A/A: Hi, this is what I wrote for FFMH. Thank you to everyone who donated to this great cause. I will be posting it in short chapters, every few days-ish. Lol.

A huge thank to my pre-reader Ipso and the amazing Geeky.

I do not own anything Twilight, but I do own this plot.


Isabella Swan numbly looked at her bedside clock before turning her stare back to the ceiling.

10:53 P.M.

She had told herself tomorrow would be like any other day. But as the months had dwindled into weeks, then days, even she knew she was lying to herself. Now, though, it was a mere few hours away, and she could hardly breathe.

At one point, she'd dreamed of tomorrow and all the possibilities that could come with it—had even been counting down the days. Today, her eyes were puffy from the immeasurable amount of tears she'd cried—happy and sad ones.

Isabella removed the blankets and stood, her legs moving on their own accord as her heart begged them to stop. Her heart wouldn't win. Getting to her closet, Isabella reached for the small box in the bottom back corner. Placing it on her bed, she opened it.

His hat.

The ticket stubs of their first movie.

The CD he had made her for her birthday.

Her heart started pounding as her fingers gently ran along the rim of his beloved hat. He'd never gone anywhere without it. His mother had made her take it, saying he would want her to have it. Back then, it meant everything to her.

Now, all it did was serve her with painful memories and remind her of the childish hope she'd once held.

Isabella closed the box and placed it back in the far dark corner of her closet where it belonged. Instead of crawling back into her bed like she wanted to, she let her legs travel to her dresser. She pulled open the bottom drawer that held a single item.

Her hands trembled as she picked it up, unfolding it to see the big letters on the back: CULLEN.

The tears started to fall again as she pulled it to her face and sniffed. It didn't smell like him anymore, but she remembered his scent. It was locked into her memory.

Standing in front of her mirror, Isabella lifted the shirt she was wearing over her head, and her eyes automatically travelled to the ink on her side, just below her left breast. Her hand slowly reached up, and she took in a deep breath as her fingers traced the tattoo—the one that matched his.

Isabella sobbed silently as she slid into his jersey, needing to feel it against her bare skin before crawling into bed. She hadn't worn it in years, but it still fit perfectly—like she'd once thought they did. She pulled the blankets up under her chin before wrapping her arms around herself and sobbing. Her thoughts were all over the place.

I wish he finds peace.

I hope he finds happiness.

I pray to God he doesn't look for me.

Not knowing how much time had passed, Isabella looked at her bedside clock once more.

12:07 A.M.

She clutched at her chest and let out a loud sob as one more thought crossed her mind.

Today, Edward Cullen gets out of jail.

A/N: Not all chapters will be this short. Thank you for reading, it means so much to me.

Twific Lovah.