Hey guys I am SO sorry for the long wait. I've had a lot of projects from school and whatnot but I'm not leaving! Please enjoy the new story!

Chapter 1: Final battle

"Give in Back Luan!"

"No! This is for ruining my project!'

"Listen dude I'm sorry about that but give me my poster back!"


Luna punches Luan in defence, pushing her down the stairs. She lands on her tooth, Chipping it.

"Ahhh what the heck sis!?"

"Oh no dude. I'm sorry sis!"

Luna runs down the stairs to help Luan up but Luan returns with a kick in the place. All the others see the fight and Lynn attempts to stop them, but Luan swing her arm back about to punch Luna, punching Lynn instead. Lynn gets a nosebleed and runs to the kitchen. Lincoln comes to stop the but Luna pushes Lincoln away. He falls back over the sofa and takes a blow on his head from the table. Everything black's out.


"He's waking up!"

"He's alive!"

Lincoln stares at everyone.

"Um hey...girls...what are your names?"

"Um Lincoln?" Lola replies

"It's us! You know, Lola and Lana!"

"Uh..heh...who are you talking to?"

"Lincoln it's...its us!"

"Lincoln? Who..who's that?"

"Hmm...Just as I thought." The doctor walks over to Lincoln

"Lincoln. Do you know these people?"

"Never seen them before."

"Yes... Mr and Mrs loud. Your son has been diagnosed with something I'm sure you've heard of...amnesia."

"He's got amnesia?!"

"Mom what's amnesia.?

"Oh well, Lola amnesia is when someone gets their head hit so hard, that they forget thing. Maybe such as family, or friends, or even they're sisters!"

"Wait so.. Lincoln doesn't know us?"

"It seems so."

"Girls. I think it should be our mission to help Lincoln remember all the things he used to know!"

Ok guys that was Chapter one. I hope you enjoyed. This story is going to be based with a lot more of each sisters personality. So bear with me while chapter 2 gets to progress!


Oh and sorry for short chapters. I can't do much.