Guardian Louds Epilogue

Fic written by: The Loud Author of fanfiction dot net

Assistant Proofreader: The-Irish-Clover of deviantart dot com

Very important authors notes at end! Please do not complain of the chapters length, I intended for this to be 2 chapters for the epilogue, but I went against it to get the ending out there for everyone in one chapter. Enjoy and take care!

It had been two weeks since the Xeran war ended. Things had returned to normal for the most part, but now Xeran monsters were becoming commonplace. The people of Earth were still not sure how to feel about all of this. The monsters themselves did not even know what to do with themselves half the time, but things were seemingly sorting out on their own, with no trouble makers to spoil a thing thus far, and if there were any, they hadn't reared their heads around yet.

It was ten in the morning. Lincoln currently was sleeping alone in his bedroom of the Loud house, with a smile on his scarred face. Ever since the war ended, he and the other guardians had been more or less bothered by media at every turn. Each guardian harassed by the paparazzi had their own feelings about it, they were able to scare them away from the Loud house last night when they swarmed like flies. He slowly opened his eyes when the sun hit his face through his window, he sat up in confusion.

"Lynn? Lisa?" Lincoln looked around. Those two had slept with him every night since the war ended, but today, they were not in his bed, nor anywhere to be seen. The red lights on the front of his clock flashed 10:21 am. However, someone had disabled the alarm.

"Today's already came, huh…?" he mused to himself, rubbing his messy bedhead and fixing it up into his usual style. He took a few moments to change out of his orange pajamas and get dressed in a pair of blue jeans and his orange hooded sweater. His guardian gauntlet rested on his dresser, the red curve-tipped star beside it.

"I feel naked without this," Guardian Red smiled, slipping his guardian gauntlet onto his forearm and strapping it on tightly. The only reason he took it off was because everyone had agreed to take a break from being guardians until today. He put the red star in his pocket.

"I still need to get used to you, though…" Lincoln grabbed a short cane beside his bed that had small flame decals running across it. The item was made of pretty sturdy quality wood. He had been told that his legs bone was permanently damaged. He thus received that cane the very day after the war was over, as a personal gift by General Eugene, the military general had told him the cane was about twenty years old, he had gotten it during a personal mission and had kept it as a good luck charm, Eugene thought Lincoln had more than earned it. The general was a very kind relaxed man now that the war was over, he was keeping the other gift for the other guardians secret until tonight came. The young boy placed the cane against the floor, beginning to leave the room.

"Well it's pretty quiet today… that's not a good sign," Lincoln thought. His own paranoia aside, it always was a bad thing whenever the Loud house was quiet. He made his way downstairs, where he then heard babbling coming from the kitchen. He happily trod to the kitchen where he saw Lily sitting in her highchair playing with a few of her toys.

"G'morning, Lily. How are you doing today?" Lincoln rubbed his littlest sister's head. She cooed happily and giggled lightly when he tickled her chin. He was oblivious to the fact that he was being snuck up on from multiple directions, while one of the two he saw as his own children practically had his attention.


The yells, kazoos and confetti sounded. Lincoln screamed jumping in the air slightly and fell on the floor in surprise, his cane hitting him in the head. He groaned in pain, hearing a round of laughter.

"Oooouughh… Why is everyone in my family so tactical…?" Lincoln sat up. His whole family was pretty clever with planning, he guessed that they were why he learned planning in the first place. Lori and Lynn helped him off the floor and placed a party hat on his head, letting him pick up his cane again.

"Sorry about that, dude," Clyde placed his present on the table with the others that everyone brought.

"Boy, Lame-o. You sure can jump high for someone with a busted leg," Ronnie Anne commented. Lily was cutely laughing Loudly after seeing that scene.

"I'm glad I was scared by more than just my family this time… really, I'm sure General Eugene would've spared Billy and all his air horns," Lincoln sat down, thankful that General Eugene was not here. It would have been slightly strange to have a general in their house for this occasion.

"Well son, you sure made your fourteenth birthday memorable," Lynn Sr. was still trying to absorb the fact half of his children were super heroes, not that it seemed to change their views about them. They were happy that their children had not been given large egos from becoming heroes. If anything, it had made them all more humble, and grown up. Especially Lincoln, he probably had grown the most out of them all.

"I wish we had known sooner, but I'm just glad all my babies are back home safe and sound," Rita smiled while taking Lily out of her highchair.

"Since we're having extra company over we made a big cake," Leni hummed with Larixxa right beside her, holding her hand. Lincoln went wide eyed seeing a double stacked chocolate cake be brought out, it got everyone's chocolate addicted attention.

"Or at least that's the excuse we're running with," Luna chuckled. No one was going to argue or complain about extra cake.

"And that is precisely why the cake container is locked until the presents are done being opened first," Lisa added. No one was able to open the container but her. Last time they had a cake unattended for even half a second, it went missing, everyone but the poor birthday girl at the time had gotten a slice.

"Thanks, Lisa," Lincoln patted the child prodigy's back.

"Come on! Open them up already then!" Lola insisted, as she and Lana shoved their presents toward him.

"Yeah! I'm starving!" Lana chimed.

"Boy… I guess we better 'un-wrap' this up fast then," Luan gained some groans, but the Loud boy at least gave a light laugh in response to that bad pun, as if they had become rather ineffective to him.

"I had to look all over town for someone to customized your gift, Lincoln," Lori exclaimed, putting a small box in front of him.

"I couldn't decide on a gift, soooo… I kind of stole something of yours that was broken to have it fixed," Lynn's apology did not narrow things down, since Lincoln did not keep track of his broken items. They were just tossed onto a shelf and then treated as collectibles or personal memories.

"I used essence to make my gift," Lucy put her present down. It sounded more worrisome than sweet to Lincoln. Everyone was mobbing him with gifts, wanting to have them opened immediately.

"Alright, girls! We're going to do this in a fair way. The oldest will have their present opened first then the youngest, then back and forth from there," Rita ordered everyone to calm down, as funny and cute as it was to see the family get along so well, and see how much they cared for one another.

"Then after, that we'll hear the important news," Lynn Sr. said. Guardian Red had told their family that on his birthday he would share important news. Lisa had claimed similarly. No one wanted to inquire about it back then considering how stressful things had been lately.

"I know you and Lisa made my new phone. I didn't know how to thank you, so I used my cash to get you something to show my thanks… even though I don't think I could repay you and Lynn for saving my life," Lori explained while she handed over her present. Lincoln shook his head. Not changing that smile of his.

"You saved my life too. You'd think that'd be enough," Lincoln jokingly replied, pulling the wrapping and lid off the present. He rested the lid aside, reaching in and opening the cardboard underneath apart.

"Whoa you really got me this Lori? How much did it cost?" Guardian Red pulled out a pocket watch. It had a golden chain, and on the back of it was a curve-tipped star to match his. With the simple click of the side button, he opened it up. Real pocket watches were expensive, especially customized. The pocket watch was able to house a small picture as well. Everyone was rather impressed with the gift.

"Oh it didn't cost much… only about…" Guardian Blue's voice trailed off into quiet for a moment, as if she was hesitant to answer.

"F-five hundred dollars!" she finally blurted it out.

"What in the name of- that better not have been Bobby's money!" Ronnie Anne warned.

"It's from my savings Ronnie Anne! Calm down," Lori reassured. She felt her grateful brother wrap his arms around her, and she returned the hug with a bright smile. Her heart felt warmer than ever thanks to him.

"Thanks Lori, but seeing you happy is enough payment for saving your life," Lincoln smiled. Regardless, he would never let it go. Lori messed up his hair for saying such a corny line. She rarely went anywhere without that sword at her side inside the shrinking bag. Lincoln knew that, and he didn't blame her for it, but it was a little worrisome that she felt that comfortable to have a bladed weapon on her person at all times, she already cut a paparazzi members equipment to shreds with it.

"It's your turn, Lisa," Lynn chimed up since Lisa looked hesitant to give her present to her second father. Lori going first in the opening really had made things set high. Even if Lincoln did not mind, it made everyone feel unsure if their gifts were good enough.

"Here, Lincoln…" the child prodigy held it out to him. He picked her up, letting her sit on his lap.

"Here. Let's open it together honey," Lincoln offered. Lisa nodded and gently pulled on one part of the bow that made it all unravel with the wrapping paper, it came crumpling off in one simple movement.

"Now that's a magic trick," Luan clapped. The child prodigy was smart enough to remember how the present's box was wrapped so well that she had known how to take it apart with the simplest of ease.

"I relatively don't know if it's much, but I want to thank you… It's you who motivated me to completing Vernan's hard work and start up the Guardian Project. If it wasn't for you, I would not have developed significantly in both an emotional, physical and knowledgeable way…" Lisa declared. Lincoln and the others had made her relax and open up on a more emotional level. The straight face she always had behind her glasses was visibly shattered, over these last few months.

"What's this?" Lincoln saw multiple upgraded small machines, that looked like essence transfer devices inside the box.

"It's a gift for the whole family, but I presumed you would like it most. These devices allow everyone's essence to be viewed in one large conglomeration. Essentially, it allows people to connect on an emotional level," Lisa explained. Everyone could see the family's bond, and they could feel it with the flip of a switch, whenever they needed to.

"You really weren't kidding when you said you would keep studying essence, were you?" Lincoln gave a thankful hug as he attached his onto his upper left torso underneath his shoulder. He could see one on Lisa's side, too. They both began to show a bright white color.

"That's so sweet… thank you," Leni thanked their second youngest sister and attached hers to her midsection. Larixxa stared at hers while turning it on, seeing the variety of essence colors on screen.

"It's so bright… and strong…" the half Xeran child said, seemingly mesmerized.

"Being a test rat for one of Lisa's gadgets? Nothing new," Luna shrugged, putting it on her shoulder. They could be easily moved around to be viewed while simultaneously being compact and small enough to be portable without getting in the way.

"I already have enough junk installed in my arms," Ronnie Anne rolled her eyes as she attached the device to her side, finding it a little cheesy.

"I wish I could have been more help to you guys, aside being just emotional support," Clyde expressed his guilt as he put the device on his arm, watching it light up a variety of colors.

"You were a big help, Clyde. More than you'd know," Lincoln put a hand on his friend's shoulder. McBride was glad to know that, or at least be told this. The words felt more truthful, rather than being said to try and cheer him up.

"We have a rule against experimenting on family members, but we'll make an exception because we've already used it before," Mr. Loud declared. They had used the large one at the military outpost when making that portal to the Xeran dimension already, and this was more a completed device rather than testing. Lily was babbling while playing with hers.

"My turn," Leni exclaimed, putting her present up. The young boy let Lisa back down. The gift was in a decent sized box. He pulled it apart and lifted the lid up. He pulled out a red and orange jacket made of a light, soft material, it had white stripes going over the shoulder, attached to a bright red star on the back with orange flames on it. The jacket was otherwise blended with blue and white colors.

"Whoa… this is awesome! You made this for me?" the surprised Lincoln slipped the jacket on. It felt good to wear and was rather warm as well.

"Yeah! I spent all week on it, Larixxa helped with the colors," Leni nodded, rubbing her adoptive daughter's head. Larixxa was still staring away at the device Lisa had invented, that they all received one of.

"Thanks, you two," Lincoln smiled, before two presents were shoved toward him.

"Open mine next!" Lola insisted.

"No! Open mine first!" Lana growled.

"He's opening mine first!"

"No, he's going to open mine first!" the twins bumped heads and the normal back and forth began between the two. Lincoln held his head in slight annoyance, before his brotherly best friend handed over his gift.

"How about you open mine first?" Clyde recommended.

"You're a life saver, Clyde," Lincoln exhaled in relief.

"Don't mention it," Clyde was glad to be this much of a hero. The guardians opted out of telling him anything because they did not want him to be hunting after monsters or trying to play hero himself, even if his own alternate dimension variant was doing exactly that.

"Shoes?" Lincoln quirked an eyebrow when he saw a pair of white sneakers with red ends, which looked to be of great quality. The material they were made of looked sturdy enough to last a decade.

"Have you even looked down lately?" Clyde retorted. Guardian Red glanced down to his feet. His shoes looked like they had walked a thousand miles and had been torn apart by rabid dogs, which was not far off, as Charles had chewed on them his fair share of times.

"Oh… no, I haven't… Thanks, Clyde. I'm glad they at least held out on me this long," Lincoln smiled. It was about time for a new pair anyway. He slipped the new shoes on and allowed his old ones to be dunked in the trash can where they belonged.

"Since they're still calming down, you can have my present next," Ronnie Anne threw her present in front of him. Even if they were on better terms, there still was the bitter venom of minor annoyance coming from her.

"That sounds good," Lincoln nodded, watching Lori and Rita as they tried to separate the twins whose fight had escalated to the usual shoving. Lincoln saw an odd purple box underneath the wrapping. A dozen unopened comic books of the Ace Savvy series were inside that box. "What are these?"

"What do you mean what are these?" Ronnie Anne smiled, "Lame-o, have you forgotten about them? These are all the new Ace Savvy comics that came out since you became a guardian, I asked Lisa when it all started… I think there're a few cruddy Crimson Chin comics mixed in with the mess too, if you care for them."

"Jeez… I guess becoming a hero made me forget my hero," Lincoln joked, but still grateful. He would have hated to have forgotten about Ace Savvy entirely. "There's no hard feelings… right?"

Ronnie Anne flashed a Cheshire grin on her face that somehow made him less confident in seconds. "Lame-o, there's always going to be hard feelings, and they're as hard as my knuckles! But it's my fault anyway. I should be asking you to not have any hard feelings with me."

Her ex-boyfriend looked to Lynn, she shook her head, not chiming in on the matter. They still had to tell their family about their relationship like he promised to.

"Uhhh… well, awkward feelings, yes. Hard, not at all," Lincoln gave the most honest answer he could. Ronnie Anne could then agree that sentimentality was always going to make things awkward, but it was not a type of awkward that made being friends impossible. Still, she was flattered that he still saw her as a best friend. She punched his shoulder playfully, before stepping away for the twins.

"Okay, Lincoln. You pick which gift you want to open first," Lynn Sr. Implored their only son to choose for himself, so that the twins would stop fighting already.

"I wish I could say I've never felt this rushed with my presents before, but honestly, this is the slowest I've ever had to open my gifts," Lincoln rolled his eyes. The twins were young, but they seemed to enjoy fighting half the time, they usually were able to keep from annoying each other intentionally at least.

"I'll start with… Lola's," he began to unwrap the gift that he swore just had layer upon layer of wrapping paper.

"Hah! I bet he'll like my gift better than yours, too," Lola stuck her tongue out at her twin. Lana just gave an angry glare. Luna and Lori had the two several feet away from each other.

"Oh hey!" Lincoln reacted to a lot of pictures inside of the present, of all the guardians in their guardian suits holding their helmets and taking several photos with either their whole family or in sets, all with bright expressions on their faces. The teenager pulled out the most prominent photograph, which was taken after the war ended. The photo was only the guardians altogether, holding their stars for the camera smiling brightly.

"That explains why you were running around with a camera that night," Lori laughed, feeling more prideful to see the box of pictographs more than anything. Lincoln gave Lola a tight hug, picking her up off the floor.

"That's my princess alright. You know I'm a sucker for sentimental stuff," Guardian Red exclaimed gratefully. There were many pictures to go around for the entire family to have. The spoiled Loud child certainly knew a lot of her family's weaknesses, but all those pictures she took shortly after the war ended were the perfect gift.

"Alright, Lana. Let's open yours," Lincoln put Lola down, she gave a cocky smirk to her red-capped twin, who lacked much optimism. The young boy did not like seeing any of his family sad. He opened the gift and pulled out an odd gizmo. It looked like a smaller buffer for him to polish items with. "Hm…? What is this?"

"I made it so you can polish your gauntlet easier. I heard Lori complain that the material they're made of is super hard to clean," Lana stated. Lori complained many times after an incident where mud had gotten on her guardian phone because of a careless driver and one mud puddle, Lana had overheard it. Lincoln picked up Lana and hugged her, not wanting her to feel left out.

"Thanks, Lana. You're right, Gruynithil is ridiculous to try and keep clean. I gave up on cleaning it a while back, because my blood kept staining it," Lincoln exclaimed, more than enthralled with the present. The red sheen of his guardian gauntlet would soon be restored to its full luster. His actions made Lana feel immensely better.

"Whose gift did you like better?" Lola requested while her twin was put down.

"I'm not going to answer that. I loved both of your gifts," Lincoln patted their shoulders. The twins accepted that answer, reluctantly.

"Here you go, little bro. My music career wouldn't be anywhere near where it is without all this," Luna let Lincoln open her present. He was surprised to see an album of the newly released, Star Shakers.

"You've gotten your first album published already? I know you've been working on it for the last few weeks, but wow," Guardian Red was impressed. His older sister rubbed his head.

"After the world found out I was a guardian, I got a million different offers for publishing deals… These aren't being sold in stores until next week, though," Luna explained. Having become Guardian Purple had gotten her a good bit of fame. Lori's pep talk from weeks ago had helped her get things done. Lincoln opened the album to view the CD. The disc had an autograph on it from Luna herself, with a tiny star underneath the signature.

"The first autograph of your career, I never thought I'd get that honor," Lincoln smiled. He knew Luna had a lot more songs in mind. Ever since they saved the world, her inspiration had gone through the roof.

"Here's my gift," Lucy set her present in front of him. The Loud boy set the musical album aside. The gothic's box was quite easy to open. From it, he pulled out a heart-shaped necklace, the insides of which were filled with an essence sphere full of black essence.

"Uhh, Lucy… Where'd you get the heart?" Lincoln asked. The metal frame around it was what made the shape of the heart, but it still was concerning.

"My friends found a hollow one. I used a ritual to fill it with my essence… Consider it a protection charm, a gift from the dark ones themselves," Lucy explained. Somehow it made Guardian Red feel even more uncomfortable, but he remained appreciative.

"Thanks, Lucy, but you didn't have to go through the trouble for me," Lincoln slipped it around his neck to let the dark heart dangle from the chain.

"It was still worth it," Lucy replied and hugged him.

"Here ya go, birthday boy!" Luan grinned from ear to ear as she plopped her rather wide present in front of him. Everyone in the room seemed to know what it was going to be. Luan did this with every other sibling, except for Lily whom she spared with cute light pranks.

"Let's get this over with…" Lincoln sighed after removing the wrapping paper. Closing his eyes, he grabbed the lids of the box and pulled them apart, only to hear a popping noise. He opened his eyes again to see confetti shoot out from the box from party poppers that had been tied onto the lid.

"Oh… I was expecting a pie," he let out a relieved laugh. He began to rummage around in the bubble wrap filled box and pulled out another box from it.

"Oh, boy… it's going to be like last Christmas, isn't it? With the large mess?" Lynn Sr. groaned. Luan did not say anything, keeping that same braced bucktoothed smile. Several boxes later, Lincoln finally got the last box opened. Inside of it was a silver briefcase with a star decal on it, that looked able to be locked securely.

"A carrying case?" Lincoln chirped. The lock code had not been set yet, so it was easy enough to open. The case had a few cut outs inside, specifically made for certain items to be carried within. Lincoln could place a safe bet on what.

"Yeah! A comedian's most important items are her props so you need a safe place for your gear too right?" Luan reasoned. Even if all the guardian gear was specifically locked, unless the matching owner's genetics were used, nobody else could activate it, but just because people could not bypass the fail safe did not mean they were above stealing them.

"You're right… I guess it'll be nice to know my stuffs safe when I sleep or shower," Lincoln nodded in agreement. Those were the only times he took that guardian gear off, mostly because of his sheer tiredness from all of the heroic efforts.

"Oh! And there's another present in the first box," Luan added while her brother rested the carrying case aside.

"Really?" Lincoln began to look through the packing peanut filled box. As he dug into it, a well hidden spring flung the lower half of the box aside, sending a pie flying right into his face, and the packing peanuts flying everywhere.

"Hahahahah! Oh, that's perfect," Ronnie Anne could not help but laugh.

"Can't escape the pranks even after you save the world," Clyde could not resist some light laughter either.

"Of course…" Lincoln huffed, disappointed in himself for not expecting this, nor avoiding it.

"Here you go, honey," Rita handed her son a rag to clean his face off with. Lincoln did so without much acknowledgement of the prank. Those laughing their heads off were doing good enough covering that area for him. He saw no reason to be annoyed when Luan was positively beaming.

"I hope you like it, Linc," Lynn decided to cut the joke short. The Loud parents could not figure out a gift that would be best for their son. They had spent the last two weeks celebrating their family being safe and sound essentially.

"You don't have to worry, Lynn. You need to relax," Lincoln replied, aware that she was becoming stressed from what they planned on doing today. Guardian black was impressed that her brotherly boyfriend could keep so calm, when her worry seemed prominently shown on the essence display device that Lisa crafted for the family.

"Indeed. It won't allow you to accomplish much if you permit it to overwhelm you entirely," Lisa told her motherly figure, holding her hand. Lynn gained a small smile, she tried to relax with some deep breathing. Lincoln began to open the last present, curious about the contents inside, since it was supposedly something that his girlfriend had pilfered from his broken possessions to repair.

"Whoa… Lynn, I didn't even remember I had this," Lincoln looked at the old GameJoy. It had slipped his memory entirely, because the older generation of handheld gaming device had stopped working, mainly due to an issue related with the battery pack where no matter how many batteries were put in or switched out, it just refused to accept them as a power source.

"It was really easy to get fixed. One of my football teammates is a tech geek," Lynn smiled, relieved to hear her brotherly boyfriend's joy from the gift. Lincoln pulled her close for a warm hug. Lori, Luna and Leni found it sweet, though Ronnie Anne could not bring herself to look at the two when they were being mushy with each other.

"I love the gifts, guys!" Lincoln exclaimed, happier than ever, "They're all great! Thanks again for them all!"

"Let's enjoy the best part now, shall we?" Lisa unlocked the birthday cake and took it off the container. Everyone was more than eager to clear the table and help with the cleanup for a slice of chocolate cake.

"Uh… before anyone digs into the cake, I'd like to share the news now…" Lincoln requested. He knew if they brought it up while everyone was eating, there would be a lot of choking.

"Alright, honey. That probably is for the best," Rita agreed, making sure nobody tried to sneak a slice of cake away without them looking.

"Do you want to start, Lisa, or us?" Lynn offered.

"I have to compose myself, mentally… I don't want to look pathetic when I start," Lisa shook her head, letting her parental figures start. The two guardians were relieved to already have over half of their family already know about this.

"Okay…" Lincoln started, "Let me start off by saying a few months ago, I was dating Ronnie Anne… But anyone even slightly nosey knows."

"Before you idiots ask any questions, I'm the one who dumped him. It was for stupid reasons. I screwed up. We're both over it. For the most part..." Ronnie Anne cut off before anyone could chime in interrogating. Sadly these days, the man of the relationship was always assumed to be at fault in relationships ending, he was grateful Ronnie Anne spoke up first.

"So, I got together with someone else shortly after I became a guardian," Lincoln was being surprisingly calm and brave about this. It made his sisterly girlfriend feel calm herself, but she had a feeling that it was a sense of power enforcing his calmness. Lincoln pulled over Lynn once again with no warning and planted a kiss on her lips to show their relationship, the same way they had shown Luna and Leni.

"Wha-!?" Lynn Sr. went wide eyed. Rita collapsed into her chair in shock, Lola could only stare in shock, and Lily laughed at the funny scene before her.

"Oh hey! You actually went and told him, Lynn? I honestly thought you weren't 'strong' enough to do it," Luan laughed, combining her pun with it.

"I already knew," Lucy saw the two kissing several times already. She was so quiet with her movements that she was able to catch most of the Louds' activities without much effort and without them knowing.

"Oh congrats," Lana half-cared, just wanting cake. A lot of the Louds knew about Lynns feelings for Lincoln. However they never anticipated it going anywhere.

"I still don't feel okay with this," Lori murmured. She had gotten a lot more used to their relationship since she first discovered it after they had saved her life.

"Aww! It's so sweet," Leni hummed. She and Luna barely had given a care about the relationship. They were old enough to handle their own lives. They knew the two guardians were not the type to fall in love blindly or be victim to their hormones.

"I made one of the songs in the album special for you two by the way," Luna stated, remaining relaxed in her chair.

"I dunno if I should be jealous or weirded out…" Clyde scratched his head. He could not score a date if his life depended on it. He certainly never had a chance at Lori, especially after Lincoln's warning to him about trying anymore.

"Do both. That's what I've been doing for a while," Ronnie Anne recommended.

"I thought I was his princess," Lola sadly said. She always liked to believe she was her only brother's favorite sister. Lincoln though never had a favorite nor would confess to having one.

"You all knew about this…? Why didn't any of you tell us?!" Rita demanded.

"This is wrong you two. Entirely wrong," Lynn Sr. added. The two could barely get over their shock from this.

"Because they earned it," Lisa answered from the chair she stood upon for a minor height increase, "These two have saved the world with the help of several others. No matter how much you protest or verbally condemn it, is rendered irrelevant. All of the guardians support this relationship."

"Reel it back a little, Lisa," Lynn requested. Lisa had seemingly begun an emotional shredding of their parents.

"You two should be thankful for all they've done," Lisa elaborated, "Every day they fought was to save everyone's lives and to keep us all safe. I sacrificed countless nights without rest. These are the guardians of emotions, they are exactly what they are, and are the best to understand relationships and true love."

"…what? Don't look at me just because I'm the guardian of love," Leni shook her head when their parents looked to her briefly. She was just playing with Larixxa and Lily.

"I mean… The only reason we're telling you all this is because I promised to. I mean, I could care less if you all hated me for it or not. We saved the world," Lincoln exclaimed. He had tamed his anger very well since the beginning of all these events. The Loud parents were speechless. They could condemn their children and disown the two for their relationship, which any parent would hate to do to their own flesh and blood, or they could support it and allow the two their own personal freedoms. But they never could call themselves good parents if they allowed such things to continue without punishment.

"…I've never felt so mixed about things in my entire life," Lynn Sr. confessed his mind practically in fragments

"Please at least tell us you haven't gone so far so fast in this…?" Rita requested. An incestuous relationship was one thing. An incestuous relationship moving very fast would be another. She was mainly concerned because the two had been sleeping together for quite some time, even if Lisa stayed with the two often lately at night that did little to calm her.

"What we showed you is all we've done. We just hated sleeping alone, that's all," Lynn reassured. Nights became a lot more peaceful once they began slumbering together. They needed each other's comfort because of the stress of everything, so that it would not dictate or harm their relationship.

"I-I just… I… is everyone alright with this?" The Loud father questioned. The Loud siblings all nodded. Even if a few had the news sprung on them by surprise, they were okay with it. Lincoln was not going to tell anyone about the rose perfume incident that nearly made his entire family fall in love with him, that was one living nightmare he planed on never revisiting.

"Okay then… We'll just do what's best for everyone…" Rita sighed, "Lynn Jr., Lincoln, we don't agree with this at all but… You saved the world, anything we say will never be paramount to that."

"It'll take time to get used to and… We just want everyone to be happy. We'll let you two handle the relationship as long as you handle it right and are not doing it as some blind desperation for pleasure," Lynn Sr. advised. There was nothing wrong with physical relationships, but in this case it would be entirely wrong.

"Really?!" Lincoln felt ecstatic, "Thank you mom and dad!

"Don't worry. I'll keep Lincoln in line," Lynn smiled warmly. The other guardians were happy about this. They would have hated if a loud verbal argument to burst out that would come down to picking sides, on whether an incestuous bond was wrong or right to support.

"Well, that's ten years off my life and probably more of my hair gone by tomorrow… What's the other news? Please tell me it's nothing crazy," Mr. Loud pleaded. The sibling couple motioned to Lisa.

"We've, uh…" Lynn did not know how to say it. Her brain stalled for a coherent way to explain the relationship they had.

"They've been acting as my parents," Lisa cut to the point with that monotone tone. Their parents became even more confused, but were glad to not be given a complete shocker again.

"Well it's more complicated than that. I just kind of gravitated toward acting like her dad when she started seeing me as a father figure," Lincoln claimed, not ashamed of it. Lily did not need the nurturing care from him on this scale though, she was perfectly fine.

"Why's that, Lisa?" Rita asked.

"Because to put it simply… I don't feel any attachment toward you two. Neither of you want to partake in my experiments. You actively avoid them when I request help out of fear for my safety. I don't feel loved by you two as much as I do with Lincoln and Lynn, I never really get attention or notice, I feel ignored..." Lisa put it as relatively simple as she frankly could, her straight face broken slightly by her secondary parents. Lisa had opened up a lot more on an emotional level since this relationship was forged.

"I'm sorry, Lisa, but if keeping you safe makes you hate me, then I'll gladly accept it," Lynn Sr. apologized. Whether or not the experiments were safe or not did not matter. With his clumsiness, they could escalate or evolve into threats in minutes.

"Your father's right, dear… I feel horrible that you see us this way, and we're more than glad to talk about it, but… For now, how about we just enjoy Lincoln's birthday and worry about the other things tomorrow?" Rita suggested, and began slicing the chocolate cake into parts for everyone to have.

"Sounds good to me!"

"That's enough heart attacks for one day."

"I'm starving, anyway."


"I guess this puts things on 'ice-ing'."


Lisa felt her lip quiver from the uncaring responses she received. She begrudgingly agreed, turning her back.

"Fine…" Lincoln let Lisa sit in his lap, as she leaned into him for comfort. Indeed she was upset, so he was more than glad to try and cheer her up.

"None of this will matter after today," Lynn quietly reminded them both. Lisa nodded in recollection of it. She nuzzled against Lincoln's chest, he rubbed her back to reassure everything was fine.

"You rest up Lisa, you've more than earned it," Lincoln smiled while he comforted her. The sun was already near setting with how much time had flown by. He was going to enjoy this birthday party to its fullest.

After the shocking news that they had gotten over, the day went on as well. The alarm clock beside Lincoln's bed read three minutes past one am, they had pretty much watched the clock since midnight.

"Are you all ready?" Lincoln asked, all the birthday presents he had received, aside from the ones he was wearing, were in the carrying case. He had a decent sized backpack at his back with another duffel bag on his side.

"Yeah… but are you sure you don't want me to carry the heavy stuff, Lincoln?" Lynn offered with her own bags dangled over her shoulder and her guardian attire on her, glad it was able to keep her warm in these cold weathers.

"Just because I have a cane and white hair, doesn't mean I'm an old man yet, Lynn," Guardian Red joked, gaining a decent laugh from his sibling. She decided to kiss him, but as they began their make out session, the door to their room opened.

"I was wondering why you two were taking so long to pack after we recorded everything," Lisa exhaled in frustration as the two separated, blushing and embarrassed for making them wait. The Guardian Project inventor had her own large bag on her back. The two lovebirds followed her downstairs.

"Sorry for making you all wait," Lincoln entered the living room, where the guardians and Larixxa were, except Ronnie Anne and Lori were gone, all the lights were turned off.

"It's alright little bro," Luna smiled.

"Are you sure you guys want to do this? Just because we're doing it doesn't mean you have to…" Lynn offered. They all had decided a week ago on what to do now that the war was over, and they all had similar desires.

"We've played our role in Royal Woods. It doesn't really need us anymore…" Leni sadly said while she rubbed her wide awake daughter's back.

"Essence is a beautiful thing… The worlds full of it, and I would like to paint with as much as I can in as many places as I'm able to visit… with mommy," Larixxa declared. She had been talking more, but she still had some awkwardness about her, but that was nothing too strange for the Louds.

"We've made our marks on the world, buuuuut… I'd like to make those marks a lot bigger!" Luna grinned eagerly with her star guitar on her back and some bags under her arms.

"I'm dedicating myself to researching Essence. It would help to explore it to my fullest capabilities… staying with dad and mom would make that task a lot simpler for me," Lisa declared. The family watched Lincoln with that same smile on his face as he pulled out a small case, and rested the blank DVD on the couch. He had written the words 'Watch Me' as big as he could on the disc with black marker.

"Let's go then," Lincoln turned on his heels, going for the door his cane tapping on the ground as they all quietly left the Loud home, closing the door behind them.

"Boo boo bear, you are the best… I've never felt so happy in my entire life," Lori stood outside of a fast food restaurant to have a quick bite to eat.

"Come on babe, you know I couldn't live a day without you," Bobby had an arm around his long time girlfriend, "let alone how long you told me it would be before you would come back."

"You both are making me feel sick," Ronnie Anne groaned, she currently was laid on one of the tables. The one employee working the late night, did not care for the trio outside, looking ready to fall asleep at the register.

"And you're sure you don't want to come with us, Ronnie Anne…?" Bobby asked, "I hate to imagine you being alone."

"I'm sure… You've been the worried father figure role most of my life while our parents were always busy. But nowadays, I'll live…" Ronnie Anne sighed, "Besides, if I tagged along, I'd just get between you two. I know Lori can keep you safer than I ever can."

"Okay…?" Bobby hesitantly nodded, he was very reluctant to agree.

"Well… thanks," Lori found it odd to be praised like this, but she appreciated it, she gave her phone a quick look to check the time. "Everyone should be coming to the park by now. Let's go meet up with them."

The two left with Lori leading the way, leaving the fast food joint after they had gotten their post-midnight meal.

"According to my recollection, dad, this is where your star landed when you lost it due to misuse in a fit of rage," Lisa spoke. They were by the bus stop in the park, the road going directly through said park. This was indeed the exact place where Lynn first discovered the suits combination glitch.

"You're never going to let me live that down, are you?" Lincoln asked while leaning on his cane. Lisa had blown his eardrums out when they told her that they had combined every star they had to beat the majesty, she was upset at how risky they were in those times.

"You would be correct," Lisa nodded.

"Sheesh… they sure are taking their sweet time…" Luna muttered while playing a light tune on her star guitar to fill the void of the silent night. The group could see the stars pretty clearly tonight. They looked beautiful with the moon illuminating the area. Royal Woods was having a minor power issue tonight, though none worried, as it seemed to not be related to any Xeran activity, or at least they had no reports claiming such.

"Oh! There they are!" Leni pointed out to the three approaching.

"You're pretty late. Where were you?" Lynn demanded.

"Calm down, muscle brain. We just went to get a bite to eat," Ronnie Anne retorted, her arms crossed.

"That and Bobby forgot his toothbrush," Lori added, the Santiago boy giving a nervous grin.

"Either way… Let me just say thank you all for everything you did for me. With or without the world being in danger. I was scared everyone would hate me for being a guardian, and… well, to be honest I figured that you all would have a limit and try to bail on the project," Lincoln explained. Whether or not they were driven by the motive to protect their family or revenge or the pure sadism that came with beating the Xeran, he assumed that at least one of the guardians would have tried leaving, and was pleasingly shocked when none did.

"You really gave a lot of good motivation Lincoln… I mean, I felt really safe as long as you were our leader," Leni claimed. Even if her IQ was as high as Lily's, she could see a good leader when there was one. Guardian Red did not even try to become the leader of the Guardian Project. The title had sort of just descended upon him.

"You've done so much for us over the years. It was about time we paid you back. Helping to save the world was a good start," Luna added with a bright smile. Everyone agreed with the sentiment.

"Wait. Where's Clyde? Wasn't he coming to say bye to us?" Ronnie Anne asked, just after noticing it.

"He said he wasn't able to without crying. We said our goodbyes when he left the party," Lincoln explained. His brotherly best friend had been very upset due to this, despite them having talked at length of it several times in the last two weeks. A car came toward them and stooped beside them. General Eugene stepped out of it.

"Guardians! I'm here not for a friendly visit, but on behalf of our country I am here to give you your reward for saving the world… Even if not many acknowledge it your country thanks you," General Eugene put on his military commander act, even if he did not act like it most of the time. It was only a minor formality. The military general pulled out a few pieces of paper from his pocket.

"Fo-fa-fa-four…" Lincoln stammered in shock. Each of the four pieces of paper were checks with one million dollars upon each of it.

"Whoa… Are you sure we can have this, Mr. General?" Leni asked.

"Its tax payers' dollars, but there is no price on life… the most we can do is to make sure you guardians at least have an easy start to your journey," General Eugene saluted, the entire group returning it like the small platoon of soldiers they acted as these last few months, "What are your plans? I know you're all leaving Royal Woods."

"Our duty as guardians is to help make sure essence stays free. The world needs heroes, humans and the Xeran are going to need help adapting to this new world. It's best if we help out as many places as we can… even if we're not together," Lincoln explained. They had talked about this plan since the war had ended. They were more than glad to volunteer in helping make the world a better place, they had a purpose in their lives to fulfill after all.

"We're all heading our own ways. We're not needed in Royal Woods anymore since this place is probably the safest from the Xeran now," Ronnie Anne declared. They had not told many souls about their departure from town tonight.

"You Guardians truly are saints…" General Eugene spoke, "I wish I could do more to show our appreciation. A lot of soldiers at my command are currently at home with their families. Soon we'll be heading back to base for our next assignments within the next week… But I gotta ask, where are you all going to go?"

"Well… I'm going to start by heading to Amity Park with Larixxa and Luna," Leni claimed. Her adoptive daughter was currently painting in her art book.

"We're gonna catch a plane there in the morning, but I'll still be making albums while we move around… I figured we'd start in a not so cold place to get past winter. I'm considering it a personal tour," Luna added, more than happy to stick with her older sister. The respective group of three planned on continuing their guardian duties, starting in Amity Park, just so they could avoid winter's cold wrath.

"Me and Bobby were going to start with spending a couple of months in Dimmsdale," Lori claimed. The oldest loud was hoping internally for a proposal from Bobby, in the upcoming months.

"It'll be weird to be moving around so much, but if it's with Lori, I'll do anything," Bobby nodded and smiled, holding her hand. The two had grown a lot closer since the start of this war. He just wished he had been there to help her and Ronnie Anne, even if it was just him being by their sides during those hard times.

"I dunno… Guess I'll bum around in Retroville a bit," Ronnie Anne shrugged, not really caring on where she went, as long as it was a place that she could help out. She had a small kit on her side that held tools that Lisa had given her. With them, she could take care of her own augmented limbs to keep her arms in good condition.

"Me, Lynn and Lisa could never decide, so we're going to visit three small places before we head to one big city to spend a month or two in before we head to the next," Lincoln stated. He believed that visiting several small places would be better before going to the largest of areas.

"We're going to spend our first month in Hillwood City before we head to Tremorton, and after that Petropolis," Lynn happily explained.

"And once we've helped those areas, we'll spend approximately… half of a year in Miracle City," Lisa added. The family within a family certainly had devised their plans. Everyone was more than happy to explore and help the world, but they were sad to acknowledge that they were spending the first Christmas away from their families, and it would not be the only one sadly.

"You don't have to help the world anymore, but I'm glad you will. I'll make sure you all get some pages in the history books for this monumental evolution in mankind," General Eugene gave a thumbs up. With essence becoming a main thing in the world thanks to the Xeran's appearance, a lot of breakthroughs could hopefully be made with it. But only the future held the outcomes for what might happen, but the guardians were the very reason the future was safe.

"Well… There's the bus," Luna said, seeing a bus drive up to the bus stop.

"That's what we're going to take to the motel near the airport," Leni felt bad that they had to leave so soon. They really wanted to spend more time with their guardian family members. Fortunately they had ways to be in touch with each other, and had nothing but intentions to keep checking up on one another.

"I hope your essences are still strong when we return," Larixxa commented, the devices on their bodies glowing a rainbow of emotional colors.

"We'll be riding along with you. There's a car store near there," Lori rubbed her head. She and Bobby needed to get their own ride. At least now they had the money to get one, but she had no plans on paying tremendous high for a vehicle shiny and luxurious, guardian blue wanted a vehicle that could simply get them from point a to point b.

"Well, Ronnie Anne… Promise to call me at least every other day, alright?" Bobby hugged his little sister. Ronnie Anne could not be annoyed by this. She felt saddened to say goodbye.

"I will...Thanks for everything… Bro," Guardian Gold returned the hug.

"You take care, Lincy… I know you'll be alright. As long as you have Lynn and Lisa with you," Leni smiled, but that smile did little to hide the tears beginning to escape her eyes.

"It'll be weird to not have a big audience for a family to practice around… But I'll never be able to thank you enough for helping me get to where I am now in the musical world," Luna her eyes with a sniffle. They both hugged their only brother and sisters, before they picked up their things and got on the bus, Larixxa holding her adoptive mother's hand as she followed.

"I know you like helping people, but please at least take care of yourself, too," Lori advised him. He always seemed problematic with his life choices, but that passion to protect others was a crucial element to who he was as a person. "And you better take good care of each other! I'll never forgive any of you if I don't see all of you with all your limbs the next time we meet."

"I'll try to take care of myself better, but these two are my priority," Lincoln jokingly replied, putting his left hand on Lynn's shoulder, and his right on Lisa's.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure he stays fed and watered," Lynn gave a toothy grin.

"And I'll make sure that they don't cause too much property damage," Lisa adjusted her glasses. Once again they were just the spare backups she had after Linka destroyed her best pair, she cared little to get replacements.

"Alright… But… Please call me every now and then," Lori gave her last request to them, after exchanging hugs, she went with Bobby to get on the bus. The younger Louds waved, watching the door close as the bus begin to drive off with their family members on board.

"Mr. Loud, I'm glad you found a good replacement for Guardian White. I'd say I've been honored to have you all serving under me, but we all know it's been the other way around for a long time," General Eugene commented, grateful that Ben could recover with no worries since his predecessor had been decided.

"I just hope that he gets well and wakes up soon…" Lincoln looked to the ground, feeling his heart strings being jerked in all sorts of directions.

"Hm? Ronnie Anne? You're leaving already?" Lynn caught Ronnie Anne trying to leave with her hands in her coat pockets. The Santiago girl turned to them, shaking her head.

"I'm not good at goodbyes… All this mushy stuff's not exactly for me," Guardian Gold apologized with her guardian gear and other items carried on her back.

"What about transportation? Don't you have a plan?" Lisa asked. The four million dollars they had had been given, had been divided amongst the four groups equally. Lincoln was more worried because his ex girlfriend wanted to be alone, when Lisa could make sure her arms stayed healthy without many other risks.

"I'm going to walk and hitchhike. That's my plan," Ronnie Anne turned her back on them to continue leaving, but she stopped short, the sound of leaves crunching under her feet as she took in a breath and sighed. "And Lynn!"

"Huh? Uh yeah?" Lynn quirked an eyebrow, hoping that the Santiago girl did not want a last battle to say goodbye with.

"You better take care of Lame-o! He's my best friend, after all," Ronnie Anne declared. Lincoln could not help but smile, glad she had accepted to just remain friends with him.

"He's in good hands! I'll try and be a little easier when practicing Lucha Libre with him though," Lynn reassured. Ronnie Anne nodded, with that she continued off to leave the park and Royal Woods on foot.

"Lincoln? Are you crying?" Lisa noticed as Lincoln stood there behind the two he had that same bright expression with tears pouring down both cheeks

"Yeah… I am…" Lincoln murmured, "I just can't believe all that's happened… I knew we couldn't be together with our family forever, but I didn't think I'd have to say goodbye so soon…"

Lynn replied by hugging her brotherly boyfriend. "We'll meet up with them all again. Remember? We all agreed to come back on the same date."

"Y…yeah…" Lincoln nodded. He recalled it all too well.

"They'll be happy knowing we're aiding the world, and making it easier for its transition during its new developments, dad," Lisa joined in the hug. Lincoln felt happier after those words were said. They then heard the engine of Eugene's car starting up.

"Come on, you three. Let's get out of the cold. I'll give you a ride to the train station," General Eugene offered.

"Alright… thanks, general," Lincoln nodded, the three Louds climbed into the military jeep. Lincoln wished he had the courage to tell everyone in his family goodbye in person, but he had fulfilled his promise to Lynn and lived to see his fourteenth birthday. Those were enough completed goals for him to have handled. The jeep began to drive away from the empty park to head for the train station on the far side of Royal Woods, the next train would arrive early in the morning after all, they did not want to miss it.

It was now seven am in the Loud house. Things were usually quiet this early until the coffee kicked in for the older family members and the sugar for the younger side. Lola was the second to wake up, but she had a feeling in the back of her head that something was not right.

"No line for the bathroom…?" Lola tilted her head. She then saw Luan step out in her pajamas, still trying to wake up.

"Oh. Good morning, Lola," Luan greeted happily, while putting her hair up in its ponytail.

"Luan… is something wrong to you?" Lola asked, looking around.

"We're the only ones up?" Luan tilted her head with a confused expression on her face.

"Yeah… Why don't you go wake up Lori, Luna and Leni. I'll go check up on Lincoln, Lisa and Lynn," Lola said. The comedic Loud agreed as she wanted to keep on check of the guardians. All of them had been under their own stress, they wanted to help make that easier for them if they could.

"Lincoln! Lynn! Lisa! Are you awake?" Lola knocked on her only brother's door. She understood why the incestuous couple slept together for comfort, but never understood why Lisa slept in their bed as well.

"Lola, why are you banging on his door?" Lana groaned, stepping into the hallway, her head hurting from the noise, having been awoken by her twin sister.

"Because the last time I went in without knocking, it took me half a month to forget what I saw!" Lola replied straight away, her twin coming over. The door was not even closed all the way. She gave it a light push to open it.

"…Where are they?" Lana chirped as the twins entered the room. There was nobody inside. The bed was made, but the twins were mostly noticing the absence of a few family members.

"Maybe they got some emergency call about a monster?" Lola theorized but that did not explain where everything was. They saw Luan step into the doorway. "Oh hey, Luan, is everyone up now?"

"No… Everyone's beds are empty…" Luan shook her head, looking worried, "Lori and Leni's room was next to barren. Luna's gone, and some stuffs missing too. I couldn't even find her vintage guitar pick collection."

Lola and Lana felt the light bulbs in their heads flick on. The two went to Lincoln's closet, and they opened it to see its near complete emptiness. "…A lot of clothes are missing… So are all the presents."

"Luan… Did you look in the drawers and closets?" Lana added fearfully. They had seen their brother stash all his presents in the closet

"Yeah!" Luan nodded, "Not much was gone from Leni's and Lori's. Their favorite stuff and most important things were gone, and so was Luna's guitar case her cleaning and repairs kit. Why?"

The twins became visibly upset. "Get mom and dad!"

Minutes after that, a chaotic search around the Loud House commenced. Lucy checked the vents, yet nobody was hiding away. Rita had tried calling all of their children's friends in case they were just at another person's house early in the morning. Clyde was crying too much to give any real answer, but claimed his upset state was of no relevance. Lynn Sr. had tried contacting the schools, hoping a few of their children might have simply gone to school early.

"Nobody's answering…" Luan sadly looked at her cellphone, with Lily in her other arm. Even the baby seemed sad with no clue what was going on, but the bad atmosphere was enough to upset the infant.

"Hey, I found something!" Lana called out from the living room. She had found the DVD on the couch. Nobody had noticed right away because of the immense worry.

"A DVD?" Rita questioned, wondering what that was doing there since they usually had their tapes or movies put up on the shelf, "A DVD reading 'Watch Me'…?"

"Let's watch it," Lynn Sr. wanted to watch it right away, believing it was from their guardian family members because it had Lincoln's hand writing on it. After a few brief moments, the DVD was loaded into the player. The Loud parents, Lucy, Luan, Lola, Lana and Lily were all in front of the television to watch said DVD.

"Is it working?"

"I don't know."

"Leni! It's upside down!"

"You pulled out the charger!"

"Oh, for goodness sake."

The camera finally turned on to give the picture for the audio. The recording seemed to have been taken last night while everyone was asleep, the same two weeks after the end of the Xeran war.

"There. Its functional now," Lisa said in relief. I front of the camera stood the five guardian family members, as well as Lisa and Larixxa. They were recording from inside of the kitchen, when the other family members were all asleep.

"Um, hey everyone… jeez, this is weird," Lincoln tried to start off the video, but looked too hesitant.

"I'm not good at speaking when a camera's on me…" Leni sheepishly muttered. Being the focus of recording never worked well for her. Larixxa was painting in her art book, barely paying the camera any mind.

"Uggh! I'll say it! If you guys are watching this, then that means we're gone," Lynn started as she held her brotherly boyfriend's hand.

"Not like dead gone, but regular gone…" Luna cut in briefly, "Away from the house… for a really, really long time."

"We're sorry that we had to do it this way, but… We knew none of you would agree and would do everything in your power to try and stop us," Lori apologized. The Guardian Projects members all looked very guilt ridden.

"Royal Woods is a safe haven… at least for the time being… The world needs special aid to help it, and the only logical conclusion is that the guardians travel to do their best to help," Lisa concluded, not sounding at all remorseful. She would miss their siblings, but not their parents after the result of the confrontation being rather emotionless.

"I know you're all going to be upset… This was a lot harder for us to decide on, but we guardians are separating for a long time to go help out as many Xeran and people as we can," Lincoln explained, looking directly to the camera. That expression on his face being one of mixed emotions.

"Why…? Why would my babies run away?" Rita could only sob. Lynn Sr. felt as upset as she did. Lola and Lana wept profusely, and Lucy was keeping her respective sobbing quiet, the tears going down her face from behind the bangs covering her eyes. Luan seemed to be holding out hope that this was a prank, but each second that passed made that hope wither. Lily was close to crying as well, just from seeing the others upset.

"They fought so hard so they could protect us…" Lana sobbed, unable to make sense of it, "Why would they leave now?"

"Lincoln, you're an idiot… I know it was your plan! I'm going to hurt you so bad next time I see you! My tea parties won't ever be the same without the butler, or the prince…" Lola growled, but could not get that anger to conquer the grief in her heart.

"We'll be back, though!" Lincoln continued with his head resting in his hand, "Royal Woods just doesn't need guardians anymore… We left a few things behind that you're going to find in due time, but only when the time is right."

"We promise to be back on this very day… in… um…" Lynn could not bring herself to say it, feeling her confidence sway frailly in the metaphorical wind.

"In ten years," Lincoln finished for her.

"ten years?!" Luan bit her lip so hard to try and not get upset that she had actually drew a small amount of blood.

"I… did not think I could feel any emptier…" Lucy coughed. She was not even listening to some parts of the DVD anymore.

"You'll hear about us in the news I'm sure… or the internet," Leni sighed.

"Please don't try and find us. We have to do this," Luna implored.

"Our lives in Royal Woods are over for now. The next chapter of the worlds started. I may be the greatest swordswoman ever, but I know doing this will make you think I'm the worst sister ever," Lori tried to be light hearted, but could not bring herself to get a smile.

"We'd appreciate it if you could let our schools know… and my sports teams… We'll still get our education, don't you worry," Lynn reassured.

"I'll make sure of it with my own intellect," Lisa nodded. She would be their teacher if she had to in a sort of mobile home school fashion.

"Well we dragged this out…" Lincoln coughed, "I'm glad I got to celebrate my birthday with you all and I love every last one of you… The next time we meet will be under a bright sky and a beautiful world, and I can't wait to see how you've all grown with it."

"We love you!" they all said in unison, before the camera was turned off, leaving nothing but static on the screen. The other half of the Loud family sat there in shock.

"What do we do…?" Luan wondered aloud.

"There… There's nothing we can do Luan," Lynn Sr. let out a frustrated sigh, while resting on the couch as he held his head. However, Lana seemed to gain some form of relief.

"By the time our family comes back, I'm going to be a guardian! That's what I'm going to do!" Lana declared. Her twin looked at her like she was insane, but for some reason, that determination was relieving.

"…Me too… I want to help the world and our family," Lola nodded. The words she spoke were from her heart.

"A-goo!" Lily babbled like she agreed with the sentiment.

"Perhaps my dark lords would be pleased if I became a guardian as well…?" Lucy murmured with her arms wrapped around herself.

"I guess you better be on 'guard' then, because I want to be one too!" Luan exclaimed. The Loud parents did not say anything. If it made their children happy in these very stressful times, then neither Lynn Sr. nor Rita Loud would complain. All they could do was just try to mend the emotional damage of their family and hope that in ten years, they would be reunited with their now gone family members.

At the Flounder heights airport, Leni, Larixxa and Luna stood in a line, trying to do the usual to get by security so they could board their flight.

"Man, my neck's killin' me from sleeping in those uncomfortable beds," Luna groaned. They had stayed at the motel for the last few hours of the night until it was time to get to the airport and catch their flight.

"I told you use the couch cushions as pillows," Leni replied, she was holding Larixxa's hand. Guardian White had to disassemble her guardian blaster just to get it allowed through security. It was frustrating, but Lisa thankfully gave her an instruction manual in case anything needed repairs, all Leni had to do was to make sure it was not upside down when she read it.

"Mommy, someone looks really upset…" Larixxa tugged on her adoptive mother's hand. Leni looked over at the front desk, there stood a Xeran monster, appearing to be a living slot machine with one arm being a lever and his other hand having minor claws. He looked quite tall and tough, and frustrated.

"Come on! I'll pay twice as much for a ticket! I just wanna go to this Las Vegas I've heard so much about!" the Xeran monster exclaimed, but the worker behind the counter shook his head.

"I'm sorry, mister monster…"

"For the twelfth time, it's Sloran! All you idiots in this airport have done is sent me running in circles!" Sloran slammed a fist on the desk. A few golden coins fell out from his chest. All three of his slot machine eyes rolled in irritation as he went to go pick them up.

"Is everything okay?" Leni asked. She and Luna approached, Larixxa staying a short distance behind.

"Eh? Finally someone who cares!" Sloran fumed, "This idiot refuses to sell me a plane ticket! I've been here since four in the morning trying to get one, and they keep sending me back and forth from security check to security check! They even called the cops on me! TWICE!

"Chill dude!" Luna motioned the Xeran to relax, she then turned to the airport worker, "Why can't he get a ticket?"

"Ma'am, please, this is just a disgruntled customer. We're doing everything to make sure our flights are safe," the worker claimed. All that did was make the Xeran monster angrier.

"Excuse me?! You've put me through eighty different checks! You idiots even took my hat and won't give it back! I've done everything you asked three times now and you still won't give me a ticket!" Sloran responded. The two Louds had a feeling they knew what was going on here.

"…Are you not selling him a ticket because he's Xeran?" Leni asked directly. There was a line beginning to form behind them.

"What?" the worker stared, "Oh no, please, we assure you we just want every precaution taken before we-"

"It sounds like you've taken every precaution eight times over, aside from putting him in handcuffs… What makes him a threat, anyway?" Luna asked. The monster offered his lever arm to them.

"Depends on what you get," Sloran said. Guardian White shrugged, grabbing the lever and pulling downward, and watching the living slot machines eyes begin to roll. Each slot landed on a large, red seven symbol. Just like that, dozens of coins began to spew out from the Xeran's chest onto the floor.

"Ohhh, real scary…" Luna sarcastically spoke, watching the monster shake his head as he stepped aside, letting the people in line have the gold dollar coins just so they would calm down from the wait.

"I can't pull my own lever! That's why I wanna go to this Vegas place I've heard so much about! It sounds like a place I'd be able to fit in perfectly! I'm not rigged or anything!" Sloran exclaimed. He had no control over his own slots. the two guardians looked to the man behind the counter.

"Sorry, but we are legally allowed to detain anyone for as long as we need to, if we suspect them of being terrorists," the worker then elaborated.

"So just because he's a Xeran he's a terrorist by default?" Leni questioned, angered, "I don't know about you, but I don't see any bombs on him!"

"That's pretty racist, dude," Luna added with a raised eyebrow. Hearing this exchange seemed to begin to get the people around the counter, a little antsy from hearing the poor treatment of the charitable creature.

"What? That's-! Who are you two ladies, anyway? Do I need to call security?" the worker replied, not seeming to give a direct answer. The two Louds pulled out their stars. It was the only thing they really could think to do.

"I'm Guardian White," Leni answered.

"I'm Guardian Purple. We're trying to make the world better," Luna glared down the man. He seemed genuinely afraid of the two. The building crowd was eager to hear their identities. The Xeran monster was surprised that he was being helped by them of all people. "So, Mr. Airport Worker, only three things are gonna happen here now that we're around."

"A…and what would that be?" the worker hesitantly inquired.

"You're either going to sell this man his ticket, because he's done everything you asked, or you're going to sell us his ticket that we'll give to him. Or… we could just let the crowd here deal with you," Leni explained, more than glad to let the crowd punish the racist. The worker hesitantly gave the ticket to Sloran.

"Enjoy your flight, sir…"

"Thank you!" Sloran happily took his ticket and gave the two a very tight hug, almost crushing their backs. After a few minutes, the small group of four were forced to go to one of the many airport gates, to escape the crowd that was eager to meet the guardians.

"I can't tell you how thankful I am! You girls can pull my lever all you want until my flight leaves!" Sloran offered, but the trio seemed to not be interested in doing that.

"Thanks dude, but we're just doing our jobs," Luna brushed the offer aside, "We have plenty of money for a lifetime."

"Isn't lever another word for-" Leni muttered, but her sister quickly covered her mouth.

"Mommy, shouldn't we go to our plane? It's leaving soon…" Larixxa chimed.

"Oh shoot! You're right!" Leni spoke. The guardians had almost forgotten the time. They could see people heading for the very flight, they had ignored the intercom announcing the flights departure when dealing with the racist worker. Leni picked up her daughter, and then turned her head to their Xeran friend. "You take care, Sloran! I'm sure you'll find your place in Vegas!"

Guardian White went off with Luna so they could catch their plane to Amity Park.

"Thank you, Guardians!" Sloran gave an eager wave goodbye, "I promise this is the last time I take a plane anywhere!"

"All of these cars look like they'd cost more to repair than to buy," Bobby commented. They were looking through the many used cars on sale.

"You're telling me," Lori agreed. Neither of the two were really mechanically inclined. The Santiago boy would certainly try to claim otherwise to try and impress her.

"I can tell you, sweetheart, these cars are good to go," the salesperson with them reaffirmed.

"You know your advice kind of becomes worthless when every other word out of your mouth is a sales ploy," Lori retorted, leaning on one of the cars. She seemed to have damaged the salesman's ego with that quip.

"I'll remember that when you try to negotiate prices…" the salesman murmured, going off to get back into his store, leaving the young adults to continue examining the cars to try and find one that might be worth their money.


The sound of a screeching tire rang out, followed by glass shattering. They saw an over sized tire rolling out from the store. People were scattering in terror as the tire crushed several of the vehicles around, turning them into piles of scrap.

"What is that?!" Bobby asked in fear. Lori shoved him out of the way and jumped back when the tire came rolling their direction. Guardian Blue drew her sword out, twirling the blade as it glowed bright red.

"Magma scatter crash!" Lori swung forward, sending out a wave of fire that hit the tire directly, causing parts of it to melt.

"Grah! Who's trying to ruin my fun?!" they heard a light voice speak as the tire transformed into a Xeran monster. The rim was his face and parts of the tire were his arms and legs, with two horns on his head.

"Guardian Blue! That's who! You can't destroy things for no reason," Lori glared. The monster shook his head.

"Just because you can make me melt a little doesn't mean you can stop my rolling! Or my name isn't Teran!" Teran was ready to attack. He turned back into his giant tire form and began spinning around, screeching against the ground, and he charged right for the oldest Loud.

"Bobby, stay out of the way," Lori ordered as the Xeran monster was nearing her. She jumped back, quickly spinning while dodging him and swinging her sword. "Turning scatter slash!"

Lori slashed the tire as it darted by her. The Xeran monster suddenly let out a scream of agony, before sparks began blasting off of his whole body, he then collapsed and detonated. The explosion left him as nothing but ash.

"Wow, Lori…" Bobby popped up from the car he was ordered to hide behind, watching his girlfriend go toward the burning remains of the Xeran monster, beginning to poke through it with the general of defense's sword. "Uh, what are you doing?"

"Lisa's gift has an extra trick to it. I'm not willing to murder any more monsters, if I can help it." Guardian Blue claimed as the now hollow essence sphere rolled out. She picked it up, it burned her fingers a little, but she ignored the pain and reached for the smaller device Lisa had given the family.

"It's like a miniature essence washing machine… That's the best explanation I have," Lori opened the display which revealed a hollow inside that could hold up to five essence spheres. She put the single one into it and closed the cover, watching the device glow brightly and then spin rapidly, showering the essence sphere with guardian essence.

"Aaaaannnd… There we go!" Lori smiled. After a few seconds, the device stopped and she pulled out the essence sphere, which was now full of brightly colored essence.

"Take care," Guardian Blue threw the essence sphere in the air and smacked it with the flat end of her sword like a baseball, sending it flying far away.

"That was awesome, Lori. So Lisa's gadget lets you use all your families' essences to help cleanse bad hearts?" Bobby tried to understand this the best he was able to.

"Cleanse, reincarnate, rebirth, give a second chance, whatever you wanna call it, that's what we give now instead of blind murder unless we have no choice," Lori explained, sheathing the sword back into the shrinking pack.

"Ah-hem… I apologize, Miss Guardian Blue…" the car salesman came out from hiding to thank her. A hole in the wall could be fixed easily, "I'll give you a discount for saving most of my store."

"Awesome!" Bobby laughed, "It must be our lucky day, babe!"

"Oh, boo-boo bear… Let's get back to the car hunt," Lori rolled her eyes and giggled. The car salesman seemed a lot more intent on showing them the best of the best available now, instead of letting them go shopping for an automobile completely blind.

Ronnie Anne rode on the back of a pickup truck. She was laid back, using her guardian gear and bags as a form of makeshift pillows. She had traveled a good distance already. However, she suddenly felt the vehicle come to a sudden stop.

"Huh…? What's going on?" Ronnie Anne sat up, sliding open the window of the back of the truck, the driver motioning her to relax.

"Sorry, darling. Someone else needs a lift. Hope ya don't mind," the driver spoke with the heavy southern tone to his voice. The man appeared to be the type who went out of his way to help out people he could. Guardian Gold was thankful that the man was so generous to random hitchhikers.

"Skree?" a random textoth stood beside the vehicle. She could only stare at it with wide eyes.

"…Hey… where are you from?" Ronnie Anne asked the skeleton monster. It had a rainbow of colors on his body, instead of just the generic two that used to be unchanging.

"Skree-ke-ke-keeeee," the textoth pointed to the forest behind him. The Santiago girl guessed that a poor unfortunate person must have died out very deep in the forest, and the essence sphere landed near their bones. As result, they combined into a special type of textoth. In a sense, this skeleton monster was the man revived into a semi-elite textoth.

"Where're ya heading?" the driver asked. The textoth shrugged, seeming to have no memories of their past life.

"Heh…Maybe it's a sign I shouldn't be alone…" Ronnie Anne thought, and then spoke to the skeleton, "Hey! Why don't you come with me?"

The textoth looked up at her. She was a lot taller than him because of the truck she stood in the back of.

"…skree-skree!" the textoth gave an okay sign. The young girl seemed trustworthy enough. She grabbed his hand and yanked him into the back of the truck with a loud thud upon landing.

"Well, I've never seen friends be made that fast," the driver smiled and pressed his foot on the gas pedal, continuing to drive off with his two passengers in the back.

"Ronnie Anne's my name. I'm also known as Guardian Gold. What's your name?" Ronnie Anne introduced herself, yet the skeleton monster only knew himself as textoth.

"Skree," he responded. So far the young girl had only been taking guesses on what he was saying or going off body movements to try and read what he was saying. Ronnie Anne could not understand a single thing he said. It took a moment, but she had an idea on what to refer to him as.

"Alright, that settles it. Your name from now on is Huesos... Hows that sound?" Ronnie Anne questioned. Being of Latin-American descent, she decided to go to that for help to get a name, even if she did not get much use from the language nowadays.

"Skreeeeeee!" Huesos seemed fond of the name. He wrapped his bony arms around Guardian Gold. She chuckled, glad to have a companion, even if she went for a vague reasoning to get him to join her.

"I've got some cards in my bag. The truck might be moving a lot, but playing blackjack should be easy enough," Ronnie Anne said while getting out some playing cards. They had a long road ahead of them. Thankfully the friendly driver was more than glad to take them halfway to the destination. The Santiago girl could not wait to tell the others about this over the phone when she had the chance.

In one part of the countryside, a train was rolling along the tracks. At least fifteen passengers were on board, counting the workers. In one of the cabin rooms of the train, Lincoln, Lisa and Lynn were all seated at a table by the window which let them look out to the beautiful rural countryside.

"It appears our family is aware of our departure…" Lisa commented, looking at their essence viewing devices. The dark shades of blue displayed on screen represented despair. It was likely that the DVD had been viewed.

"Yeah… I'm not proud of doing things this way, either," Lynn held her head, feeling ashamed a little to be doing this. Her brotherly boyfriend put his hand on hers.

"Don't beat yourself up over the past, Lynn… We're going to have to change trains a few times to get to our first destination," Lincoln reminded. His cane rested on a nearby rail that was meant to be grabbed in case the train came to an emergency halt.

"Thanks, Lincoln… At least we've got Lola's present to you to remember them by, and they have plenty of copies to remember us by," Lynn smiled. They had taken one of each photo of the many copies Lola had given him as a birthday present. They were most fond of the pictures of the guardians all together with their helmets off, and the other picture of the entire Loud family in one big group photo.

"It appears the worlds transition is off to a rather haphazard start," Lisa exclaimed while viewing her laptop. She showed it to her two pseudo-parental guardians. It was a video sharing website showing all sorts of videos of people giving their opinions of the guardians, the Xeran's and the world changing at large. There were also news reports of Xeran committing crimes, but there was also a large share of reports of other Xeran doing charitable deeds and aiding police in stopping their criminal Xeran brothers and sisters.

"Wait… is that Zeggfor?" Lincoln looked at one of the video's preview thumbnail. The child prodigy clicked the video, and it loaded up quickly before it began playing.

"The video was taken in… Australia? He covers a lot of distance fast in two weeks," Lynn was astonished. The video showed a part of town that had been partially damaged. A weird female monster stood nearby, swinging her hair that had large balls on the ends like wrecking balls toward the general of offense. Zeggfor caught the attack full force, standing his ground before he pulled the monster toward him, he proceeded to deal a devastating hard punch to their face with a blast of electricity to follow.

"Whoa!" The cameraman fell backwards in sheer shock upon seeing the defeated monster explode upon hitting the ground. The last thing the camera recorded was Zeggfor approaching him.

"Are you okay?" Zeggfor's voice sounded before the video ended.

"Hahahaha… Ah… that's Zeggfor alright. Glad to see him taking out his anger on something other than me now," the relieved Lincoln said while he polished his guardian gauntlet with the gift Lana gave him. It worked wonderfully so far.

"Do you think all of our family will be okay?" Lynn questioned. It was very emotionally stressing after all.

"I believe there is a 90% chance that they will be fine," Lisa claimed. Once they got the chance, they would try to get into contact with the other guardians to check on their conditions.

"They'll be alright. They're all pretty strong now," Lincoln gave a toothy grin. The trio were more than content to take things easy and just watch videos of various Xeran activities from there. He was glad to be able to live out their lives to the fullest and play their parts in the world. One day, far in the future, they would one day meet up with everyone again. For now, they had a giant world to meet that was in need of help. Lincoln had only one thought in his mind.

"Watch out world, the Guardians are coming."

The end...For now...

Well, there you have it dear viewers! My second ever loud house fanfiction is now complete, let me just say thank you all for that over 70,000 views and the near 900 reviews. I am surprised that this story became so popular, some informed me that it was the longest loud house story in the archive but I do not know if that is true. Either way thank you all again for the support, will there be a sequel? Yeah. Definitely, not soon though.

I need to say a few things, first off the other super sentai inspired fic called "Titan Heroes." Is not a ripoff, I have received dozens upon dozens of private messages claiming so, if you have to be critical with the individual please make it constructive.

Secondly, just like with a brothers debt I made this world so it could be wide open, anyone can make art or write for it and add OCs as long as they fit, then it'll be up to the readers to decide if it is canon or not. Thank you OmegaUltra for the prequel to Guardian Louds which I am making canon.

Thirdly, I thank you all for the support. I tried my best, as a giant fan of super sentai I'd like to think I did it alright here. I do request people to work on the TvTropes page of Guardian Louds, if they do not mind. Once again, thank you all. I cried a little when I finished this epilogue, it was hard and I worked to make sure you'd get it all. Thank you all, and take care! See you again soon!