Note: Hey guys! Here is another story written by me. It is actually a twin of another story named, Herry Potter and the Magic of The Parallel Universe by Amu4ever. Hope everyone like it. ^_^
Beta: Amu4ever
Disclaimer: I solemnly swear I dont own Harry Potter.
Chapter 1
The ripple of magic
Harry was running at full speed to get to the Chamber of Secrets; he had to find something to destroy the remaining Horcrux's with. Basilisk venom was the only thing that would work, but the only storage of Basilisk fangs they had was down in the Chamber, which coincidently could only be reached by Harry and the only other parselmouth in the world.
So, this is why Harry was currently running towardss the Chamber of Secrets as fast as he could. He had to hurry as Voldemort was coming to Hogwarts; there was no time to spare. Ron and Hermione were trying to find the Diadem of Ravenclaw while he was responsible to get the fangs to destroy it.
He finally reached the girl's bathroom and peeped inside to see if Myrtle was inside or not; fortunately she wasn't. Without wasting any more time Harry stepped towards the sink that led to the chamber.
Hearing steps approaching Harry hurried to open the entrance of the chamber and concentrated for a moment.
"Open," he hissed and watched with impatience as the entrance appeared way too slowly.
Hearing the steps nearly directly in front of the bathroom Harry swiftly jumped into the hole with a parting, "Close."
Half slithering half falling downwards Harry landed in a heap on the floor. Huffing beneath his breath about his damned luck he quickly got to his feet and cast a wandless non-verbal Lumos.
He had recently found out that he could do wandless non-verbal spells very easily, it most probably had something to do with his enhanced magical core. After all his seventeenth birthday hadn't been all that long ago and his magical core was about to reach its maturity. The usual witch's or wizard's core would have grown to its maturity before or exactly on their seventeenth birthday. Only those with great magical power and one or another form of a magical inheritance would need a few days longer for maturity to be reached. Stress could also cause magical maturity to be delayed.
Well, Harry had had enough stress to warrant it and the fluctuation of his magic was a clear proof that his magic was taking its time to reach maturity.
This fluctuation was also what made using a wand incredibly difficult. Channeling magic through a wand requires the user to send a steady amount of magic through it during casting. So, with his magic being as unsettled as it was, it was near impossible for Harry to use a wand at all until his core reaches maturity.
But the best part of wandless and non-verbal spells was that it was untraceable, which was quite useful when anyone was on the run or trying to do something very, very bad.
Harry concentrated hard so that the ball of light hovered forward and showed the way rather than just staying put in one place. This way he didn't have to stumble every step of the way.
Just before he entered the chamber he closed his hand around the mokeskin pouch hanging from his neck. Closing his eyes he took a calming breath and took the last few steps into the chamber.
And that was when it happened. Suddenly the chamber lit up in pure white light, which engulfed him. For some reason the light seemed to choke Harry, making him struggle to breath. At one point the light felt hot and the next freezing cold.
His hand touched the pouch around his neck, as he felt his magic lash out of him uncontrollably. He tried to shield his eyes from the light using his arms but it was no use.
He could feel the blood in his veins slowing as the light kept draining all the warmth of his body. Leaving him shivering, breathless and desperately wanting to push the light away from him.
Make it stop. Stop.
In a state of complete desperation Harry gathered his magic around his body and pushed the light back with all his might. It seemed to work for a moment, but then-
An electric pulse went through Harry's body with such intensity that it sent him sprawling to the floor. Barely being able to keep his head from hitting the ground he was only dimly aware of heat spreading through his body rapidly.
Through the dizziness due by the lack of air it took him a moment to notice that the cold that had been forced into his body before was now replaced with waves of agonizing heat.
Harry breathed shallowly and gritted his teeth through the pain as he found the mokeskin pouch growing hotter and hotter in his grasp. Through his closed lids he saw the light slowly loosing intensity before suddenly being brighter than ever before. Although this time he could see another light – a green one – joining the previously blinding white.
The green light turned into a swirling mist and soon surrounded him. Suddenly the pressure on him increased drastically as the wall of light pushed the mist so close to him that he coughed and chocked on the magic squeezing itself into his body. The pain instantly reached new highs and all the air left his lungs with a whoosh as he finally fell unconscious.
Harry opened his eyes slowly but what he saw made him regret it instantly. Harry found himself surrounded by darkness floating in an endless stream of nothingness. Although there was nothing around him other than darkness the place wasn't uncomfortable. It was warm, soft and surrounded by feelings of calm and serenity. All of this was accompanied with a feeling of freedom he had never felt before.
Before he could stop himself he laughed in joy and let his hair ruffle in a non-existent wind. He didn't know where he was or why he was here but it didn't matter. He felt like all his worries disappear with the waves of darkness flowing by. He lost all sense of time and forgot all that was before. He drifted, he floated and embraced the darkness. For an eternally long and at the same time painfully short moment he simply was.
But the moment ended abruptly as he found himself suddenly standing at the unusually empty Platform 9 3/4. Slowly blinking his eyes he looked around and took in the familiar surroundings; his memories slowly returning to him.
"I…I am Harry….just Harry…," he found himself saying to the empty space. "And I was…on an important…errand? Or am I still doing the errand? Is…is this an illusion?"
For a moment he was quiet and tried to collect himself. He had to remember what he did before. Somehow he had the feeling that it was important. Furrowing his brow he slowly went to a bench and sat down. All the while keeping an eye on his surrounding in case something happened. He tried to concentrate hard on what he was doing and why he was here.
"My friends…Hermione and Ron…send me to gather…um…sent me to gather….," for a moment he stared confused around himself. He tried to focus even more but no images came to mind.
He felt frustrated as he tried to see through a hazy screen of images. He was remembering and not remembering at the same time. It unnerved him to no end.
"Sent me to gather…something. And to do that I was in….Hogwarts? Yes, I was in Hogwarts," he whispered into the silence
"I needed to be careful. I couldn't allow myself to be seen, because Hermione, Ron and I were in Hogwarts! …..Um…no, that's not right? Is it? ….No, I needed to be careful, because of the war. Oh, the war! Voldemort! The hunt! The Dursleys! The Horcruxes! …Yes, I remember now! I was in the castle to take care of something…something important related to the war!"
Harry nearly shouted the last part as horror as it slowly dawned on him. There was no way he could stay here – wherever here was – he needed to go back and take care of whatever he needed to take care of in the castle. He could clearly remember the face Hermione and Ron made when they discussed his expedition to Hogwarts and their faces alone made painfully clear how important whatever reason he was in Hogwarts for was.
"Yes, I need to go back. I cannot stay here. I must find them and stop Voldemort. I need…I need to go back." Harry said in desperation as he tried to think of a way to go back.
"Have you finally regained your memories, Master?" A dull metallic voice spoke from behind him.
Harry snapped his eyes open and whirled around on his heels from where he was standing. As he turned around he came face to face with a ten feet tall black cloaked being, its face was hidden behind a hood.
"I have never quite manage to understand human greed. It is a mystery to me, how not being able to own something can lead to the wish to destroy what you can't have and who owns it. It is truly astounding how many souls have been brought to me simply because of greed or jealousy."
Harry could feel his eyes widen as the realization of who – or what – exactly was standing in front of him hit him fast and hit him hard.
"The greed and jealousy of a man long past has forced me to bring you here. You are my Master the one and truly." The being which Harry now recognized as Death spoke after a sigh.
Harry looked at the deity without any trace of emotion on his face, as he was feeling none. At that very moment he had become numb. The only thought that was going through his mind was,
'How do I always find myself in these kind of situations?'
"When you gathered all the hallows, they not only accepted you but also merged parts of their magic with your own. Thus sealing the contract that was created since birth of the hallows. I had waited a long time for the hallows to reunite and chose the Master of Death."
"So it is true. Whatever was written in the tale is true! Death did give gifts to the Peverel brothers?" Harry finally spoke after managing to find his voice.
"More or less. The sole purpose of giving the hallows to the brothers was to find the perfect master for them and myself. Since then they have been with many witches and wizards, they had gotten a mind of themselves, which helped them to choose you."
"That is all very good but right now I really don't care about anything else except for defeating Voldemort." Harry told Death.
"Yes, Voldemort. The one who tried to defy me. He and I are in need of a long chat." Death spoke in the same nonchalant voice.
"So, are you going to help me defeat him?" Harry asked in desperation, Death's nonchalant attitude was getting on his nerve.
"I...shall not be the one to help you. The one who will help is the reason you are standing here before me." Death said in the same voice.
"What? What are you talking about?" Harry was rapidly losing his temper. He needed to get back, he needed to be with his friends and fight Voldemort.
"Do you not remember what happened down at the chamber?" Death asked him.
"What? What happened at th-?" Harry tried to ask with a frown, he didn't understood what Death was talking about. But suddenly he cut himself off in mid-sentence as memories of that awful experience came rushing back.
"What happened down at the chamber was not any ordinary occurrence. It was an outcome of an ancient curse that was placed upon the stone by the one who built the chamber, in the hope of preventing anyone with any malicious intent to acquire the stone."
"Wait, the one who created the chamber, as in Salazar Slytherine? He was in possession of the stone?" harry said with a startled expression.
"Yes, he was. He was an honorable man; cunning yes, he was very cunning but an honorable man. He never tried to use the stone but he knew that someone else who requires the stone might not be same as him, so to prevent the stone from falling in wrong hand. He created a failsafe curse that would bring the bearer of the stone in front of him."
"But he has been dead for thousands of years. There is no way for the victim to appear in front of him. Is there?" Harry said in a panic. He had a dreadful feeling that he will not like the answer to the question.
"I am afraid there is. You see, the curse was not created with any malice but to protect the stone, so the curse around the chamber strengthened over the years, feeding from thousands of witches and wizards that resided in the castle. When the curse tried to take you to Salazar Slytherine the stone also recognized the founder of the curse but at the same time it also tried to protect you. Because of that your body was almost ripped apart, which is why I had to step in to prevent you from dying before you could even take up the tittle of the Master of Death."
Harry stared at Death in horror as it told him how he almost died at that time.
"I had to do whatever I could do to prevent you from vanishing into nothingness. Right now you are hanging between time and space itself. When you woke up you shall find yourself in front of the person who casted the spell. He will be able to help you defeat Voldemort."
"So you are saying that I shall end up back in time, like a thousand years back in time?" Harry said with a dumbfounded expression. In less than fifteen minutes his whole world has been turned upside down. He couldn't understand what to feel at the moment.
"It is almost time for you to wake up. But before that I must warn you that when you wake up you might find yourself in a very…unusual situation. More than the one you are in right now. I hope you will be able to handle it profoundly just the way you handled everything till now. Also this will not be the last time we meet, because, my master, there is so much you have to do to live up to the tittle." With that Death waved his boney hands, making wind rush at Harry.
Harry tried to scream but the wind was blowing so fast that he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. Suddenly the wind threw him from his feet, making him lose his consciousness.