A Summer Exchange.

Harry and Daphne.

Chapter One

"Quiet, quiet!" McGonagall called out to the packed common room where the current fifth and sixth years were waiting patiently for their Head of House to make her announcement, every single student wondering exactly what it could be. "Now, thanks to the efforts of certain people," she started looking over at Harry, who bowed his head in embarrassment, while the sound of faint clapping travelled down from the dorm rooms, "The Headmaster has decided, in his infinite wisdom, to introduce a summer exchange program," she told the gathered teenagers, pausing as excited chatter broke out at her words.

"Who are we exchanging with?" "How long do we have to stay for?" "Do we have to do this?" "Can we swap partners?" "Has he lost his mind?" "Why is he doing this now?"

All this was asked in quick succession, much to the annoyance of McGonagall who quickly called everyone back to attention. "Quiet! You will be randomly paired with another student from your year; they will not be from the same house. You will stay with your partner for eighteen days, with a week at your own home, before being joined by your partner for another eighteen days. No, you will not be able to exchange partners with anyone else, this program is designed to encourage more acceptance between you and your fellow classmates, this isn't going to be achieved by staying at your friends homes over the summer," McGonagall explained to everyone. "You will receive a letter with the name, address and a temporary two-way portkey, although if you would prefer to use the Knight Bus, the school has set up an account to enable this. Your exchange starts one week after term ends," she told them before turning and exiting the Gryffindor Tower, leaving the intrigued students to talk amongst themselves' about what was sure to be their most interesting summer yet.

"Bloody hell," Ron said as he looked between his two best friends. "Dumbledore's gone barmy," he told them shaking his head.

"I think it's a brilliant idea," Hermione said with a smile. "It'll be a fantastic opportunity to experience different cultures ad learn more about wizarding traditions," she pointed out, her mind already swimming with possibilities.

"Yeah it'll definitely be an experience," Harry remarked, silently dreading the idea of sharing his home life with a complete stranger. He just hoped he'd get someone understanding, although knowing his luck, it seemed unlikely.

Harry sat on his small bed, in his even smaller bedroom, his hands clutching at the letter that had just arrived, informing him who it was he would be exchanging homes with for the summer.

Daphne Greengrass.

He recognised the name, even if she was in Slytherin, he'd had enough lessons with the snakes to be able to know every name in the House of Serpents, or at least the one's in his year. Beyond the fact she seemed to be proud but reserved (as reserved as a Slytherin could be) he didn't really know anything about his summer partner. Sighing in resignation, Harry made his way downstairs to break the bad news to the Dursley's. He hoped they wouldn't overreact too much.

He was wrong.

"I am NOT having another FREAK come into my house for a month!" Vernon yelled once Harry broke the news.

"It's for eighteen days, not a month," Harry told him when the older man took a breath between yelling. "And I don't have a choice. One person comes here for eighteen days and then a week later I leave to stay at their house," he explained to his uncle. "Daphne arrives here next week," he added.

"'Daphne?' It's a girl? They'll be no hanky-panky in this house boy!" Vernon warned Harry, shoving him the chest with his fat finger. "And you mark my words boy; she'll be working for her food and her bed just like you!" he warned the younger boy before walking away, "I'm never going to get these freaks out of my life!" he muttered to himself as he turned back to the television, effectively dismissing Harry, who turned and left for the kitchen to start making dinner for the Dursley's, mentally trying to factor in where Daphne would fit into life at number 4 Privet Drive.

Daphne looked down at the name written on her letter and couldn't help but feel victorious about how jealous her housemates would be once they found out who her summer exchange partner was.

None other than Harry Potter.

"You look happy?" Astoria remarked from when she stood in the door to her sister's room, a curious look on her young face as she looked over at her older sister. "So who did you get?" she asked moving further into the room.

"Harry Potter," Daphne said, her tone one of indifference concealing how happy she was. "Should be interesting to see how the 'boy-wonder' lives outside school," she remarked setting her letter aside as she looked over at her sister.

"You can drop the act Daphne, I know you're happy with your partner," Astoria told her with a smile. "It'll probably be interesting. I overheard his friends talking at the beginning of the year about how bad he looked when school started up again," she revealed to Daphne, causing the older girl to frown somewhat. "Your stay should be a real eye-opener," she pointed out before turning and walking out the room. "Don't forget to tell mother and father who's staying with us," she added before she left Daphne to her thoughts.

What if he's not the Golden Boy that Draco always claims him to be? Daphne thought as she picked up her letter again; quietly palming the small portkey that would in five days' time, transport her to someplace called Privet Drive, where Merlin knows what would greet her. As long as they don't expect me to clean I'll be fine, she thought to herself before she left her room in search of her parents, letter in hand ready to reveal just who would be staying with the small family in a months' time.

So this is my new story! I got this idea ages ago and I've finally found the courage to post it! I hope you enjoy it and before anyone asks why Harry is still with his relatives but Voldemort is destroyed, I don't have some magical answer, I'm just going to say this story is set in the summer between 5th and 6th year, so Harry is still underage in both worlds and with no Sirius he has to return to his aunts.

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy.