ANGEL NOTE: Im so sorry i havn't updated in nearly 3 months. I'll try to update more often. Also there have been a few changes involving royals, long sotry short, royals are now a subspecies of human and kinda have a religion? its not necessarily a religion, but they have their own version of heaven and hell...think like the warrior cat books . Also, im trying a new style, as you read i made it so raz didn't know anyone's names until they were mentioned, which i did not do in the other chapters. This chapter was revised by my wonderful girlfriend 3.

Raz's eye's fluttered open, revealing a field, but not an ordinary field. It was purple, with a stream that glowed blue. Trees with leaves decorated with stars and star dust were scattered throughout the area. The sky was black, with stars glowing brightly within it. The grass was soft, little pieces of stars scattered in them, and yet it didn't hurt. It was clear where he was.

"...Heavena's land."

He noticed how he was in his royal form, and how his body had a soft orange glow to it as he walked through the starry field. It wasn't long before he came across the guardian of the land and the first royal herself.


The royal in question was looking into a pond. She had a serpent like body that was covered in light blue feathers, feathered ears, silver ram horns, white hair on her tail, and 2 sets of wings. The pair where her legs would've been were folded up while the pair where her arms should have been were propping her up as she gazed down into the pool.

"Hello, Flacari." Heavena spoke softly, as she turned to face Raz. "Please join me."

Raz nodded and walked next to Heavena before sitting down just by the edge of the pool. "What did you need, Heavena?" Raz asked.

"I've called you here so I can warn you." Heavena said.

"W-warn me? Warn me about what?" Raz said, a bit nervous now.

"The place you are staying at, Whispering Rocks, was it?" Heavena asked

"Uh, Whispering ROCK, actually." Raz said, at first proud until he noticed the small glare from Heavena. It wasn't a mean glare to say, but more of the"respect your elders" glare.

"It's not safe. There is a threat there, a threat so powerful that the monsters themselves fear it."

That scared Raz. "I'll just leave tonight th-"

"No." Heavena interrupted.

Raz looked confused, "No?" He cocked his head to the side.

"If you leave tonight, the threat will win, and if it wins, everyone, royal or not, will surely suffer." Heavena spoke with the same soft voice, although there was a small amount of intensity lining it.

"Can you at least tell me who this threat is?" Raz asked, now scared.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. the psitanium there is effecting my powers, it's making the pictures fuzzy... I'm not a psychic, after all." Heavena turned back to the pool, watching the stars form pictures of men being chased by machines.

Raz watched the scene in the pool unfold, men, women, children, all being killed by machines. "I won't let that happen." Raz said as he turned tail, and began to ran back to where he came.

"Good luck Flacari, may you have the strength of my sons!" Heavena called out.

Just before Raz ran out the clearing, he stopped and turned to Heavena. "Hey...Heavena?"

"Yes, Flacari?"

Raz swallowed "H-how's mom?"

Heavena paused, and smiled softly. "She's fine."

"A-and Rosaline?"

Heavena frowned, her ears pressed against her head as she looked away "I...haven't seen her"

"Have you made contact with her?" Raz prayed for a yes, instead he got...

"I...haven't been able to contact her in years... I'm sorry."

Raz nodded in understanding and ran out of the clearing.

Sunlight poured through the cracks of the cabin, the birds sung their morning tune as Raz awoke. He was alone, but judging by the voices outside, he wasn't late to Basic Braining. With speed, Raz got out of bed and headed outside.

"Hey, Raz! Hurry up! You don't want to be late for Basic Braining!" A small boy with navy blue hair and was dressed as a sailor said as he passed Raz, along with 3 other children. A short boy with dark brown hair and an olive colored cap, a female who was also short but slightly taller than the other that had red hair tied nicely in a ponytail, and a taller male with buck teeth, all 3 sporting Whispering Rock tee-shirts.

"Woo-Hooo! Basic braining is the best class ever! Woo-hooo-hoooooooo!" the taller male cheered as he ran ahead of the group. Raz shook his head slightly, a sigh escaping him. He wish he could be that free spirited, but he couldn't, especially with a threat greater than the monsters looming above his head.

'I need to find clues, or something,' Raz thought as he began to look around. He turned his head to the left and saw a kid surrounded by 3 squirrels, and curious, he approached the kid. "Hey," He called out as he approached, looking at the 3 squirrels, "Squirrel trouble?"

"They're liars, is all..." the kid said, glaring at the squirrels "Whatever they tell you? It's a lie."

"I'll take your word for it." Raz looked around for a bit. "Hey, what's your name?"


"I see, my name is Raz." Raz said, the name Dogen didn't stick out too much, and the kid looked non-threatening enough for him to trust. "You going to class?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you up there," Dogen nodded before turning back to the squirrels. "As soon as I get these guys to shut up." He glared at the squirrels, again.

Deciding all was dover over by Dogen, Raz turned and began to walk to find any clues to the vision Heavena had seen. However as he was walking, he heard what sounded like a small explosion. Immediately he whipped around, just to see Dogen standing there, innocently, without the squirrels near him. Raz looked around, squinting his eyes, but found nothing. Shrugging he walked away, he, unfortunately, did not notice the pieces of squirrel falling by Dogen once he was gone.

Raz looked around for a bit before spotting a cave. He immediately headed towards it and began to scale the hill it was on, his fingers digging deep into the earth. It was moments like this he was glad for being part earth royal, it certainly made scaling the hill easier. Once he reached the top, he headed down into the cave. It was damp and wet with mud, which made it hard to stay balanced as he got to a slope, and eventually fell, sliding down to the bottom of the cave, where he saw….

"A fridge?" Raz asked himself, as he looked at the object in front of him. Yup, that was a fridge alright. Curious, Raz opened it, revealing a turkey sub frozen in a block of ice. "It's completely frozen..." Raz remarked to himself before deciding there was nothing else to do in that area of the cave.

After a bit of exploring he found the exit, which also opened a hatch on a well. Raz looked around a bit before spotting a cowboy kid and a kid with a green afro that actually looked nicely kept, talking to each other about something. Curious, he approached them until he got in earshots range of hearing.

"'re dating Elka now." The kid with the afro said. "Does this mean we won't hang out as much?"

"Shoot!" The cowboy kid looked taken aback by the other's statement. "I reckon things ain't gonna change one bit. Doggone it, partner, no woman's never gonn-" Before he could finish his statement, a blond, probably very rich, girl walked up to the 2, bumping, probably purposefully, into Raz.

"HEY! You're gonna make my boyfriend late for class." The girl, Elka he could presume, yelled at the afro kid. "Come on James!" She said, bumping into the afro kid as she turned to the cowboy kid, James Raz assumed. "Come. ON." She repeated, and with that the 3 left.

Raz felt bad for "James", but pushed that aside to keep looking around.

After 10 more minutes of investigating the kids cabin area, Raz began to make his way up to where Basic Braining was. In his 10 minutes, all he found was a peeping tom, two kids who couldn't decide on a band name (and gave him some scary advice about the coach), and a russian kid who really wanted to find a giant hairless bear. Aside from what the two band kids said about the coach, he had no evidence for what this great threat was, and even then the "advice" seemed more like a rumor then anything, the way they had kept changing the story. As he reached the top of the tree house, he saw a kid with maroon curly hair leave.

'Odd…' Raz thought as he approached the kid. "Hey, kid, where you going?" He made a small mental note to learn everyone's name once Basic Braining was done.

The kid hushed Raz. "I snuck out," He whispered. "That class is a death trap for crazy people!" The kid looked around a bit before turning back to Raz "Listen, the coach is strong-" That word in particular stuck out in Raz's head.

'Strong….what does he mean by that?' Raz had been so focused on the word he didn't realize the kid was still talking.

"But once you're in, you can use these smelling salts to sneak out," The kid handed Raz two oval shaped...things. He could only guess they were the smelling salts. "Take mine. I don't need them anymore. I'm calling my parents to come get me, before i get hurt"

"TOO LATE!" Came a scratchy, grating voice behind the two.

The kid turned to the voice, shaking. "B-BOBBY!" The kid screamed at the new kid. His orange afro was all over the place and he was pale as all hell. Next to Bobby was a kid with a darker skin tone and really, REALLY big ears.

"Hey kid. You owe me five arrowheadth for this week'th pwotection thervice!" Bobby had a very obvious lisp.

"Cough it up, Ma-loser, or you'll be coughing up bloody tears!" Bobby's friend sneered.

A feeling of protection filled Raz, if there was one thing he hated more then the monsters, it was bullies, but could you blame him? He was a no-horn, was born as one, and probably would always be one. No horns were the equivalent of omega's in wolf packs, many saw them as weak and often mocked or even attacked them just for their lack of horns. "Hey, leave him alone!" a small growl escaped Raz.

Bobby turned to Raz and narrowed his eyes. "I heard a rumor that you were raithed in the circus." Bobby said, as he approached Raz. "Well, let me put thith in termth you'll understand." Bobby pointed to himself. "I'M the thtrong man around here."

Raz rolled his eyes. "Really? Cause you look more like the cotton candy." Raz couldn't help but smirk, especially at the gasp Bobby let out.

"Benny!" Bobby turned to the kid next to him, who Raz easily could guess was Benny. "Put thith kid'th death on my to-do litht."

Benny glared and walked ahead. "Come on, we'll see him in class." He said as he pushed Raz and the other kid out of the way, so he and Bobby could get to class.

"Yeah, we'll thettle thith on the battlefield!" Bobby punched into his hand, and walked past the two.

Once the two were inside, the previous kid turned to Raz. "Thank you so much, uhh, Raz, was it?" Raz nodded. "Thought so. Anyway, I'm Maloof, if there's anyway I can repay you for standing up to Bobby and Benny, let me know." And with that, Maloof had his leave.

Raz watched Maloof leave, making another mental note to ask him about any info on the counselors and the campers, but first, Basic Braining. He headed in, noting how everyone was in a trance, and headed towards the coach.

"Uhh, Coach Oleander?" Raz approached a bit with caution before standing a bit upright. "I'm reporting for Basic Braining."

"Son, do you realize that to take my course, I will have to pull you into my mind? And you will have to relive every bullet scarred memory of every battle I have ever faced." Oleander was sitting in a criss cross positioned, and had his eyes closed. "It won't be pretty." Oleander's nose twitched a bit when a fly had landed on it, before it flew away. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather... run around a bit more in the sunshine first?" There was actual genuine care in his voice.

Raz shook his head no. "I'm ready, sir."

Well then…" Oleander opened his eyes. "You're late, soldier!" His voice now stern. "Now get in here and give me twenty!" He tapped the little door on his head. Suddenly the world around Raz became engulfed with a white light as he felt something leave his body. His last memory before the world was completely white was a sudden pain of royal magic before it subsided.