The candelabras surrounding the table were the lovers played their sweet, macabre game cried black tears, staining the floor. The silent dripping from the candles and the faint crackling from the dying fire harmonized well with the ancient silent which usually reigned in the library. All of sudden the silence was broken by a shrilling female scream which made the shadows in the room shrink and jump back, startled by this unexpected outburst from the usually silent mistress of the house.

Gomez flinched slightly by the sensation of her strong contractions, it felt almost like he got his fingers bitten by sharp teeth. He was amused but not surprised. He knew by experience that going slow with Morticia sometimes turned her into a creature of mythological dimensions. With other parts inside of her this could get quite...interesting.

He was pleased by her screaming too, he loved to drive her wild and he enjoyed the fact that she couldn't always control herself when he used his eminent skills as a lover on her.

- You lost, cara mia.

Gomez smiled down at his wife, the taste of her still lingering on his tongue.

- Oh, did I?

She granted him one of her rare smiles, eyes twinkling and cheeks flushed. She looked painfully beautiful in her afterglow, she always did.

- I should loose more often then, she continued and reached for him with one wounded hand, dragging him down over her.


Gomez enjoyed the sensation of cool, wet hair against his hot chest as he was fading into sleep with Morticia in his arms.

- Mon cher?

The sound of her silky voice jerked him back into wakefulness.

- Yes, my eternity?

- You scared me tonight.

He squeezed her tighter to him enjoying the feeling of her bony body poking into him in different places.

- Promise me one thing?

- Anything, querida.

- The next time I go six foot under I will be dead for real. I enjoyed everything about tonight, mon sauvage, I really did, but...

- ...but that Rachmaninoff- experience was a little too much, even for you?

He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.

- Maybe.

She kissed the hand resting against her cheek.

- Don't worry, querida. There are still so many other things I would like to try with you. This weekend I buried you, next weekend...

- Next weekend I will be your domina, darling.

Morticia interrupted him, rubbing her head against his chest in a feline way.

- Oh, I almost forgot. Well, my Mistress, I look forward to it.

- I'll dream about a nice surprise for you, Morticia mumbled with her lips against his neck.

Gomez kissed her eyes and sighed happily.

I am the luckiest man in the world, he thought as he drifted into oblivion.