Shirayuki walked by the ''new'' compounds of the No Name comunity in the Underwood, a troubled look adorning her face. Her mind was in a state of chaos, When did it begun and how? He was a arrogant lad that kicked her in the forehead, took her water tree and even forced her to become his maid! A pervert that always thought so high of himself and someone that would do any type of prank just to kill the boredoom...At least that's what she thought at first, but with time, her opinion began to change.

While being around the blonde haired teen, she noted that even with those flaws, he still was someone of great courage and determination. When he saved a friend he would say that he did it just to fight other opponents out of boredoom, his tsundere atitude didn't fool her, she could see the hint of concern for their well being in his mesmerizing purple eyes. Another thing that she appreciated was his strong will. These new sides of Izayoi that she discovered little by little started to drawn her attention towards him. In the beginning, she thought that it was just surprise and curiosity that drew her to the boy, but now she realized that it was not so simple. Somewhere along the way, she begun to develope strong feelings that goes way beyond friendship for her young master.

''I can't believe it! I, a Water God falling for such a young lad!'', She mentally exclaimed.

She was ashamed to admit it even to herself, and the ''vivid'' dreams that she'd been having with him made did not help her in the slightest, it actually made everything worse, just thinking about it made her face heat up. Being so lost in her thoughts,Shirayuki didn't notice the person that was walking in her direction until she bumped into him. Losing her balance, she waited for the impact with the ground,but a strong hand grasped her arm and pushed her, preventing her fall and making the dark haired beauty be pressed against the person's chest.

"Ara Shirayuki, don't you know that it's dangerous to walk without paying attention to your surroundings?'', Sakamaki Izayoi asked, a playful grin dancing on his lips.

''M-My lord!'' She shouted and, seeing their proximity, Shirayuki blushed a deep red and quickly distanced herself from the blond.

Izayoi lifted a curious eyebrow at her reaction, trying to comprehend what got into her today. The water deity shifted on her feet nervously, an action that didn't pass unnoticed by him.

"S-Shouldn't you be resting? Your wounds aren't all healed yet.''

"I'm almost 100% well so don't worry.'', He waved his hands nonchalantly.

It's been one week since the fight against the Demon Lord of Zoroastrianism, Azi Dahaka. After the brutal battle, Izayoi's old wounds reopened and he also gained some new ones too, courtesy of the overgrow lizard. Lily had immediately treated him like always and after finishing it,advised(more like ordered) him to stay in bed for at least ten days. Being a fast healer, almost all of his wounds were already closed by the 7th day. Even with Izayoi's declaration, Shirayuki looked displeased.

"My lord, the majority of your wounds may be healed, but you still should take Lily's advice and rest.'', Izayoi clicked his tongue in a sign of annoyance.

"You don't believe me? So why don't you see by yourself?'', He then lifted his yellow shirt, showing his toned stomach that currently had two small cuts there, but they were almost closed,'' It would be a disgrace if I need to rest just because of this type of injure.''

Shirayuki haven't heard a single word of what Izayoi just said, her eyes were solely focused on his lean but yet strong abdomen. She broke out of her trance when the blond teen snapped his fingers in front of her face.

"Did you listen to me Shirayuki ?'', He inquired her.

"Sorry my lord, I didn't.'', The boy signed in resignation, before a mischiveous glint passed through his eyes.

"Was the sight of my bare stomach good enough for you?'', He smirked at the blushing mess that the maid become.

"Y-You need to excuse me, I have to go back to work.'', The deity passed by his side, not even sparing a glance at him, and hurriedly disappeared from his view when she turned around the corner.

Now alone, Izayoi clenched his stomach and burst into laughter . Shirayuki was way more fun to tease than Kuro Usagi. He then resumed walking, trying to find something interesting to do.


Nightfall came rather quickly and before anyone knew it, dinner was being served. Currently sitting at the table were Jin, Kuro Usagi,Lily, Percher, Leticia, Shirayuki and the three problem children,Kasukabe YƵ, Kudou Asuka and of course, Sakamaki Izayoi. Everyone was talking enthusiatically about trivial matters like, how the gift games held in Underwood are cool or how they were helping with the reconstruction of the city after it's destruction, only two people weren't participating on the chat. The blond teen was deep in thought. Shirayuki's been acting a little strange during the entire day. She would often space out and he did caught her giving small glances at him sometimes, no scratch that,several times... just like she was doing right now.

''Shirayuki is usually not so shy and she enjoys challenging me a lot,yet she didnt do it not even once ,something is happening to her...'' Analyzing every single event that transpired through the entire day in his mind, Izayoi's brain was reaching a conclusion, ''The subtle glances, her nervousness around me and the way she blushed when I lifted my shirt earlier.'',then, everything clicked,''Hooh so that's it huh ?'',Turning his head towards the orange eyed woman, Izayoi's lips formed a charming smile.

Shirayuki saw the smile on her master's face and felt a strong shiver run by her body, but due to her firm control, the others didn't notice it.

"Thank you for the dinner Lily, it was delicious.'', Standing up, the maid of the No Name's excused herself and made her way to her chamber. Izayoi stared at her till she was no longer in sight. Five minutes later, he finished his dinner and excused himself.

''Might as well pass by her quarters tonight and confront her about it.'' He mused.

Izayoi could feel that something interesting would happen when he and Shirayuki had a talk later.

First of all, I'll go take a bath and put something more comfortable.''

With that in mind, The blond man begun to walk in the direction of his room, hands inside the pockets of his pants and his beloved headphone hanging around his neck...


Hello guys, I'm here this time with a Mondaiji story! I was disappointed and saddened by how this fandom seems to be dying, Mondaiji is such an awesome show and the Light Novels are just brillant! Easily the best or at least one of the best LN with fatasy world as it's theme(of course this is just my opinion).Now, this will be a two shot story and yes, there will be lemons. Why did I chose Izayoi x Shirayuki as the pairing? First because I really like Shirayuki and Izayoi is my favorite male character of all time(tied with Ichigo), Second because nobody wrote about this pairing, and I plan to pair Izayoi with different girls in the future, my next one will be probably a Izayoi x Karyou-chan or Izayoi x Kuro Usagi(they are still my favorite pairing in mondaiji). I hope that everyone liked this and I promise that the next chapter will be longer(at least 2000 words).

I didnt have anyone to beta this for me, so if you see big mistakes please tell me, I'll try to get someone to correct everything and later I will repost the chapter.

See you guys in the next update!