"Alright, let's take a quick break." The director announces.

Everyone on set sighs at the relief, especially Zen (however, he was wheezing more than really sighing). He still could not believe he let himself get talked into doing this commercial for that trust fund kid.

Zen hurriedly walked over to a table near the back of the set where some water bottles and tissues were set out. He angrily wiped at his nose and mouth, glaring across the room at that smug figure. Jumin Han was having a few words with the director, not noticing Zen's stare. He was wearing one of his many black suits with a striped button up underneath. Occasionally, Jumin would make a few gestures with his hands and point towards the set as he talked. The director watched him very intently, nodding his head at everything that came from Mr. Han's mouth (Zen could swear he could see him sweating from here). Jaehee was right at Jumin's heels taking a few notes of what he and the director discussed.

When Jumin had finished his brief conversation with the director, he walked up onto the set where his Elizabeth 3rd sat perched delicately on a table next to a bag of his trademark cat food. Jaehee naturally kept her distance and took notes on other things happening. The animal trainer that was with the cat stepped back immediately when she saw Jumin approach. Jumin just gave a small nod at her as she backed away and then proceeded to shower his white Persian with various compliments as he stroked her fur. Zen watched with disdain. He wanted to pull his eyes away but at the same time continued to watch Jumin's every move. He watched him move his hands up Elly's body and start to play with her tiny soft ears.

It was at that moment Jumin looked directly at Zen. He gave a slight smile, so faint Zen was surprised he noticed. Zen was a bit taken back at how intensely Jumin stared back at him, but he refused to look away. There would have been no point to look away when he was already caught in the act; Jumin knew Zen had been watching him. So Zen just continued to maintain eye contact with the other man, even as he took a drink of his water. Zen licked his lips as he finished his drink and was disgusted when he saw a slight sparkle in Jumin's eyes as he did so. The actor felt his face grow hot as his employer finally broke their staring contest to have a word with another crew member.

Zen still couldn't believe he was here.

"I absolutely will not." Zen hissed.

The crew looked a bit uneasy as their eyes went to Mr. Han to wait for a response.

Zen could not believe he would have the audacity to ask him to wear this. His face heated and turned red at the sight of them.

A pair of white cat ears on a headband sat in front him.

Jaehee leaned a little closer to him, "Please, Zen, I don't agree with it either…" she whispered, "But I feel as if Mr. Han is dead set on having you do at least one take with them."

Zen raised his eyes, burning (from allergies and anger), towards Jumin. His face was calm and cool, as always, but his eyes were brimming with a hint of satisfaction. Zen was furious. He knew this was getting him off. Jumin loved getting him angry, and Zen couldn't help but pleasure him.

Zen could wear the cat ears. He wouldn't enjoy it, but it wouldn't be a huge problem. The thing that made him crazy about this was the fact that is was that asshole making him do it.

"Zen, will you come with me to the back for minute?" Jumin breathed. He didn't wait for Zen's response and walked towards the small office located in the back of the room. Jaehee went to follow him, but he waved her away. Indignantly, Zen followed him, his face on fire as he walked.

Jumin locked the door behind them and leaned back on it, still keeping his perfect posture; he closed his eyes and groaned. Zen crossed his arms and just scowled.

"What?" Zen was the first to speak.

"I saw you watching me." Jumin responded after a bit. "It's a bit creepy."

"So, that's what this is about, huh?" Zen snorted in disbelief, dripping with sarcasm, "You're punishing me for looking in the direction of the great Mr. Han without permission?"

Jumin let out a small laugh. His eyes met Zen's as a slight smile crept onto his face. The sudden change in Jumin's face made Zen turn away this time. He felt himself actually blush and wanted to vomit at his own reaction. Jumin watched him and tugged at the cuff of his sleeve and started walking towards the other man. When Jumin started to get too close, Zen instinctually started taking a few steps back. His back was against the wall now. Jumin was right in front of him, only inches away from him; it made Zen squirm under his clothes.

"You're going to do what I want you to do," Jumin breathed, his grey eyes unblinking, "Whether you like it or not."

Zen wanted to push him away with fiber in his body, but he remained motionless, his eyes studying the corner of the wall. He refused to give this jerk his eye contact again.

"What if I am punishing you?" Jumin continued, "Do you really think I would stop with cat ears?"

Zen felt a hand at his waist and jolted upwards.

"Don't fucking touch me." He hissed furiously, trying to make up for how uneasy Jumin was making him feel. His eyes whipped forward to finally look at the other man and he felt himself go numb. Jumin's cold, grey eyes were taking him all in. He still had the slightest bit of a smile plastered over his face. He looked like a child about to do something he knew he wasn't supposed to do. Zen pushed all of his weight back against the wall, desperately hoping to give more distance between them. Furious, he reached down to rip Jumin's hand off him and start to push him away.

"I said don't fucking touch me! Yea, I'm the creep—"

But he was cut short by the foreign sensation of Jumin's lips faintly brushing by his ear. It sent shivers down his whole body.

"I asked why you were staring at me." Zen could barely make out what Jumin had whispered. He opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came out. Jumin was basically on top of him now, both his hands on Zen's waist. One of Zen's hand was limply holding onto Jumin's wrist and the other was placed weakly against Jumin's chest, not doing much to keep them apart. All Zen could smell at this moment was Jumin, his hair, his clothes; it gave him a strange feeling in his stomach.

"Cat got your tongue?"

Before Zen knew what was happening, Jumin's mouth was locking onto his. Zen's eyes widened in shock as a wet tongue slipped uninvited between his lips. He had played right into his hands; he had no idea how to respond. This all was happening too fast. Jumin's hand slip up his thigh, dangerously close.

"What were you thinking about when you were staring at me?" Jumin murmured, taking a breath after their kiss. "Hopefully, nothing about anything like this."

Zen felt his pants tighten and his face grow hot again, this time more out of embarrassment than because he was angry.

Jumin's tongue aggressively explored every part of Zen's mouth. The way Jumin kissed made Zen feel like he really had done something wrong. There was something so disgustingly dominant about this man that drove Zen mad. The more Zen thought about it, the more his anger melted into awkwardness.

Jumin released Zen's mouth again to see if he would respond. Zen looked away from him, he didn't want the other man to see how embarrassed he was. He had never known another person that could make him get this flustered other than Jumin.

"I-I'm sorry," Zen was finally able to say something. He wasn't sure why he was apologizing, but he felt bad.

Jumin almost laughed, "It's okay," he responded teasingly, "I liked it. I want you to look at me more."

He lifted Zen's face towards him; Zen had no choice but to look at him now. They sat there, inches away from each other, just staring unblinking, taking in each other features. The warmth between Zen's legs was growing from Jumin's touches and kisses, and even though he hated it, he enjoyed it at the same time. Zen wasn't sure what was taking over him, but he couldn't control himself now.

Zen moved his hands up to Jumin's face, holding it in them. Instead of pushing away Jumin, Zen instead leaned into him, making sure to roll their hips together. He could feel Jumin's astonishment at his actions and Zen couldn't help but smile as he bent forward to bite Jumin's lip. If they were going to play this game, Zen wasn't going to lose that easily. He had to do something to make up for how self-conscious Jumin had made him feel.

Zen moved his hands down from Jumin's face and grabbed his hips and rocked into them again, slower this time. Then he kissed him, trying to be as rough as Jumin was, however, he didn't force his tongue into his mouth as Jumin had done to him. Instead, he licked the other man's lips, asking for permission (he was a gentleman after all). Jumin moaned slightly as he opened his mouth enough to let Zen's tongue in. He planted a few more rough kisses on the other man before taking a chance to lightly drag his tongue across the curve of Jumin's neck, giving them both chills. Zen looked up from what he was doing to look at Jumin again. Jumin stared back at him with half-lidded eyes, his lips partly opened, he could feel Jumin's warm breath on his face; it made Zen shudder. Staring at Jumin like this made Zen realize that if he didn't do something now, he might not be able to stop.

Zen then proceeded to shrug the other man off. They both looked away from each other. They were quiet for a long time.

"… Why are we doing this." Zen finally said, looking away from Jumin again.

"Why are we doing what?" Jumin replied calmly. "We were just discussing how I think it would be nice if you would do the job I hired you to do the way I wanted you to."

Zen blinked in confusion and then turned to face the other man again. "What? We were just—"

"We were discussing the commercial." Jumin interrupted. "I've decided to end today's filming. If you have anything else you wish to discuss, you can come by the penthouse later. Is this okay with you?"

Zen felt a sting in his chest. He wasn't sure why, but the way Jumin was able to turn off his emotions so quickly hurt him. Zen sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He replied as he walked towards the door. Zen stopped dead when he felt a hand grab his wrist firmly.

"Come by at 7."