Well guys. We now come to the end of the story. It's crazy to think that I have been working on this story ever since school started and that it is now coming to an end. I've had a blast with this story and I know you guys have loved reading it based on all of your reviews and positive feedback.

Recap: With their mission completed, our heroes now go back to their time. Will everything be fixed or will they have to do more correcting? Find out right here and now.

The weightless feeling and bright lights soon ended for our heroes as they felt their feet land on solid ground once again. They looked around, hoping that they were back in their correct time. The sky was dark, the temple was in shambles, Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia were all there just like when they were sent back to the past.

"Yup, we're back," Barry confirmed what everyone knew. Everyone sighed in relief, happy to know they were in the correct time. While their adventure was certainly interesting, they were glad to be back where they belonged.

Hearing a cry not too far away from them, the group turned quickly to see Arceus charging up an attack. He was obviously still pissed off and wanted to bring about the end of the world in retribution.

"Arceus, stop!" Ash cried out, hoping that he could stop Him. Arceus let the attack loose into the sky, which broke into several meteors.

"Arceus, look at us please!" Troy tried his hand at reasoning with Arceus.

Arceus heard the voices calling to Him and looked to where they were coming from. He saw Ash and Troy standing there. Immediately, the events from the past replayed through His mind. The entire world slowed down around Him as He remembered being attacked by Marcus, the concrete surrounding him, and Ash and Troy standing there with the Jewel of Life. He even remembered New Island a few years ago when he helped them stop the Mewtwo from destroying the world and Troy lying on the ground with Lucario and Ash crying over him. Something inside of Him told Arceus to stop the attack.

"Ash, Troy," He remembered now.

With this newfound revelation, Arceus immediately stopped the meteors before they could reek havoc on the land below. Even the giant skid hole near the group of humans disappeared and all the damage to the ruins of the temple immediately was gone like it never even happened in the first place. The damage from the meteors all around the town also fixed itself and soon it was like nothing even happened.

Everyone saw this with awed expressions.

"History has been corrected," Brock observed. "Our interference changed everything."

"You got that right, Brock," Troy smiled. "We did it."

The dark clouds parted and revealed bright, beautiful sunlight. Everyone shielded their eyes briefly until their eyes adjusted to the brightness. They gasped in awe of the beauty of the land, unable to believe that they were looking out on something so beautiful. But something didn't seem right.

"Wait, hold on," Barry broke everyone's thoughts. "Shouldn't this be a wasteland now since we gave the Jewel of Life back to Arceus?"

Sheena noticed Arceus flying down towards them with the other three Legendary Pokémon flanking Him.

"Arceus, care to tell us why?" She asked.

"This was not my doing," He explained. "Your ancestors devoted their entire lives to cultivating and restoring this land. This place was brought back by the efforts of people and Pokémon together."

Troy and Ash bro-hugged in celebration. A voice disrupted the moment.

"Sheena!" It was Kevin. He rushed over to the group as quickly as he could. Immediately he and Sheena embraced, causing Brock to screech in horror. To make matters even worse, Kevin placed a kiss on her forehead. She returned the favor with a kiss on the cheek before they locked lips. The younger ones chuckled nervously while Troy patted the distraught Brock on the back in comfort.

"It's ok," Troy said. "You'll find the one meant for you someday, Brock."

"And to think..." Brock whimpered. "She gave me a kiss on the cheek."

Sheena and Kevin stared deep into each other's eyes, taking in the other like they hadn't seen each other in years.

"I'm so glad you're safe," Kevin brought a hand to her cheek. "I thought I would never see you again."

Sheena giggled, a blush appearing on her cheeks. "Well I had a little bit of help. I knew that you could handle things here."

While the two of them were getting reacquainted, Brock continued his pathetic display of shock by curling into a fetal position and sucking his thumb, unable to take this turn of events. Why was it always he who gets screwed when it comes to women?

"Brock, get up," Troy picked him up. "You're acting like a total baby!"

"Well I'm sorry that not all of us can be successful with women like you, Troy!" Brock shot back.

While the two of them argued, the three Legendary Pokémon of time, space, and the reverse world all flew back to their own dimensions. Arceus flew down until His hooves touched the ground beside the humans, watching them leave.

Kevin noticed a piece of stone that was written in hieroglyphs.

"Take a look at this," he motioned them towards it. The pictures on the stone depicted Arceus along with Ash and friends.

"Wow," Troy stared in awe. "Damos and Maximus must have made this knowing that we would eventually see it."

Sheena looked to notice the description underneath. She began to read it out loud.

"To all our dear future children, who taught us how to believe and what strength truly is," she read. "We offer you our sincerest hopes and wishes that the future world you live in may become more and more beautiful." Tears of happiness began to pour down her face and she started to get choked up as she continued. "And that is exactly the kind of world you find yourselves in. May the Aura be with you. Until we meet again, Damos and Maximus."

Sheena immediately started crying out of pure joy. Kevin pulled her into a hug while Troy looked at the necklace in his hand. He could feel Maximus's presence through it. He breathed through his nose and put it back on, knowing that Maximus would always be with him.

"Ash, Troy," Arceus called to the two of them. The two responded in kind and walked over to the Pokémon. Arceus looked out onto the land, seeing it in all of its natural beauty.

"This world of yours is truly a magnificent place." He said.

Master and apprentice could not agree more. Troy placed an arm around Ash's shoulders as the two of them nodded.

"It is," Troy smiled. "As are the people who make it wonderful. There is always good in the world. You just have to look hard enough to find it."

"Yeah," Ash agreed.

Arceus gave them one last look, one that gave a sense of farewell.

"I must leave now," He said, floating off from His position on the mountain. "I wish all of you the best of luck and know that the world is in great hands. It is because of you that I know that I am truly a part of it. Farewell, my friends."

"Farewell, Arceus," Troy returned. "I hope you have found the peace you desperately needed."

Everyone watched as a dimensional portal opened in the sky and Arceus flew through it, going back to His dimension. They stayed behind to watch the sky for a few more minutes, reflecting on the amazing adventure they just had and knew that many more lay ahead.

Troy finally broke the silence between everyone, save for the wind blowing through their faces and the different sounds of many kinds of Pokémon.

"Alright, guys. Let's get out of here."

His companions nodded and started to climb down from the mountain after bidding Kevin and Sheena goodbye. No one said a word, not even Barry, for they all were still overwhelmed by all that had happened that day; traveling back in time to correct the past, stopping a tyrannical ruler, Troy being stabbed and almost dead, and Troy meeting an ancestor of his.

Once they got back to town, they all stood at a cross roads. They knew that this was where they would say goodbye to Barry.

"Well, Barry, we'll see you around," said Troy. "Good luck." He stuck his hand out for a handshake.

Barry stared at his hand like he was going to slip it out of his grasp at the last second but finally shook Troy's hand.

"Thanks, but that is the last time I go on an adventure with you guys again." he said.

"Barry, after all the fun we had together?" Troy put on an insulted demeanor, though he was just teasing.

"No way! How do you guys keep doing this?" Barry retorted.

Ash stepped in to reply this time. "We don't know. But being in the right place at the right time is better than staying on the sidelines."

Barry let out a frustrated shriek. "You guys are crazy! I'm outta here. You better hope I don't run into you again because I'm going to fine you for getting me caught up in your adventure!" He stomped off but not before being blindsided by a low branch on a tree. "And I'm going to fine you too!" He yelled at the branch. "Thanks for wrecking my day!"

Troy snorted as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Same old Barry," he chuckled. "What can you say about him?"

"I dunno," Ash replied, also amused by the blonde's antics.

And with that, our heroes set off down the dirt path, ready for whatever adventure would come their way next. Through their friendship and determination, nothing would stand in their way.

"I can't find my pen," Brock cried as he went through his backpack. "Who took it?"

Troy darted his eyes from side to side, giving Ash and Dawn knowing glances. "I dunno," he walked casually, leaving the two of them giggling.

"Was it you, Troy?" Brock was starting to get irritated. "Give it back."

"I don't know what you are talking about," Troy denied. "Maybe you lost it."

"You did take it didn't you?!" Brock chased after him while Troy ran off with a resounding laugh.

"So what if I did?"

"Give it back!"

"La la la la la la la la la!"

"You're such a child!"

Dawn could only roll her eyes. "Oy vey." She muttered as she and Ash ran off to catch up to them and stop them from killing each other.


Same as the movie and anime for Barry.

Troy- Garrett Hedlund

Maximus- Christopher Sabot

End Credits

(Your Heart Will Lead You Home by Kenny Loggins plays over the end credits)

(They all sit around a campfire in a snowstorm, where Troy is playing his guitar and singing, everyone is joining in.)

(Images of them all walking during a bright day pop up)

(They are all huddled in a cave waiting out the rain)

(They are walking with a rainbow from the rainstorm in their view)

The picture fades out.

Well that just about does it here. Not sure what I will be back with next but I will be back. Me and LEGAL EAGLE53 are planning on working on either 2000 or the Lucario movie next. Not sure when that will be up in-between school and her own schedule too. I also will be helping her out with more Troy stuff. We already have a good collection of stuff put together and I know she cannot wait to share that with you guys.

I want to thank all my loyal reviewers, ctran03931, Eagle, cutesaralisa, and all you guys. Thank you for keeping me going throughout the entire time I've written this story. You guys are the most awesome reviewers in the world. I know I can always count on you.

So until we see each other next, my fans. I think you'll like what I have around the corner next.