Summary: Naruto, soon after the Kyuubi attack, is taken in by Tsunade, his godmother, and raised by her with one condition. When he is of age to either graduate from the academy or enroll in it she must bring him back to be a ninja.

Sometime along during their travels Naruto stumbles upon a kind, odd eyed old man who offered him an odd heart shaped fruit, not knowing the abilities he would gain by eating the fruit

Ope Ope no Mi and Haki user Naruto

Naruto x 3 Girls (Chosen – but To Be Announced)

Challenge by Teddy Vanderaa

Death Surgeon Shinobi

Chapter 1

Tsunade tried to ease her erratically beating heart while she rushed towards where she last saw Gamabunta fighting the Kyuubi before both it and the large toad seemed to disappear. Fear was coursing through her veins as she almost knew what she would find once she got to Kushina and Minato.

She cursed mentally as she had let her phobia of blood stop her from being there to help deliver the child that was to be her godson and possibly endanger both him and his parents.

Her eyes widened while she felt her heart drop to her stomach once her eyes landed on the sight of Kushina with a large gaping hole in her stomach. It only dropped deeper down as she saw a dead Minato hugging her from behind while a crying baby was held in her arms.

"K-Kushina, oh god, I-I can try and help you. I-I won't let you die" she stuttered out as she shakily walked towards her, tears building up in the corners of her eyes. Despite all of this she forced herself not to be affected by the sight of blood or the fear she could feel from it.

"T-Tsunade…I kn-know you can't though I am glad you m-made it" Kushina strained out as Tsunade crouched down to Kushina's side and was shakily handed the small baby in Kushina's arms.

"I-I can use my Creation Rebirth and pump it into you! I don't care if I die from it! Your baby needs his mother!" Tsunade cried out before Kushina silenced her by her weak hand cupping her cheek.

"Q-Quiet Tsunade…I-I'm too far gone. P-Please just l-listen to me" Kushina weakly said as Tsunade nodded weakly. She could see Kushina barely staying alive through sheer willpower while she held the now sleeping baby closer to her. "P-Please look after Naruto for me and Minato. Love him for us and a-allow h-him into your heart" she said as she shakily moved her hand down to Naruto's head.

"K-Kushina I-I don't know if can be a mother. I-I know I was your choice as godmother due to me being your sensei in the past but I lost Dan and Nawaki…what if I lose Naruto?" she whispered out as Kushina let out a laugh, though it was more coughs than laughs.

"I-I know…you can d-do this Tsunade, y-you won't l-lose him. I-I chose y-you as his g-godmother because I saw that y-you could if anything happened to us. D-Don't let the village use him as a weapon. Pr-Protect him and love him…for the…both of us" she said before she smiled at her and turned her attention down towards the now quiet baby. "I-I love you…Naruto…my p-precious baby…" Kushina said with a weak but happy smile as her eyes finally closed and her chest stopped moving, her hand still on the sleeping baby's head.

Tsunade honestly couldn't hold her tears in any longer.

'I'll try my best Kushina. I promise I will look after Naruto and try my best to be a mother to him' Tsunade thought as she gently took Kushina's hand off Naruto, giving it one last squeeze before she stood up just as her sensei and a squad of ANBU appeared behind her.

"Tsunade I didn't expect you to be here. I thought you were back with Shizune" Hiruzen said with a frown as he noticed the scene before him.

"She's safe back in Konoha near the Senju compound, I should get back to her" she said as Hiruzen pointed towards the sleeping Naruto in her arms.

"Is that who I think is and is he what I think he is?" he asked as Tsunade narrowed her eyes.

"His name is Naruto and yes he is but as his godmother if you think I'm going to allow him to be used as a weapon because of it then you have another thing coming sensei" she growled out before Hiruzen frowned and sighed.

"I understand but we still need you and him present for the council meeting before you leave" he said and while Tsunade wanted to object the look on her sensei's face told her this wasn't a request.

Plus as an active ninja and Sannin she didn't have room to argue.

"Fine. Send ANBU when you need us" she said bluntly before she started to walk back towards Konoha, holding the sleeping Naruto close to her. She didn't slow down as she speed walked through the forest, unable to jump, but made sure that his blue blanket wrapped around him to protect him from the cold wind.

It surprisingly didn't take her long to return to Konoha. She moderately chalked it up to her being so focused on everything she would need to raise and take care of the little baby that slept calmly in her arms and against her chest. She was brought out of her thoughts as she heard a familiar voice calling out to her.

"Lady Tsunade! Lady Tsunade! Thank goodness you are alright!" Shizune, her 14 year old student and the niece of her dead lover, said as she rushed up to her before stopping and looking wide eyed at the baby in her arms.

"Is that-?" she asked before Tsunade nodded, stopping her question midway through.

"Yes, it is Kushina and Minato's son, his name is Naruto. Now because of a terrible tragedy I am taking up my role as godmother to raise him sooner than I ever expected" she said with a frown as Shizune, who was rather close to Kushina; who she saw as an aunt or even a sister, teared up but nodded.

"Well we better get him inside and cleaned up shouldn't we?" the young girl asked as she turned away, most likely to hide the tears heard in her voice.

Tsunade didn't waste any time wrapping Shizune in a one armed hug which she quickly returned, while minding the sleeping baby cradled in her other arm. "Shhh, it'll be okay but right now we have to look after little Naruto here" she said as Shizune nodded and stepped back, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Yes you are right Lady Tsunade. I'll go and look for a cradle and some blankets for him" Shizune quickly said as she hurried back into the compound with Tsunade slowly behind her.

"I will have to leave soon with Naruto for a council meeting with Hiruzen so get everything ready for Naruto and pack our things as I plan to leave tomorrow by noon latest" she said as Shizune nodded.

"Understood Lady Tsunade, I'll get our things ready" her student said before she rushed off to look through some of the large Senju compound. Tsunade though couldn't help but sigh softly before a slight smile grew on her lips as the still sleeping Naruto nuzzled against her chest more, seeking out any warmth nearby to him.

She wouldn't consider herself fully into the thought of being his mom so quickly but Kushina trusted her and, with her last breaths, asked her to care for him so she was determined to protect him and try her best. Though the sight of a rather adorable baby nuzzling against her for warmth was enough to stir something in her chest, as much as she wouldn't admit it.

"Lady Tsunade I found a cradle and some blankets for him" Shizune said as she poked her head out from the main living room of the building they had been staying in for the last few months. Tsunade, shaking off the odd feeling in her chest, walked into the room to see the small wooden cradle on the floor that was just the right size for Naruto.

"Great timing as I think I can sense ANBU coming our way" Tsunade said with an annoyed sigh as she accepted the blankets from Shizune to wrap Naruto in more. Just as she was about to pick up the small wooden cradle three ANBU bearing a tiger, dragon, and boar mask, appeared behind them silent as ever.

"Did sensei get the council put together that quickly?" she asked as the dragon ANBU nodded. "Well I shouldn't be surprised since he does have a way of gathering people quickly when it is needed" she said as she pointed to the cradle.

"One of you carry that back with us so I don't have to hold him the whole time as I have a feeling I might have to punch or threaten someone" she growled out slightly before the tiger ANBU picked up the cradle and the others motioned for her to follow.

"Shizune you stay here and continue packing. Hopefully this shouldn't take long" she said as Shizune nodded and went back to packing while Tsunade followed the ANBU out of the compound and towards the Hokage building.

As they entered the Hokage's chamber she had to struggle not to glare at Danzo as he sat in the middle of the Elders, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane on one side of the table. The other side was all of Konoha's dominant clan heads as Hiashi Hyuga, Fugaku Uchiha, Inochi Yamanaka, Choza Akimichi, Shikaku Nara, Shibi Aburame, and Tsume Inuzuka all sat together.

And of course at the head of the table was her sensei, Hiruzen Sarutobi, back in his Hokage garb which told her he had taken back up the mantle of Hokage after Minato's death. She didn't mind that since she'd rather have him back in power than allow someone like Danzo to slip into power.

"Tsunade, sorry to call you so soon after everything but with you planning to leave as soon as possible this meeting had to be called" Hiruzen frowned as she shrugged her shoulders, directing the ANBU where to set the cradle in the room.

"Whatever just let's make this quick since I have a lot to figure out and plan because of this little guy" she said as she gently set Naruto down in the cradle, making sure he was safely wrapped up and warm.

"I'm sorry Tsunade but I don't believe it is best for the village if you take our jinchuriki from the village" Danzo quickly seemed to chime in as the other Elders, who were basically his parrots that went along with whatever he said, nodded alongside him.

"Well I'm sorry but as his godmother and closest living relative, seeing as my grandmother was Mito Uzumaki, I don't believe you have say over what I do with my godson" Tsunade growled out as Hiruzen quickly cleared his throat to stop the two from starting any arguments.

"Wait the little guy over there is actually the new jinchuriki of the Kyuubi?" Tsume said in shock since to place a burden like that on a newborn baby was a bit much.

"I figure it was the only way for Minato to subdue the Kyuubi as it is nigh impossible to kill a Bijuu. And it goes without saying that this bit of info is an S-rank secret and not to be repeated under any means unless with my approval" Hiruzen said, ending with a very serious tone that left for no argument as the others nodded.

"Look sensei Kushina tasked me with the job of godmother. Hell she told me with her last breath to do it! I don't care if I am labeled a missing nin for leaving with him I will raise him and I won't do it here!" she said as she slammed her hands on the table and stared her sensei dead in the eyes.

"There is no need to go that far Tsunade, no one is going to label you as a missing nin" he said, a small barely visible smirk on his face, as he watched the shocked looks on the Elders while a few of the clan heads frowned slightly.

"Hiruzen you can't be serious. If our village loses our jinchuriki it will greatly weaken our village!" Koharu said as Hiruzen sighed.

"Really and how is a little newborn baby going to keep our village strong right now? What better person to train him than his godmother who is a Sannin?" he asked Koharu, who frowned, before he turned to Tsunade. "Which is why I will let Tsunade take Naruto to raise him how she sees fit but there are two conditions" he said as Tsunade knew there was always a catch.

"And these conditions are?" she asked with a frown before Hiruzen held up one finger.

"First is that you will train him as you see fit and by the time he reaches 16, when he would graduate the academy, you bring him back to Konoha. This does not mean you have to train him but knowing you you'll want him to at least be able to defend himself" he said as Tsunade frowned.

"Do we really have to return to the village?" she asked as Hiruzen sighed.

"Yes, I would think his parents would want him to have some ties to the village at least" he said as she groaned but nodded as she was in no place to argue right now.

"Fine, whatever. What is the second condition?" she asked as her sensei chuckled and held up a second finger.

"You must keep in constant contact with either myself or Jiraiya, who I will send from time to time to check in on you, Naruto, and his seal" he said as Homura stood up, slamming a hand on the table.

"Hiruzen you honestly can't be considering letting Tsunade, who has a problem with drinking and gambling, to raise a child let alone our jinchuriki!" he yelled in outrage as Tsunade slammed her hand down on the table, creating a rather large crack through the middle from the force of it and the strength behind it.

"I believe I can raise a child since I am a world renowned medic. Plus I'll have you know since living here for the last few months I have gotten my drinking and gambling in check so how about you shut up about what you don't know" she growled as Shikaku sighed.

"How troublesome. Just let the woman take the kid as the benefits outweigh any downsides I can see. In the end we get a possible shinobi trained by a Sannin. If Jiraiya's last student became a Hokage and her current student is shaping to be a skillful medic imagine how serious she will be training her godchild" Shikaku said as he sighed, crossed his arms, and leaned back in his chair.

"I have to agree with Shikaku here as I do not see a large enough downside to make any objections to this. Especially since he will be returning at 16" Shibi Aburame said as he adjusted his sunglasses.

"I still object to this. We need to make our jinchuriki strong, strong enough to defend themselves as I doubt he will be if he is trained to be solely a medic. If anyone is to raise and train a child I would best be someone who can ensure he will be powerful" Danzo said, narrowing his lone eye ever so slightly towards Tsunade.

"You may object all you want Danzo but I approve of this and have the utmost faith that Tsunade will protect and care for him. Plus this will be a great opportunity for Naruto to see more of the Land of Fire and grow compared to just being stuck in the village" Hiruzen said as Tsunade grew a smile on her face from her sensei's words.

"So I am free leave with the kid tomorrow?" she asked as Hiruzen nodded.

"Yes but do come with me to my office as I have some things I would like to give to you privately and this was the final topic of the meeting." he said before Tsunade nodded, already expecting her sensei to have things prepared for her as he was the kind of man to think fast and get things set up even faster, even in his old age.

"You all know what is needed to fix up the village, if there are any troubles please contact me" Hiruzen said as the Shinobi clan heads nodded before disappearing via shunshin and the Elders just slowly got up and walked off, though Danzo had a thinly veiled glare directed towards her and Naruto.

"Boar can you carefully carry Naruto and follow Tsunade and me to my office?" Hiruzen asked as the ANBU nodded and very carefully picked up the cradle before walking off beside them up to his office.

"Please set Naruto down and return to your post" he said as the ANBU nodded, setting the cradle down next to Tsunade's chair and disappeared via shunshin.

Hiruzen could only sigh with a sad frown as he looked down at the sleeping baby in the cradle. "For Minato and Kushina to die so quickly after little Naruto was born is a tragedy. I do not know who could have possibly released the Kyuubi from Kushina but I will find out" Hiruzen said, his eyes filled with a fury Tsunade had seen very rarely and it always ended with someone gravely injured or dead.

"Do you have any idea who could have possibly done it?" Tsunade asked as she sat down in the chair next to Naruto, slowly rocking the cradle while she watched her sensei sit down behind his desk.

"The only ones possible to control a Bijuu and pull it out is an Uchiha but my gut and everything I have seen and felt tells me it isn't an Uchiha in the village" Hiruzen said as Tsunade nodded along, trusting her sensei's judgement since he wasn't called 'The Professor' for nothing.

"Well that just breeds more trouble" she said with a frown as Hiruzen nodded but waved it off.

"I can look into it more in depth later though right now I have some things to give you, some things Minato and Kushina left behind for either you or Jiraiya should one of you take up your mantle of godparent" he said as he inserted a small glass cylinder into a drawer, making it pop open, before putting the two scrolls inside on top of the desk.

"This is the bank documents for Kushina and Minato's account, totaling in enough ryo to take care of you, him, and Shizune for the foreseeable future. Kushina had a sizeable fortune that her family gave her before sending her over and Minato saved up a lot while working as Hokage" he said as he handed it over to Tsunade.

"Well that solves the expenses needed to raise a baby right off the bat" Tsunade said as she was thankful for it since while she might not be in debt from gambling anymore that didn't mean she had that big of a fortune to keep her and Shizune afloat, let alone a baby as well.

Hiruzen couldn't help but chuckle a bit at his student's comment before picking up the second one. "This though is empty. Kushina instructed me to tell whichever godparent that accepted the role to seal up every weapon and scroll in their house and to use this," he said as he put a small vial of blood up on the desk, "to unlock the house as it is locked by an immensely strong blood seal" he said as Tsunade frowned but accepted the empty scroll and the vial of blood, even though the latter made her moderately sick.

"Will this thing seriously be able to hold everything in it?" she asked as she wasn't too well versed in seals as the extent of her knowledge of the topic extended to her Yin Seal on her forehead.

"Minato made sure of it. It might look small but it has the storage strength and capacity of the high quality larger scrolls. It is also only able to be opened and sealed by Naruto and one other person that I add to the seal matrix, which I have already done for you." Hiruzen added as Tsunade let out an impressed whistle as she looked over the scroll.

"Minato really went all out with this didn't he?" she said as Hiruzen chuckled.

"Well he did want everything of both his and Kushina's put in there, both weapon and technique scrolls, for their son. You can give the contents of it to him when he eventually becomes either a genin or chunin depending on your call" Hiruzen said as Tsunade nodded understandingly before slipping the items into her pockets.

"I'll be sure to go and seal up everything after I get the little guy back to my compound where Shizune can watch over him for a bit" she said while Hiruzen nodded.

"I am surprised you are so quick to take the role of godmother even if it was somewhat forced by Kushina's last wish. Does this mean you are welcoming the role as godmother and mother?" he asked as Tsunade sighed and frowned.

"No…in fact I'm terrified" Tsunade said as she clenched her fists and stared down at the sleeping baby beside her. "I'm afraid I won't be a well enough mother to him or-that you might lose him like you did Dan and Nawaki?" Hiruzen finished for her as the sight of her fists clenching tighter was an answer on its own.

"Tsunade, Kushina trusted you before her death and she had faith in you until her death. You are stronger and wiser now. With every loss we suffer it makes us stronger in its own way. Today I lost my dear wife Biwako by the hands of the one who led to the deaths of Naruto's parents." he said as Tsunade's eyes widened at the death of her sensei's wife, a woman that had been like another mother to her.

"But I will not allow her death to weaken me Tsunade. It will only strengthen my drive to protect those closest to me and grow stronger to make sure I can protect them. Please, I believe in you Tsunade so believe in yourself" her sensei said with such a caring tone that she couldn't bring herself to look him in the face or else she knew she would possibly start to cry again.

"I-I'll try my best sensei, I really will" she said as he chuckled.

"That is all I can ask Tsunade and remember you aren't alone. You have me, Jiraiya, Shizune and now Naruto standing beside you when he can" he said, smiling as he heard Tsunade chuckle with a smile of her own on her face while she crouched down beside the cradle.

"I know" she said with a soft sigh before picking Naruto up out of his cradle, careful not to wake him as she adjusted him in her arms. "I really better get the little guy back as he is bound to be hungry soon and I still have to figure that out. Plus the whole packing my stuff and his stuff to leave tomorrow is going to be a chore" she said as Hiruzen nodded and motioned for an ANBU to appear.

"Go take the cradle back to the Senju compound main building for Tsunade please as she has to carry Naruto" he said as the ANBU nodded and disappeared with the cradle before he turned back to Tsunade. "Do let me know if I can help in anyway, I know I am going to be busy tomorrow with the full aftermath of the attack but I always have time for my students" he added as Tsunade smiled and nodded before walking towards the door.

"I know sensei, thanks again as always" she said as she and Naruto left. As much as she liked talking with her sensei she had a lot of stuff to do before daybreak and she needed to get started so she could at least get some sleep in before they left.

"Come on little guy, let's get you in a bassinet or something for the night" she said in a soft whisper as the small baby in her arms nuzzled closer to her for warmth.

-Next Day-

Tsunade sighed as she watched Shizune carry the happily babbling Naruto in her arms while she carried the large storage scroll that they had fit everything of theirs as well as the one scroll that held everything of Naruto's from his parent's house in it.

Thankfully they had been able to get everything packed and get him fed with enough time to let them get a good night's sleep. Thankfully Naruto seemed to be a heavy sleeper after getting a full meal in him.

Though to feed Naruto she had to somewhat modify her body a bit with a medical technique she had learnt back when she was with Dan for the case of if ever they had kids and she couldn't naturally produce milk. Originally it was a technique made for maids or mothers who adopted so they could still feed the children they cared for or adopted. She knew she had to do it for Naruto considering he was a newborn and formula was something she wanted to get him on eventually.

"Are you okay Lady Tsunade? If you want to rest more I can look after Naruto for you after we find an inn" Shizune said as she shook her head.

"No I'm fine, we really need to keep moving so we can reach the town I have planned for us to stay in for a while and get settled down before it gets too late" she said as they had left Konoha an hour or two ago, after a farewell from a shadow clone of her sensei, something she understood since the whole village was hectic to repair and recover meaning the Hokage was even busier.

They continued through the forests of the Land of Fire towards the village she had in mind until she started to notice Naruto's fussing in Shizune's arms.

"Naru-chan? What's wrong? You don't need a diaper and you were just sleeping" Shizune said confused as Tsunade chuckled and gently took the fussing baby from her student's arms.

"Relax Shizune, the little guy is just hungry. Isn't the right Naruto?" she asked in a 'baby voice' as she rubbed his cheek, settling him down in one arm as she used the other to uncover her breast from her grey top.

She wasn't too worried about others seeing as she couldn't sense anyone nearby. She did though chuckle at her student's embarrassed and nervous look as Shizune looked away. "Aw relax Shizune it's a perfectly natural thing. No need to get embarrassed" she teased as Shizune only got redder.

"I-It's not that. It's just…the size" Shizune mumbled as she stared down at her own still developing chest as she was only 14.

"Oh, well don't let it get you down. I was roughly the same size as you when I was your age. It wasn't until I was around my late 20's or so when I really bloomed" she said as she noticed a look of hope in Shizune's eyes that made her laugh a bit before Shizune looked over at her.

"S-So how does it feel? Does it hurt?" Shizune asked as her curiosity got the better of her.

"It feels weird but doesn't hurt, especially since the little guy doesn't have any teeth. He does definitely drink a lot though" she said with a chuckle as Shizune nodded while they continued walking.

By the time they had reached the town Tsunade had set up for them to stay in, which had taken a few hours, Naruto had finished eating and gone back to sleep in Shizune's arms as all newborns did mostly was eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom.

Thankfully he wasn't messy when it came to the last part.

"So why did you choose this town for us to stay in Lady Tsunade?" Shizune asked as Tsunade unlocked the large house in front of them.

"Well it's a good distance away from Konoha so we don't have to worry about the bothering us and this is one of the Senju compounds that were set up long before Konoha was formed so it's a rent free house. And it, like the others around the Land of Fire, have been locked so others can't enter them, though it's not like there is anything of value in them" Tsunade said as she pushed open the gates to reveal the slightly dusty insides.

"We might have to do some cleaning before we bring Naru-chan inside" Shizune said as the dust was quite thick.

"I'll make some shadow clones to do it. For now let's go out to the courtyard and maybe start unpacking there" Tsunade said as Shizune shielded the sleeping Naruto's mouth from breathing in the dust while they walked through the house and out into the inner courtyard.

"Well this house looks very nice and large, how long will we be staying here?" Shizune asked as she watched the shadow clones of her sensei go through and clean up the house while they unpacked the boxes of their stuff.

"Well with a baby I don't want to move around all that much so for the foreseeable future we will be staying here and settling down. After we unpack we can go to the market and stock up on some food and set up our account" she said as she crouched down, smiling down and fluttering her fingers at a giggling Naruto that laid in a cradle next to them.

"I want to give him a moderately stable upbringing Shizune so let's get comfy here" she said as Shizune smiled and nodded before they continued unpacking their things, looking forward to their life in this nice little town.

-A Month Later-

Tsunade smiled softly as she gently rocked Naruto's cradle, lulling him to sleep while he hugged on a little slug stuffed animal she had bought him. She let out a tired groan, straightening her sore back and rubbing her shoulders as had just finished up her report to her sensei as per their agreement.

"Here you go Katsuyu you can now take this to sensei. Thank you for doing this for me" she said as the small portion of her main summon nodded and allowed her to slip the scroll into the pouch she had put on her.

"Of course Tsunade-sama, it is a small task to ensure you may look after Naruto-kun" Katsuyu said as she looked down at Naruto from on top of the short desk Tsunade used focus on work and Naruto at the same time.

"He is an adorable child. Do you plan to have him sign the slug summoning contract?" Katsuyu asked as Tsunade frowned and rubbed her forehead.

"I…I don't know Katsuyu. Sensei said I have a choice whether or not to train him but a part of me wants to and doesn't want to. I want him to be able to defend himself but another is scared he'll end up like the others" she said as Katsuyu knew she meant Dan and Nawaki.

"I understand and whatever decision you decide I'm sure it will be for the best. After all I think raising him will awaken your mother's intuition" Katsuyu teased before disappearing in a puff of smoke, leaving behind a grumbling Tsunade.

Her grumbles stopped as she narrowed her eyes in anger, sensing three chakra sources heading their way that were trying their best to stay hidden. Though with her level of sensing the only one she figured could slip by her senses were either Orochimaru for sure and possibly Jiraiya if he was actually being serious.

Acting as fast as she could without waking Naruto she carried the sleeping baby out of the room and towards his room, which thanks to Jiraiya sending some seals back via Katsuyu, was the most secure room in the house.

"Lady Tsunade? Are you okay?" Shizune asked as she entered the room to see her student cleaning up Naruto's room a bit.

"Stay here with Naruto, I think I feel some pests heading our way" she said as Shizune frowned but accepted a sleeping Naruto into her arms.

"Do you need my help?" Shizune asked as she shook her head, putting a paper tag on Naruto's forehead, which harmlessly absorbed a very small bit of chakra, before pulling it off him.

"You look after him while I use this to lure them out" Tsunade said as she headed out of the room before stopping and looking back at them. "If anyone slips by me to you then you know what to do" she added as Shizune nodded, gaining a nervous but serious look.

"O-Of course Lady Tsunade" her student said before Tsunade grabbed one of Naruto's extra teddy bears and blankets before she closed the door behind her. She continued heading out towards the courtyard as she felt Shizune activate the security seals on the room before deciding to wait for whoever were clearly heading their way through the back of the large compound.

She quickly slapped the tag on the bear before wrapping it in a blanket in hopes to fool those coming. Thankfully she was able to do it just in time as the next second three ANBU, clad in dark cloaks appeared across her in the courtyard.

Immediately she knew they weren't sent by her sensei as the long dark hooded cloaks were not regular ANBU attire. That and the blandness of their masks screamed something wrong.

"Tsunade Senju were have orders to retrieve the child in your care from you and return them to ensure they get the proper training to be of use to the village" the center ANBU said as Tsunade narrowed her eyes, immediately aware who sent them after her.

"I hoe Danzo knew he was sending his Root to their deaths after sending them after a Sannin. Though he'll figure that out once I send your heads back to him and sensei" Tsunade said before she quickly tossed the bundle towards them, causing one ANBU to leap up to catch it only for it to explode in his face and send his limp body falling back towards the ground.

She didn't waste any time before she leapt towards the ANBU on the left, drawing her fist back and charging up her super strength as she seemed to have caught them off guard. She heard a somewhat sickening crunch as her fist collided with their sternum and sent them crashing into the courtyard wall, leaving a deep imprint from the force of the crash.

As the last one realized the quick deaths of his two allies he made a quick choice to retreat before a familiar chakra flared above them both.

"Summoning Art: Food Cart Destroyer!" a familiar voice yelled out before a large toad appeared above the last 'ANBU' before it crashed down, instantly killing them under the toad's immense weight.

"So I made it just in time it seems" the voice said as she looked up to see Jiraiya smiling down at her before dispelling the toad and stepping to the side to avoid the dead body.

"I could have handled them, they were severely overwhelmed and not ready for me to attack. Guess they figured I would be on the defense considering they thought Naruto was in my arms" she said before her eyes widened. "I need to check on them to make sure Naruto and Shizune are safe!" she said as she wanted to make sure, absolutely 100% that there weren't any fourth 'ANBU' that sneaked in another way.

"What should I do with the bodies!?" Jiraiya yelled, understanding why Tsunade was rushing off like she was.

"Send them to Sensei! Tell him Danzo sent them!" she yelled before she deactivated the security seal to see Shizune holding a crying Naruto in her arms, both completely unharmed and safe.

"Are they taken care of Lady Tsunade?" Shizune asked before Tsunade nodded and she handed Naruto over to her. "Good because I think Naru-chan is hungry after being woken up by the crashes" she said as Tsunade chuckled and accepted Naruto into her arms.

"Of course the little guy is hungry he just had a super long nap didn't he?" she said using her 'baby voice' that made Naruto giggle and clap his hands happily.

"Oh-ho-ho never have I been more jealous of a little kid, getting to suckle on those heavenly orbs!" Jiraiya exclaimed behind her before she narrowed her eyes and careful spun around and sent him flying with a punch to the face, all while supporting Naruto in her free arm.

"Stop being a pervert!" she yelled before stopping as she heard Naruto giggle louder which made her start laughing.

"Aww little Naru do you like it when I hit the pervert? You are just so adorable!" she squealed a bit while she nuzzled her cheek against his. She stopped though as she heard Jiraiya get back up behind her.

"Did you at least send the bodies to Sensei before you came over to perv out?" she asked as Jiraiya gained a serious look on his face and nodded.

"I sent them express delivery with the toads with a clear message. Sensei should be having some Yamanaka go through their minds and charging Danzo with whatever crime he can make stick. I'm just glad I sensed them while I was making my way over" Jiraiya said as he personally would have liked to hit that old war hawk with a Rasengan but decided Sensei would get him for both him and Tsunade.

"Good. I expected that man to try something but I didn't know he'd be that upfront with it" Tsunade said before looking towards Jiraiya with a raised brow. "Well? Are you going to leave the room? I have to feed Naruto" she said as Jiraiya waved it off.

"Don't worry, please continue. Act like I'm not even here" he said before he was sent flying again by a strong kick, allowing her to close the door.

"Pervert" she grumble as before calming down the giggling Naruto enough so that he could start feeding.

-Konoha – A few hours later-

Hiruzen was beyond furious as he looked over the reports from the three attackers minds that Jiraiya had delivered to him via toads. "Danzo you had absolutely no right to ever do any of this! Sending three of your Root ANBU after my student and a child is enough to have you imprisoned for treason" Hiruzen said as he glared across at his former teammate. To him Danzo still had the cold and calm appearance but he could see the man sweating on the inside.

"I did what I had to for the vill-You don't get to decide that! You do not get to go behind my back and decide to do whatever you want!" Hiruzen interrupted him as the last thing he wanted to hear was Danzo trying to weasel his way out of this.

"As of an hour ago your Root has been disbanded. Every base of yours, both above and underground have been cleared and any Root that resisted was captured or killed. You will be under constant watch for the foreseeable future and your title as Elder has been removed" Hiruzen said as Danzo narrowed his sole eye.

"You cannot do this Hiruzen" Danzo growled out as Hiruzen glared back.

"I am the Hokage. I hold the final say about anything in this village with only the Daimyo above my word. You should be counting your blessings I am only putting you under severe house arrest and not executing you here and now" he said in a cold tone before motioning for his ANBU to appear.

"Take this man away and ensure everything is taken care of. I don't want him in front of me anymore" Hiruzen said before the ANBU nodded and guided Danzo out of the room.

The elder Hokage let out a long and slow tired sigh before handing a scroll to a toad that hopped back up onto his desk after Danzo had left. "Please get this back to Jiraiya. Tell him I hope he understands but with that incident I'd feel safer with him closer to Naruto for the time being" he said as the toad nodded and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

'I hope this didn't upset you too much Tsunade but your quick actions should have proven to you how serious you are taking things. I just hope this was an isolated incident' Hiruzen thought while he lit his pipe, desperately needing it to relax after everything that had just happened.

But in the end at least Naruto was safe.

-Four Years Later-

Naruto smiled as he held his sissy's hand while they walked through the market. Over the four years he had grown to be a healthy height for his age while he wore a pair of blue shorts, a black shirt, and some blue sandals that his Mama had picked out for him.

"Now Naru-chan you make sure to stay close by and hold my hand at all times. I told your Mama I'd look after you and keep you safe and you said you'd be a good boy for her and listen to me" Shizune said as he nodded with a big smile.

"Okay sissy! I'll be super good!" he said with a serious look on his little face that only made Shizune giggle and pat his head.

"That's my little guy now let's go before all the good stuff is gone" she said before he nodded and walked alongside her with a happy smile.

He enjoyed spending time with his sissy and shopping was fun whether it be with his Mama or her. Plus whenever he went shopping with them they gave him candy if he was a good boy.

Everything was fun as he helped carry bags for his sissy before he frowned as she and everyone around him froze and they all became gray.

"Sissy? Are you okay?" he asked in a worried tone as he set down the bags and poked his sissy on her cheek.

"It is okay young boy, I merely made it so we can talk alone" a voice said before he turned around to see an old man smiling down at him with weird purple eyes and what looked like horns on his forehead.

"My Mama told me not to talk to strangers. Can you fix my sissy?" he asked with a frown, slightly moving behind his sissy to put some space between him and the old man.

"She has raised you really well Naruto, better than you would have lived alone" the man said as Naruto frowned.

"How do you know my name mister?" he asked while the man chuckled and stroked his beard.

"Well you can say I'm a friend of someone close to you" the man said, pointing towards his stomach which made it get all warm and his head hurt a little bit. "Not now my son, let me get to what I came here for" he added before the headache disappeared.

"Naruto I came here to offer you something" he said as he reached into his odd coat while crouching down and pulled out in one hand pulled out two scrolls, one a dark gray color and the other a soft red with red swirls, while the other hand held a small fruit.

The fruit, like the scroll was red with swirls on it. It was also the size of a strawberry and in fact looked like one but was also the shape of a heart.

"What is that? Is it a strawberry?" he asked as the man chuckled and looked the fruit over.

"I guess it does look like a strawberry but unlike one it is much more special. This is a very special fruit I grew myself for you to eat with your mother training you in mind. Since she is a doctor she'd be the perfect person to help you use its powers" he said as Naruto couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Powers?" he asked as the man smirked and nodded.

"Yeah. Powers that will help you protect those special to you. You can keep your mother and sister and uncle safe as well as those you meet in the future" he said while Naruto frowned contemplating eating the small fruit.

"Take it" a deep voice spoke before Naruto looked around erratically.

"Who said that!?" he asked nervously before the old man smiled softly.

"Thank you my son. I do hope you'll help this boy as he is going to be the one I told you and your siblings about" he said before Naruto frowned and felt another warm feeling in his stomach.

"Take it Naruto, this man can be trusted I promise and I'll explain who I am later. If he is showing up then this is something serious" the same voice spoke only much quieter and calmer.

Naruto wasn't sure but something about the voice made him nod and step out behind his frozen sissy. "Okay mister but will the fruit taste good?" he asked as he took the scrolls from the man's one hand, slipping them in his pockets before the man handed him the small fruit.

"You just need to eat everything of it up to the stem. Leave a bit behind so you can show it to your mother" the man said as Naruto nodded and accepted the fruit into his hand.

"Okay but what is your name mister?" he asked before the man stood up just as Naruto bit into the now gross tasting fruit.

"Hagoromo Otsutsuki" he said just as Naruto started to pass out and fall backwards. "Use that power well my young boy. I know you will change things in this world for the better and my son will help you do so" he finished before his form faded and time started again.

-Chapter End-

Sorry it took so long I had to change up the last scene with Hagoromo giving him the Ope Ope no Mi a bit and it took WAY longer than I thought it was.

Also with Danzo out of power and Root full disbanded a lot of things will change with the Uchiha Massacre, just so you all know

I fully intend this story to be a combination of action, drama, and comedy. There will be some family stuff and I guess "slice of life" moments from time to time until the action picks up later on. The breastfeeding moment between Tsunade and Shizune makes sense as Shizune is 14 and has never really seen it before so it's a little 'slice of life-ish' moment with the two.

It'll be a while, not sure how long entirely, before he returns to Konoha as I have a lot planned for his training and for what he does outside of Konoha before he is kind of stuck there more or less.

I have the three girls Naruto will be paired with in mind and I am really happy with who they are and how Naruto meets them/has them fall for him. He'll meet one before returning to Konoha and the two other once/after he returns to Konoha.

I already have a sword style planned for Naruto to use with the Ope Ope No Mi that will go along with his insane water affinity and will reveal it later. It's a style I am very comfortable with writing.

I hope you all liked the beginning of this fic that I feel a lot of promise in to make a really fun to write story.

Thank you Teddy Vanderaa for giving me this challenge and I hope this first little introduction chapter was a nice little opener to it. I promise the next chapter will have some drama-ish and a bit of a time skip.

I hope you all liked it

Until Next Time

Rate and Review!
