**Heyo! Sorry it's taken me so long to update ;( I've been incredibly busy and also suffering from a slight case of writer's block you could say lolol.

But! Are you excited? This is the last chapter woo! ((I just realized that it's a LOT longer than the other chapters ahhh, gotta go out with a bang?)) Enjoy 8^)


Zen frowned and whined like a spoiled child as Jumin pulled the sheets over his body.

"I'm tired now." Jumin yawned and closed his eyes.

"That's not fair!" Zen complained. "It's my turn."

"I didn't expect for this to take so much energy out of me."

"I'll be gentle..."

"Leave me alone."

Zen groaned (in frustration now) and flopped down on his back beside him and stared angrily at the ceiling. The room was a lot darker now; it had to be somewhere around 9 p.m.

"Can I shower here?" Zen asked.

Jumin responded with a few unintelligible words and pointed towards a door at the right. Zen, still naked, got up and made his way to the bathroom, throwing the cat ears at Jumin's resting body.

Zen was not surprised to be impressed by how beautiful the bathroom was. A huge tub was towards the back and he decided wanted to relax; he was delighted when he noticed that it had water jets built in. He started his bath and dimmed the lights with a switch on the wall. It was absolutely wonderful. Zen sighed as he submerged himself into the bath's warm water. The tub felt even more enormous when he was inside; he swore at least one or two more people could fit in with him.

Zen closed his eyes and let the heat sink into him as he reminisced about the day. Never in a million years did he ever see himself going to Jumin Han's penthouse out of free will and never did he ever see himself being with him sexually, yet it had all happened within a 24 hours.

I guess all that tension between us was just, well, hormones? He thought to himself.

He started thinking about the things Jumin had told him before they had intercourse. He blushed more thinking about how sincere Jumin had been just talking to him rather than when he thought about them having sex.

Zen started to worry about whether or not this would be a one-time thing. Deep down, he wished he could just stay here forever and be each other's 'play-things', but he knew that this would never happen. They were both relatively popular and both their careers could potentially be put on the line if word got out they were in a homosexual relationship.

Hah! Relationship? He thought to himself. Get real. There's no way in hell.

Zen pushed the silly thoughts away of him and Jumin ever being something serious; images of him and Jumin holding hands, going out to dinner together, talking and laughing, and waking up together, to Jumin's sleepy face and messy hair.

He felt his heart sink. It all came crashing down. Was this really what he wanted all along? Underneath all those feelings of hate and frustration? Had he been infatuated with Jumin this whole time?

Heavy tears began streaming down his face. He bit his lip to keep himself from making too much noise (god knows he didn't want Jumin to hear him crying). Today had been such an emotional rollercoaster for Zen and now the reality of it was devastating.

How can I be with someone I can't have?

Zen buried his face into his hands. He wished he could reset it all so he could avoid this pain, the pain of realizing that he could never be fully with Jumin Han.

Suddenly, the door to the bathroom creaked, and Zen quickly turned himself to be facing the opposite direction. Jumin was standing in the doorway, just his underwear briefs on.

"Are you… crying?" He questioned, in almost disbelief, "Are you crying... because you haven't gotten to…?"

"Oh my god, no." Zen retorted, irritated that he had walked in on him. He heard Jumin's feet move across the marble floor and stiffened when he heard his voice go soft like before. "What's wrong then?"

"I swear, there's nothing wrong." Zen lied, his back still towards the other man, "Please leave me alone."

Jumin shrugged his shoulders and crouched down by the bathtub. "I'm not leaving my own bathroom."

Zen rolled his eyes and exhaled.

"Please talk to me, Zen."

The sound of Jumin saying his name made him weak. Zen turned around to face him finally, tears still dotted his scarlet eyes.

"I just…" he began, but a lump in his throat made him wheeze and start to cry all over again. "This is all so dumb! I know I'm just a one-time thing okay, it's fine, you don't have to agree or disagree I already know, okay? Everything just happened so fast and I just—I just really like you!" he stopped himself there and set his forehead down on the edge of the tub. "I wished things weren't like the way they are. I don't know how much you like me, or if you do at all, but I just wish we could be together."

Zen stayed still with his head still facing down. He couldn't believe he had poured out all his feelings like that. He was afraid to look up and see Jumin making a disgusted face at him. He feared rejection, but he tilted his head up slightly after a few minutes.

Jumin had tears swelling up in his silver-grey eyes; his face flushed.

"Of course I like you." He almost choked on the words. "I like you more than anyone else." Jumin moved himself closer to the bath and looked at Zen straight in the eyes. "I want to be with you, Hyun, I don't care what anyone thinks. I've never been surer of something. I want to be with you more than anything else."

No one had called him Hyun in a really long time; the name felt so distant from him, but also extremely intimate when spoken like that from Jumin. Zen grabbed him by his shoulders and held him tightly, and Juminn wrapped his arms around him. They remained motionless and silent in each other's embrace.

"I can't believe this happened." Zen said quietly after a while. His voice was scratchy from crying and his eyes and nose were red and puffy. "All because of that commercial."

"I'm so happy it did." Jumin replied, his voice cracked as well. "I'm so indescribably happy right now. I've wanted you for so long and now you're mine."

Zen distanced himself from the hug to look Jumin in the face. Jumin's eyes widened a bit when he realized what he had said and he looked down, slightly embarrassed. "I mean… if you'll be mine."

And then Zen started laughing. Jumin's eyes widened even more as he blushed. Zen's laugh was absolutely adorable and Jumin couldn't help but giggle along with him. Zen pressed his nose up against Jumin's. "Of course I'll be yours. And you're mine."

Jumin pecked Zen cheek. "Isn't it crazy that earlier today we were fighting and now you're here, in my bathroom?"

"Yeah, it is pretty crazy," Zen affirmed, "But that's what I like. I like this so much."

Jumin purely grinned in response and grabbed Zen's hand to hold. He looked so cute and sweet sitting there, leaning over the tub; it was starting to give Zen dirty thoughts again.

"You know, this bathtub is ridiculous." He started, rubbing Jumin's hand with his thumb, "Why don't you join me…?"

Jumin's sweet smile transformed into a smirk as he slid off his briefs. The bathroom lights were dim, but Zen could still make out Jumin's naked form. He licked his lips as Jumin slid into the tub and climbed on top of him.

"Is this one of your kinks?" Jumin questioned mischievously, cocking his head to one side.

Zen laughed and said, "Maybe? I dunno. I'm just horny. I can't help it."

Jumin looked awestruck. "Even after all that? Was I just not good enough…?"

"Oh my god, you were amazing." Zen assured, but then added, "I just have incredible endurance. It's a problem, really."

And with that, Zen took a hold of Jumin's face and pressed his lips against his. They rubbed their legs against each other and gave out little ahh's of pleasure, taking turns with their tongues in each other's mouths after each kiss. Zen's hands eventually made their way down to Jumin's bottom. There, his fingers began to play with his opening, very gently. As soon as he felt ready to test going inside of him, Jumin jumped a bit.

"What's wrong?" Zen asked, curious. He began to worry he was doing something wrong.

"I-I have a confession." Jumin stuttered, which was very unlike him. "I, er, well… no one has actually been… well nothing has actually been there if that makes sense."

"Ohhh," Zen understood. He was slightly excited to be Jumin's possible 'first' in that area, but he also didn't want to make him uncomfortable if he wasn't ready (the way Jumin had acted about 'taking' previously made sense to him now as well). "We don't have to, you know."

Jumin paused, and then answered, "No, I want to. I'm just nervous."

"Don't worry," Zen purred, reaching up to kiss his cheek, and then repeated what he had said earlier, "I'll be gentle."

Heat rushed straight to Jumin's face and he immediately hid himself in Zen's shoulder. "…Should we go to the bed?"

Zen grinned naughtily. He didn't say anything and just licked the side of Jumin's exposed neck and squeezed his butt. He pressed his erection up into Jumin's, causing him to moan slightly into Zen's ear.

"You want to do it here?" Jumin asked, confused slightly. He was enjoying Zen's touches, but he wasn't quite sure what he wanted.

Zen leaned up so that he was sitting in the tub and Jumin was in his lap, almost like earlier on the bed except then they were (mostly) clothed and dry and now they were naked and wet. Zen reached his right hand around and started to massage Jumin's opening again. Jumin sighed and dug his nails into Zen's lower back as he cautiously moved the tip of one of his fingers inside. Zen slowly moved his finger around and was eventually able to introduce another. The feeling was awkward at first to Jumin, but it soon turned into a new kind of pleasure.

Zen moved his fingers in and out of Jumin, building a rhythm; he thrust his hips up with the same pace. Jumin sighed and groaned as Zen did so; he eventually started to grind on him as well. He wrapped his hand around Zen's erection and started to pump it up and down under the bathwater. They breathed heavily as they pleasured each other.

Jumin gazed at Zen with half opened eyes, "Should we…?"

"Mmmm, I think so." Zen licked his lips.

They didn't bother grabbing towels on their way out of the bath. Zen immediately fell on top of Jumin when they reached the edge of the bed. He loved being dominant. He wanted to show Jumin that he was in control now, since Jumin had been calling the shots all day (at work and in bed). He kissed up and down Jumin's neck, getting delicious reactions out of him. He rubs his hands all over the other's body and grinded his hips. Jumin felt amazing underneath him; even though Jumin was slightly taller than Zen, Zen was slightly more built due to his dedication of working out often. Jumin ran his fingers down Zen's back, leaving thin red lines.

"I think you want me." Zen mused with sparkling eyes.

Jumin blushed and attempted to change the subject, "I'm still your boss."

"Yeah, yeah," Zen rolled his eyes, "And you're still gonnna let me fuck you."

With that, Zen reached over to grab the lube that was still out. He covered his erection and was about to start lubricating Jumin but Juminn stopped him.

"I'm sorry if I seem… cold… about this." Jumin began, visibility unsure about himself. "I'm just very nervous. There's a difference between your fingers and your… well…"

"My dick?" Zen put it bluntly, and then proudly stated, "Yeah, it's a bit bigger, but I promise I'll be gentle." He then leaned down closer to Jumin's ear, "It turns me on so much to know that I'm going to be the first inside you. I want to do so many dirty things to you right now."

Zen moved his head to face Jumin again and kissed him softly. "But I know it's all so new so I'll control myself."

Jumin's face was completely red as he muttered, "Well, I'm sure we can get to that eventually."

Zen's face seemed to light up at the words. He gave Jumin another tender kiss and then proceeded to rub his bottom with lube coated fingers. When he felt wet enough, Zen guided his tip to the opening and played with it there. He could feel Jumin's muscles start to tense up.

"Relax," Zen assured him with another kiss. He began to move his hips ever so slightly. He felt Jumin loosen and he moaned as he was able to slide more of himself inside. "You feel amazing."

Jumin simply blushed without a word. He wrapped his arms around Zen and groaned quietly.

Zen whispered into the other man's ear, "That's not gonna do. I need you to be louder."

He pressed a little further, causing Jumin to inhale sharply and then groan again, louder than before. Zen was thoroughly enjoying himself. He began to thrust slowly; very gently going in and out, but the motions were making his insides scream. He wanted so badly to just bend Jumin over and cram all of his erection inside, but he knew he had to control himself.

Jumin's anxiety about anal sex was quickly dissolving. He had never expected that this unknown sensation would feel so good. He arched his back as Zen took a chance to go deeper; his body tensed and then relaxed as he moaned and buried his nails into Zen's back. "Ahhhhh, Zen!"

"You want me that bad?" Zen groaned, feeling himself grow larger hearing Jumin moan his name. He was going to lose it. His thrusts grew harder and deeper as Jumin's body got accustomed to him. After a while, he was finally able to push himself all the way in. He pressed his hips against Jumin's bottom.

"This is all of me." He stated confidently.

Jumin squirmed underneath him, "You're almost too much for me."

Zen gave him a dirty grin and pulled out slightly so he could thrust himself in again. His eyes rolled back and he muttered 'fuck' a few times as he repeated the same motion. He pulled himself up slightly and grabbed Jumin's legs, lifting them up to rest on his chest and shoulders. Jumin sighed as Zen was able to push inside him from a different angle now. He writhed and bucked his hips as Zen pumped into him more and more. Suddenly, a weird idea came to his mind.

"Hey," he started, almost out of breath. Zen paused, still halfway inside, "What's wrong? Does it hurt?"

Jumin was so touched at how concerned Zen was that he almost forgot what he was going to say. "Oh, I just want you to handcuff me."

Zen was taken back. "Wait, what?" He looked away and then admitted, "I don't know anything about that kinda stuff."

"It's nothing complicated. Just reach into the drawer. There's a key in there as well." Jumin explained cooly.

"Uh, you keep handcuffs in your nightstand?"

"Less judging, more doing."

So Zen pulled out the handcuffs and ran them through one of the bedframe rails; he then attached Jumin to it. Zen felt himself melt looking at Jumin chained up in front of him. He looked so easy to take advantage of. Without a word, Zen moved himself back inside of him, another 'fuck' escaped him when he was all the way in.

"Ravish me." Jumin gasped as Zen began to thrust in and out again. Zen moaned, loudly, and then replied, "Of course."

Jumin arched his back as Zen's rhythm grew faster. He enjoyed being restrained like this, not being able to fight back the pleasure, except he had never had it where someone was inside of him. It was an indescribable sensation, but he was happy to know this wouldn't be his last time to experience it.

"Fuck, babe," Zen groaned loudly. He steadied himself by holding onto to the bedframe and rocked into Jumin as hard as he could, causing the whole bed to shake. Jumin winced, a bit in pain, but, if anything, it was helping get him off. He was also a bit surprised that Zen had called him 'babe', but he didn't have room to talk since he had called Zen 'kitten'.

Zen moved down to take hold of Jumin's hips and pumped into him at a lower angle; he mimicked what Jumin had done to him earlier and pulled out to almost the edge of his manhood and then pushed all of it back in. Zen bit at Jumin's ear and breathed, "Come on me."

Just hearing the words made Jumin swell and buck his hips. Zen thrust as hard as he could and then Jumin gasped and his eyes closed, "Ah! Right there!"

Having located his sweet spot, Zen continued to do exactly what he had done initially. Jumin twisted under him in ecstasy and it wasn't long before he was screaming Zen's name over and over until, at last, he climaxed and hot stickiness splattered over both of their stomachs. Relieved that he had made Jumin finish, Zen then thrust a few more times into him and came himself, groaning and shaking as he did so.

Zen pulled out and laid on his back beside him. "Whatever today was, it was awesome."

Jumin smiled. He looked so attractive still, even though he was covered with sweat and his hair was an absolute mess. Zen expected he himself didn't look much better (regardless, he was a god amongst men). He kissed Jumin on the nose and nuzzled into his chest.

"Hey," Jumin said, after a few minutes. "Could you unlock these?" He looked up at the handcuffs he was still attached to.

Zen smirked to himself and turned his back towards Jumin, which caused Jumin to retaliate by kicking him.

"Okay, okay!" Zen reached over and unlocked the handcuffs with the key that was in the nightstand.

Now that Jumin was free, he grabbed Zen and held him tightly for a few seconds and then released the pressure.

"Don't leave." Jumin begged quietly.

"I won't. Don't worry." Zen responded, taking Jumin's face into his hands. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Why would I leave my own house?"

Zen rolled his eyes and just kissed him. After a while of holding each other, they both fell into a very well-deserved sleep, their faces inches apart.

- End