In response to an anon prompt for Emma and Killian to visit Victoria's Secret, after Chapter 6 of New Things posted.
CS does VS
"Are we there yet," he asked again.
"Jesus Christ, Killian, you're worse than a child! We'll be there soon enough," Emma chided him.
"We've been in this blasted tin can for almost an hour. How can you stand to travel so cooped up?"
"Hey, no name calling, this tin can has seen me through many a rough patch, buddy."
"I apologize, Swan, I just prefer to travel with the wind in my hair, and the salty sea air filling my lungs."
Emma laughed at his antiquated style of travel, "Roll down your window if you want the wind in your hair, and mist in your face." It had started to pour down rain about ten minutes ago, and it didn't show any sign of letting up.
Killian turned toward her and rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean, love, you've come to appreciate the ocean as much as I, and besides, if I roll down the window your tin can will rust."
Emma side eyed him, "Watch it, or you won't get to help me today."
Killian brought his thumb and index finger to his lips and pantomimed locking his lips and tossing away the key.
Emma just smiled, no doubt something he'd seen Henry do. "That's what I thought," she boasted, knowing full well Killian was more excited about today's trip than she was.
They pulled off the freeway when Emma saw the sign for The Maine Mall.
"Now are we here?"
"Yes Killian, we're almost there," she sighed.
They pulled up to one of the largest buildings Killian had seen in this realm. "This is Victoria's Secret?" he asked in shock.
"No babe, this is the mall, it's a bunch of stores altogether, Victoria's Secret is just one store."
"Kind of like a bazaar then, many merchants in one place."
"Yah, something like that," she answered, watching his awed expression. Emma found that even though she'd endured the difficulties of unfamiliar realms several times, she was constantly overlooking the vast differences that Killian had to overcome as he became accustomed to her world. He'd adapted remarkably well for a 300 year old pirate from the Enchanted Forest.
Exiting the car, Killian paused to take in the surroundings of the big city. Emma ran around to his side, grabbed his prosthetic hand and pulled him toward the entrance. It was still raining, and she didn't want to be soaked for the whole day.
Once they were inside, Killian was hit with all the different aromas of foods, fabrics, and perfumes, he was taken aback at just how similar this was to a market place, though much more sophisticated with electricity and all that.
"Alright, where do you want to start?"
"I only know of one place here, love," he grinned at her like the Cheshire Cat. He'd been waiting for the day he could accompany her to buy her more of those sinfully delightful undergarments.
Emma decided to take Killian to a couple of men's stores first. She knew his penchant for dressing to impress, so she thought maybe he'd want to experience the vast array of menswear at his disposal.
After the fourth store that had struck his fancy, Emma had to warn him that they needed to be able to fit all their purchases in the bug. The man loved to shop more than some women she knew. He'd picked out skinny jeans, vests, t-shirts that hugged him properly, button ups, and flannels. For a man who she'd only ever seen in boots, he had an affinity for sneakers, he needed Converse and Vans, and not just the required black pair, but several more. According to Killian it was 'bad form to limit a man's style'.
"Alright, enough for me lass, let's go to the lovely ladies' lingerie store."
Upon arriving at the entrance, Killian's jaw dropped open as he shamelessly ogled the contents spread before him. He looked like a kid at Disneyland for the first time. "By the Gods, Swan, can we just get one of each?"
Emma laughed out loud, "Even you don't have enough doubloons to buy the entire Victoria's Secret line. That's why it's a once in awhile treat to come here, and also the reason you can't be shredding them from my body," she purred.
Killian's eyes darkened as she put images into his head, images of his hook running the length of her scantily clad body from the throat down. He'd torn the pretty lace from her body in a moment of animalistic lust. "Duly noted, Swan," he growled into her ear.
Emma shivered at his close proximity, "Alright, pirate, what floats your boat?"
"She's a ship, darling."
Giggling, Emma explained, "Whatever floats your boat means what do you like, or what makes you happy."
"Well why didn't you say so, let me find a place to put these bags so I can browse with you," he walked toward the counter with a flourish in his step.
Emma watched as he confidently approached the counter and sweet talked the pretty sales associate into holding his purchases behind the counter. The girl smiled widely, nodding her head. She may as well have fucking hearts in her eyes, Emma thought.
"What did you say to get her to smile like that?" she asked, not bothering to hide the jealousy that trickled into her tone.
Killian couldn't help but chuckle, he pulled her into an embrace in the middle of the store and placed a chaste kiss to her lips, "Darling, I simply asked if she wouldn't mind holding our purchases, because I wished to assist my true love in picking out some of this lovely merchandise."
"Killian, you can't say shit like that," Emma whispered, "people will think you're crazy!"
"Perhaps I am," he kissed her again, his arms still wrapped around her waist, "I'm crazy about you. Besides, it worked, she was more than willing to help out a devilishly handsome, but taken gentleman."
Emma grinned at his casual but logical explanation, she loved him so much.
"Now, back to floating my boat?" he smirked. Letting go of her waist, he grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers.
"Well then, look around and show me what you like," she replied with a sparkle in her eyes.
Killian made his way to the negligees, and immediately picked up a black lace number. It was like a bodysuit, a v cut down the front and back all the way below the waist line. He turned to her, "What do you think of this, Swan? It's called the 'Very Sexy Double-V teddy.' "
"What do you think of it?" she asked seductively. "I like most of the pieces in here, what will make me want them more is knowing that you picked them out because you like them. Pick something that makes you hard just imagining me in it."
His sharp intake of breath let her know that her words were affecting him. He leaned into her, mouth by her ear, "Are you fucking with me love, because I assure you, two can play that game," he growled, then he quickly licked the shell of her ear. "You could literally wear anything and you'd make me hard."
She couldn't help the gasp that escaped her as heat shot straight to her core. She looked him in the eye grabbing the black number out of his hand, "What else?"
"This is the 'Very Sexy Chantilly Lace Babydoll'," he recited from the tag, "why do they feel the need to label everything 'Very Sexy'? You'd have to be daft not to notice on your own," he babbled, holding it out toward her body. "Oh yes, Swan, you would look simply delectable in this one. Red for the devilish minx you are," he smoldered.
"Ooooh, I like these," she said breathily, lifting the set from his grasp. She fingered the lace, splaying the two strings that made up the crotchless panties. "All the better for easy access," she reasoned as she pushed two fingers between the lace.
Killian's eyes were blown wide, "I- I didn't even notice. The inventions in your realm will never cease to amaze me."
"Modern technology, electricity, science, and you're amazed by crotchless panties," Emma smirked.
"They are ever so appealing," he said, licking his tongue crudely along his lower lip. "I do find one issue with them though."
"What's that?" Emma asked as she stared at his tongue, the tongue that possessed the ability to make her hit her peak in mere moments.
"When you're fantasizing about me, and dripping wet, and your arousal is coating your thighs, they provide zero functionality," he quipped in a husky tone.
"Do you enjoy the thought of me fantasizing about you?" she asked, already knowing the answer. She bit down on her bottom lip, and stared into his eyes, "The functionality will be the ease in which I can fuck my fingers."
He quickly pulled her back to his front, wrapping his arms around her, "You're not playing fair, lass, now who's the pirate?" Killian murmured into her ear. He pressed against her allowing her to feel how she was affecting him.
Emma moaned ever so softly at feeling his cock pressed against her backside, "What's not fair?"
"I can't hide my arousal, Emma, you can," he growled, "I consider myself controlled in most aspects, but the thought of you riding your fingers while thinking of me is unfucking fair."
"Then hurry up and pick out a few more things. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner you can fuck me."
"If you're trying to help my current situation, try harder," he muttered.
Emma burst into laughter at is unintended innuendo, "Sorry, babe, I'll behave."
For all intents and purposes they looked like a cuddly couple picking out some nice things for the bedroom. No one was the wiser to Killian's actual predicament.
He inhaled deeply trying desperately to rid himself of his raging erection. "Stop laughing, wench, you're positively vibrating against me."
This only made Emma laugh harder, "Think of unsexy things," she whispered, "like our realm's version of Captain Hook."
"Ha fucking ha," Killian deadpanned, "hilarious, Swan."
"Hilarious or not, it seems to be working."
"Indeed it is," he groused. This realm's Captain Hook was a sore spot for Killian, he just couldn't understand how they'd gotten it so wrong.
"Okay, I'll get both of these, and now I just need some new panties since you like to-"
"Swan! I know what I like, need I remind you whatever statement you're about to make is what got us into trouble just a moment ago?" he scolded, running a hand through his hair.
Emma held her hands out, palms skyward, "Sorry," she shrugged, a huge smile splitting her face. She enjoyed fucking with him, it was nice to see the otherwise calm, cool, and collected pirate a little flustered every once in awhile.
Emma picked out a dozen pair, ranging from thongs to cheekinis to shorties. She picked out some extra girly colors, lavender, hot pink, and peach to name a few, to hide under the tough exterior of her boots, jeans, and leather jacket.
Killian's mouth was watering at the thought of watching her model all her purchases. Fuck, he was hard just thinking about it.
"Can we leave this bloody place darling, it's painfully hard to continue watching you hold each garment up to your body," he begged.
Emma walked over to him and brushed a strand of hair from his forehead. "Oh, poor baby," she teased, eyes twinkling with mirth, "is it painfully hard?" She punctuated her rhetorical question by pressing her hips into his.
"Don't make me throw you over my shoulder and haul you out of here," he whispered hoarsely into her ear.
"Come on, let's go." Grabbing his hand Emma pulled him toward the sales desk. She set everything down on the counter as Killian sidled up next to her, putting his arm around her waist.
"Did you find everything okay?" the sales associate asked, staring directly at Killian, as she brought their other shopping bags around from behind the counter.
"Yes, we found everything we need," Emma answered brusquely at the girl's shameless ogling.
Killian however could only stare at his Swan, anticipating the night's events, he massaged at her hip where he had his arm wrapped around her.
A shiver ran through her body as he slowly kneaded at her hip bone, his long fingers splaying over her abdomen.
"That'll be $171.08."
"Hmmmm," Emma sighed out, brain clouded with desire.
"$171.08," the girl repeated,
Letting go of her, Killian pulled out the wallet that Henry had gotten him, black leather of course, and prepared to pay the lady.
"No," Emma said, slapping at his hand.
"But I want to lavish you with this finery, love," he protested.
"But I want to use my Angel card for the points," she stated, then handed her card to the sales associate, who promptly slid it through the card reader.
Killian looked at Emma in confusion, he hadn't the slightest idea what she was going on about. He had exchanged doubloons to dollars, and now she was paying with a piece of plastic.
"You also qualify to receive the Victoria's Secret Weekender Tote for free, since you spent over 75 dollars. Let me go grab that for you."
Emma giggled, "Don't worry babe, I'd rather be lavished with your body," she whispered, when the associate stepped away.
His eyes widened, and he couldn't help but capture her lips. He plunged his tongue roughly into her mouth once, then nipped her bottom lip as he pulled away, "As you wish."
Emma's head was swimming in a lust filled haze when the girl returned with the tote, and asked her to sign the receipt. Swiping the pen off the counter she hastily scribbled her signature then grabbed her free weekender tote with all her new unmentionables packaged inside.
Killian picked up his bags and was promptly pulled forward by Emma's vice like grip on his hand. He chuckled at her as she proceeded back to the bug at a breakneck pace. "What's your rush, darling?" he asked as she opened up the car and started tossing the bags in the back seat.
Shutting the door she whirled around on her pirate, "You know my rush," she said huskily as she grabbed the lapels of his soft leather jacket and pushed him against the bug. Pressing her body flush against his she snaked her hand around his neck and into his hair, then she kissed him, just like he'd kissed her in the store, hard and hot.
Killian was surprised when she pounced, feeling her soft, warm body flush against his he sprang into action. Wrapping his prosthetic hand around her back, he pulled her closer while sliding his other hand over her perfect backside to grab a handful and squeeze. He welcomed her tongue into his mouth, groaning when she started to roll her tongue against his in much the same fashion she was moving her body against his.
She broke their kiss, leaning her forehead to his, "Let's get out of here."
"Aye, let's go home."
Emma pulled onto the freeway when she noticed Killian squirming in his seat again. "Cramped again already, Captain?"
"No, Swan, I wish that were the case," he sighed, as he shrugged off his jacket and tossed it in the back seat.
Glancing in his direction, she noticed he sat with his legs spread as wide as they could go in her tiny car. His hand was cupping his junk. Suddenly it dawned on Emma what was perturbing him, and she couldn't help but giggle just a little bit.
"What do you find so funny on this dreary road home?" he asked.
"Well you know how there are several pirates with colors in their names?"
"Aye, Blackbeard, Red Sonja, John Silver, Calico Jackā¦"
"Well you could be Captain Blue Balls," she snickered.
"Why is that, Swan," he wasn't sure where she was headed with this name suggestion.
She laughed harder when she realized she'd have to explain the term to him, "Blue balls, Killian. It's what happens when a guy gets turned on for a prolonged period of time, but doesn't get his...happy ending."
"Hysterical, I am glad you can find humor in my suffering. For all it's simplistic colloquialisms your realm has a bloody term for sore bollocks," he muttered.
Emma had tears gathering in her eyes now she was laughing so hard. "Aww, I'm sorry, babe," she reached over to rub his leg, but he jerked away from her touch.
"Do not touch me, you sly little cock tease, this is your fault," he accused, although there was no ill temper to his voice.
"I promise to make it up to you," she purred.
"Blue balls fucking hurt, Swan," he complained.
They were about halfway to their destination, but Emma couldn't help but feel for her pirate. She turned off at the next exit.
"We are in the middle of nowhere, are you sure we are going the right way?"
"Yes, Killian, you navigate the waters, I'll navigate on land."
Ten minutes later they were further in the middle of nowhere, on a dirt road surrounded by thick Maine forestry. He hadn't said another word though, he'd follow her no matter how lost she got them.
Emma exited the car and stretched her muscles, smirking as she prepared to shock her man. Walking around to his side of the car, she opened his door and offered him her hand.
He took her hand and stepped out of the car, "What are we doing, love, what happened to 'the sooner we get out of here the sooner I can fuck you'?
Emma looked into his eyes, her jade gaze penetrating his piercing blue. She still had him in between the car and her body. She slowly moved into kiss him softly, placing her hands at his chest.
"This is not going to help my cause," he warned, breaking their kiss.
"Shut up," she scolded, then she continued kissing him. Her hands worked their way down the solid muscle that made up his abs until they reached the waistband of his jeans. She unbuckled his belt and popped the button easily enough.
"Emma," he breathed out like it was a praise. "Fuck," he cursed as she unzipped him letting him feel the relief from his tight confines.
She pushed his pants down just enough to let him free, "Sit down," she told him.
He sat back down in the passenger seat, legs planted on the forest floor. His cock jutted straight up as he sat there staring up at his goddess.
Emma took in the sight of Killian Jones before her, his legs tight together from his jeans wrapped at his thighs. That wasn't going to work. She knelt down and pulled at his pants until she had them around his ankles. She parted his knees and made herself at home, his cock front and center. She placed her index finger at the tip of his swollen head collecting the precum that had gathered, then she slowly ran her finger feather light to the underside of his cock, caressing at that tender spot under the head. She watched his face as he audibly groaned, sounding for all the world like he was already climaxing. She continued to run her finger gently down to his base. "Is this where it hurts?" she murmured. Not waiting for an answer she delicately cupped his balls, lovingly massaging them.
Killian's head dropped back, mouth slack as he let himself get lost in her magical touch. The pain was gone almost immediately. He felt her warm breath when she asked if that was better, her mouth hovering over his tip. "Yes, Emma, so much better." He was supposed to be lavishing her, he didn't stand a chance though as she was controlling the situation right now.
"Do you want me to suck your cock, Killian?"
His head snapped forward to look at her, and he almost lost it right then as she peered up at him through long lashes, one side of her lower lip bit in between her teeth. "You are so bloody beautiful," he lauded. He pulled the hem of his shirt up with his prosthetic to get a better view of his princess as she readied to engulf him.
Still lightly massaging his balls, she brought her other hand to his shaft and guided him between her lips. She started by thoroughly loving just his head, swirling her tongue around him, then stroking at his most sensitive spot with the tip of her wet tongue. Emma kept her hand working steadily at his shaft, soon only at the base as she took him deeper.
The press of the seam of her jeans felt like heaven as it rubbed against her clit in time with her motions. She could feel her wetness soaking her panties, she wanted him so badly, but she'd wait. This was for him. She looked up at him without pulling away, he was fixated on the way his cock disappeared into her warm mouth again and again. Hearing all the wrecked sounds escaping his mouth, she couldn't stop the moan that vibrated around his length.
"Bloody Hell, that feels so fucking good," he praised. He settled his hand at the back of her head, running his fingers through her silky strands. He wasn't prepared for her next move.
Emma had picked up her pace slightly leaving the languid strokes behind. She could hear his breathing get heavier, she could feel his balls, still in her gentle grasp, as they tightened up. Inhaling a deep breath through her nose and exhaling slightly, she took him in until he was nudging the back of her throat, once there she swallowed around him. Although not a pleasant sensation in and of itself, the pleasure she knew he experienced from it, as expressed through his tightened grip in her hair, just bordering on rough, was enough for her to want to do this for him.
He could see as the tears started to pool at the outer corner of her eyes, yet she swallowed again. Killian tugged lightly at her hair, trying to let her know he wasn't going to last much longer. Even still, she allowed him to stay buried deep in her throat, where the constriction when she swallowed caused a jolt of pleasure so intense it had him crying out her name.
Not able to keep him down any longer, she backed off of him, then redoubled her efforts, setting a merciless pace. Hollowing her cheeks, she applied as much suction as she could.
The wet sounds of her mouth on his skin were maddening, Killian was absolutely gone as she worked him. His orgasm hit him so hard, his eyes screwed shut against his will, he wanted to continue watching her but was unable to, he gulped for the air trying to make it's way back into his lungs. He could feel each hot burst as he shot inside her mouth, in time with her every pull on his cock. He opened his eyes in time to see her release him, a few drops of his release coating her lips.
Emma licked her lips, making sure to take everything he gave her. Her clit ached with the need to be loved. She reached down to pull up his pants, not getting any help from Killian.
"Easy, love, allow a man a moment to come back down from the heavens."
She stood up and put both hands on his face, thumbs at his cheeks, pinkies stroking his jaw line. "Listen, because this is important. We have 30 miles to go, I may not have blue balls but I'm literally aching to be fucked. Get up, and get dressed; you have half an hour to prepare."
"Half an hour?" he scoffed, "you know me better than that, lass." He stood up and pulled his pants up at the same time. Catching her in a quick embrace he brought his mouth to her ear, "You know I'll take care of you, Swan." He brazenly stuck his hand between her legs and caressed over her center once. "Christ almighty," he cursed. He could feel the heat of her damp arousal through the thin denim. He wasted no time getting back into the car, she needed him, and he wasn't going to delay her desire any longer than strictly necessary.
Emma hopped in, started up the car, and hauled out of their secluded forest haven.
"You knew where we were then?"
"I told you, you navigate the open waters, I navigate on land," she smirked.
"You are too good to me, darling," he replied.
They drove the next 20 minutes in contented silence.
"Bugger," Killian cursed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you, it's just, well, I know what you need, and-"
"Spit it out."
"Won't the lad be home?" he asked.
"Hmmm, well then, it's a good thing we aren't going home," Emma smiled conspiratorially as she told him that her parents were keeping Henry for the weekend, and they were having a romantic weekend to themselves.