Sasuke brushed aside the fallen leaves from the bench before he settled down. This bench, he knew, had a perfect view of the sculptors chipping away at the rock that would become the carved likeness of the newest Hokage.


As the tiny girl ran toward him, he uncrossed his legs and reached out to shift her onto his lap. Her arms wrapped around his neck and squeezed.

"Grandpa, I missed you so much!"

Sasuke smirked. "I've been right here, Michi."

"I know! Daddy says you're always here."

"Oh, he does, does he?" Sasuke asked, raising his eyes to meet his son's abashed expression—his cheeks and hair a matching shade of rose.

"You know it's going to take months to finish, Papa," Takeo said. "We'll all be there when it's done. Come home now."

Sasuke set his granddaughter back on her feet. "I'll be home soon. Go see your grandmother. I think she made those disgusting cookies you like."

Tugging his scarf a little tighter around him, Sasuke blew on his hand and watched the artists rough out the features of Konoha's future leader. It was cold and he knew sitting here would make his knees stiff, but he couldn't help it. He enjoyed watching even the tiniest changes in the carving.

Without a word, his wife, her nose ruddy from the weather, sat beside him. He waited for the scolding.

"It's coming along nicely, don't you think?"

He smiled, throwing his arm around her and pulling until she was tight against him. Sasuke was glad he never had to explain himself to Sakura.

"It really is."

"I brought something to warm you up," she said, pulling out a flask and grinning wickedly. As she uncapped the stiff whiskey, Sasuke looked at the fine lines that crinkled in the corners of her eyes—years of laughter had put them there. He was glad to have been a part of that.

"Here you go."

The alcohol burned his throat then tingled his cheeks. Sasuke handed the flask back to Sakura who snuggled her warm body closer.

"I think this going to be the best carving out of all the Hokage."

Sasuke hummed in agreement.

Cherry blossoms rained down on his still-black hair—Sakura griped that it was unnatural while her own hair faded to a petal pink. Sasuke swept them away, his eyes never leaving the fine features carved into the mountainside.

Thin brows arched over intensely gazing eyes, the mouth serious—so unlike the usual broad grin on that face. Yet, Sasuke knew the sculptors had captured the new Hokage's essence perfectly.

A younger version of that finely chiseled face flashed in Sasuke's mind. So full of energy... Who would've ever guessed then that this day would come?

He wiped his surprisingly wet eyes, glad that no one was around to witness his sentimentality.

Sasuke fidgeted in his uncomfortably formal haori jacket. The layers of clothing stuck to his skin in the summer heat. Thankfully, a cool shadow passed over him as he sat on his favorite bench.


Sakura blinked questioningly at him, but he couldn't stop the smile that widened across his face. His wife, shaded by a parasol marked with the symbol of their clan, looked even more beautiful than the day he'd first seen her.

"Time to go," she said, slipping her hand into his.

As they made their way to the roof of Hokage Tower, Sasuke's eyes remained fixed on the image of the person who would be sworn in today as leader of Konohagakure.

"Hey, Sakura-chan!" Naruto yelled, his childish manner contrasting with the dignity of his white Kage robes. "So...gonna be passing the torch today."

Sasuke noted the slightly wistful look on his best friend's face. "It's about time you gave it up, old man," he said with a smirk.

Naruto, always full of surprises, pulled him into a crushing embrace. "I couldn't have asked for anyone better to come after me. You did good, Sasuke."

"I hate to break up this love fest," Sakura said, swatting Naruto with her parasol, "but I had something to do with it too, you know."

Naruto's chuckled apology and Sakura's continued friendly hassling faded from Sasuke's hearing as he looked up in awe at the towering likeness of the Hachidaime.

Sarada—the first Uchiha to ever guide the Leaf.

I don't know about you guys, but I get kinda misty thinking of Sarada as Hokage. I think Sakura will be full of pride for her daughter, but could you imagine how meaningful it will be be for Sasuke? Throughout the manga story, the Uchiha have been (or felt) slighted by this hole in their collective resume. Sarada is going to change that...and she'll change what it means to be Uchiha, I believe. *sigh* I hope the Next Generation manga gets us to this point, too!

Okay...enough of my talk. I hope you all enjoyed this drabble collection. If you did (or didn't!), write a review to let me know what you thought. Thanks so much!