Once upon a time, there lived a 28 year old woman named Regina.

To many, she was beautiful with her olive skin, long dark brown hair and brown eyes. Yet she was also the odd one of the villiage to many, with her head always within a book and no interest in finding a husband.

Instead, she loves to ride her beloved horse Rocinante and loves to read. So much so, that she had read every book within the villiages libary at least once.

However, she doesn't know it yet but she is about to have her life turned upside down, by a cursed woman who lives within the deep enchanted forest...

"Daddy..must you leave today?" Regina asks sadly, as she watches her father put the old lesther saddle upon Rociente. It was barely midday and Regina was worried about her fathers safety through the forest.

"Yes sweetheart. Every year without fail I go to the festival and see my old friends. I shall not be long, I promise" he smiles at her but Regina frowns.

"How long shall you be?" she asks curiously.

"A day or two"

"Are you sure you don;t want me to come with you?" she asks seriously at Henry shakes his head.

"Yes im sure Regina, you have to make sure we don't lose our home to those men from the forest"

Regina then grips her hands together in anxiousness.

"What if you run into them on the way to the next villiage?" she asks seriously.

"I won't. I shall take the slightly longer route so I avoid them. They won't be interested in me anyway"

"I hope so"

Theres then a pause, as Henry makes final adjustments.

"I shall have your favourite meal upon your return" Regina then says with a slight smile and he nods, before leaning in to give her a hug.

"I shall see you soon sweetheart" he then says, before then getting upon the she nods, whilst then watching him leave with concern upon her face.

Just over an hour later, Henry is making his way through the deeper part of the forest. His making good time and thinks will get to the villiage before dark.

However, he is slightly concerned with the storm clouds that are bunching up within the sky. He looks up worringly, before continuing on and hoping that the clouds pass without rain but his hope is soon lost, as a few minutes later. The wind picks up around him and it starts to rain with abundance.

He then tries to carry on for a few minutes, battling against the storm. Until he comes across tall iron gates to a dark castle within them.

He then sneezes and can feel the chill that is setting in his bones through his cold, wet clothes and thinks surely I can stop here. Until the weather passes.

He proceeds forward and pushes the gates open, before then leading Rociente through and on towards the castle.

He then ties Rociente to a tree that is stood outside the front of the castle, before walking up to the dark wooden doors and knocks upon them.

A long moment later, after getting no response. He pushes the door and it opens. Reaveling a darkened lobby which is barely lit by candlelight.

"Hello.." he calls out shakily but theres no answer.

He then steps forward and doesn't notice that his leaving a trail dripping water upon the red carpet.

"Whats he doing here!..she won't like this" a male voice then suddenly says, causing Henry to look around to find the source of where the voices are coming from.

"She doesn't like anything. He can't stay" comes another male voice.

"Hello.." Henry calls out again and he suddenly jumps back upon, seeing both men appear in front of him from the shadows. Wearing all black rags and clearly younger than himself.

The two men then stare at him for a long moment, as they havent seen anyone new in years and Henry swallows thickly.

"Hello" he says a little shakily and one of the men says "Hello and who might you be?"

The other man then elbows him in the side and mutters "It doesn't matter who he is August. He must go before..she notices him here"

August shakes his head.

"Oh, shes far to busy in the west wing Graham, breaking mirrors and such but look at his soaked clothes. He needs to dry off and food..he must be hungry"

Henry now looks between both men, confused.

"Are you hungry?" August asks him eagerly.

"A little" Henry replies weakly.

"Then you must come with us to the kitchens and I shall fetech you a towel" August then says eagerly and pulls Henry forward and onwards towards the long corridor. That leads to the kitchen.

A long moment later, Henry looks around at everything, with wide eyes. As he has never seen such a place as this and Graham whispers to August "She's going to kill us, when she finds out"

August huffs.

"No she won't..she hasn't killed anyone in years" he replies seriously and Graham shakes his head.

"Thats because no one has been here in years" he sasses back and August now shakes his head.

"She didn't kill the last.." he thinks for a moment "The last two that trespassed. Thats a good sign"

Graham then huffs and then looks to Henry. Who is still looking around with wide eyes.

"So, what is your name?" he asks seriously and Henry snaps his head towards Graham and blinks a few times before answering "Henry..Henry Mills"

"And why were you in the forest Henry?"

"Oh, I was heading to one of the villiage festivals. That was until the weather changed"


Theres then silence for a long moment, until they enter the kitchen. Which is a little brighter and theres a older woman at a shove.

"Granny" August says outloud, causing the grey haired, older woman to turn around.

"This is Henry" August proceeds to tell her "His here because of the bad weather" Auguest explains.

Granny then gives him a look that says this is a bad idea, because she knows if her mistress knew that this man was here, he'd be in trouble.

"He can't stay" she says seriously and turns back around to stir her stew.

"Thats what I said" Graham says with a pleased smirk and August wants to push him right now, but refrains from doing so.

"But she won't know" August then says with a sigh and before they can reply the doors to the kitchen fly open. Revealing a 28 year old woman called Emma Swan. Who has slick white hair which is tied up and she's wearing all black, which covers her whole body apart from the face, which is fuming with rage and her eyes are black.

Everyone freezes upon her arrival.

"I knew someone was here. I should smell them" she snaps and glares at the intruder.

"Th-is..th-is is Henry" August stutters.

"I don't care who he is" Emma snaps. "His trespassing upon my lands" she then adds furiously.

"The wea-ther.." August then tries to say but Emma is having none of it and she steps forward, grabbing Henry by the throat and pulling him upwards, so his feet are off the ground. He gasps for breath.

"Mistress..please.." August pleads, while Graham and Granny look to the ground. Not wanting to see Emma take the poor mans heart from his chest.

Emma then clenches her jaw and stares into the frightened man's eyes. She has long gone passed the days where she would rip out trespassers hearts and crush them for her entertainment. For a strange reason, it doesn't interest her anymore. As she had been there and done that, more times that she can remember.

She then lets the man drop to the floor, before flicking her wrist so the man disapears in a cloud of purple smoke. Leaving August, Graham and Granny to wonder where he has gone.

Emma then growls "I've sent him to the dungeons, where he shall rot for the rest of his miserable life" before then disappearing into a cloud of smoke herself.

A/N I love the beauty and the beast swan queen fics out there and thought Id like to do a story loosely based upon it with the roles reversed. As all the ones i've read are where Regina is the beast.

Hope you all enjoy and I do not own ouat nor its characters. Shall I continue?