Well everyone, this is it. The very last chapter. This is my longest story yet, and boy, I've spent a lot of time on it. Every weekend was like: finish the chapter, quick!
Anyhow, last chapter, so buckle up! One of the best finales I've ever done, at least for me.
Tell me what you thought!
Simba had the distinct feeling that he was falling through the air, with the wind rushing through his mane. He was sure he had his eyes open, but no matter where he looked, he could see nothing but black, black void. As he waited in the darkness, an unknowable amount of time passed, it could have been only a moment, or it could have been years.
With a dull thud, Simba suddenly felt his paws land on the ground. He looked up, his eyes straining to see where he was. As he looked around, light suddenly erupted around him, and all over the Elephant Graveyard folded out like a map. He looked from side to side, everything seemed just the same as before.
He was standing on a ledge just above a small trench, and he had been here many dozens of times before, with Taka and Shenzi. Rafiki was nowhere to be seen either, although he had been the one to send him here. Rolling his eyes, Simba turned around and walked away, his ears trained for sound.
Currently, it sounded as if he was alone. He padded over to the old dens he and Taka had usually slept in, but when he checked inside there was no one there. Further inspection of the dens Shenzi and her pals had slept in yielded similar results. A few minutes later and five more dens, Simba had still not found a single hyena.
Rafiki had sent him here for a purpose, but what purpose was that? He hadn't found Scar or anyone else.
They had to be around here somewhere though. Simba began wandering around the Graveyard, checking for signs of life. As he padded through the eerily empty bones, he glanced up at the sky. Somehow… the eternally cloudy sky seemed even darker. Simba didn't know what to make of that, but he couldn't help but notice it.
At the very least, it meant time had passed.
At that moment, his ears perked up. He heard a yipping noises off in the distance, and hyena laughter. It didn't sound quite as humorous as normal, rather it sounded as the laughter hyenas used to communicate to each other, when they were hunting, or scavenging, or… or fighting.
Simba ran between a few more of the gigantic skulls, hurrying toward the noises. He skidded to a stop on top of a cliff and looked over the side, his eyes widening as he absorbed the scene below.
He spotted four lionesses standing around a few lion cubs defensively, and all around them, with their teeth bared, were hyenas, circling the vastly outnumbered lions. None of them were attacking the other, but both sides were growling at each other.
Simba recognized most of the hyenas, a lot of them were his friends. He spotted Shenzi standing in front of one of the lioness, growling at her with Banzai and Ed flanking her sides. He saw Kiji, the healer standing off to the side with Mzazi next to him, his legs trembling like normal. To his surprise, Hatari was nowhere to be seen.
He then looked at the lionesses. They weren't any Pridelanders in the group, he looked over the four that stood and he recognized none of them. They all had their ribs showing, and their skin clinging to their bones. They looked just as hungry as the hyenas did, but the hyenas looked as if they were about to get a feast.
"That's it, you're surrounded!" Shenzi shouted, as she and a lioness glared at each other. The lionesses were panting, probably exhausted from running.
"I…. I don't see it," one of the lionesses snarled, returning Shenzi's glare with equal malice.
"Just give the fuck up already!" Shenzi snarled below him, as her clan circled the trapped lionesses.
"There isn't a chance in hell we're surrendering to you, hyena," the lioness that seemed to be in charge growled. She looked pretty young, with sharp eyes, a narrow muzzle, and a stripe on her head. With a jolt of surprise, Simba recognized the lioness.
That was….. that was Zira!
"There's fifty-five of us, and only three of you in fighting shape," Shenzi retorted, the hyenas behind her snickering in response. Most of the lionesses were bleeding, several of which were struggling to even stand. They glanced around anxiously, searching for a way out, fearing for their lives.
"Then we'll take as many of you to our graves as we can," Zira snarled, baring her teeth at Shenzi. Simba spotted her claws unsheathing as her muscles coiled, ready to spring at the hyena. Shenzi's muzzle only twisted into a sneer.
"If that's what you really want," Shenzi smirked wickedly. "We'll just simply overwhelm you. We'll break your legs and force you to watch as we devour those cubs you're trying so desperately to protect. And when we're finished, we'll eat you too. You should just surrender… and beg for forgiveness for stealing our food, and leave!"
Zira glanced back at her lionesses, with all of them looking to her to say something with naked fear in their eyes. Zira turned back to Shenzi, scowl hard on her face. "Never," she growled. Shenzi cocked her head to the side and flicked her ears.
"Suit yourself," she shrugged, grinning wickedly. The hyenas licked their lips, ready for Shenzi's order.
"Violence again Shenzi?" Sneered a sudden voice from off to the side. Simba could see Shenzi bite back a curse as she turned around to see Scar trot through the assembled mass of hyenas. Simba couldn't help but step back a bit at his appearance.
"Bug off Scar, this is our next meal." She growled, an annoyed fire in her eyes. Simba cocked his head, how much time had gone by for Shenzi to act like that towards Scar? A few months at least, they were clearly no longer on the best of friends' basis.
"But Shenzi dearest-" Scar leered down at her, "Violence is hardly becoming of you! I mean, look at these poor souls, they look even more starved than you do, Shenzi dear! And that's saying something, since I know you haven't eaten in the last week."
The lionesses were glancing at each other with surprise at this sudden appearance of their own specie. Most of them looked slightly hopeful, as if they suddenly saw a way out of their doom but dared not hope in case they were let down by the dark lion who seemed to be friends with the attacking hyenas.
"They stole from what little food stores we have Scar. And now they'll pay for it." Shenzi replied, not backing off from the confident lion.
"Must this all end in violence?" Asked Scar, as he turned to look over the lionesses.
"You already said that! Now beat it!" Growled Shenzi.
"Shenzi, would you perhaps consider leaving these poor lionesses alone if they repaid you for what they took?"
"Really? Shenzi, these lions haven't a scrap of meat on them. If you deigned to free them, they could do the hunting in the Pridelands for you. They would repay you for what they stole- which, was a grievous crime to be sure- and your clan would get extra food for it." Sneered Scar. The lionesses all perked their ears up, they each seemed to prefer what Scar was saying over oblivion.
"That's all well and good Scar, but once we let them go we have no way of ensuring they'll repay us. They'll flee to the Pridelands, and their problem with us will be solved!"
"That would be the case dear Shenzi, but you have me around here." Smirked Scar.
"So?" Called Banzai, stepping forward.
"So?" Scar scoffed at Banzai. "So, I will personally ensure that they keep any promise these lions make to you will be kept."
"Really?" Asked Shenzi, her eyes narrowed in skepticism.
"One hundred percent, dearest Shenzi." Grinned Scar, leering down at the hyena. Shenzi rolled her eyes, scowling.
"Fine. Fine Scar, fine." She snarled, as she walked back around him to face the hopeful lionesses. "But if they don't hold up their end of the bargain, I'm holding you responsible."
"I wouldn't have it any other way." Shrugged Scar. The lionesses and Zira looked at Shenzi, relief evident on their faces.
"Okay then. I trust you heard what he said?" Asked Shenzi, nodding her head back at Scar. The lionesses nodded. "Good. If you don't want us to eat you, you'll catch us food. Let's say….. thirty-fold, what you stole. That's about fifteen zebras, give or take a foal. Listen to Scar and get us that food within a week or we'll find you, and kill you." She snarled.
"Very well." Nodded Zira. "We agree."
"Good." Growled Shenzi. "Now don't forget it." She flicked her ears in command, and the hyenas slowly turned away, and dispersed. As her clan walked off, Shenzi kept staring at Zira for a while, her eyes narrowed. Then, she backed away a few steps, and turned around, disappearing among the rocks and bones.
"Holy cow, you saved us!" Exclaimed Zira, trotting up to Scar as some of the lionesses behind her sat down in relief, nearly unable to believe their incredible luck.
"All in a day's work, I suppose." Grinned Scar, his muzzle stretched wide in his signature smile. Anyone who knew Scar would have known it wasn't a smile of happiness, but the lionesses who now looked up at him with gratitude had no way of knowing that. Especially Zira. Simba had an uneasy feeling with the way Zira was looking up at Scar, it was just…. too trusting.
"No, you saved us! We were doomed!" Said Zira. "They were gonna eat us, and we were doomed and then….. and then you were there! You saved us!"
"Yeah, you saved us!" Quipped another lioness, as she pulled her cub up close to her.
"Now, now, ladies, it was hardly any trouble. I just couldn't stand the sight of you helpless at the jaws of those savages…."
"But this means a lot to us. Because of you, we aren't dead." Replied Zira, smiling up at the older lion.
"Is there any way we could repay you?" Asked another lioness, bowing her head. Simba could see Scar's eyes glint.
"You wish to repay me?"
"Of course!" Exclaimed Zira, as the lionesses nodded in agreement.
"Well… yeah. Our lives are kinda important to us… and you saved us." Said Zira, smiling.
"Well my dear, first off I'll be helping you pay your debt to the hyenas. They asked for fifteen zebras, and I can show you a place called the Pridelands where you can get all the zebras you need. As for repaying me… There is one thing you could do for me."
"Anything. Name it, we'll do it. We owe you that much." Replied Zira.
"Then I would like to speak to you alone." Said Scar, nodding at Zira. She flicked her ears, drawing her eager expression back a little bit, then nodded.
"All right, I guess." She shrugged.
"Good, good. As for the rest of you ladies, wait here." Said Scar, grinning at the other lionesses. "We'll be right back, and then I'll help you pay off your debt to the hyenas. Don't worry, you all will be fed and kept safe." Simba could see Scar's teeth shine, and he shivered. How could they all be so blind? This was more of Scar's lies, clearer than day! This was exactly the same voice he had used on him the day he convinced him to stay on the rock in the gorge….
"And most of all, these beautiful cubs here shall be provided with shelter. Truly, they are beautiful cubs." Grinned Scar, gesturing down at the little balls of fur mewling next to their mother. The mother smiled shyly back at Scar, happy with the compliment from their rescuer. "Now then, come along."
Scar and Zira trotted away, leaving the group alone. Simba followed them as they walked away, completely silent on his paw pads. He watched them sit down in a gorge, and he leaned in with his ears perked, trying to listen.
"Well then my dear tell me, what is your name?" Asked Scar, smiling at Zira.
"It's… it's Zira." She replied.
"Zira, aye? A nice name, surely…. anyhow, where did you come from? Across the desert, correct?"
Zira nodded.
"And- why did you cross the desert?"
"We were forced to. Me and my pridesisters were chased out by another pride…. a vengeful one. They killed our king, and…. a few of my friends, I think. I'm not quite sure what happened to some of my pride… but our little group crossed the desert, because we knew they wouldn't follow us through it. It worked too, they left us alone, but we crossed the desert only to find this… this Graveyard of sorts. We were starving so when we found the hyena's tiny stockpile, we took the chance…. and failed it too, we were dead meat without you showing up." She answered.
"I see. And… why did this pride of lions attack your own pride?" Asked Scar, grinning at her.
"Why?" Zira's expression darkened. "I don't really know why. They were led by this giant hulking male, and I get the feeling he attacked us just because he likes bloodshed." She growled.
"Ah… the worst sort of lion." Said Scar, and Simba saw his expression growing sorrowful. But Simba could see he was only pretending, and Zira couldn't….
"Yeah." She muttered. She paused for a moment, staring down at her paws. "He…. he killed my mother."
"Your… mother?" Asked Scar, almost mournfully.
"Yeah." She rolled her eyes, scowling. "I watched him do it, too."
"Funnily enough, I too lost my mother. A few years ago, but it was to a lion who thirsted for bloodshed as well. A great brute of a lion."
"Really?" Zira perked her ears up, looking up at Scar's sorrowful and fake eyes.
"Yes. It was a tragedy for me." He sighed, looking away from Zira.
"That's horrible…. well…. I know how that feels." Said Zira, getting up and walking a little closer to him. "I know what it feels like… to… to lose mom…." She frowned upon recalling the memories.
"I as well know the pain. The loss. The sorrow. The heartache… I know how much it hurts." Replied Scar as he looked back over at Zira.
"Yeah….." Whispered Zira, sighing slowly. "Well…. I know it sounds hollow but… I'm sorry about your mom."
"The sentiment is appreciated." Smiled Scar. "I too feel sorrow about your own unhappy occurrence…. a tragedy, especially to lose them to lions who care not for others…."
"Huh." Zira huffed, scowling. "Lions like that suck. They… they don't deserve to live!" She snapped.
"I agree Zira… I agree." At that moment, Simba saw Scar's eyes glint, and his heart sunk.
"I mean…. they're killers! They don't care for other lions… they just hurt them! They just hurt them, and for nothing! Just because they feel like it!" Snarled Zira.
"And the worst part about all of this is that the lion I lost my mother to is still alive." Sighed Scar, looking depressed.
"What? He is?" Asked Zira with her eyes wide.
"Yes, his name is Ahadi… he's a great big brute of a lion….. I'm afraid…. I'm afraid I can't fight him."
"That's horrible!" She exclaimed, looking furious.
"I know… but… I just can't… do anything about it…." He shrugged sadly, exhaling slowly.
"Because he's stronger than you?" Asked Zira.
"Yeah… I can't fight him by myself." Scar frowned, then turned around and looked over at Zira. "Zira…you… you wouldn't mind…. Doing me a favor, would you?"
"Anything." She replied immediately.
"Well…. this lion… he lives not too far from here… would you and your pridesisters?..."
"Yes." Nodded Zira, taking his meaning.
"You wouldn't be too squeamish about it?..."
"No." She growled. "No we wouldn't. We know how to handle this sort of thing." She answered, her face stony with resolve. "And we won't let up. Not with this sort of lion. We've seen what they can do, and we'll stop him."
"Ah, yes…. thank you Zira, thank you…. he lives just west of here…. remember to disguise your scent…. he's a great big brute of a lion, with a black mane. Do it when he's alone, that is absolutely important." Said Scar.
"Don't worry. We know what to do." Snarled Zira, turning around and walking back to her companions.
As she disappeared, Simba could hear Scar chuckling wickedly, a hideous grin stretched across his muzzle. Then, the world suddenly darkened, and Simba was falling again.
He awoke in the Graveyard again, just inside a dark cave. It was nighttime, and right outside he could see the black clouds that perpetually hung above the hyena's home.
He walked outside of the cave to look around when he heard a voice.
"Brother dear!"
He whipped around to see Scar jumping down from above the cave at him. Simba let out a cry and tried to jump out of the way of Scar's claws, but was too slow. He braced himself in the second he had before impact.
Then, Scar landed on the very rock Simba was standing on, and Simba had the strangest sensation. It wasn't an attack, it wasn't one of pain, it felt more like warmth spreading throughout his body. His torso, mainly.
And this was because, as Simba gaped at his body, was because Scar was standing in him, with Simba's body curling like smoke around the orange lion. Too shocked to move, Simba could only stare at himself as Scar, completely oblivious to any other presence, recovered from his jump and padded forward, out of Simba's smoky body. As Scar walked out he could see the cloudy substance reform around him, making his body whole again.
Well… he supposed he was invisible. Rafiki's doing most likely, and certainly useful.
"Taka!" Came a deep voice from beside one lf the giant skulls. Simba turned with surprise to see a fully grown Mufasa walk out from the maze of bones, looking just as serious as he had always remembered him. Simba shook his head back and forth for a moment, orienting himself as he watched the brothers stop short of each other. He padded forward to them as they stared at each other, completely oblivious to his presence.
Scar had a confident grin on his face, his teeth showing as his eyes glinted in the shadows he stood in. Mufasa on the other paw, looked more stoic, his muscular body standing strong with his character. His eyes were set firm as he stared at his brother, but Simba could see the slightest uncertainty dancing in Mufasa firm eyes…
"Well. Well, well, well…. brother dear!" Started Scar, breaking the silence.
"... Hello Taka." Replied the red lion, taking a deep breath.
"What brings you to the armpit of hell? Could it possibly be to see me, your own brother?"
"Yes actually-"
"Hold on a moment!" Interjected Scar, his grin widening as he held his paw to his ear, as if trying to listen for something. Mufasa drew back a little, confused.
"Uh…. what?" Asked Mufasa.
"I'm just trying to concentrate! I think my ears deceive me! Surely, I couldn't have heard the great prince Mufasa acknowledging he came here to see me!"
Mufasa's expression fell a little, dismay creeping into his firm eyes.
"Taka… I know I haven't been here much to see you before-"
"You only came to see me once, brother dear! Four years I've been here, and you came to see me… oh sorry, I just forget… mind telling me again, how many times you came to see me in the last four years?"
"...only once." Said Mufasa, looking down at his paws.
"Exactly." Grinned Scar, enjoying his brother's shame. Simba could see how he reveled in it, feeding off the discomfort that he had brought upon the red lion. Mufasa looked up at his brother, exhaling slowly.
"Taka… I'm sorry about that."
"No you aren't. If you were sorry about it you would have visited me sooner. And never, not once, did you come to see your little brother. But you're here now, you've come to see me for the first time in years. But nothing's changed, and you know it. So tell my big brother…. why are you here?" Sneered Scar.
"I… I have some news, actually." Mufasa replied, frowning.
"What news? What could possibly be important enough for you to go so far out of your way and come visit your neglected little brother?" Asked Scar, his toothy grin stretched wide across his muzzle.
"Well…. Ahadi's dead."
"Really?" Asked the dark lion, his eyes glinting with glee. Had Mufasa been paying attention, he would have noticed the the mock look of surprise on Scar's face.
"Yeah…. murdered, actually." Sighed Mufasa, looking away from his brother.
"That sounds simply awful!" Grinned Scar, padding toward his brother. "Murdered you say? By whom?"
"We…. we don't really know. But he was found with his throat torn out, and his body had been…. had been mutilated… whoever did it had done it with a vengeance, but we didn't find any scents. They'd been smart enough to mask it, whoever they were…"
"That's a shame. Really, a shame." Sighed Scar, sliding his claws out. Mufasa looked back at his brother with hesitation in his eyes.
"Look, Taka… I know you didn't have the best relationship with him-"
"He tried to kill me."
"Yeah… I know… he didn't have his head screwed on entirely straight…. but that doesn't matter anymore. We buried him a few days ago, he's gone now."
"I know what it means to die, brother dear." Sighed Scar.
"Anyways, Taka… I'm the king now." Said Mufasa, with a slight hint of exhilaration at the statement. As if the whole conversation had been leading up to that declaration, the confirmation of Mufasa's superior status in front of his little brother.
Simba couldn't help but crinkle his nose a little at it, this didn't feel like his father, the father who had been the grand king. That Mufasa had been older of course, but that Mufasa also hadn't been quite so….
"So what? You came here to rub it in?" Asked Scar, raising an eyebrow in an expression of disgust. Mufasa stared at Taka for a moment, confused.
"Oh, what? Oh no! No, I didn't come here to rub it in, that came out all wrong!" He remedied quickly.
"Well I hope so, you pompous brat." Snarled Scar.
"Taka, I'm sorry how I said, I have good news-"
"And another thing!" Interupted Scar. "In your shunning of me the past for years, you missed a whole awful lot about my life! Certain things have changed!"
"Taka!" Mufasa looked a little worried, as if the conversation wasn't going how he had pictured it. "I wasn't shunning you!"
"Yes you were, you know you were. But that doesn't matter anymore, what does matter is that first and foremost, my name is not Taka anymore!"
"What?" Asked Mufasa, given pause.
"You heard me, you simple minded fool. It's not 'Taka' anymore, it's Scar."
"Do I have to repeat even the simplest things?" Sneered Scar.
"Taka… why'd you change your name to Scar?" Asked Mufasa, his eyes wide in shock. He hadn't been expecting anything like this, not at all.
"It suits me better." He grinned with a shrug.
"But… why?" Asked Mufasa, leaning in with a confused expression.
"I just told you why, you idiot. You can infer from there." Snarled the dark lion. "But anyhow, that is my name, so call me by it. My hyena companions are smart enough to do it, are you?"
"Tak- er…. Scar? Uh…. look, it doesn't matter what your name is, I have good news!" Said Mufasa, shaking his head in order to clear it.
"And it took you this long to get to it?"
"Just listen to me. You can come back to the Pridelands now! I want to let you back in!" Said Mufasa, a smile on his face.
"Oh, goody." Scar rolled his eyes. "Took you long enough to just spit it out."
"Yeah! So… do you want to come back home?" Asked Mufasa, a little eager.
"If I didn't I would have told you sooner." Growled Scar. "Of course I want to come back in, you think I like living out here in the dust?"
"I… well… that's settled then! Come on Taka-"
"Uh.. yeah, Scar… come on! Let's get back home." Smiled Mufasa, taking a step back as he waited for his brother. Scar stared at him with a bored expression for a few moments, then gave a loud sigh and stood up, padding toward Mufasa.
Simba watched them walk away, and as they left the night sky got ever darker, until he lost sight of it altogether.
He opened his eyes again to find himself in the savanna, the grass coming up to his belly as he stood up. He shook his head, trying to orient himself. Where was he?
As he turned to look behind him, he realized he was standing next to the water hole. It was nighttime again, with the stars and moon shining down on the little lake he stood next to. The shimmering surface of the water was peaceful, with hardly a ripple disturbing it.
"You can stop following me!" Snarled a voice from behind him. Simba whirled around to see Scar storming towards him, looking unhappy.
"But Taka, come on!" Pleaded Sarafina, coming to a stop just behind Scar.
"For the exactly thirty sixth time Fina, my name isn't Taka anymore!" He thundered, turning to the lioness in fury.
"But why? Taka, I love that name! I love that name because it's your name! It's your name Taka!"
"Sarafina! My name is Scar! How hard is it for you to undertand that?"
"But why would you call yourself that? That's a horrible name, that's an ugly name that can only mean ugly things-"
"Exactly!" Replied Scar, rounding upon her. "I chose that name because of what it means! I chose that name because I am scarred, and I will be a reminder unto everyone else around me of their horrible mistakes that left me so!"
"Taka, I never did anything bad to you, I was your friend from the begining! I played with you when you had no one else, I talked to you when you had no one else to talk to, why do you need to remind me?" Asked Sarafina, her voice cracking.
"You were one of the worst!" He snarled, his eyes flashing. "You always believed in me, just like my foolish mother! You held me back when I could have achieved so much more, so much more than the filth that I was!"
"Taka, we were trying to help you, we wanted only the best for you-"
"Well then you failed!"
"Taka, we we wanted to help you! Why can't you see that!"
"You are an idiot Fina, I can't believe I ever associated with you!" He growled.
"What?" Gasped Sarafina, her voice small.
"You heard me! You and I together was a mistake! All it lead to was the vain assumption that there is in fact this thing called love! And I really don't hate to break it to you Fina, but there is no such thing!"
"Taka! You can't mean that, you can't!-"
"Just leave me be!" Demanded Scar, growling. "If you're going to do nothing but nag, then leave me alone!"
"What's wrong Taka? Please, tell me what's wrong!" Pleaded Sarafina, with tears edging her eyes. "You always used to come to me when something was wrong, you always told what you needed! Please, tell me what's wrong!"
"Sarafina, I am fine! There is nothing wrong with me, do you hear? I AM PERFECTLY FINE!" He shouted, his teeth bared at the smaller lioness.
Sarafina backed away a few steps, her eyes wide. She hiccuped for a moment, the tears forming around her eyes finally breaking. She looked completely devasted as she took another pawstep back, unable to tear her gaze away from the dark lion as tears flowed down her muzzle.
Then, with a loud sob, she turned around and ran away as fast as she could, her cries piercing the night. Simba watched her go as she ran away, eventually disappearing into the darkness.
Scar stood still as he stared at the spot she had ran away at. Shaking his head in disapproval, he stalked over to the water hole and leaned over the side to get a drink of water.
Then, as Simba watched Scar look over into the water, Scar saw his reflection. With a sharp cry the black lion lunged backwards, looking profoundly disturbed. Simba saw Scar stare at the water for a moment, then an expression of disgust formed on his muzzle.
"I am perfectly fine." He muttered under his breath, as he turned around and padded into the night, without his drink of water.
Once again, Simba found himself in a different place the moment he opened his eyes from the blackness. This time he found himself standing on the familiar orange stone that made up Pride Rock, on a ledge of its side. Looking around, he realized exactly where he was.
He was in Scar's cave, where the black lion had used to live while Simba had been just a cub. As he looked around he saw Zazu fly into the cave, landing next to the sleeping form of Scar. Simba sat down, knowing that whatever he would see would be important.
"Scar? Wake up!" Said Zazu, with his obnoxious tone shining through. Simba couldn't help but grin, he missed that annoying hornbill.
"Aah, Zazu… you interrupted my nap." Groaned Scar, as he slowly rolled over.
"Well, this is important!" Replied Zazu, eyeing the dark lion as he stared boredly back.
"I really can't think of anything more important than my nap, Zazu…"
"Ha! This is royal business Scar, and as you're part of the royal family, I've been instructed to let you know first!" Replied the blue bird.
"Oh, spit it out already…" Sighed Scar, rolling his eyes.
"It has just recently been revealed by the king himslef, that Sarabi, the queen, is pregnant!" Said Zazu, with no small amount of flourishing his wings. Scar sat up looking down at Zazu with his eyes narrowed.
"What?" He rasped.
"You heard me, fuzzbal." Smirked Zazu. "The queen is pregnant. We'll have a prince running around here in just a few months!"
Scar stared at Zazu for a moment, an eyebrow cocked.
Then, quick as a viper, Scar lashed out at Zazu with his paw. With a sqauk from the bird, Scar grabbed Zazu between his claws, pulled his arm back, and threw him out of the cave. Zazu flew out of cave, landing somewhere beyond the entrance. Simba didn't see anything more of Zazu because then Scar stood up, looking furious.
"A prince?!" He snarled, circling around himself with fire in his eyes. "An actual prince?!"
Scar kept circling, talking to himself.
"This can't be happening! My brother is going to win! I can't have that bastard extend his line, it will be his complete triumph over me! It would put him above the wrongs he did to me!" He growled, shaking his head.
"What am I doing?" Asked Scar suddenly, rearing up. "What have I been doing? Nothing, that's what! I've been sitting here on my arse day in and day out, doing absolutely nothing! Whatever happened to revenge? Whatever happened to my rightful place on the throne?" He growled, turning to the stone wall behind him. He reached out with his dark claws, and drew his claws across the stone with a horrid scratching noise. Simba winced, it sounded incredibly unpleasant….
"Whatever happened to where I belong? I belong on the throne, not that traitor! Not that blasted traitor! And certainly not whoever his brat of a son is!" He snarled, baring his teeth at no one in particular.
"I've got to do something." He muttered, furrowing his eyebrows as he thought. "I've got to do something…. whatever I have to do."
"But… what?" He wondered, thinking aloud. He stayed still for a moment, thinking. "Hmm… in times of trouble, many lions turn to their fathers for advice… but since I'm…. a little short of parents at the moment…" He grinned viciously. "I'll follow in his example. What did I do to dear old Ahadi? Let me think, let me think… oh yes. I arranged to have him killed. Quite wonderfully too, if I might add."
"But how to do it? How to ensure no one else would ever get the slightest inkling I had something to do with it? I'll have to speak to Zira about this one… her lionesses are eager to do something… and Shenzi too of course… her hyenas are starving, they'll do whatever I ask in exchange for… a morsel…"
"Yes… I'll have to go speak to them, but all in all… both of those pests will be taken care off." He snickered, as he sauntered out of the den, leaving Simba with his eyes wide in horror. In the space of only a minute, Scar had decided to kill both him and Mufasa, and on top of that he'd already planned it all out. The sick, twisted mind of Scar was being laid bare in front of him, and he could hardly stomach it.
Things had to shift… he had to get out of this cave, he couldn't stand the stench of the orange lion…
As in answer to his thoughts, once again the world blackened, and he closed his eyes.
Simba now found himself in a small grove of trees, a little spot of shade. Before him lay two lionesses, both of them very familiar.
"So, Sarabi…. how are you doing?" Asked Sarafina, as she laid on her back turned towards Simba's mother.
"As well as I can, what with the extra load." Smiled Sarabi, looking down at her stomach. Both Simba and Sarafina looked at her stomach as well to see a bulge there, much larger than if she had just eaten a full meal.
Sarabi was pregnant!
And as Simba looked over at Sarafina, he saw that she too had a swollen belly. Simba knew he and Nala had been born around the same time, but somehow it had never really occurred to him that Sarabi and Sarafina had been both pregnant at the same time. It was an obvious assumption, just never something he ever gave thought to.
"And how is your little one doing?" Added Sarafina, with a warm smile.
"It's growing just as well as can be expected." Shrugged Sarabi, as she set her head down lightly on the grass. "I certainly can't complain."
"Good." Smiled Sarafina, as Sarabi turned over to her friend.
"And how about you? How are you feeling?"
"Just as good as you." She nodded. "Of course, sitting around all day is getting boring…"
"Oh yes, don't I know it!" Chuckled Sarabi. "Mufasa is getting a little over-protective, he's next to me nearly every second of the day… you know, he took me off hunting the moment I told him I was pregnant?"
"It's just common sense. If you get hurt, so could the cubs." Answered Sarafina. "You're protecting more than yourself now… and so am I."
"I know, I know…. but I'll be glad once it's born. I have to get out and go hunting, or I'll go crazy!" Grinned Sarabi.
"What do you think it'll be?" Asked Sarafina, flicking her ears. "A boy or a girl?"
Sarabi cocked her head, considering the question.
"Well… I am the queen. And every kingdom needs a king. I hope I'll have a boy, someone to succeed Mufasa eventually…"
"A girl can do that." Replied Sarafina. "A princess can rule as a queen, in the absence of another heir."
"Well of course, but that's not the tradition." Shrugged Sarabi.
"I suppose not." Sighed Sarafina, as the two of them lapsed into silence. The expecting mothers sat in silence, staring at nothing in particular until Sarabi cleared her throat.
"Say…. Sarafina… are you ever going to tell me who the father is?" She asked, flicking her tail towards Sarafina's belly.
"The.. the father?" She asked, turning away.
"Yes. Is it a rogue?" Pressed Sarabi, leaning in. "Or… someone else?"
"Well… he isn't here right now." She answered, flicking her her ears.
"So it's a rogue?"
"You could say that." Said Sarafina, nodding her head. "I just don't think he's ever coming back."
"What do you mean?"
"Well…. he was only here for a short little time. He appeared for a few short hours." She replied. "Just long enough to get me pregnant….. and then he was gone. He left me, and he's probably never coming back. But…. I enjoyed every second we had." She smiled softly, looking down at her swollen stomach.
Sarabi cocked her head, watching Sarafina as she stared ar her pregnant belly, smiling warmly at it.
"Well… I'll just… leave you here to your thoughts. Mufasa is probably trying to find me anyways…" Said Sarabi, as she rolled over and got up. Sarafina didn't reply, or give any other that she had heard her friend. Shrugging, Sarabi turned around and padded away, leaving Sarafina alone.
Simba, knowing this segment wasn't over yet, stood next to Sarafina quietly as he waited for her to say something. Sarafina hardly stirred as she gently ran her paw over her belly, breathing in and out calmly and slowly.
"Yes..." She suddenly spoke. "I'll take good care of you, little one. You'll always be my little reminder of the one time I got my sweet to return to me…"
She looked up at the sky above her, smiling.
"My lovely Taka…." She whispered.
And then the scene disappeared, and Simba closed his eyes.
And threw them open again in the next moment, because the sound of hundreds of thundering hooves reached his ears like an explosion. He jumped back from the ledge he was standing on, fighting the sudden shock that shot through him. As he looked around wildly, he absorbed the scene around him.
He was standing on the edge of a cliff on a ravine, and down below him a herd of wildebeest were running through the gorge. It was the loudest thing Simba had ever heard, and fear was paralyzing his legs as he stared at the stampede. Oh no, he knew where he was….
His roving eyes then caught sight of himself, a little yellow cub hanging for dear life on a tree branch in the middle of the endless sea of wildebeest. He gasped in horror, the memories rushing back to him like a flood. He was going to die on that branch, fall off and get crushed underneath the hooves. But he hadn't because-
"Father!" He cried, turning his head to see the king sliding down the edge of the gorge. His eyes fixed onto the magnificent lion, he saw Mufasa weave through the unstoppable herd with grace his strong form did not easily betray. His heart in his throat, he saw Mufasa leap toward the little cub on the branch, desperate to rescue his son.
Then he shivered as he felt something pass through him. He turned around to see Scar passing through his smoky, ghostly body, the black lion's eyes fixed menacingly on the scene below as he stalked alongside the ledge.
"Come on… come on…. die already you stupid fool!" He heard Scar mutter, his claws extended in frustration. As Scar continued along the ledge, Simba shook his head and slowly followed him, his ears perked to listen as his eyes went from Scar to the stampede.
"Now!" Growled Scar, his eyes flaring. "Blast! What will it take brother dear, just one mistake, come on…. come on…. die already!... just make a mistake…. fall down…. for crying out loud, why haven't you been gored by those horns yet? Blast! he got the brat!" He swore, as Simba turned to see Mufasa with his cub self in his jaws. He was making his way back through the stampede, and leaped heroically to the cliff wall. He set Simba down on the rock, then he heard his little self cry out 'dad!' as a wildebeest suddenly swept him off his perch.
"Ha ha! There it is! There it is, die!" Growled Scar, leaning in with his eyes wide. Both Simba's and Scar watched with anticipation, waiting for the verdict.
"No!" Cried Scar, when Mufasa leaped out of the horde, grabbing onto the cliff face with his claws. Simba saw his cub self perk up with relief, then turn around and begin running up a different path up the gorge.
"That idiot… he just had to survive! He just had survive all of that!" Swore Scar as he stared down at the struggling form of the king as he slowly cimbed up. "He just had to survive, him and the brat! That shouldn't have been possible!"
"No… no, it's not over yet." He snarled, as he began to trot over to the part of the cliff Mufasa was climbing up to. Down below, the herd kept thundering through the gorge, filling the ravine with the thunderous sound. His heart in his throat, Simba followed Scar until he was just above the king, Mufasa scrabbling up the cliff face.
Mufasa looked up desperately as his claws dug into the stone, his hind legs struggling to keep from falling. Simba saw the fear in his eyes at that moment, the fear that any mistake would lead to death. But then, he saw a twinge of hope as he spotted his brother right above him, standing within paws reach…
"Scar!" He cried, sliding down slightly. He cried out, glancing back down at the fall. "Brother! Help me!"
Scar stared down at the red lion with a stoic expression, one of complete calm. Simba held his breath with horrified anticipation, he never really found out what exactly Scar had done that day in the gorge. Now, he was going to see it, he was going to see his father murdered in front of him!
A snarl stretched across Scar's muzzle, as he lashed out with his claws, grabbing onto Mufasa's paws and digging into his legs with his long, sharp claws. Mufasa looked up at Scar in the eye, the fear in his eyes suddenly turning to panicked confusion. Scar's white teeth were bared as a hideous smile of glee, a smile of victory!
He leaned down, his eyes glinting.
"Long... live... the king." He snarled, drawing his paws out and throwing the king off the cliff. Mufasa let out a roar as he plummeted down into the stampede. Simba watched as he disappeared beneath the horde, the stampede swallowing him up.
A horrible laughter then reached his ears, and Simba turned with his eyes wide to see Scar's jaws open as he laughed. The laughter was horrifying, and he watched Scar cackle with glee, staring down at the spot Mufasa had fallen. Simba stepped back with horror, the naked glee of the successful murder appalling him.
As the laughter peaked above the thundering hooves, Simba forced his eyes to close, and darkness enveloped him.
He found himself standing on top of Pride Rock with the sun rising slowly in front of him. Sitting beside him was Scar, with Zira on his right and Shenzi on his left.
"Behold." Whispered Scar, as he stared hungrily out at the sunrise. "The sun is rising on my time as the rightful king."
Next to him, Shenzi rolled her eyes boredly even as Zira nodded in agreement.
"Indeed it is, my king!" She replied, looking up at Scar adoringly. "You're finally where you were meant to be!"
"And all by a… happy accident." Smirked Scar, as he looked down at Zira. "How are your lionesses doing?"
"Perfectly fine, my king. We're settling in just as well as anyone might expect, it is a fine home. Sarabi is a bit of a grouch though, she actually thinks she's still in charge of the hunting parties."
"She is in charge of the hunting parties." Replied Scar, turning back to the sun.
"What?" Asked Zira, raising her eyebrows. "I thought- I thought that job was going to… going to go to me."
"Sarabi has lost enough in the past few days." Said Scar, grinning widely, "Let her retain that position."
"But… my king, I had thought… well…."
"That's enough Zira." He replied, with a hint of finality. Next to him, Shenzi snickered.
"What's so funny, hyena?" Asked Zira, her eyes narrowing.
"Oh, nothing special. You know us hyenas, we laugh at everything." Replied Shenzi, smirking at the disgruntled lioness. "Anyways, Scar, about my clan-"
"What do you want to know?" Asked Scar, still staring out at the sun.
"I was getting to that." She mumbled. "You're the king, so-"
"I really am." Interrupted Scar, savoring the power of the statement.
"Anyways….. you're in charge, so I wanted to talk to you about how hunting is going to work. We had a feast last night, but you lions have always been going on and on about some sort of circle of life. Is there anything we need to know before going out there and hunting?" She asked. Scar stood up and walked to the edge, looking over the whole of the Pridelands.
"Look at all of that Shenzi. Look at all of that land, and all the herds that are spread out across it. Do you honestly think there will ever be a shortage?"
"We hyenas know shortages better than you lions." She replied. "But we haven't lived in the Pridelands for ages and ages. I just need to know if there's anything I should know about these animal herds, and how hunting tends to work around here."
"I am a lion Shenzi, and on top of that…. the king. Don't worry, new herds always seem to show up. You hyenas can gorge yourselves, the Pridelands are a bottomless horn of plenty!" He said, his paws spread out in grandeur.
"Are you sure?" Asked Shenzi, narrowing his eyes.
"Of course he's sure, Hyena! He's the king, he's always right!" Interjected Zira, frowning at the hyena who dared not take Scar at his word.
"Well… fine then. You guys know how it works around, and I don't." Shrugged Shenzi, her eyes unnarrowed.
"You can tell your numbskulls of friends they can gorge themselves." Smirked Scar. Shenzi eyed him for a moment, the turned around and silently trotted away.
Then the sun turned black, and the scene faded.
The light appeared again and Simba once more found himself in a cave.
But not just any cave. As he looked around, he recognized the main den of Pride Rock, where all the lionesses and the king used to sleep. But it didn't look the same, not at all! All around the den bones of dead creatures littered the floor, skulls and ribs and thigh bones covered the ground. The whole ensemble seemed almost sickly, but as Simba looked up at the center of the cave he saw Scar lying in the center.
"Zazu." He said, with a bored expression. He was lying on his back, holding a bone in his claws and examining it half-heartedly. "Why am I not loved?"
Zazu was behind him, perched on the horn of a long dead wildebeest. The blue bird gave a sigh as he rolled his eyes, clearly despising his job.
"I… can't imagine what you mean sire!" He replied, sighing.
"Oh come now Zazu, you know exactly what I mean." Growled the dark lion, twirling the bone he held. "I am a king. The best of the best, the greatest of lions! Yet, I feel a twinge of doubt sometimes, that the lionesses share this view!" Zazu rolled his eyes.
"It's simple sire, things around here have gone to pot."
"Nyaah…." Scar stuck his tongue out childishly, rolling his eyes.
"The water hole has all dried up…"
"Whatever was left of the herds have moved on…"
"And the hyenas are gallivanting around like they own the place!"
"Under my orders, Zazu" Grumbled Scar.
"Well, your orders or not, no one around here likes the hyenas! And not even the hyenas like a drought that has just so happened to coincide with a famine brought on by overhunting!" Retorted Zazu, looking down at the dark lion with disgust.
"The drought and the famine are hardly my fault Zazu." Snarled Scar.
"Of course sire, of course…. but there's still the matter of the hyenas. They're here because of you, and as long as that's a fact, you will be... generally disliked!"
"Bah. They're overreacting." He growled.
"They're disgusting creatures sire! Eating more than their fair share, drooling, and on top of that, they've got their hideous laugh…"
"Deal with it Zazu. Your preferences are not a matter of royal decree…" He retorted, eyeing the blue bird.
"The hyenas just don't belong here, that's all!" Squawked Zazu, flapping his wings. "And everyone knows it!"
"Rubbish!" Growled Scar, baring his teeth in frustration. "The hyenas used to belong in the Pridelands, it was the lions who threw them out in the first place!"
"Oh? And who told you that? One of your hyena companions?" Sniffed Zazu.
"Yes, you idiot. And don't look at me like that, I'll take the word of a hyena before I take the word of a lion. We're too prideful to admit our own mistakes. Hyenas on the other hand, have 'mistake' written in their genetics! They admit when they're wrong, and they know when they're right. And I know in this case that they are right."
"Well sire, speaking of making mistakes, how about we return to the subject of overhunting?..."
"Zazu!" Snarled Scar, raising his voice so that Zazu took a frightful step back. "We've discussed this! I don't make mistakes."
"Of course sire, of course…" Sighed Zazu, his wings falling to his side in frustration.
"Hey, Scar!"
"Speaking of hyenas…" Muttered Scar, turning over to the cave entrance as three very familiar hyenas walked in. "What is it?" He asked, crinkling his nose as Shenzi approached him.
"We've got a problem Scar. I don't know if you've noticed, but your 'horn of plenty' hasn't exactly been plentiful lately." Growled Shenzi, her eyes narrowed at the dark lion. Scar only shrugged, looking supremely uninterested.
"So?" He asked, tossing the bone in his claws aside.
"So? So we're all starting to run a little short of food!" Retorted Shenzi.
"Yeah! It's dinnertime, and there ain't no stinking entrees!" Added Banzai, as Ed giggled beside him.
"Oh, you and your petty complaints." Sighed Scar, turning away from the hyenas.
"Starving isn't a petty complaint!" Growled Shenzi. "Every day, this place starts to look just a little bit more like the Graveyard! And we all know how much food that shithole had in it."
"You had enough to survive there Shenzi, I really can't see why you're complaining…."
"You're the king Scar. You brought this problem onto this place, you fix it." She growled, her eyes narrowed.
"Just get out, will you!" Snarled Scar, turning to the hyenas with his teeth bared. Banzai and Ed backed up immediately, but Shenzi held her ground as the two monarchs stared at each other with fire in their eyes.
"Fine." Spat Shenzi, relenting after a moment. "But don't be surprised when you drop dead from your own stupidity."
With that, she turned around and trotted out, Banzai and Ed eagerly following her. Scar muttered something under his breath, then sat up and began pacing back and forth across the cave. Simba could hear his claws clack against the stone, as he went in frustrated circles.
"Why is everyone blaming this on me!" He snarled, as Zazu watched on apathetically. "The drought is hardly my fault, I'm an excellent king! I'm the greatest king Pride Rock has ever seen! The only pity from this whole scenario is that when I die, my splendor will no longer shine upon these lands!"
"That, and the food situation…." Mumbled Zazu, so that Scar couldn't hear.
"None of this is my fault! The pressures of ruling a kingdom… they can't understand, they aren't as great as I am! There is absolutely nothing wrong with me, they're all fools who can't see past their dinner plate! My behavior is normal! There is nothing wrong with me, I am perfectly fine!"
"Mufasa would owned up to his mistakes…" Sighed Zazu. Only this time, he said it a little louder than he had meant to. Simba watched Scar whip around, facing the hornbill with a furious look of anger all over him.
"How dare you!" He shouted, his eyes nearly popping in anger. "I told you never to say that name!"
"Note taken sire!" Squeaked Zazu. "I shall never mention… you know who, ever again!" But his promise fell on deaf ears as Scar turned away, growling under his breath.
"Even in death, his shadow looms over me." Snarled Scar, towards no one in particular. Then suddenly, his eyes widened as he looked up and stared straight ahead at the wall, a shaky paw extended towards the stone.
"There he is!" He cried, his voice squeaking pitifully. Then he whipped to the side, pointing his paw in the other direction. "No, there he is! And there, and there!" Scar began pointing around the cave erratically, his fearful panting the only sound that reached his ears.
"Calm yourself Sire!" Shouted Zazu, who seemed to know exactly what was going on. "Or you'll get another one of your splitting headaches!"
At this Scar jumped at Zazu, the fearful expression that had been on his muzzle just seconds before gone as Scar roared with all his rage. "I AM PERFECTLY FINE!" Scar then backed away slowly, looking furious.
"I'm better than Mufasa was!" He shouted, as Zazu looked on with disapproval. From his expression, this probably happened often.
"I am REVERED!" Shouted Scar, looking angry. Then to Simba's confusion, he very suddenly switched to looking afraid. "I am reviled…." Then a second later he looked triumphant again." I'm IDOLIZED!" Then suddenly back to fearful. "I am despised… I'm keeping calm, I'M GOING WILD!"
At this Scar jumped forward, shaking his head furiously.
"I tell myself I'm fine!" He gargled, shaking his head. He twisted to the left. "Yes I am!" He said, nodding quickly before a second later twisting his head to the right. "No you're not!"
"Yes I am."
"No you're not!"
"Yes I am."
"No you're not!'
"I tell myself I'm fine!"
"No you're not."
"Yes I am!"
"No you're not."
"Yes I am!"
"No you're not."
"Yes no yes no yes no yes no no no no NO….."
"I tell myself I'm fine-"
"Who am I talking to?!" He shrieked, bursting out into garbled laughter. "Who am I talking to… ha heh ha! Ha ha haa! HA HA HEH HAAA!"
"Pull yourself together sire!" Shouted Zazu, unable to take any more of the maddening spectacle.
"Oh, very well." Mumbled Scar, turning back to Zazu with a bored expression on his face. Simba gasped, astonished at the suddenness at which Scar jumped from normal to the very depths of madness...
And in the next moment the scene disappeared...
He opened his eyes to find himself standing next to Pride Rock, on a little ledge on the side. All around him the monument of the lions was on fire, the dried and cracked trees and grass taking to the flame like moths to a light. Everywhere everything that wasn't stone was burning, the flames arching high into the sky, the heat nearly unbearable.
He glanced around, trying to blink out the light of the flames around him. Somewhere up above him he heard a loud roar, and he looked up to see himself launch Scar of the cliff. He watched, his eyes wide as Scar landed hard on one of the rocks, skidding off it and thudding onto the rock below.
Simba watched as Scar fell with a thud onto the ground below him, unstirring.
"He's dead." Whispered Simba, as he stared at the motionless body. "I… I killed him… it was me, after all."
Then, he heard a groan, and Scar stirred, lifting his head up with a dazed expression. Simba blinked in surprise, how had such a lanky lion managed to survive a fall like that? With another groan, Scar stood up on his feet, breathing heavily. Simba leaned in, completely enraptured. Was Scar going to… survive? Then where had Scar gone after this, this had been the last Simba had ever seen of the dark lion.
Off to his left, he saw a shadow emerge from the flames. He looked over to see Shenzi standing on one of the rocks, looking down at Scar. Banzai and Ed hopped up onto it with her, looking furious. When Scar saw them, a wave of relief washed over his face.
"Ah… my friends." He sighed, smiling up at Shenzi. Shenzi snorted.
"Friends! I thought he said we were the enemy!" She snarled, glancing over at Banzai. Scar's eyes widened as he recognized the words, and so did Simba. Up on the rock, before he and Scar had fought, Scar had tried to place the blame on the hyenas. Evidently, Shenzi had overheard.
"Yeah! That's what I heard." Snickered Banzai, as they both turned to their third companion.
Ed chuckled darkly, with more intelligence than Simba had ever seen him posses. He licked his lips, his sharp teeth showing.
"What! No!" Gasped Scar, as he looked around wildly. All around him, more shadows emerged from the flames, surrounding Scar with their white teeth shining in the flames.
"No-no-no-no! You don't understand! I hadn't- I didn't mean!" He pleaded incoherently, as the hyenas began to laugh, stalking towards the hapless lion.
"I hadn't meant to-no, NO!" He cried, as Simba saw Shenzi grin with a complete loss of remorse. She flicked one of her ears in command, and then leaped on him with her arms outstretched. Not a moment later the other hyenas jumped at him, and Scar reared up with fear.
In that moment the fire flared up brilliantly, blocking Simba's view of what was happening. The shadow of the hyenas leaping onto Scar was plastered onto the stone behind, and Simba saw Scar's form sink beneath the mass of hyenas and their claws, ripping into him. But as the fires flared, he saw the hyenas turn and run, jumping off their defeated quarry.
He saw Shenzi and Banzai and Ed scamper away, the flames licking at their tales. He recognized some of the hyenas that were running, he could see one called Maumbu, and another called Hasina. He could see on called Mabaya, and one called Kiji off in the distance, dragging a hyena that looked like Mzazi. But that was it.
He turned his gaze away from the fleeing hyenas and back to the place where Scar had falled. The fires still blocked his view, but through the flames he could see the unmoving, form of the orange lion.
Then the fires flared up, and Simba found himself engulfed by the red hot tongues. He closed his eyes, and the heat and the pain disappeared.
"That took a little longer dan expected." Sighed a voice.
Simba opened his eyes to see Rafiki standing in front of him, his shaman staff in hand. He looked a little bored somehow, as if Simba had taken too long.
"Uh… what?" Asked Simba, blinking the light out of his eyes.
"You ahr slow, Simba." Chuckled Rafiki, as Simba glanced around. They were in a small grove of trees, presumably in the Pridelands. The little clearing in the center of the grove was just large enough for a lion and a monkey, which was rather convenient.
"Am I?" Whispered Simba, as he looked down at his paws. The events of the previous years were all rushing back to him, all of it being almost too much.
Had he really grown up with Taka? Had he really been his friend right alongside the hyenas, seeing a side to the dark lion almost no one else knew of anymore? Had he really watched him as Taka slid into the vengeful Scar, the part of him that thirsted to right the wrongs done to him?
And as for the rest of the visions… had he really seen the start of Zira and Scar's poisonous relationship? Had he really seen the hyenas eat Scar alive? Had he really seen Scar and Sarafina end their own relationship? And the hyenas… the Pridelands, he saw it as Scar had dragged everyone down with him…
"Rafiki… I…" He looked up at the monkey, unsure of what to say. "Rafiki…. Am I… am I supposed to understand… all of that?"
"No." Replied Rafki evenly. "No. But you are supposed to understand Scar. Do you remember why I sent you back?"
"To cure my fear of Scar." Replied Simba.
"It has been said dat to no longer fear someting, you hav to understand it." Smiled Rafiki. "So I did the best I could. If you view anyone's life story, you will understand dem."
"I… I know where Scar came from." Replied Simba, nodding.
"And… I know how he became Scar. I know who his friends were, I know who his enemies were. I know how much Uru loved him with all her heart, and I know how Ahadi treated him. I… I know how Mufasa failed to be the big brother he needed. I know how the hyenas helped him more than his own family, I know how he felt about everyone. I know how he felt about Sarafina… and I know what pushed him over the edge." Sighed Simba.
"So... would you say you understand him? Asked Rafiki.
"Yes." Whispered Simba. "But what am I supposed to make of it?"
"Well… how do you feel about him now?" Asked the monkey, with a knowing smile.
"How do I feel? Well…." Simba scratched the back of his. "Even though he killed my father… now… I can't help but feel sorry for him. Though...not for Scar. For Taka. There's a difference between the two, isn't there? More than you would think."
"Dere is. Taka and Scar ahr as good as different lions. Dey tink differently, and dey act differently. The ting is, both were molded by de same events. Each is just two different reactions to the same ting." Replied Rafiki.
"Well… I feel sorry for Taka. He got a bad ending to a sad story." Sighed Simba, frowning. "Do you think… that, Taka at least… got to go to the Great Kings of the Past?"
"Dat's not for me to tell you." Shrugged Rafiki.
"Oh… well, forget it then." Shrugged Simba. "Anyways… I understand him now. I understand why he did what he did and how. Am I cured of my nightmares?" He asked, looking up at the monkey.
"Dat's why I sent you back." He replied, with a knowing smile.
"So… am I? I don't feel scared of him anymore… not at all."
"Well…. would you like to find out?" Asked Rafiki.
"Yeah… yeah I would." Nodded Simba solemnly.
"Den you wouldn't mind one more detour, before I send you back home?" Asked Rafiki, turning around.
"A detour?" Asked Simba, narrowing his eyes in confusion. "What more is there to see?"
"Let me show you." Smiled the monkey, picking up his stick. Simba watched him as Rafiki muttered something solemnly, then turned around and before Simba could react, whacked him across the head.
Stars flashed across his vision as Simba collapsed.
Letting out a groan, Simba looked around.
He was on a sandy beach, next to a river. The sun was shining down warmly, with the breeze ruffling his mane. In the next few moments, he realized he had absolutely no idea where this place was.
He certainly wasn't at the grove of trees anymore, Rafiki had sent him off someplace else again. But this wasn't even in the Pridelands. The woods behind him was denser than anything in the Pridelands, and the river was all out of place. He knew every stone and every grove in his kingdom, and there was nothing like that here.
So wherever he was, it wasn't the Pridelands. But then why would Rafiki send him here? He'd finished Scar's story, he saw the hyenas jump on him as the fires flared up around the traitorous lion. Scar had been finished, no doubt. But then why was he here, was this that monkey's idea of a joke?
Simba was tired. Perhaps he hadn't truly aged while he spent so much time in the past, but it sure felt as if four years had been added to his life. Four exhausting years, four years without the warmth of Nala to comfort him, or the beaming smile of Kiara to cheer him up. He just wanted to go home and be around his family for once. So this detour was rather unwelcome.
He contemplated sitting down and waiting for Rafiki to come and get him, but Rafiki always had a purpose for these things, no matter how annoying it was. If he just found the purpose and completed the task, he could be out of here.
Glancing around one more time, he spotted a rocky den sitting at the edge of the forest on the river. Trotting up to it through the sand, he padded up the river until he reached the stone. As he reached the stone, the sound of his claws hitting the rocky ground beneath him reverberated into the den. To his surprise, he heard someone moving inside the den.
"Hey Kopa, how was it?" Came the eager question. Frowning, Simba turned the corner and walked into the den.
And froze.
In front of him sat an orange lion with a black mane, a wide content smile on his muzzle. He spotted Simba, and as they stared at each other, his grin melted away,
to be replaced by horror.
Scar made a loud choking sound, as if he was trying to swallow something that was much too big. He stared at Simba with eyes wider than saucers, unable to articulate anything through his astonishment.
"Y- y- y- you!" He exclaimed, his front paws scurrying as he awkwardly reared up onto his front paws.
Simba stared at Scar, dumbfounded. The two lions held eye contact, with Simba's eyes narrowed and Scar's open from panic. When Simba failed to speak up, Scar swallowed with another choking sound.
"Well… if it isn't…. if it isn't my…. favorite nephew!" He managed, breathing heavily. "Right here in my… in my cave! Outside of the Pridelands!..."
Simba remained motionless, staring at Scar, fixated on his eyes. Scar panted worriedly, staring back at Simba with a pained expression.
"If you're here to kill me, just do it already and leave!" He blurted, unable to take the silence anymore.
Simba cocked his head, taking a step forward towards the orange lion. Scar pulled backwards a little bit, using only his forepaws. He hadn't yet stood up, his hind legs remained below him.
"Why are you here?" Asked Scar, naked fear clear in his voice.
"You…. you survived." Managed Simba, as he looked over the lion before him. "You survived the fire and the hyenas… how did you survive the hyenas?" He asked, completely calm, in stark contrast to the panicking lion before him.
"Dumb luck?" He tried, with a nervous smile. His voice was an octave higher than normal.
"Dumb luck." Replied Simba, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh… the fire drove the hyenas away before they could kill me… and the fire wasn't that bad, it only took a few months to regrow all my fur…." He answered, his breathing not yet slowing.
Simba saw the marks that covered Scar's body… he could see new scars all over his torso, hyena claws concentrated mostly around his back and neck… his mane had regrown rather well for the most part, but it wasn't as full as it had been before.
"And then what?" Asked Simba, taking yet another pawstep towards Scar. Scar drew his head back, but he still hadn't stood up.
"Well… I dragged myself away, to the river behind you… I followed the river to here...and now I live here… by myself… all alone." Replied Scar, his eyes still wide with fear.
Simba couldn't help but feel anything other than mild interest, staring down at the old lion. It was strange, almost, that he couldn't summon any wild emotions… he'd just found out Scar had been alive the entire time… why didn't he feel angry? Or surprised? Or more curious?
"Well? Are you going to kill me or not!?" Demanded Scar, panting worriedly.
"Your eyes aren't glinting." Said Simba, ignoring him. Scar looked confused, his panicked expression heightened by his confusion.
"What?" He asked.
"Your eyes aren't glinting. There's no malice in them." Replied Simba, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Uh….. of course there isn't!" Gasped Scar, with a nervous smile. "Why… why would there be?"
"There was always malice in your eyes, while I knew you." He said. "But there wasn't before. Taka's eyes never glinted. You're not Scar, are you?"
"Uh… Well…. sure?"
"You're Taka." Said Simba, raising an eyebrow. Scar stared back, unsure of what to say.
"That… that was my birth name… yes." Replied Scar, swallowing nervously.
"How?" Asked Simba.
"What do you mean?" Asked the orange lion, his trepidation still apparent.
"You were Scar for the longest time. You hated your family, your mate, and your friends. Just because you survived the fire wouldn't have changed anything. So why are Taka now?" Asked Simba.
"No reason." Squeaked Scar, glancing at the entrance of the den.
"Taka wouldn't have lied to his friends." He replied, staring down at Scar. Scar quailed for a moment, still afraid of Simba despite his calm demeanor.
"I swear nephew, there is no reason at all. Just uh…. old age or something…" He tried, swallowing nervously again.
Simba sniffed the air, taking in the scents. He could smell himself, he could smell Scar… and….
"There are two other lions here Scar." He replied, looking back down at him. Scar immediately paled, his eyes growing wider.
"N-n-no-no!" He cried, his jaw agape in fear. "There's no one else here! It's just me, alone!"
"I can smell them, Scar. Who are your companions?" He asked, turning around to walk out of the cave.
"I swear there's no one!" He yowled, lurching forward on his front paws. Simba paused as he watched Scar staring at him, reared up on solely his front legs. His hind legs were behind him, sprawled on the stone on the cave. The two lions stared at each other, with Simba's eyes glancing at Scar's unused hind legs.
"Why don't you use all fours, Scar?" Asked Simba, raising an eyebrow. Scar gulped.
"My back's broken." He whispered, glancing away from Simba. Simba cocked his head in question, and Scar took a small breath. "Hyenas broke it…" He added.
"Well then… there's no question about your companions then, is there?" Asked Simba, feeling a twinge of pity for the black lion.
"Simba… please…." Whimpered Scar, desperate. "There's no one else."
Simba frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable at Scar's pleas. What was he so worried about?
"We got lunch!" Called a female voice from outside the den. Simba could see Scar's eyes widen in despair, before he turned around to see a lioness and a cub trot into the den. The lioness was orange and only about half of Simba's height, but she was clearly an adult. The cub beside her was also orange, and only a few weeks old.
Both of them froze when they saw Simba, confused at his presence. Simba could see the little lioness glance at Scar in confusion, to see his fear. She narrowed her eyes at Simba, stepping in front of her cub.
"Uh… who are you?" Asked the orange lioness. Scar cleared his throat, speaking up before Simba.
"Nafasi! This is… this.. this is my nephew…. from the Pridelands…. the one whose father I told you about…. The one I tried to…. bump off…" He said, staring at Simba with trepidation. The lioness gave a little hiccup, her own eyes widening.
"Oh…" She managed, getting in front of her cub defensively.
Simba turned his head back to Scar, grinning.
"Scar…. I'm not going to hurt them." He smiled, shaking his head.
"Y-you're not?" He asked, doubtful relief flashing across him for a moment.
"Of course not. And not you either." Smiled Simba, as Scar drew back.
"He said your name was Nafasi?" Asked Simba, turning to the orange lioness who stood above her cub.
"Oh… uh…. yes, yes it is." She stuttered, nodding nervously.
"A pleasure to meet you. You're his mate, I take it?" He asked, flicking his tail towards a stupified Scar.
"I… I am, yes. Kopa here is our son." She said, drawing her paw back to show the little cub below her, who so far hadn't so much as squeaked. He stared up at Simba with wonder, never having seen a lion larger than Scar before.
"Hello little one." Said Simba warmly, as Kopa stepped back nervously.
"He's only a few weeks old…. Scar and I have only just recently managed to get it to work." She smiled, immediately trusting Simba's warm demeanor.
"Hold on a moment!" Blustered Scar. "So you're not going to kill me?" Simba turned to Scar, shrugging.
"If I came here…. and I found Scar here, I'd consider it. But you're not the same. You're not Scar… you're Taka." Replied Simba.
It was true. The lion sitting before Simba was not Scar. Simba could see it in his eyes, as he had mentioned before they did not glint with malice. Instead when he looked into those green eyes, he could see his old friend, the friend he had grown up with through Rafiki's magic.
It was the friend who had been treated unfairly as he had grown up, the friend who had turned to the hyenas just to get a playmate. The friend who Simba had watched get exiled, and receive his scar. The friend Simba had watched fall in love with Sarafina, and the friend Simba had been unable to comfort when Uru had died. Through it all Simba had thought Taka had died, received a sad ending to a sad life.
But it seemed fate hadn't let Taka die that night in the Graveyard, or in the fires of Pride Rock. He'd found another mate, and had managed to sire a cub of his own. He had a family, and for the first time, it was a family of which all of its members cared for Taka.
"Well… I… I guess that's true…." Replied Scar, glancing at Nafasi.
"Tell me Scar… what made you change?" Asked Simba.
"What… what made me change?" Stuttered Scar, trying to shake off his fear of the red lion.
"Yes. What ended your madness?"
"Uh… well….. it was… it was Nafasi, mainly." He replied, nodding at his mate. Simba turned to the little lioness, who smiled.
"Well… when I first found him… he was different. But after a while he changed… which I'm glad you can, Simba."
"I don't think I could have missed it." Shrugged Simba.
"But then Simba…. if you didn't come here to kill me…. why… why are you here?" Asked Scar, his voice dropped to a whisper. Simba turned back to the black lion and walked up to him.
"I think… I think I came here to understand you." He replied. "And… now that I do… I'm sorry, Taka."
It had to be said.
Simba paused, glancing at the entrance of the cave.
"Goodbye." He said, turning back around and padding out of the cave. Scar and Nafasi glanced at each other, confused as he exited the cave without so much as another word.
He trotted out onto the sand of the beach, and suddenly he was filled with the urge to close his eyes. And so he did, shutting his eyes calmly as the sun above shone down onto his warm fur.
"Dad!" Exclaimed Kiara, as Simba let out a groan. He slowly opened his eyes, to be greeted by four rather concerned looking faces.
"Ugh… hey… guys." He managed.
"Simba! Finally, you were sleeping for hours!" Complained Nala sharply, glaring down at him.
"Yeah, your majesty, nothing we did could get you to wake up. Nala was starting to get worried, but Rafiki told us everything was fine." Added Kovu. Simba could still see the claw marks on his muzzle, the ones he had given to him on accident.
Holy cow… he was back in Rafiki's tree. His nightmares felt like years ago… the whole incident with Kovu, going to Rafiki for help…. it felt like years ago. And it had been years, hadn't it?
"You're awake now. That's all that matters." Sighed Nala.
"But dad, Rafiki acted like he put you to sleep on purpose or something!" Added Kiara. "Was something happening? Some sort of treatment?"
"Treatment?" Simba shook his head. "uh…"
"Yeah, Simba… did Rafiki do something to you?" Asked Nala, leaning in.
"Did he?" Simba asked, unable to smile. "Well… he did, actually."
"What was it dad?" Asked Kiara, as she leaned up against Kovu.
Simba sighed, happily taking in the stares of his family. He was finally home…. but he would neeer forget what he saw.
"Do you want me to tell you all a story?" Asked Simba, as he exhaled slowly. He'd never felt more relaxed.
"Sure." Shrugged Nala.
"Okay." Nodded Simba.
"First off… this story begins years ago…."
It really is.
And HOLY COW I'm never writing a thirteen thousand word chapter ever again.
At least not ON AN IPAD!
I'm on vacation right now.
But anyways!
This is the end of the story! So I would love it if you all told me what you think of it! This is my longest story, so if you guys could write a lovely review to show me your appreciation of my aching thumbs (don't write on an Ipad) but seriously. If I can write a thirteen K chapter in three days, maybe you guys could take the time to write a review?
And maybe if you want, answer these questions!
First off, this is long. I'm worried all the different scene and time skips made it seemed jumbled and confusing. Did the multiple scenes work?
Second off… I'm really worried about that last bit with Scar and Simba and Nafasi. I can't help but feel I screwed that up. Did I screw that up? I'll re-write it if you really think I did.
Thirdly, Do you think I gave Scar a good backstory?
Fourthly, since they are lions after all and not humans, do you think it's actually bad to imagine Nala and Scar's daughter?
On the fifth count, do you think the hyenas managed to escape the fire? (I mean, I think they did, cause when the fire flared up it plastered a shadow on the wall, and that fire wouldn't cast a shadow unless it was in front of the hyenas.
And on the sixth count, did I do Simba well? All his parts, I mean? And how was the ending? Satisfactory enough?
And I'll be seeing you all later! Don't worry, I'll have another story up soon!
(And if you stick around, you can have a hand in choosing what I write! Stay tuned for that, if you care)