The Final Chapter
The Storyteller Finishes His Story
"And that is the story of Harry Malfoy, the story of how the False Lord died and the downfall of Albus Dumbledore. Many of you might be wondering how I know all of this, how I can know such secret details. Well my friends, dear children, it is time for me to reveal one more secret: my identity. I have been keeping my identity a secret for the whole story, but now I believe it is time for me to reveal it," the storyteller said. He stood up and took off his hood, revealing his scared face and long shaggy black hair. "I am Theodore Nott. Back from the dead. The Dark Lord revived me using the Darkest of magic that even I cannot explain, but here I stand before you with the purpose of telling you the truth of what happened at Hogwarts—"
"You lied." The small voice of the smaller twin who sat near the back of the pub spoke up. They both stood up, the five year olds glaring at Theodore Nott with a childlike stubbornness.
"Yeah! You lied!" said the taller twin.
"How dare—and who are you?" Theodore demanded.
"I'm James Malfoy," said the taller, "and this is my brother Scorpius. Harry and Draco are our daddies and you lied!"
"That can't be true," Theodore Nott said, more angry than shocked. "You are the ones who are lying boys! Harry and Draco have no children! They had an abortion—"
"That's our older brother," James Malfoy frowned. "Daddy told us that they lost him because of something really bad happening. But you lied still! Most of that stuff never happened."
"Yeah!" The smaller Malfoy, Scorpius, said, "Dad and Daddy never lies to us!"
As if on cue the pub door opened and everyone turned to see a man walk in. He looked to be in his early thirties, black unruly hair led down to stubble that covered his cheeks and upper lip. He wore glasses that sat in front of emerald green eyes. "Scorpius! James! There you are," Harry Potter said, his voice sounding both relieved and angry. "Honestly where have you been? We told you to be home hours ago! Do you even know what time it is? Honestly this is the last time we allow you to hang around with your cousin Hugo without an adult for a long time!"
"Sorry Daddy," Scorpius said, looking down at his feet as his cheeks blushed. "But—but—"
"Hugo wanted to hang out with Sam and Tommy," James finished. Harry sighed and shook his head. He looked at the children and crossed his arms. "Hugo! Tommy! Sam! Get up right now! Hugo, just wait till your fathers hear about this—the same goes for you Tommy! And Sam, I thought Hermione and Anthony raised you better! And you two! Just wait till I tell Adrian and Charlie about this!"
"Sorry Mr. Malfoy," the children chorused.
"But it's not our fault! We were listening to the storyteller!" Sam piped up. "He was telling us about when you and our parents were in Hogwarts!"
"He lied Daddy!" Jamie said. "He lied! He lied!"
"Storyteller?" Harry frowned. He looked up at Theodore Nott, who seemed to squirm in his seat. Nott refused to meet Harry's eyes and instead tried to look past the man, as if trying to figure out a way to run away.
"Hello… Harry… long time no see, eh?" Nott said.
"You!" Harry seethed. "Nott! What the fuck are you doing here? I thought Draco and I told you to stay away from us!"
"Yeah well… I just wanted to—"
"What have you been telling these children hmm?" Harry asked. "Well Nott? My sons say you're lying, so are you lying again?"
"I was only trying to help—"
"Help?" Harry screamed. "Funny coming form you! You almost killed me Nott! Don't you remember? You almost killed me and Draco! Or have you forgotten you slimy little git! Hogwarts, seventh year—I've gave you those scars after you tried to kill Adrian Ashford when Voldemort invaded—don't you dare flinch you traitor! You're the one who allowed the Dark Lord to invade Hogwarts! You're the one who betrayed Draco's trust as well as Blaise's! I told them time and time again that you are nothing but a cowardly worm but did they listen? No! You were their friend, and you betrayed them. That's it I have enough. Kids! Come on I'm taking you all home! And Nott, I'm going to make sure that you rot for the rest of your life in Azkaban! Don't you ever go near my children again you villainous piece of shit. I'm sorry for cursing kids, let's go."
A/N: So Nott lied to everyone even us the readers! Thank you for reading, yes this is the real ending, and I regret nothing.