Hey guys I'm sorry I didn't update last weekend. Truth is I had four… well almost five days free but every time I sat on the computer to write something always come up. So I'm sorry that took so long.


"What who killed me?" asked Piper

"Kazi Demons… are you happy know?"

"Yes because now we can't killed them before that happen" said his mom

"Alright… now that we solve this I'll take Chris and leave" and the minute he set his foot on the stair cries sounded from upstairs

"Wyatt!" screamed Piper as he pushed away older Wyatt and go to hers baby room.


Piper run to little Wyatt's room the same time as Big Wyatt and the rest of the family orb to the room

"Gideon! What are you doing? Leave Wyatt alone!" screamed Leo shocked to see his old friend holding an athame and threatening his son with it

"Leo you have to understand, Wyatt is too strong to live. You see what has he become, he is evil, he destroyed the future." Gideon tried to reason Leo

"You are the one that change my dad" said Chris tiny voice

"Wha…what?" asked older Wyatt

"You monster…he just a baby you can't punish him for something he didn't do for something that clearly you cause" said crying Piper

"You all have to understand I do this for the good of the world"

"No you do this because you afraid" said Phoebe

"You don't get to chose who live and who dies" said Paige

"You don't deserve to call yourself an Elder; you become the thing that we all tried to avoid. You betrayed the light and your fear make you seek the protection of the darkness and for that you don't deserved to walk the earth" said Leo

"But Leo you are an Elder yourself you have… must to understand that he is too powerful to live" attempt one last time to reason Leo but in vain

"Oh… I understand completely" said Leo

"Really?" asked Gideon and the rest of the family look at him carefully but in shock

"Yes" and the second the word came out of his mouth Gideon went flying on the wall with lightning attacked nonstop until he died.

"I can't believe that Gideon would something like that after all he was the one that support and play a serious role on the decision if the rest of the elders would let us be together and married" said devastated Leo

"I know Leo but he was blinded by fear and he thought we was doing the right thing" said Piper and hug Leo

"Now that all that is over I think it's time for us to go back home" said Wyatt holding a Chris on the verge of sleep

"Yes, I think you are right let's go to the attic and get ready for the spell" said Piper


After an hour of making potion and fail attempts to open a portal to the future they find the perfect potion and spell and the only thing that left was to draw the triquetra and exchange goodbyes and hugs

"Well everything is ready" said Piper as she finish draw the triquetra "The only thing lest is for you and Chris to pass through the portal and you are back home … Oh I'm going to miss you" and she hug her son

"Mom relax you'll see us again soon" said Wyatt and hug her back

"Well I guess this is goodbye" said Chris

"No it's not a goodbye" said Phoebe

"It's a see you soon" said Paige and they both hug him tight

"Ok then see you soon" and with that they pass through the portal and gone back to where they belong the future.

The End

So guys this is the grand finale. I hope you liked it.

At the end of the previous chapter I informed you that I will put a list with names of series and movies for you to choose and me to write. You can also choose the characters of the stories and you can give me a request.

Series and movies

The flash



Teen wolf



The avengers

Charmed (new story or continuous on the changed future)

Once upon a time


Marvel agents of Shield

Lab rats

Lab rats: Elite force
