Later
"Gajeel!" I gasped as his sharp teeth sunk into my shoulder blade. My hands clutched the pillow below my body, tightening as my release built up.
"Fuck, Levy. You're so tight. You're perfect for me." He growled as he slowed his thrusts to kiss down my spine. I moaned when his tongue left a trail back up to my neck. It had been too long since we could be like this, so open and loud.
"Tell me what you want." He demanded. I groaned into the damp pillow.
"I want to see you." I begged him. He turned me over and slide inside of me. My head fell back as pleasure pulsed through me. I wrapped my legs around his hips as my hands moved to his solid back. He propped himself on his forearm while his free hand wound into my hair. I groaned into his heavy kiss as he thrust one hard time, teasing me.
"This is mine. Your pleasure is mine. Tell me how much you need this." He thrusted again roughly, slowly.
"I can't live without you, Gajeel. You have me for forever. Give me this. I'm your woman. Make me come." I cried out. He growled approvingly as he leaned up and picked up his pace.
Five minutes later I was cradling his head on my shoulder with us both panting for breath. I played with his wild hair, trying to catch my breath. Gajeel pecked the top of my breasts.
"We need more alone time. Jeez, I miss you." He mumbled. I laced our hands together as I looked at the ceiling. I grinned slightly, hoping not to disappoint him too much.
"I'm pregnant." I said out loud. He tensed up before he leaned all the way up.
"You're not kidding." He noted flatly.
"Dead serious. I took a test yesterday before we left. I'm pregnant again, babe." I kissed his chin. He moved down and nuzzled my stomach lovingly.
"Lily said she always wanted a baby brother. She might get lucky." He said, taking about our hazel eyed, blue hair two year old, much like me, who was currently being babysat by my only cousin. I stroked his wide chest, slightly jealous.
"What's that look?"
"I gained weight during my first pregnancy that I can't get rid of and you barely did." I poured. He moved over me, biting my nipple. I gasped.
"I gained forty pounds shrimp. I wasn't joking when I said we would get big together. Look. Even my eight pack got bigger because of that. And my arms."
He said up and pointed to his stomach. My eyes followed the heavy muscles down to his impressive erection. I sat up and kissed his chest.
"You still look good. Not fair."
"I like you like this. You shapely, not fat. You're curvier in places you weren't before. You breasts got bigger and your hips… Levs, you know I'm an ass man. And I very much enjoy your post pregnancy ass and hips." He gave me a squeeze. I sighed.
"Ready for another baby?" I asked. He kissed me, coaxing me to lay flat again.
"Of course. Let's enjoy the weekend before we need to head back. Then we can focus on the baby." He promised. He pulled the cover over us as I wrapped my arms around his neck with a sexy grin that always drove him wild. His lips found mine again.
Ten years later
I saw Lily holding her little brother, Yaje, on her back as they looked out to the ocean. The little one looked so much like Gajeel, it made me shiver sometimes. The red eyes and raven black hair were two things he got from Gajeel, but both my children inherited that mischievous grin. Yaje kept his hair short like mine's and Lily grew her's long, much like her father. They adored their father, and they both had him wrapped around their little fingers without knowing it.
They laughed far away at something their grandpa was saying. Metalicana was talking to them, probably telling them stories that often left them awestruck. I leaned into my husband, relaxing.
"You okay?" He asked. I touched the wedding band on his hand.
"Getting better every day." I smiled, watching Igneel cradling Lucy's one year old girl as her and Natsu walked the beach hand in hand. We were visiting their dimension for the summer, enjoying the waves and sunny days.
"Ya know what, I was thinking of something." He started.
"That can't be good." I teased. He flicked my nose. I smirked as he looked over to his children, watching them play and laugh. They were currently wrestling Metalicana. I raised my drink to my mouth.
"I wanna try for another kid." He blurted.
I set my drink back down and looked at him. "What brought this on?"
He shrugged and grinned as Yaje came running, holding what looked like a gem in his hand.
"Mommy, Granddad made it. It's for ya!" He held it out to me and Gajeel swept him up. I took the priceless gem, sure that it was worth too much money.
"Thanks, baby." I kissed his cheek. Gajeel stood up behind me and raised the boy high above his head.
"Ya trying to steal my wife's attention from me!" Gajeel said in mock anger. Yaje kicked Gajeel in his stone chest as he called out for Lily. I laughed and my daughter practically danced over then leapt onto my husband, wrapping her arms around his neck to crawl up him.
"Ah! He's tickling me, Lily!"
"Set him down!" She giggled as she tickled Gajeel's sides. He bellowed with laughter. Gajeel held Yaje in one hand and grabbed Lily in the other. They tried nudging his sides with their sandy toes. I chuckled as Metalicana watched, amused.
"Mommy help Daddy!" Gajeel called out. Yaje and Lily called for me as well. I pursed my lips and approached the trio.
"Now, now kids. You know better."
They looked down. "Sorry mommy."
"Daddy is ticklish in his arms too!" I leapt into his back and picked up where Lily left off. Gajeel stumbled to the shore before we all got caught up in a wave, pulling us in. I shrieked as the cold water splashed into my face. I swam up to find my family in the most precious way. Gajeel floated with Lily holding onto one arm and Yaje holding the other. I swam close and kissed Gajeel's cheek. He had his eyes closed. I knew how much being surround by family meant to him. He thrived for it.
"Hey Mommy." Lily said, watching her father relax.
"Yes, honey?" I said, pulling her into my arms. She let go of Gajeel to wrap her arms around my neck. I carefully floated away.
"Daddy says I'm gonna have another baby brother or sister. Is it true?" She asked. I glanced at Gajeel and Yaje, seeing they were having a separate conversation. More like an argument.
"Would you like another one?" I asked.
She perked. "I want another little brother. That way, I can teach him to fight like Daddy teaches me and Yaje. Or if I have a little sister, I wanna dress her up and show her my doll collection. He or she might like our library. It's so big." She said dreamily. Both Yaje and Lily had developed my knack for reading. It's was precious when Gajeel would carry them to bed every night because they sat on the couch reading past their bedtimes.
"Well, let's make it a surprise then. Deal?" She kissed my cheek.
"Deal. I can't wait!"
I headed towards shore. "You are gonna have to, baby. Come on, let's beat the boys to dinner."
She grinned and nodded.
Fifteen Years Later
I watched Levy sleep quietly next to me on her back. I had recently struck up a habit of waking up in the middle of the night just to look at her. She looked so at peace like this.
A knock on the door got my attention. I slipped outta bed and saw my beautiful five year old son looking at me with wet hazel eyes. His black hair looked ruffled. I picked him up as he sobbed silently.
"What's wrong, Gaj?" I asked softly, as to not wake my wife. He rested his head on my shoulder.
"I had a bad dream. It was cold, and I couldn't wake up. It was scary." He cried into my shoulder. I walked into his room and saw he had turned on every light. I tossed his thick cover off the bed and laid down. He stayed glued to my chest. I turned on my back and felt him slowly stop crying.
"They are just bad dreams. Remember that if there is anything you fear, Daddy will handle it." I promised. Gaj nodded and I tossed his lighter blanket over us. The door creaked open and Lily stood there with and red eyed Yaje. I slid over and they both climbed in behind me. I wrapped my arms around them both and spread the blanket to them. I waited until my kids fell asleep first before I followed.
I woke up to whispers.
"Wake up daddy. He'll love it." I heard Levy whisper. I twitched at feeling my empty arms regain some blood flow. I felt small hands drum on my stomach before a body jumped on the bed, causing me to jump into action.
I grabbed my closest child, which was Lily. I pinned her while tickling her with one hand and reached for the still jumping Gaj. He squeaked with laughter when I got to tickling him as well. Yaje jumped on my chest and I laughed when he knocked his forehead into mine.
"You let them go!" He demanded. The two under my hands slipped away and grabbed a hold of my arms. I lifted Gaj with ease and settled for scooping my twelve year old close under my arm. Levy snapped a picture before calling to Yaje, telling him not to hurt me. I smirked.
"Kid couldn't if he tried." I teased me.
"Uncle Natsu says I could lay you flat in one hit." He held up a mighty fist. Lily untangled herself from me.
"I'm taking my shower first." She darted off the bed. Yaje smirked, running after her.
"Not a chance." My competitiveness is something all my kids inherited from me. Gaj sighed, thinking he would get to shower last.
"Come use mine and mommy's. Keep it secret." I winked. He brightened and jumped from his bed. I took a deep breath and stood up. Levy smiled at me.
"Thanks for the help, Wifey." I wrapped my arms around her. She shrugged.
"Anytime, my love." She pecked my lips before she picked up Gaj on her back and walked to the bedroom, listening to him expressively talk about how I came to beat up the bad guys in his dreams. I walked downstairs and saw that PantherLily had arrived. He sat drinking kiwi juice.
"Hey, old friend."
"Sup Lil'." I sat across from him. He relaxed.
"I think ya did well, Gajeel. Very well."
"For once, ya damn cat, I agree. I wouldn't change this for the world."
We sat in silence then, me basking in what Levy had built with me. I was working as a mechanic, having given up bartending for Levy's sake. And Levy was a leading Professor teaching ancient language at the best school in the country. My children were all straight A scholars with smarts from the mother and strength from their father. I was living the dream. A dream that finally came true. If only my mother could see this.
"Not bad at all."
A/N: Whelp, this is it. As ya'll know, I'm work on my newest Gajevy Fanfic, HATC. Expect a chapter either Saturday or Sunday. I'm putting some final touches on my chapters. It's gonna be a long one, about 30 or so for the support on this one and I hope you guys like my next piece of work! PEACE!