So here is the full chapter. There were one thing that I forgot to clarify in this chapter. This is set four years before the canon of One Piece. Jaune is still inexperience and not that great of a fighter yet, so he is going to need some time before he is ready to set sail.

Now that I got that out of the way, enjoy.

Well Shit.

Were the first thoughts that went through the mind of Jaune Arc as he fell into the raging waters below him.

This week has not been kind to Jaune whatsoever. Why might you ask? Well getting expelled from Beacon and having to come back home to a pissed off family with your tail between your legs is not a situation that anyone wants to be in. Jaune knew of the consequences and so he devised a plan B. He knew that he probably has brought shame upon his family, and they won't be particularly happy to see him when he gets home. That's why he planned on not going home at all.

His plan was to take a Bullhead to Mistral and start a new life, because his chances of being a hunter were shot to hell. His name is probably known to all hunters and hunter schools as the kids who forged transcripts in to Beacon. He mailed Crocea Mors and his armor back home, not having enough courage to face his family himself. He boarded the Bullhead and as per usual his motion sickness kicked in, making this a not so fun ride. To take his mind off of the discomfort from his stomach, he thought about his was simple, get to Mistral, get a new identity, and find a place to live and stable job. He had saved up enough money to last him half a year. As of now everything was going according to plan. What was not in his plan was for the Bullhead he was in to get destroyed by lighting.

'How can lightning be strong enough to destroy a Bullhead,' Jaune thought as he his hit the water.

The force of hitting the water almost knocked him out, but thanks to his aura he was still conscious to swim up to the surface for air. Getting air was a challenge due to waves the size of house trying to engulf him. As the waves thrashed him around, crashed into some scrap metal from the destroyed aircraft and climbed on. He was holding on for dear life and riding the waves as they were still tossing him around. As he rose up in the air on one wave, he came down a lot faster than he expected, his head rocked with the raft making his face to hit the surface. His vision was hazy and after few seconds, it was dark.

-The day after-

The storm has passed over and now the sun shines brightly in the sky for all to see. On an island of unknown origin lays a body that was washed to shore by the storm. The inland is a tropical forest full of life, chirps from different animals can be heard in a cacophonous harmony. A crab burst out of the sand and scuttles towards the shore only to see a body accompanied with a sleeping face impede his progress. Angered, the crab lashes out and grips the cheek, causing for the awakened person to rise up and scream in panic while frantically trying get the crab away from his ear.

Once the crab was released, he set it down and watched it scuttle to the ocean. He sat down on the sand and let out a long sigh. It was Jaune, and he was alive.

'Where am I?' Jaune wondered. 'Wait…WHERE AM I?' Jaune thought again, but this time with more panic in his voice.

These thoughts caused for Jaune to run to the sea to see if he could make out any landmasses. He saw nothing. The panic rose within his body because his situation was becoming clear to him. He went inland to find a vantage point thinking that he may be able to see something from a bird's eye view. Finding the biggest tree that he could find at the moment, he climbed with urgency to the top. As he reached the top, he looked out and still couldn't see anything still. Jaune climbed down from the tree and sat down leaning on it for support to gather his thoughts. As Jaune contemplated he started breathing at an irregular pace, his heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest due to him realizing the reality of his situation.

He's stranded on an island and has no idea whatsoever where he is.

Just as he was about to have a full on panic attack, his growling stomach brought him back to reality. Although his panic hasn't ceased, he realized he's going to need to survive. First things first, he needs to find something edible on this island. Jaune stood up and began to wander the forest to find food.

It only took a few minutes and he found some fruit that like he could eat. The fruit hung low, allowing him to easily pick it. It wasn't like any fruit he has seen before, but he was willing to try it. As he bit into the fruit, an explosion of flavor went throughout his body. He began to bite into the fruit like a rabid animal and before he realized it, he ate the whole fruit.

He wanted more.

He looked up to see that there were tons of other fruit like it. Taking off his hoody and making a makeshift basket out of it, he began to pick all that he could find. Just as he was about to pick another one of the ambrosia like food, a small mass speedily stole the fruit that he was about to pick. Jaune looked at where the perpetrator went and saw that it was a cute little monkey. From the looks of it, it was a young one. Jaune, being the person that he was, took out another of the fruit and gave it to the monkey.

"Hey," he called out. The monkey didn't seem to have noticed him the whole time, but now its attention was fully turned towards him. Jaune lifted up the fruit for the monkey to see and put a friendly smile on his face.

"Do you want another?" He asked. The monkey tilted its head and suddenly let out an ear-piercing screech. Jaune dropped his hood-basket and to cover his ears from the high-pitched screech. Whatever that screech was, it didn't seem good news.

Soon, the sound of shaking trees could be heard and it was getting closer. The sound was coming from all sides. Soon, monkeys a lot bigger than the baby began to appear from the foliage one after another. Jaune's eyes widened and saw the monkeys, all different shapes and sizes, giving him a look that promised pain. He looked back at the baby monkey, to see that it was laughing at his situation.

'That little-' Jaune thought, but his was interrupted by the monkeys' cacophonus screeches to see that they were rushing at him from all sides. Jaune knew that the only way that he was going to get away was to go through them. He would suffer some injuries from doing so, but it was better than getting mauled to death a bunch of monkeys. Now having a game plan in his head, he charged headfirst in the direction with less monkeys and ran through the crowd.

He was scratched, battened, and pummeled but he made it through alive. Letting his aura circulate through his body, he enough speed to gain distance from the bloodthirsty primates.


Jaune doesn't know how long he has been running, but he knows that it has been a while. Even though he had an above average amount of aura, he still didn't have much control over it. While he was running out of energy, the monkeys were still running at the same speed since the chase started.

'Why the hell are they so persistent?' Jaune thought as he looked back at.

Looking ahead he sees and river and quickly crosses it to making sure not to lose speed. He looks back once more to see that the monkeys stopped at the edge of the river. Jaune didn't stop thinkin that they would start chasing him again if he stopped running. What he didn't notice was the look of fear that the monkeys had on their face.

As Jaune kept running and running until his exhaustion caught up to him. He fell into the moist earth. He stayed there for a moment till he pushed himself up and leaned against the nearest tree. Catching his breath and looking around to make sure that no monkeys followed him.

For a long time he just stayed silent. The only thing that he could hear was his breathing and the sounds of nature.

How long did he sit there? An hour? Two? Three? He doesn't know. This was the lowest that Jaune Arc has ever been. He was tired, he was hungry, he was injured, his clothes were still wet from being in the ocean, his dreams were crushed, His family is probably ashamed of him, and he can feel some dirt and sand inside of his mouth. The silence was soon broken by a scream of rage.

"AGHHHH!" Jaune screamed. He was angry, he was frustrated.

"Why?! Why did this have to happen to me?!" He shouted. He started punching the ground, but he still wasn't satisfied. He look up from the ground and saw a tree. Still tired from the chase, he clumsily stood up and threw a rage fueled punch at the tree. Pain shot through his arm. He gripped his hand, holding it close to his body and started crying.

Although his punch was not strong enough to cause any damage to the tree, it was strong enough to knock a fruit out. The fruit hit his head and landed right next to him. His hunger overcoming his rage and sadness, he grabbed the fruit and took a bite out of it.

"It taste like shit," he murmured. Although he said this, he kept eating the fruit.