A/N: I am well aware that I am a horrible person, for starting this and leaving it for soo long. I am hopefully back in action. I got an iPad and a keyboard so lets hope this works, and I can start spitting out these chapters again. A few side notes, I am looking for some help editing also to spit some ideas off, so private message me if you are interested. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter and I have already started in the next!



Hermione sat on her Bed, she needed to get ready. She needed to move but she didn't want to do anything today. She needed to head into the office, she needed to talk to Ginny. She needed to talk to Harry but most of all she needed the throbbing between her legs to dull. Damn Charlie for getting her so worked up.

She took off what little clothes she was wearing and got in the shower to cool off. When she closed her eyes all she could imagine was the weekend before when she was in this shower and had a very eager wizard on his knees in front of her. She couldn't resist the urge to slide her hand down, she didn't have time for this but it was only too easy to remember how his tongue moved or how he knew the right spot, Awh right there... She was so close her breathing was picking up she had to lean against the wall for some support. Her fingers were tracing the same patterns of his tongue, when she finally slipped her finger inside she came undone. The memory's were too much for her head and her knees buckled with collected herself. That felt amazing, she had ever been able to please herself so well, at least not until she had such vivid memories to help the process along. She giggled to herself, he wasn't even here and he was making her late in memory alone.

She wondered if Charlie would have as easy of a time, well that wasn't fair. He wakes her up teasing her and then he goes home and takes care of himeself. No, she had read a book where did she put on that book...

She was only an hour late for work. Which wasn't too bad, she sat at her desk and got to work. Ignoring all the strange looks from her team. She wondered why they were all staring at her, it was probably because they had never gotten into the office before her. She had always been the first to arrive and the last to leave. She was waiting on Charlie to get her owl she sent before she left for work. When he opened the owl he would be hit with an intoxicating aroma. He wouldn't know what happen but the aroma would trigger her in his mind and every time he thought of her a trail of her own memory's would go into play. He wouldn't Know what would started the intense memories but he wouldn't be able to think of anything else. He would read the letter that said 'Two can play the teasing game, and I like to win. I hope you have a mind blowin day... well I guess I should say I hope your day is everything short of mind blowing.'

The spell she sealed the letter with wasn't exactly dark magic, technically it was, but she was using it for a good reason. Th spell would link their minds together for 12 hours, every time he would think of her in the slightest the memory's she spelled would play out in his head. She included her morning shower, every single last detail of her morning shower. She also included their first weekend together at the cabin, on all surfaces on his cabin till she couldn't walk. However as steamy as these memories would stop and cut off his excitement before he had a chance to finish. She was wrong for what she was doing to him for sure, but he started it and maybe next time he woke her up and decided to tease a witch he would remember who he was dealing with. They didn't call her the brightest witch of her age because she got an "O" in every class she took. She giggled to herself and thought how much Ginny would have appreciated this, but it being her brother she couldn't bring it to tell her best friend. Harry was like a brother and sometimes she had too much details. Details she could unfortunately never get out of her head.

She worked straight through lunch not even bothering to get food. She finished everything that was on her desk and even started a few notes for future cases. She was done with everything she could so she was going to call it a day and go check on Harry, and then get some new lingerie for tonight. If she was going to make him wait all day for her might as well make it completely worth it and go all out for him. Even though she already amen she couldn't help but feel the butterflies in her stomach, the anticipation for tonight was more than she could bare.

She locked her office and went to say good bye to her team and drop off her notes for them on their desks. They all stared at her as she left, she walked down the corridor and laughed. They were most likely just shocked that she got there after them and was leaving before not offering to do their work for them. It would't kill them to earn their new bonuses and they were all incredibly smart she was sure they would do well without her. The minister himself said so all the time, told Hermione she needed to take a holiday that there was more to life than work. She never thought much of the ideal, but maybe her and Charlie could take a break together soon. He had been working incredibly hard, maybe they could take a break before mating season for the dragons where he would undoubtedly be living at for a while.

She walked into Harry's office to find he wasn't there. He asked the office worker if she knew when he would be back but he took a case that would have him away from the office for a few days. That was unusual he always told her when he was going away. Maybe he just needed to get away for a few days after the row him and Ginny had and he didn't want to put her in the middle of it. She left his office and made a note to go and check on Ginny tomorrow and check in on her. There was nothing else she could do today so might as well go shopping.

She entered her favorite lingerie store, which had a very naughty witched section. Just walking into the back room would make her blush Scarlett and would be the kind of place her mom wouldn't go any where near. She was trying on new things too, she used to be a bit of a prude. Now she was wearing things that showed off her curvy frame but would hide her scars and imperfections. She felt like a bad ass, and not the nerdy book worm she was for the majority of her life.

She had been trying on lingerie for almost an hour when she heard a familiar voice. She stepped out of her changing room and into a mirrored walk way and looked at her reflection in her crimson lace bra and knickers with thigh high rights. The mirrors all told her she looked amazing and that was most defiantly the one she needed to buy. She turned around and smiled at her Luna.

"I like it, not something I thought you would normally wear but well I guess it's not really for you now is it?" Her friend smirked at her and Hermione rose her eyebrow at her friends implications. Of course Luna knew, having a friend who was a seer it was hard for her to not know everything. Of course Luna rarely mentioned the fact that she knew so much she just let things play out the way they would. She didn't see everything, if there were a lot of people involved they changed too much for her to see a clear picture but she was very atoned to people closest to her. Hermione loved her for it, she knew Luna knew more about what happened to her that she would ever want the public to know but Luna never blinked an eye about it. She didn't pity Hermione for it once, she was just always there for her and had become one of Hermiones closest friends. She was glad she was making more female friends when she came back with a few different things to try on. They would have been hard to do if not impossible with her two male best friends. She went into her room to change and changed into one of the things Luna brought her. It was silk red and the knickers and bra were attached with a bow that would untie the whole thing. She stepped back out so Luna could see.

"I like it and you should get it but it's not what I saw you in tonight. the other one go try it out." Luna pushed her into her room.

"Are you looking for something too or did you just see me here and decide to come help because I would never leave till apparently I found this... I didn't even see this when I was looking. It's perfect for him he is going to lose his mind." Hermione stepped out so her friend could see.

It was of course made of dragon skin, the kind that falls off when a dragon mates, not from killing the poor things. It hugged her tight in all the right places and made her ass and boobsjust pop. It didn't hide any of her scars which was perfect. She had finally stopped glamouring them, not only when she was with Charlie but out in public too.

"I was across the street dropping off an article for dad. I saw you walking in, figured you may need some help." She was stroking Hermione's hair. "Your hair is almost as long as mine, I like it like this makes the curls curl better I think not as frizzy." She was looking at her own hip length hair that was more wavy than anything.

"I like it like this too, I never had the patience for it growing up but I now have the time and potions to help. Got to love magic, if for anything else controlling my hair." Hermione flipped her hair overly dramatic and Luna laughed.

She went back into her room and slipped all her clothes on. She walked to check out with Luna who added some fire and ice gel with her clothes. Hermione giggled but bought it anyway, she was sure whatever Luna saw would benefit her. He hugged her best friend and went to head home.

She was happy when she got home, she put her bags down and was going to make some dinner but figured if the night went as planned he would't want to eat anything well anything but her. She was happy, happier than she thought she thought she had ever been.

Things were going too well...