Metal Gear Apartment

Chapter 2

By: Kyle Robinson, a.k.a. Toyzferall

A/N: "Well. Chapter 1 was rather. Uneventful. But now I know. I can beat the system! *Maniacal laughter* Errr. Right. Sorry. It's just that MS Word and don't like each other too much, apparently. Which leads to terrible headaches of authors, such as yours truly. Anyway, if you read chapter 1 before it was fixed, I'm REALLY sorry. You might wanna go back and read it again now that it's actually intelligible. I'm honored you people actually suffered through it, though. Whatever. I'm gonna have to kill off some characters. Because I just can't think of enough situations that would actually be funny, and I've got too many characters here to decently work with. Especially in a situation like this. Sooo. Well, someone dies in this chapter. But I'd like you al to vote on who you want to die next, please. I'll consider your opinions. After all, I write for the fans! *Shrug* On with it." -Toyz


Liquid: ::Is making a smoothie with the blender, and yawns, tired:: Mmmmm. Smoothie. Maybe I'll have a strawberry? ::Looks to Fox, who is standing near the fridge:: Hey Fox.

Snake: ::Is walking into the room, talking to Raven:: .So you see, then I thought for SURE I was gonna die. ::This is said in perfect synchronization so that Liquid and Snake say "Foxdie"::

Liquid: ::Suddenly keels over, falling directly on the opened blender, which in turn begins to slice him up::

Everyone else in room: ::Watches, all not terribly concerned as Liquid's parts fly across the room::

Raven: ::Scratches bald head:: What did you do?

Snake: Uhhhhh. We said. "Foxdie?"

Emma: ::Walks in, completely oblivious of Liquid's parts:: Ooooh! Smoothie! ::Drinks it, everyone cringes::

Snake: ::Thinks:: Hmmm. If that worked for Liquid. ::Grins evilly, turns to door:: Hey Raiden!

Raiden: ::Walks in:: Huh?

Snake: Hey Raiden. ::Points at Fox:: Who's that?

Raiden: Ummm. Fox?

Snake: DIE!

Everyone: ::Stares at Raiden, then at Snake, then at Raiden again::

Snake: .Dammit.

Everybody: ::Slowly leaves::

Ocelot: ::Comes back a short time later, shifty eyes. Makes sure noone is looking:: Now is the time. ::He grabs Liquid's arm, and runs off, duct tape hanging out of his back pocket::

-Living Room-

Everybody minus Ocelot: ::Sits there, staring at each other blankly like usual::

Wolf: .Anybody seen Ocelot lately?

Ocelot: ::As if on cue, walks in, Liquid's arm duct-taped to his stub::

Everyone else: ::Stares at him::

Ocelot: .What?

Meryl: You. Duct-taped Liquid's arm to yours.

Ocelot: Did not!

Snake: Yeah you did! That's so. Crappy.

Ocelot: Shut up! Duct tape solves EVERYTHING.

Raven: Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, it has a dark side, and it binds universes together.

Snake: Raven, shut up. You're big, but you're NOT wise.

Ocelot: Y'all suck. ::Starts to walk off::

Toyz: ::Walks in:: Well, hi! ::Looks at hole in wall:: You guys didn't fix the door yet, did you? Whatever. And. Ocelot, what the HELL are you doing with that?

Ocelot: What? It's my arm!

Toyz: ::Smacks forehead:: Whatever.

Ocelot: I'm gonna take you prisoner!

Toyz: .Huh? ::Is suddenly grabbed by Ocelot, who points a revolver at his head::

Ocelot: ::Liquid's arm falls off, allowing Toyz to walk free, but he doesn't, due to the revolver at his head:: .Dammit! ::Picks up the arm between his stub and shoulder, drags Toyz off::

Everybody: ::Stares at each other for a while::

Mantis: Soooo. Who wants a smoothie?
A/N: "Yeeeah. Well, I wanted to just get out another chapter, and I know this one was craptastic and short. Sorry about that. I REALLY hope I'll be more inspired on the next one." -Toyz