"How do you get away with not wearing the uniform?" I look up at Lance and smirk, "I do this specifically to annoy Wade. If I haven't said it before I'll say it now, I Loathe him." Lance just shakes his head and I start to concentrate, seeing Lance walk into Daniels classroom and talking about Voltron, and then it clicks into place.

"Lance, go visit the first-year cadets. I have a feeling Daniels going to ask about Voltron, when he does talk about it a little bit but take him and the boy he sits next to see Wade." He just stares at me, "Alright, and what will this accomplish?"

"We can get the keys as soon as tomorrow." This shuts him up. He gets up to leave but turns back to me, "How do I get the other boy out of there?" I roll my eyes, "Think of something." He just leaves and goes to do just that. I sigh and Pidge looks at me, "Can we really get them by tomorrow?" I smile at him, "Yup. Afterall the only hole in Wade's security is Latrine duty." Pidge's eyes widen as he realizes where I'm going with this, he smiles widely at me. "You may be one of the smartest people I know." I laugh a little and go to read my book until someone page's me. I wonder how Lance is doing.

Lance is walking down the hall thinking about what Clara said. They could have the keys as soon as tomorrow, what in the world did she see! Oh well he shouldn't be complaining, at least he gets to meet this Daniel kid she always goes on about. He gets there and stands there for a minute until the teacher notices him. "Commander Lance...to what do we owe the honor of a visit from the youngest head flight instructor in academy history?" He goes up and looks over the cadets, immediately seeing the two kids Clara talked about, they looked like trouble.

"I realized it was nearly the end of the first term and I've yet to greet our first-year cadets. I wanted to get a look at the faces I'll be seeing when they get into the cockpit...in their third year." Daniel slumps in his seat at that bit of information. He'll never be able to pilot a ship.

"So do any of you potential pilots have any questions for me?" Daniel raises his hand and Lance looks at him, "Yes cadet."

"Sir. with all due respect why are you here teaching instead of defending the universe? What really happened with Voltron?" He really wanted to know why such a great pilot would choose to become a teacher and not try and get the lion's back. "Daniel! You know mention of Voltron is forbidden by sky Marshal Wade. There are severe consequences for violating this order! Commander Lance, I am so sorry for…" The teacher really is a suck-up. Lance knew Clara was rarely ever wrong and when she was it usually involved death.

"It's alright. I'll speak of this once and only once. Yes, I used to be the pilot of the red Voltron lion. But after the incident that's something I've put in the past. Myself along with tech sergeants Hunk and Pidge, formerly the yellow and green lions, are now loyal soldiers in the service of the Galaxy alliance military and Princess Allura the former blue lion is ruling on her home planet of Aris." Lance had to hand it to Clara, when she was right she was right.

"What about the leader of Voltron, the black lion, Commander Keith?!" Daniel was beyond excited and he had decided to learn all he could, especially since Clara wouldn't tell him anything. "Ex-Commander Keith is a wanted fugitive and nobody knows his whereabouts."

Ever since Pidge had told him about this new ally he had been curious. He said that she was a seer and apparently knew about his mission. Pidge never told him her name only that she can be trusted. She had also relayed a message to him to go to a certain informant to get some information on Wade's secret base. She had also said to wear a tropical shirt, he didn't know the reason until he was asked to meet at some resort dome that was apparently a beach.

He was currently walking toward a fat alien with four arms. He sits down next to said alien and looks at his surroundings, "So Commander Keith I hear you are interested in the location of Wade's secret base." It was more of a statement than a question as Keith hands him some money. "Your hearing is good."

"Why are you seeking this base, are you looking for trouble?" He tenses up and gets ready to make a break for it. "I'm looking for something Wade has that doesn't belong to him. Which may lead to trouble, but that doesn't concern you. I paid you good money for that location so..." Keith holds out his hand but his informant hands him his money back.

"Yes, well, unfortunately, some people are willing to pay more for your location." He didn't sound all that sorry. "Please, don't make a big scene." Keith was starting to wonder why he trusted the seer girl. "The size of the scene is up to you." Keith was going to have a few words with this girl when he met her.

"How could you and the rest of the team turn your backs on your team and commander Keith!?" Daniel was a little mad, how could the people he looked up to just give up! "Defending the Universe is our top priority and that's exactly what the Galaxy Alliance is doing. Voltron was just a vehicle." Lance knew he was lying and the lions weren't just vehicles but he had to keep his cover for just a little longer.

"Just a vehicle!" Daniel was mad. No that's not the right word, he was disappointed that his heroes didn't live up to what they preached. "That's it, you're coming with me." Lance then points at the other kid Clara talked about. "You too." This shocked the kid, "Me! What did I do!?" Lance needed to think fast, he then noticed the small computer on the desk, "Guilt by association."

"So this is how it's gonna be." Keith was really doubting that girl now. "At least I returned your money, you can count it, it's all there." Keith had had enough, "Ya I'll get right on that." He activates his Voltcom summoning his sword shocking the soldiers back and jumping up. Slashing the soldiers and dodging shots eventually flipping, until he's surrounded by soldiers.

"Really a sword." That gets on Keith's nerves. "It's a noble weapon. You wouldn't understand." He is never going to listen to the future ever again. Then he spots a water ski. He runs and jumps on it, using it to crash through the dome and puts his spacesuit on.

He jumps off and rolls on the ground, running into a cave and getting on his small ship. He takes off getting away from the moon as fast as he possibly could.

Lance opens the door to Wade's meeting room and hears him talking with the Galaxy alliance. "I assure you all this supposed rising Drool threat is nothing but rumors to stir the masses!" He seemed really confident, almost like he wanted them to believe it.

"But Sky Marshal Wade, our sources have intercepted increased chatter on this mysterious commander Kala, specifically mentioning Lotor!"

"Lotor is Dead! Furthermore, ambassador Coran, if your sources happen to be the den you had better think twice before quoting their intelligence to me! Consider them viewed as rebels against the galaxy alliance! You continually test my patience honorable gentlemen from Aris. Tread Lightly. Good Day." After the connection cuts off Wade turns to us and looks at us in disgust. "Commander Lance, these must be the cadets you called me about." Lance pushes them forward, thinking about why Clara would want them to get in trouble. "Yes sir."

"Normally I don't like to concern myself with petty academy matters, but I take my no Voltron Policy VERY seriously!" Daniel seems a little offended by that, but he can't let the other guy get in trouble for something he did. "Sir. I take full responsibility! He doesn't belong here! I hardly know him and he…!"

"Do not speak Cadet, and don't play that sickening nobility card either. It's a liability in combat. I need an army of obedient ruthless fighting machines, not some saps who are going to hesitate to consult their moral compass. Of course, this won't be a problem for you if you violate my policy again, because a second offense would mean expulsion! However this being your first you are receiving the automatic sentence, latrine duty for the rest of the first term! And all of the second term as well! I hope this teaches you to scrub Voltron from your lives completely!"

Lance finally gets why Clara wanted these two to get in trouble. "I'm sure this experience will give them an entirely different perspective on Voltron sir." Daniel can't believe he's stuck on Latrine duty for the better part of the year, "It already has."

Later the two boys are cleaning the toilets on the first floor. "Man I am so sorry I got you into this mess." The other boy says, "Hey, you just said what I was thinking. I'm more of the non-confrontational type."

"Yeah speaking of type I've been meaning to thank you for helping me in class. How did you do, uhh…" He moves his hands like he's playing a game. "A techgician never reveals his tricks." He pulls out a modified toilet cleaner.

"You're an interesting guy…I don't even know your..." The other guy interrupts him, "It's Vince, should I pretend I don't know your name Daniel to make this less awkward for you?" Daniel laughs, he could be friends with Vince, "Probably. Well, I definitely owe you one, Vince." He holds out his hand and they shake, "Hey don't worry about it. You can just save my life sometimes." Then they both realize what they're doing and make a face.

Later when they're done cleaning they leave the bathroom and walk down the hall, "So Vince what do you think of this place so far?" They had decided to wash their hands before leaving, for sanitation reasons. "You mean besides the life sentence of latrine duty, and one of our heroes turned out to be a total snart?" They leave and start walking back to their rooms, "And this, I came here to fly jets and all first years do are stupid simulators. I even pretended to twist my ankle so I could visit my sister!...now that I think about it she's not going to be happy about me getting in trouble!" Vince just looks at him, "I like the simulators. All the fun of flying with none of the death...and since when do you have a sister?!"

Daniel smirks at him. "She's not really my sister, more of a legal guardian and she's that new school nurse that never dresses in uniform." Vince just looks at him funny, "Does she know that Wade has a personal grudge against her for that." Daniel laughs and smiles looking in through the glass, "Yup. She does it on purpose just to annoy him" Suddenly the doors open and Daniel smirks. "Unlocked!"

Vince has a bad feeling about this but goes along anyway. "You wanna?" Daniel runs in with Vince on his heels and they get into the simulators. Then Vince says, "Wait I thought you didn't like the simulators?" Daniel turns his on and then says, "At least not when we're supposed to be in them. But now we're like Commander Keith, rebel outlaws traveling in the shadows!"

"I can't believe Mancy was a traitor! He was thoroughly vetted by the Den and a seer told me to get my information from him! And why'd he return my money!? It just doesn't make sense!" Keith holds up the money and looks at a space mouse, "Says the guy talking to a space mouse."

He moves the money a little and he realizes why Mancy gave it back to him. "Huh. The coordinates to Wade's base?! It's all there...I guess I can trust the seer girl." He presses a black lion head on his screen. "This is stalker calling the Den. The watering hole has been located." He ends the transmission. "I'm going hunting! Set course for the Tarvos moon of Saturn!

Daniel and Vince are in the Simulators shooting things and generally having a good time. Until a new ship appears. Unbeknownst to the two boys, Lance was in the new ship. "Well, would you look here. It seems the simulator wants to feel some more hurt." Daniel grins at Vince, "Easy pickings!"

Then the ship activates its boosters and Lance decides to reveal himself to the boys, "What can't you guys keep up?" Daniel felt confused at that time, and very fearful for his life. Clara wasn't going to be happy. "Commander Lance?" Lance smirks and looks at the boys. "You just want to get expelled, don't you? Considering this is most likely your last act as GA cadets, let's see what you're made of. Hope your straps are on tight."

Vince was panicking on the inside but then remembered the simulators are stationary. Then Daniel voices his thoughts, "Why? It's not like these simulators are going to rocket off…!" He's cut off by the simulators doing exactly what Daniel said they wouldn't do.

They shoot off down the hall and the wall opens up and Lance says, "You might want to pull your emergency brake, right about now." Lance has a soft landing and he looks to see if the other two landed alright. Daniel was fine but Vince was hanging from the ceiling. "Your simulator almost killed me!"

Lance gets out of his simulator and sees a picture on the ground, "Huh. And Voltron contraband taboot. Wade would throw you in a secret holding cell to rot!" At that moment Vince is very fearful for his life until the wall opens. "Lucky for you I'm not Wade." Lance walks forward and through the door.

I'm leaning against the wall with my eyes closed trying to get a map of events that lead to a good future. You see the future isn't set in stone, it's constantly changing, and for the future to turn out good certain events must happen, such as Lothor coming back from the dead. But they have to find that out for themselves if I tell them everything it would probably end the universe.

All of a sudden I hear the door open and I open my eyes to see who it is. I smirk as Daniel and Vince, as Lance told me his name was, gape at the set up we have going here. I walk up behind Daniel and start talking, "Boys, welcome to…" They turn around and Dan seems shocked to see me until Pidge finish's my sentence. We've gotten really good at that as of late. "The Den."

Lance then gesture's to Pidge. "Cadets I'd like you to meet…" Vince feels the need to interrupt, but it's understandable in his excitement. "Your Pidge!" Daniel seems excited too, "The green Lion pilot!" I see some smoke and it turns out Hunk is using the welder. He's been thinking of a way to make a cool entrance all day. Then Dan says, "That's Hunk! The yellow lion!"

I move to stand next to Pidge and we just look at Hunk until he turns it off. "Hunk what are you doing? You aren't even welding anything!" He looks at Pidge and smiles, "Ya but I wanted to make a cool entrance for these little dude's." I just chuckle, "Mission accomplished." Then Dan remembers that I'm here. "Clara what are you doing here?!" I walk up to him and ruffle his hair.

"I am helping these idiots so they don't screw anything up." I hear some protests from Lance but brush it off. Daniel accepts my answer and Vince just looks at me, "You're Daniels's sister?! I thought you'd be older." I laugh a little. "Well Vince I skipped a few grade's and I am eighteen so I am technically an adult." He just stares at me until Dan fires off questions to Lance. "Is Keith here too!?" I can see Lance roll his eyes, "Always with the Keith."

Currently, Keith was breaking into Wade's secret base after he had gotten another message from the seer. All she said was don't get caught and to trust the space mice, not much to go off of. Keith opens the door with his sword and looks down the elevator shaft and uses his mask to see the lasers that go all the way down to the bottom. And then makes some claws, using them to go down the shaft, unaware of the space mouse that is on his suit.

Daniel tried, very unsuccessfully, to hide the picture he draws on in his spare time. We're all getting a good laugh out of this. "Daniel, what was going through your head when you did this?" He just looks away in embarrassment trying to think of an explanation. Then Pidge says, "Why would you draw glasses on top of my glasses?!" The teasing continued until Hunk had to leave for his shift.

Daniel seems to be avoiding me so I put my hand on his shoulder and pull him away from the others. "I'm not mad you know. This was going to happen eventually and I came to terms with it long ago." He sighs and rubs the back of his neck like he always does when he's nervous. "I don't know. It just seems like I always cause you more trouble than I'm worth." I put my hand over his mouth to stop him from talking. "You are the most amazing boy I have ever met and I can never be disappointed in you. Yes, I get frustrated but that's only because you don't listen the first time but you are my little brother and I will always be there for you." I ruffle his hair and he does something he hasn't done in a long time. He hugs me and after the initial surprise, I return the hug with a small smile on my face. He pulls away slightly, "So you're not going to ground me?" I can see the hope in his eyes and I smirk.

"I never said anything about that. Just because I'm not angry doesn't mean you aren't grounded, hand it over little bro." He just starts digging through his pockets and hand me back the spare bank card I got him for his last birthday. It has a fixed amount on it each month, it was meant to teach him how to handle his own money. It has turned into a good threat to accompany the frequent trouble he seems to attract, however. "Two weeks, now if you're feeling better you have a job to do with Vince." He looks at me confused but I just start walking back over to the others.

"Lance, Pidge it's time for an explanation." They just nod and Lance starts up. "We need to keep up appearances. We've been pretending to be the epitome of a good soldier and loyal to Sky Marshal Wade so he never suspects our underground activities. Pidge and Hunk built this secret network that has access to wade's GA resources, and until the beginning of the year it was just the three of us till Clara showed up." I smile and wave until Pidge catches their attention again. "It's been quite useful in helping Keith on his secret mission. That and sending him messages from Clara."

I just smirk, "Yup. without me you wouldn't even be this far along." He just sighs, "Yet you could have told us exactly where it was the entire time." I raise an eyebrow at him, "If I told you everything then I could literally end the universe. Besides, the future is always changing and I can never be certain what's going to happen next." Vince's eyes widen and so do Dans, and I just glare at them, "I wasn't kidding when I said that, so don't ask." They just look away and go back to the conversation.

"Ok, fine we won't ask, but you still haven't answered our question." Lance just smiles and I walk over to my back and pull out a small computer I use for...not so innocent purposes. (AN: She is really good on a computer and can hack even Pidge's network.) Of course, the others don't know what I do on it, except Pidge because for some strange reason I trust him. I look up and Lance seems to be having fun toying with the boys, he really is a jerk sometimes.

"Let's just say your talents have been noticed and we'd like to cultivate them. In fact, how would you like to take a very cultivating course right now, taught by yours truly." Lance was having a good time toying with these two and it was time to crush their dreams. Of course, Vince didn't know any of this so excited he asked, "Totally! what's the course?" Lance just smirked and I noticed and glared at him, "Lance you should tread very lightly here." This makes him pause and Pidge tries not to laugh.

Lance scowls a bit but soon regains his smirk and looks at the boys amused, "Toilet scrubbing 101. Ah, you're right, you already have a bit of experience. We'll call it 102."

Then Pidge goes to his computer to bring up the pictures, but he's surprised when they're already up. He glances at me and raises an eyebrow in question to which I respond with a taunting smirk. We like to play this game to see who's better with computers. We've been tied for a while but seeing as I just hacked him I am in the lead.

As Keith is dodging lasers, a space mouse shorts out his voltcom and he starts to curse his luck. Reacting on instinct he summons two swords and slows his descent, stopping just before he touches the lasers, while the space mouse lounges on his shoulder. Then the mouse jumps to the floor breaking the lasers and setting off the alarm. Keith just groans and goes back to cursing his string of bad luck. "Great."

He drops to the floor and opens a maintenance shaft dropping down into the elevator and clinging to the ceiling as a couple of guards check for intruders. As the guards turn to leave he scans their uniform and disguises himself with it. Detaching himself from the ceiling he exits the elevator and walks in the opposite direction.

In the middle of the explanation, I had been paged, and since I had to keep up appearances for a little longer, going to answer said page was a necessity. Getting to the nurse's station I see some idiot decided to stick their hand in the toaster on a dare...again. Oh, how I wish people weren't this stupid.

After treating the idiot with the burn on his hand I leave the nurses station and go to meet up with Pidge back at our room for the last time. Opening the door I see him packing as well. This is when he notices me and smiles, making those cute dimples I like so much. "Hey, what was the page from the med bay about this time?" I groan and fall onto my bed in annoyance. "Some idiot decided to do the toaster dare again. This is like the fifth guy this month alone, seriously what is with these cadets; It's like they all decided to do something stupid at the same time."

"Look on the bright side! We leave in the morning to follow Lance to Arus, not to mention you finally get to meet Allura in person." I smirk at what pidge just said and sit up. "Your right about that at least. Besides from what I can tell Allura and I will get along famously." Pidge laughs a little and sits next to me causing me to smile. "I'm sure you will. Now how sure are you that Kieth will get the Black Lion today?" my smile turns back into a smirk and I relax into his side.

If one can't tell from the interaction between me and Pidge we are rather comfortable with each other, though we haven't put a name to the relationship between us yet. "Oh Pidge, don't doubt me….he already has it."

Back at Wade's base, Keith is sitting in the cockpit of the black Lion activating the key to bring black back to life. All of a sudden the Lion starts to move and break free of the restraints. Taking our guards and destroying the ships parked there so they can't follow. Then Keith Pilots the lion through the moon's surface and out into space, starting the journey back to the planet Arus.