Here's my first fanfiction for Adrien Agreste Appreciation Week! I'll be posting more fics for AAAW as a part of this story, and a few of them will probably be connected if not all of them. :)

I kinda rushed to get it done, so it's probably not right, but I feel it turned out how I wanted for the most part.

Anyway, here it is! Hope you like it!


"Look, there he is!"

"It's Adrien!"

"Did you see his pictures in the "Young, Hot, and Fresh" article? He looked soooo hot!"

A brunette girl and two of her friends rushed over to Adrien, blushing and giggling. "Hey, Adrien!" They gushed. "We loved your pictures!"

Adrien gave them a polite smile, 'thank you', and waved as he continued walking down the hallway with his best friend Nino. As soon as they walked away from the girl-infested hallways and neared the classroom, Adrien's polite smile fell to reveal a more tired expression. He'd been smiling and waving at girls all morning, and his face was already starting to hurt. Modeling was fun, but he wished that people didn't treat him like celebrity because of it, like Nino did. Nino must have noticed that Adrien needed a dose of normalcy after walking down the figurative red carpet that was their school hallway because Nino stopped them right outside of their classroom and said, "Hey, man, that cool new video game that I bought online two months ago finally came in this weekend! Wanna come over and play today?"

Even though his cheeks still hurt, Adrien smiled again, this time a more grateful one. "That'd be awesome."

As they walked over to their usual seats, Adrien couldn't help thinking about how awesome of a friend Nino was. Nino didn't tease Adrien about modeling whenever he had to cancel their plans for a photoshoot his father had planned, which was something that Adrien was afraid he might do when they first started hanging out. Nino also seemed unbothered by the hordes of girls that crowded near them whenever they walked somewhere together, something that Adrien was sure any other person would try to take advantage of or get annoyed by. On top of that, Adrien knew that Nino heard what the girls were saying when they walked by. Adrien knew he heard those girls gushing over his latest pictures every time a new magazine issue was released (which felt like almost every day). He was worried that Nino would feel overlooked and ignored with everyone's attention always on the "young, hot, and fresh" model Adrien. Yet, Nino ignored them, and he never seemed to be the least bit affected.

"Hey, Adrien," Alya said as the boys slid into their seats. "We saw your pictures in Bop Star! magazine. They looked pretty cool, right Marinette?"

Adrien looked over at Marinette, whose cheeks were a light shade of pink.

"Huh? No! Wait, I mean-uh, they were okay. I mean they were-"

"Great!" Alya interjected, squeezing her friend's arm. "She means they were great."

Adrien held back a chuckle. He was grateful to Marinette as well. She never seemed to make a big deal about his pictures either, or at least she never seemed like she wanted to.

"Thanks, guys," he said, turning back around to face Nino, who looked like he wanted to say something, but settled against it, resting his chin in his hands with a deep frown on his face.

"Nino? You okay?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Nino mumbled.

It was clearly a lie, but the teacher began class before Adrien could figure what was really bothering Nino.

The only thing he could think of was how Alya and Marinette brought up his pictures. A knot formed in his stomach as Adrien realized that Nino was finally feeling the repercussions of being his friend.

When lunch came around, Adrien found a seat next to Nino in an isolated corner of the cafeteria. He looked even more downtrodden.

"All right, man. What's up?" Adrien asked.

"Nothing, man. Just tired," he answered. His voice was so convincing that if Adrien couldn't see his face, he would've believed him.

Adrien went straight for what he was sure he problem was. Unable to look at his friend as he said this, he looked down, sighed and said, "Look, Nino, I know I get a lot of attention from girls whenever we're together, but I want you to know that that doesn't mean anything, you know? They just don't know that you're way cooler than me."

"Huh? What are you talking about, dude?"

Adrien looked to see his friend looking more confused than upset now. "Well, isn't that why you're upset? Because I get all the attention?"

Nino snorted. "No way! I don't care that you have a horde of fangirls. They're your problem." He flashed a smirk, showing the regular Nino for just a moment. Adrien normally would've laughed at that joke, but he was too set on getting down to the problem to be amused.

"Well, then what is it?"

Nino looked reluctant to speak, pursing his lips and glancing to the side.

"Itsalya," he mumbled.

Adrien cocked his head to the side. "Wait, what?"

Nino sighed and spoke louder. "I said 'it's Alya'."

"Alya?" Adrien repeated in confusion. If he didn't care about all the other girls that complimented him over his pictures, then why did it matter if Alya did?

Realization hit him like a slap in the face. "Wait! You like Al-"

"Shh!" Nino interrupted, waving his hands in front of Adrien's face. "Don't say it so loud, dude! Someone might hear." He looked around as he said this to make sure no one was close enough to hear it.

Adrien pushed Nino's hands down. "When did this happen? I thought you still liked Marinette!"

Nino shook his head. "When Alya and I got locked in the cage that one time, we found out we had a lot in common, and she's actually a really cool chick."

Adrien's eyes widened. "That was months ago! And nothing else happened?"

Nino shook his, looking back down at the ground. "I wanna ask her out, but whenever I think about it, I feel like throwing up."

"Come on, Nino," Adrien said, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder. "You should totally ask her out! Alya is way cool. Don't let your nerves scare you away from her."

Nino shook his head. "No way, man. I just can't do it. If she rejects me, then I'll be so embarrassed."

"If she rejects you, then she's missing out, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try," Adrien said with a supportive smile. "You just need confidence."

Nino scoffed. "Easy for you to say."

"What do you mean?" Adrien asked, feeling slightly offended.

"You're a model, man. Girls flock to you. You don't have to worry if someone likes you or not."

Adrien was about to protest, but then he realized that Nino was right (well, almost if he didn't count his crush on the elusive Ladybug). Adrien had his confidence built for him by other people alway telling him how great he looked and how talented he was. Adrien didn't need to worry about rejection because girls always fawned over him (except Ladybug, of course, but that's a different kind of situation).

Whether Adrien wanted to admit it or not, he wasn't a normal teenage guy. Nino was, and that meant Nino had to put a fair amount of dignity on the line to ask someone out just like the rest of the normal teenage guys at their school did.

"Don't worry, man," Adrien said. "I'll think of something that will help you out."

Nino shook his head. "I don't think anything can. Unless you can turn me into a model, that is."

Adrien knew Nino wasn't being a serious, but it gave him an idea.

"Uh, Adrien, why are you smiling at me like that? Should I be scared?" Nino asked, leaning away from Adrien.

Adrien ignored his question. "Nino, are you free this Saturday?"

"Uh, Adrien? I don't know about this, man," Nino said, looking down at the suit the workers had shoved him in. "These pants come up kinda high."

"That's just the style the company's going for," Adrien said as he fastened the last button his own suit and led Nino to stand in front of the deep blue background they'd be taking pictures in front of.

"It's also pretty tight. Maybe I shouldn't do this," Nino said, staring nervously at the camera.

"Don't let it bother you, man. Let it inspire you to do all the tight moves," Adrien said, nudging Nino in his side. Nino gulped.

"I'll help you," Adrien said. He turned to the photographer. "Carson, put on one of the songs I sent."

Carson turned on a radio, and Nino's favorite rap song started blasting through a pair of speakers.

"Dude, this is my song!" Nino exclaimed, already feeling pumped up and starting to step in time to the beat.

"I know!" Adrien smiled. "Is this more your style now?"

Nino nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, let's do this!"

And so the the modeling began.

Adrien and Nino posed back to back with their arms crossed, a smouldering expression on both of their faces. Another picture had Nino and Adrien standing on their toes like Micheal Jackson.

They got fedoras and interlocked arms to place each other's hats on for one picture, then they tossed the fedoras in the air for another.

But out of all the pictures they took, Adrien and Nino later decided that the very last one was both of their favorites. It was a picture that was taken during the middle of a very fun pop song they both loved. Adrien was dabbing to it while Nino was whipping, and the photographer snapped the perfect picture of them doing it simultaneously.

It was the most fun Adrien had ever had while modeling.

"Are you ready for the pictures to go live?" Adrien asked Nino later that night as they sat by Adrien's computer desk.

"I don't know, dude," Nino said, nervously tapping his foot on the floor. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. What if Alya thinks I look stupid?"

Adrien shook his head. "Not possible. You were amazing! Oh, Carson just sent me the email! Ready to see your pictures online?"

Nino covered his face. "Not really."

Adrien clicked on a link in the email and scrolled through the pictures that came up. He smiled in amazement. "Nino, look."

Nino uncovered his face and reluctantly looked at the screen. His eyes widened when he saw the pictures, his jaw dropping slightly. He stared at the pictures with wide eyes.

They had turned out way better than he ever thought they could.

"Look, there they are!"

"Did you see them modeling the new Agreste line?"

"They were so hot!"

"I didn't know Nino could model!"

A group of three blushing girls came up to Adrien and Nino as they were walking towards their classroom saying, "Hey, we really loved your pictures, Nino! Yours too, Adrien."

Nino looked surprised. "What?"

"Yeah, you looked so cool!" said one of the girls."

Not quite over his initial shock, Nino gave them a smile that turned out crooked. "Oh, thanks!"

Adrien pushed himself forward to start walking again. "Thank you, ladies, but my model-in-training has a class to attend to. Gotta be smart to dress smart."

The girls giggled as the boys left them behind in the hallway.

Nino stopped at the threshold of the classroom and hid back on the other side of the wall. "Alya's in there! Do you think she saw the pictures?"

"Of course," Adrien said, flashing his friend an encouraging smile. "Come on." He led the way into the classroom, and Nino followed behind reluctantly.

He saw Marinette and Alya chatting away at their desks. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to his sat in front of Alya. Marinette was the first to notice him.

When she saw him, she gave Alya a nudge and said, "Hey, Nino! We saw your pictures. You looked so awesome!"

Alya looked over at Nino and smiled. "Yeah, Nino! You were looking fly. I didn't know you had a model in you."

Adrien cleared his throat and nudged Nino's arm. "Isn't there something you want to say to Alya, Nino?"

Nino blushed and began to stammer, looking everywhere but at Alya. "Ah, well, you seeā€¦"

He finally glanced at Adrien. Adrien tried to give him a look that said, "Go for it! Be confident!". It must've worked because Nino straightened up and looked at Alya with determination.

"Alya," Nino said with a strong voice. "Will you go out on a date with me?"

Alya blushed immediately, and her jaw dropped a little in surprise. Next to her, Marinette was trying to cover her excited smile with her hands.

Adrien had his fingers crossed behind his back, praying for good luck. Finally, Alya seemed to snap out of her surprise.

"Yeah!" Alya said with an even bigger smile than before. "That'd be so fun!"

Adrien let out the breath of relief he hadn't realized he'd been holding, and he slumped back into his chair.

"Oh, okay, I understa-wait. You said yes?" Nino asked in disbelief.

"Duh! I've been waiting forever for you to ask." Alya said. "Hey, can we take a picture so I can post this on my blog? I'm so excited!"

"U-uh, yeah," Nino stuttered, still stuck in a stupor of surprise.

As they took their picture, Adrien looked back at Marinette, who was admiring the new couple.

"It's about time, isn't it?" Adrien said to her.

Marinette jumped when he spoke to her. "Oh, yeah! Yeah, it is."

Looking back at the couple, Adrien said, "Maybe it's about time I do something like that."

"Y-you mean...a-ask someone out?" Marinette asked.

Adrien shrugged. "Maybe."

He turned back around to his desk without looking back at Marinette to see how red her face had become.

If there is anything I want in this world, it's to see a picture of Adrien dabbing while Nino is whipping right next to him. xD

Thanks for reading! If you'd like to be a wonderful person and do me a super huge favor, please leave a review and tell me what you thought!

Later! :)