Chapter 1:Time of Dinosaurs

A little brown, longneck Littlefoot was searching for his mother in a storm. He finally found her lying on a rock. She was sorely wounded from the sharptooth attack. His mother tried to stand but the wound proved too much for her.

"Dear sweet Littlefoot, do you remember the way to the Great Valley?"said Littlefoot's mother.

Littlefoot sniffled "I guess so, but why do I have to know? You're going to be with me."

"I'll be with you, even if you can't see me" said Littlefoot's mother.

"What do you mean if I can't see you? I can always see you" said Littlefoot.

"Littlefoot, let your heart guide you. It whispers. So listen closely" whispered Littlefoot's mother

Those were her last words before she passed away.

" Mother? Mother?!" cried Littlefoot.

Present Time in Mobius…

A blue hedgehog was speeding through the land. He wore red sneakers and white gloves. It was Sonic, the world's fastest hedgehog. "Yahoo!" shouted Sonic as he sped through the hills. He was going to meet up with his 2-tailed friend Tails at his house. Sonic had a thought about the dinosaurs ever since he read one of Tails' books about dinosaurs and wondered what they are like.

"Hey Tails!" said Sonic as he arrived at Tails' house.

"Hey Sonic, what's going on?" said Tails.

"Well…" started Sonic, "I wonder what it would be like to see the dinosaurs."

Tails looked at Sonic in question," You want to see the dinosaurs?" asked Tails.

"Yeah," answered Sonic, "Do you ever wonder what the dinosaurs were like?"

"Well, I don't study things that are extinct" said Tails.

"I know, but I wonder how dinosaurs lived and how they survived back then," said Sonic.

The blue hedgehog thought for a moment, then he had an idea. " Is it possible to travel back into the past to the time of dinosaurs?" asked Sonic.

"Well, with the Chaos Emeralds, it would be possible," answered Tails.

"Can you make a time machine to take us there?" asked Sonic.

Tails smiled,"No problem Sonic, I'll start working on it," said Tails.

In a few hours the 2-tailed fox started working on the machine. When he was finished, the machine was a platform with a large ring that serves for the portal to appear.

Sonic smiled at the machine Tails had made."Good Job, Tails" said Sonic.

"Thanks but we'll need 3 chaos emeralds for it to work" said Tails. "I found 2 of them but we need one more".

"Not to worry Tails" said Sonic. He reached behind his back and pulled out a blue emerald. The ones Tails had were a red one and a gray one.

"Alright now we have enough to make the machine work" said Tails. "But before you go, do you know the types of dinosaurs?"

"Well…sort of" said Sonic "But where's the fun if I know everything about the dinosaurs?"

"Still" said Tails. "You should know the basic things about them and what types there are".

" I guess it wouldn't hurt to know a few things" sighed Sonic.

Tails walked to one of the bookshelves and took out a book that explains about the dinosaurs. He flipped through a few pages and stopped at a page with a picture of a Brontosaurus.

"The Brontosaurus was a long necked dinosaur. It used its long neck to reach the tops of trees to eat green leaves, so hence the nickname 'Longneck'" explained Tails. Sonic listened as Tails flipped to the next page with a Triceratops image."The Triceratops had 3 sharp horns, 1 on the nose and 2 on the forehead. Their heads are like battering rams so they're very strong."

"So, they're called 'Three-horns' right?" asked Sonic.

"Yep" said Tails.

"Do Three-horns get dizzy from ramming things?"asked Sonic.

"Nope, their heads are made to withstand the impact, so they can charge through the toughest rocks" said Tails. The yellow fox turned the page. The next one had the image of a Saurolophus. "Now this dinosaur resembles a duck like creature" explained Tails.

"What were these things nicknamed? Duck beak?" laughed Sonic as he looked at the picture.

"Actually they were nicknamed Bigmouths or Swimmers" said Tails.

Sonic laughed. "Why called Bigmouth? Because they talked too much?"

Tails giggled. "No, their mouths were a bit larger, so they could eat a big mouthful of plants".

"So why are they also called Swimmers? I don't see webbed feet." puzzled Sonic.

"Well, they use their tails and feet to swim," said Tails. "They swim much faster than other dinosaurs". Tails turned the page. The next page was a Pteranodon."The Pteranodons, or Pterodactyl, were bird like dinosaurs, but unlike birds their wings were made of leather and not feathers. They ate berries and sometimes leaves" explained Tails.

"Hmm, interesting," said Sonic. "I did read how they are like birds because they make nests in trees or high places. I'm going to guess that they're called 'Flyers'".

Tails smiled and said "yep, that's right". Tails turned a few pages until he got to the page with a Stegosaurus image. "The Stegosaurus had kite-shaped plates from the neck to the tail. Their tails have 2 pairs of spikes for protection. They ate a lot of plants. Sometimes more than other plant eaters".

"So they are called 'Spike tails', right?" said Sonic.

"That's right" said Tails.

Sonic thought for a moment. "I read that Longnecks eat a lot of plants also to sustain their weight. But I wonder, why do Stegosaurs have weird plates on their backs?" asked Sonic.

"Well, the plates are connected to their spines and the plates helped the Stegosaur to sustain its body temperature" answered Tails.

"It's amazing how Dinosaurs lived long before we did and how they were bigger than other animals" said Sonic.

Sonic then decided he learned enough. "Well, let's get the machine working Tails. I believe I get the idea about the basic types of dinosaurs".

"Wait Sonic" said Tails. "I think you should know about one other dinosaur. The ones I read were all herbivores. This one is a carnivore and a dangerous dinosaur".

Sonic sighed and said "alright".

Tails flipped over some pages and stopped at a page with a Tyrannosaurus Rex image. "The Tyrannosaurus Rex, or T-Rex, was a mean and terrible dinosaur. It was very tall and very sharp teeth" read Tails.

" Wow,I wonder why they have those 2 little arms for?" said Sonic.

"Who knows? Some say the 2 arms were used to help them stand up when they fell down" said Tails.

"So these guys ate other dinosaurs" said Sonic.

"Yeah, but they ate almost any dinosaur, young or adult" said Tails.

Sonic's eyes went wide."You mean they ate the babies too?!" Tails nodded.

Sonic frowned "Man, these guys should be nicknamed 'Big Bully'".

Tails had a sad expression and said "yeah I can't agree more but they're actually nicknamed 'Sharptooth'".

Sonic walked to the machine. "Well, start it up Tails" said Sonic.

"Alright" said Tails. He walked to the machine and pressed a few buttons. The machine surged with electricity and, within seconds, a blue circular portal appeared. Sonic got into a racing pose.

"You wanna come along?" asked Sonic.

"No, I'll stay to work on the portal. Otherwise, you'll be stuck in the past." said Tails.

"Okay" said Sonic.

Sonic was about to race into the portal but Tails stopped him.

"Wait Sonic" said Tails.

"What? Did I forget something?" asked Sonic.

"Dinosaurs aren't as smart as the people of today, so they probably won't know what a hedgehog is" said Tails. "You'll have to come up with your own nickname. I think they would mistake you for a Spiketail".

Sonic scratched his head and thought for a moment. He thought of a name.

"How about 'Runner'?" asked Sonic.

"Well, that could work because of your speed" answered Tails.

"Alright, I'll be back before you know it" said Sonic.

"Good Luck Sonic!" said Tails.

Sonic ran into the portal and he vanished. Sonic went through a tunnel of many colors before facing a bright white light. Then his vision cleared.

In the Past…

"Whoaaaaaaaa" yelled Sonic as he landed on rocky ground. Sonic blinked his eyes and looked around. He was in some barren place. He walked around. He saw no plant life anywhere. He walked around some more. He saw a deep ravine and a high cliff.

"Am I in the right place?" said Sonic.

End of Chapter 1

I hoped you liked it. There will be more.