Blended Dreams
Chapter Ten: Return to Konoha (Kei)
"I want to marry Shiori-chan when we're grownups!" shouted Kasa, her words sent the room into silence and disbelief.
Kei was beside herself at the absurd declaration. Any lingering suspicion she had of the girl being like her or Natsumi was wiped from mind. Kasa was an Uzumaki child through and through. There was no way someone from her world could act so recklessly stupid. Given Kasa's age, it would be impossible to learn what was culturally acceptable and what was tabooed.
To declare her desire to marry someone of the same gender could potentially be dangerous in her previous lifetime. In this life, Kei hasn't personally heard or witness anything that indicated the views of this world's stand on the matter, but it was easy to see there weren't many same-gendered couples openly out and about. Anyone with any level of life experience would know to keep their preferences a secret.
For Kasa to say it so openly indicated she was either a naïve child or a complete idiot. It was easier for Kei to believe the girl to be a child rather than an idiot. However, because of the girl, it gave Kei a rare chance to see where her team stood on such matters.
The first was Minato sensei, the man was surprised, but he showed no signs of disgust or disapproval. Kei liked to believe her sensei was a kind and loving saint, but the man was known to have one heck of a poker face. When he sent Tesuri to speak with Kasa, she wasn't sure if her sensei was being understanding or if he pitied Tesuri for having a daughter with such preferences.
Obito was easier to read with the utter shock on his face. Again, there was no sign of disgust, only baffled confusion. It was obvious he never encountered anyone with a preference to their own gender, which brought up another interesting point. If the thought never even crossed Obito's mind was it possible for the Uchiha Clan to have no opinion on the matter?
Being one of the founding clans, continuing the line of sharingan should be a priority. Was there ever an instance where someone from the main clan strayed from tradition? Kei's thoughts on the matter didn't linger long as Minato made quick work of the pile in the middle of the room and dug out Kakashi. The silver-haired jounin gave an annoyed grunt as Minato set him down near Kei and went back to organizing and resealing his equipment.
"Pft, you got buried by an untrained brat," cackled Obito in amusement while Kakashi rubbed the back of his sore neck. With the way the scroll unsealed, he found several items lodging itself in the most uncomfortable positions.
"I was careless," admitted Kakashi grudgingly.
"That's not like you at all," noted Minato offhandedly as one item after another disappeared back into the open scrolls.
"Heh, dismissing someone because of her age and size. I thought you'd be the last person to do that, Mr. Prodigy," grinned Kei as she rested her side of her face against a propped up hand.
"I won't make the same mistake again," grumbled Kakashi.
"U-um… you're not mad at Kasa-chan are you?" interrupted Shiori meekly at their exchange.
"Hmm?" hummed Kakashi as his gaze darted to the civilian girl hovering by the small table. She flushed at the attention and ducked her head down.
"I mean… Kasa-chan is a bit weird," admitted Shiori sheepishly. "But I don't think she wants to hurt anyone. She's just… scared."
"Scared?" noted Obito curiously before realization set in and his attention turned to Kei instead. "Oh."
"Kasa was in a bad situation," supplied Kei, but didn't extrapolate due to the presence of a civilian child. "It's not surprising for her to act the way she did when she thought Kakashi was trying to harm Tesuri and Shiori-chan."
After their ordeal with being turned into jinchuriki and then fleeing from Kiri, Kei wouldn't be surprised if the little redhead had some level of PTSD. However, since the girl shared the Uzumaki Clan's loud and abrasive personality, it was hard to judge how badly the trauma affected her. Most people would retreat into themselves, but from what Kei know of the Uzumaki and what she experienced first-hand from Kushina, they were more likely to become more loud and obnoxious. Of course, the level varied between each Uzumaki, so it was hard to determine whether or not Kasa's obnoxiousness had went up if at all.
"Don't worry too much Shiori-chan," assured Minato with a chuckle. "I'm sure Kakashi's not that petty to hold a grudge against Kasa-chan."
"I have better things to do," muttered Kakashi darkly, but was startled out of his foul mood when Shiori perked up at his words.
"That's good!" said the girl in return and clapped her hands together in relief.
"You're not scared of me?" asked Kakashi in surprise.
"Should I be?" asked Shiori with a curious tilt to her head. "Everything was just a misunderstanding right?"
"Pft," snorted Obito in amusement. "Man, Kakashi, you're losing your touch if a civilian girl isn't scared of you."
"Hmm," hummed Kei in amusement and teased. "Now, I've seen it all. The great Kakashi is secretly a cuddly teddy bear."
"Shut up," groused the silver-haired jounin in annoyance as he glared at his two teammates.
"Hehe, you're all funny," giggled Shiori lightly before she took note of the snacks and tea on the table. "Oh! I should probably serve this. Grandma would be upset if it goes to waste."
"Thanks Shiori-chan, I'm sure the grumpy bear here could use it," grinned Obito as he shot another friendly jibe at his silver-haired teammate.
Kei grinned as Kakashi fired back his own retorts and the two commenced their usual bickering. Her gaze drifted over to the civilian as she took note the girl serving them tea. Surprise crossed the swordswoman's face as she recognized the intricate steps through a traditional tea ceremony. It was an art used mostly in traditional clans like the Hyuga and the upper echelons of society. Kei herself only recognized it because it was part of the curriculum in the mandatory kunoichi classes in the Academy.
As Kei specialized in swordsmanship and the medical arts, she put minimum effort in passing the class. She found stabbing someone with her sword far more effective and less of a hassle compared to the kunoichi arts. Not to say Kei cannot perform said arts, only her performance was closer to a novice rather than a master. With how many needless steps and ceremony the server needed for the tea ceremony, Kei could almost equate the process to a sword kata. It was a must-need skill for espionage work.
Kei shook away the paranoid thoughts. While it was strange for a simple village girl to know how to perform a traditional tea ceremony, her delicate features hinted of nobility. It's quite possible the girl's family had fallen from grace at some point and ended up stowaway in a hick town like this one. She already had one bad suspicion over the rambunctious redhead.
"Ah! Shiori-chan! Why are you serving the big meanie tea?" shouted said rambunctious redhead when she came back into the room.
Speak of the devil, Kei thought in amusement as she watched the small girl pick another fight with Kakashi. She had a feeling if given time, the girl would get along very well with Obito. Reluctant goodbyes aside, Minato eventually managed to herd the group to leave the village and head back towards Konoha. With the seals on her person, Kei was unable to utilize chakra to run across treetops like the rest of the group.
Grudgingly, she resigned to her fate to being carried much like her fellow jinchuriki. Not one to remain idle, Kei kept her senses on alert and observed whatever came their way. If not, she might not noticed the subtle shaking coming from the little redhead in Tesuri's arms. Contrary to how to how confident and loud the girl carried herself, she was not unaffected by their ordeal.
"How are you holding up?" asked Minato casually.
"I'd feel much better if I had access to my chakra," admitted Kei as she turned her attention to him.
"Sorry," apologized the blond man. "If only we were in better circumstances. I'll make sure to look into fixing the seal issue once we get back to Konoha."
"Hmm," hummed Kei in agreement, her gaze drifted to Kakashi's back.
With so many changed events, it seemed like her silver-haired teammate likely got the best deal out of them all. She wondered how different he'll become without those defining tragedies in his life. As if sensing her eyes on him, Kakashi glanced back. However, before his gaze could reach Kei, a scowl crossed his face
Curious to what could've caused such a reaction, Kei followed his line of sight and found Kasa discreetly flipping the bird at him. Seem like the little redhead decided antagonizing Kakashi was a far better coping mechanism than sobbing silently. At least the trip back to Konoha wouldn't be as boring as Kei expected.
With Minato leading the group, the gate patrols didn't hassle them regarding entry despite the Mon father and child duo. Though, Kei suspected Natsumi might had a hand in the matter. Kei vaguely recalled the conversation Jiraiya had with Minato prior to her kidnap. Didn't the Nara woman commission the sannin to search for other surviving Uzumakis?
"So…this is Konoha?" started Kasa, wide-eyed and awed as she glanced about trying to take everything in as they made their way towards the administration building.
"Kasa, don't run off," chided Tesuri as he kept a firm hold on the girl's wrist to prevent her from going off on her own.
Kei half expected the girl to protest and throw a tantrum, but to her surprise the little redhead fell silent by her father's side instead. Maybe the Uzumaki brashness won't be as bad with this girl as it is with her fellow kinsmen.
"Hmm… so you can follow directions," mused Kakashi off-handedly.
"Bite me, camp supply!" retorted the girl with a growl.
"Pft, camp supply?" laughed Obito.
"Kasa!" snapped Tesuri before the girl turned away with a huff.
"Now, now," mediated Minato sheepishly.
So much for not inheriting the Uzumaki brashness… Kei rolled her eyes in exasperation, but a faint grin tugged at her lips. At least that makes her predictable.
Under Minato's watch, the bickering between the small Uzumaki child and their silver-haired teammate was kept to a minimum. Though, Obito had grown fond of the little red-head due to their mutual antagonism towards Kakashi. By the time they've reached the administrative building, Kasa was riding on the Uchiha's shoulder, the two joking and laughing merrily at Kakashi's expense, while the other glared at them for their idiocy.
"Team Minato, reporting for debriefing," stated Minato the moment the group manage to get a private audience with Hiruzen.
"Welcome back," nodded their elderly leader. "Jiraiya informed me of the swap in missions, I trust everything went well?"
"Not quite sir," informed Minato. "Due to certain circumstances, Keisuke Gekko and this child here, Kasa Mon are currently jinchurikis for the Three-Tails."
"Both of them?" said Hiruzen in surprise. "Explain."
"Tesuri! Kasa!" shouted a frantic Somoku as the door crashed open.
"Mommy!" gasped Kasa in delight as she slipped from Tesuri's side and dashed into her mother's arms.
"Somoku, you can't just run off like that!" said Jiraiya in exasperation as he trailed after the woman not moments later.
Kei half wondered why anbu didn't do anything to stop the woman, but then she caught sight of Natsumi strolling in with Kushina in tow. She shared a brief nod-greet with the anbu general before turning her attention back to the tearful reunion.
"Kasa, your chakra…" paused Somoku as she pulled her daughter back for a more scrutinizing gaze, her hand trailed to the small girl's stomach before her gaze snapped to Kei. "Your secondary chakra is the same as my daughter's. Tell me who did this! I will eviscerate them!"
"Calm down Somoku," soothed Kushina as she made her way to ease the older Uzumaki woman. "I'm sure they're all tired, why don't we get you and your family settled first? I'm sure your daughter and husband could use it after what they're been through."
"Hokage-sama, if I may be so impertinent maybe it's best to let Somoku's family a moment to reunite with one other," suggested Natsumi while Somoku look torn between Kushina's suggestion and her desire for revenge. "Why not let Kushina show them around while Minato's team finish their debriefing? The reprieve may benefit everyone."
"Very well," noted Hiruzen before nodding to Kushina.
"Hello, Kasa-chan right?" said Kushina softly as she knelt down to the little redhead's level. "You're probably hungry after all that traveling, why don't we go get something to eat with your mommy and daddy?"
"Hmm…" hummed the girl uncertainly as she glanced to her parents before back to Kushina. "You look like mommy! You're pretty!"
"Oh," said Kushina, taken aback by the sudden compliment before happily enveloping the small girl in her arms. "Aren't you a precious little sweetie pie! I am sooo taking you shopping after lunch! Come on Somoku!"
"Kushina, what are you—" yelped Somoku as the younger woman hook an arm around hers and hauled her off out of the office with Kasa still in her arms. Baffled, Tesuri could only trail after the woman kidnapping his wife and child.
"Well… Kushina sure has a way with people," murmured Obito awkwardly as the door closed behind them.
"Why don't we get back to the matter at hand?" suggested Minato with a sheepish laugh.
"Allow me sensei," interrupted Kei. If things continued the way it's going, the debriefing might last hours.
From when she woke up to how she got away with her fellow jinchuriki in tow, Kei extrapolated as much as she could without revealing suspicions she intend to discuss with Natsumi at a later date. With the addition of new unknown players and the canon derailment, Kei had to be careful with what information she shared. Loyalty to the village or not.
"Two more jinchurikis," muttered Natsumi under her breath as Kei finished her report. "How are their seals?"
"I've already looked into Kei's seal prior to returning to the village," continued Minato. "She manage to break the coercion seals on her lonesome and Tesuri has placed a temporary chakra block overlay to her system to keep the seal from breaking. I'd like senpai and sensei to take a look to adjust her seals later."
"The sooner the better please," murmured Kei. "I dislike not being able to access my chakra."
"And the little girl?" asked Jiraiya, his back against the wall with his arms crossed.
"Her father saw to her as well as Kei, but he was rather overprotective. I didn't want to risk conflict before we made it back to Konoha. I'm sure Kushina might be able to convince her parents to let us take a look," reasoned Minato.
"That is if the girl's mother doesn't get to it first," noted Natsumi.
"What do you mean, Natsu-nee?" asked Kakashi.
"Somoku Uzumaki is a seal mistress and the late Uzumaki Clan's archivist. If there's any issue with the seals on her daughter, she'll likely attend to it without us asking," explained Natsumi. "We do better to find a means to recruit her for the village. If only to keep other villages from obtaining her fuinjutsu capabilities."
Kei remained silent during the exchange. Seal mistress and archivist? That was quite a resume for an unknown Uzumaki. Idly, she hazard the thought the woman was like her and Natsumi, another other-worlder. However, when she met with the gaze of the Nara matriarch, the woman gave a slight shake of her head to disperse her suspicion.
Not one of us… Kei thought, despondent and disappointed.
She should really start listening to her own advice on not having such high hopes in finding more other-worlders like them. The odds of her and Natsumi both existing was already rare enough. Even so, she can't help but wonder about the changes to come. Obito was safe, Kakashi still had both eyes and it seems like the Uzumaki Clan might face a revival if Natsumi's search continues to bear fruit with more missing Uzumakis.
The uncertainty of the future felt frightful, but at the same time there was a sense of hope Kei hadn't realized she was missing until now. Things are better than before and hopefully will continue to do so in the coming years.
Author's Notes: …I'm changing the chapter format in the next chapter. I didn't realize how difficult it was to rotate between the SIs when there's only three in the village. So, I'm going to start writing chapters from the view point of the other characters interacting with them, at least until all five of the SIs are present. Hopefully, this will knock off the constant repeat of scenes between the SIs. I'll also start tagging the chapters with the focused character for the chapter.
Anyway! Happy New Year and many more chapters to come!