Takes place immediately after the previous chapter.

After the ceremony, Emerald approached the Universes. "Congratulations," she said to the blue Gem. "The High Council is very happy to have you as part of our world." Turning to Steven she continued, "and I for one am impressed with both of you, and your dedication to protecting the Earth. The Crystal Gems are fortunate to have such loyal teammates."

"Thank you, Chancellor," said Topaz. "We're honored to be able to keep all life forms out of harm's way."

Steven took Topaz's hand in his. "We have a foot, as they say, in both worlds," he smiled.

"Which brings me to a proposal for the both of you," said Emerald. "Walk with me."

The Gem High Council building was beautiful, with murals of the great Gem battles lining the walls. They turned a corner and proceeded down a hallway. Steven looked with pride at the walls commemorating the victories his mother won against the Great Diamond Authority.

At the end of the hallway was Emerald's office. She motioned for them to enter. "Please, have a seat."

"You chose your Gem well, Topaz!" Emerald smiled. "Did Garnet ever explain the significance of the blue Gems?"

"Why, no! It never came up in conversation," said Topaz. "Did you know about it, Steven?" He shook his head. "All I know is, Sapphire's Gem, and Lapis Lazuli's are blue, but I never associated it with a particular role or status," he replied.

"Blue Gems were created to be members of the aristocratic corps," explained Emerald. "In the old order, there were only four Sapphires, one for each member of the Great Diamond Authority's court. They served as prophets, advising the Diamonds of future events."

"What about Lapis?" Steven asked.

"The Lapis Lazuli Gems were created to be the long-term strategists. A Diamond would send a Lapis Lazuli in to assess a situation, and come up with a plan for victory. That was her mission on Earth: to assess the situation, determine the best way to defeat the Crystal Gems, and return with her analysis. Unfortunately, there was an enormous battle, in which she was inadvertently injured and poofed. There her Gem lay on the ground, until it was discovered by a Ruby. However, to Lapis' dismay, the Gems who discovered her believed she was a Crystal Gem and trapped her in a magical mirror in order to find out the secrets of the rebel group, but she was not able to answer."

"When she didn't return to Homeworld with her analysis and the battle turned fierce, a retreat was called, leaving her behind at the Galaxy Warp. The mirror was trampled on, damaging Lapis' gemstone. She was later discovered by Pearl at the same spot and kept in her possession until you saved her, Steven."

"What happened to your Lapis was terribly unfortunate; she suffered tremendously. After the war, she was very happy to return here and join the Homeworld Reconnaissance Office, where her unique abilities are put to good use."

"So, blue Gems are aristocrats?" Asked Topaz.

"Yes, they are few in number, and they were created to serve a special purpose."

A Gem entered the office. Hers was a unique, translucent silky white gem, smooth, resting just above and between her two eyes. It appeared to glow slightly. "You sent for me Chancellor?"

"Yes, Selenite, please come in. May I introduce Steven Quartz Universe and Topaz Universe."

"Ah yes, the hybrid Crystal Gems from Earth. Very pleased to meet you," She smiled and shook hands. Selenite had a quiet, peaceful demeanor, almost like Sapphire's, but more genial - warmer. She had a way of looking at you that seemed to pierce through to your inmost being, but not in a threatening way.

Selenite sat down next to the Universes, and Emerald began. "I asked Selenite to join us because there are some important issues and proposals I want to discuss, and she has a unique intuition in discerning the best course of events."

"Like Future Vision?" Asked Steven.

"Something similar to Garnet's Future Vision, yes, Steven," answered Selenite. "We Selenites are Gems of intuition and psychic awareness - similar to what humans refer to as the third eye chakra. We can help foresee the future, yes, but unlike Future Vision, we can also access a Gem's past and do past life work and healing. In fact, Garnet had been in communication with me regarding you, Topaz."

"Me?" She asked.

"Yes. I was intending to come to help heal your ability to transform to your human self, but as it turned out, Steven was able to help bring your whole self back. Bravo, Steven! You truly have your mother's healing capabilities."

"Thank you, Selenite," Steven smiled. "It was in my dreams that I 'found' Connie's human self trapped in a prison."

"Your Mind Transfer ability is unique," said Selenite, "seeing" how the healing occurred. "The human Connie was imprisoned by Blue Diamond's Peridot deep in Topaz's Gem. While you were asleep, you actually entered her gem and walked, as it were, through the corridors until you found her. There, you were able to communicate with Connie and learn how to help her."

"Then, when both of you fell asleep in each other's arms, you 'brought' Topaz into her Gem where she met and 'fused' back with her human self."

"And when I woke, I was whole again!" Said Topaz. "I got out of bed, and turned back into Connie! I was so happy!" She hugged Steven, who hugged her back.

"So, if I may ask, Chancellor, what is it that we can do for the Federation?" Said Steven. Topaz nodded.

"What I'm thinking of," said Emerald, "was a special mission for both of you. I would like you to consider becoming Homeworld's ambassadors to Earth."

"Ambassadors?" They looked at each other. An incredible offer! An official envoy, high ranking diplomats who would represent the Gem Homeworld to the governments of Earth! Under the planet's Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, an ambassador has the highest diplomatic rank.

"One of the cornerstones of foreign diplomatic missions is to work for peaceful coexistence," said Emerald, "and the Gem High Council wants to establish an Interplanetary Charter for that very purpose."

"It is an honor, Chancellor," said Steven finally, speaking for both of them. "That is, if you and the High Council believe we have the ability to take on such an important task."

"Steven, you have your mother's Gem," said Selenite. "I sense the deep love she had for Earth, and the enormous commitment to do whatever it took to protect all forms of life. This is in you also. And Topaz, your determination to defend your home - your family, your friends, your planet and all that is within it - shines clearly through your perfectly formed Gem!"

Smiling, she gazed at Steven. "You have always searched for peace and harmony among those you have met, even with those with whom you fought."

Turning her attention, Selenite addressed Steven's life partner. "And Topaz - Connie - your love and devotion to others, as well as your fierce determination to stand and defend the innocent and powerless, make you his powerful ally."

"Chancellor," said Selenite, "I sense a perfect symbiosis with Steven and Topaz. And being grounded on Earth makes them uniquely qualified for this mission."

The Gem sat back and paused reflectively. "I think," she continued, "an assistant...no, something more than that, a mentor, would be an appropriate addition to their ministry."

Chuckling softly, she added. "And Steven already knows of whom I'm thinking."

"Garnet?" He smiled.

"Precisely. Not only does she know the two of you well, she has thousands of years of wisdom and experience to offer."

"Thanks for agreeing to help us, Garnet,' said Steven.

"Wouldn't miss it for anything," the Fusion smiled. They were on a Homeworld ship bound for Earth. Their objective: a meeting with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and establish a working group whose purpose was to draft an interplanetary charter. Steven, Topaz/Connie Maheswaran and Garnet would represent the Gem Homeworld, and hand-picked UN members would represent Earth. In addition, The Gem High Council had chosen Selenite to assist in the negotiations.

"I wonder," said Topaz. "When we arrive, should I appear as Topaz, or as Connie?"

"What do you think would be most appropriate?" asked Selenite. "Also, keep in mind that everyone in the greeting party has a dossier on each one of us, so they are quite familiar with who we are and our backgrounds. I imagine they know that you two are Gem/human hybrids."

"Well, I am from Earth, but I'm there to represent the Gem Homeworld. Perhaps, since Steven's exterior appearance is human, I should greet them at Topaz."

"Then that is what you should do," Selenite smiled.

The ship landed next to the UN Headquarters building, where it was greeted by the Secretary-General and a delegation. "Welcome to Earth," she said to the Gem group. "I am Kshenuka Seneviratne."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Madame Secretary-General," said Steven. "I am Steven Universe of the Gem Homeworld - a Gem/human hybrid, and also of the United States.

"Ah, yes! Mr. Universe. Your father was a very talented musician. I enjoy his music! You know, I have a few of his albums," she smiled.

"You do?" He grinned.

"I always liked 'Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart," she chuckled. "I was a young college student at the time, driving around in an old beat-up van. I enjoyed that song."

"My father would have been so happy to know he had you as a fan," smiled Steven.

He then turned to his right. "And this is my wife, Topaz, also known as Connie Maheswaran."

"Ah, yes, Connie, the Sri Lankan," the Secretary-General smiled, and shaking hands with Topaz, speaking in Sinhalese she said, "so nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, Madame Secretary," replied Topaz in kind.

"I heard how you two rescued two Sri Lankan youngsters from a...what do you call it? A corrupted Gem?"

"Yes, these are Gems that were infected by a Corrupting Light spread many thousands of years ago by the enemy Gem Homeworld," explained Topaz. "One of our objectives is to find, contain, and cure them - all the while protecting the people of Earth."

Switching to English, she said, "and please allow me to introduce two of our Gem associates: Garnet, who is a Crystal Gem living here on Earth, and Selenite from the Gem Homeworld."

Secretary-General Seneviratne greeted the Gems warmly. "And let me introduce you to my delegation." All were introduced, and they entered the UN building. Steven turned to his wife. "You excited, my love?"

"Very!" She replied. "Who knew, when I was a young girl reading that book on the beach, watching you trying to bicycle on the sand, that I'd become a human/alien hybrid, and wind up as an Ambassador for a world I'd never imagine existed!"

"Some journey, eh?" He smiled.

The End

Thanks for reading! I enjoyed writing this FanFic! Sorry that it appears Season 5 may be the final season for "Steven Universe"...sigh