The sun was shining brightly across the beautiful city of Malibu. The sky was light blue with a few clouds in the sky, as the cries of seagulls could be heard near the seaside cliffs of the coast. There was a large advanced and modernized mansion on the located near a cliff, possessing an elegant circler shape. Within the mansion it shows a 27 year old Tony Stark besides a holographic screen that was showing blueprints for a new weapon.

"And that's why I believe that installing a special gear here would help the weapon to collapse more easily, which means access to different modes of weaponry but its primary function will be as a scyt…Are you getting this?" Tony asked the person in front of him. The person in front of him was his two year old daughter, Ruby Rose, who was currently sitting on the couch while eating a cookie.

Ruby was just sitting there as she looked at the holograph blueprint, continue to nom on the cookie, only to point towards it. "Bang, bang?" She asked cutely.

Tony couldn't help but bite his lip, his daughter was just too cute. He turned off the hologram and made his way towards his daughter, picking her up as he placed her on top of his lap and gave her a smile. "That's right, it'll also function as a customizable, high impact velocity sniper rifle that uses Dust as ammunition."

Ruby smiled as she brought both her hands up. "Gun!"

Tony couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle before kissing Ruby's cheek, causing Ruby to laugh and squeal in delight. However, Tony soon pulled away when he heard giggling elsewhere and he looked to see that it was Summer watching the two of them.

She couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of her. "Well aren't you two adorable?"

Tony cleared his throat as he brought himself up, picking up Ruby before placing her on the floor. He sniffed as he watch Ruby running to Summer, who happily picked her up. "She's adorable, yes, but me? I rather say that I'm handsome, brilliant, and don't forget loveable."

Summer let out another giggle as she walked towards Tony. "Whatever you say," Summer commented before planting a kiss on his cheek. She pulled away and placed Ruby down, giving her daughter a soft smile before speaking. "Ruby, could you go play in your room so that Mommy and Daddy can talk?"

Ruby nodded her head. "Okay, Mommy!" She happily replied before making her way towards her room, leaving the two adults alone to chat with one another.

Tony took notice of Summer's weapon at the place she was originally at, along with a traveling bag. "You're going on a mission?"

Summer nodded her head. "Yeah, it's just a simple mission to check out some Grimm related activities that was spotted. I'll be back in a couple of days, so I was going to tell you to take care of Ruby but it looks like you're already doing a good job at it." Summer commented with a smile on her face.

Tony smirked at Summer's comment before bringing her closer as he wrapped his arms around her. "Well, I'm also an awesome father and husband so it should definitely be a walk in the park for me."

Summer couldn't help but blush lightly as both her and Tony brought their lips together for a loving kiss. Seconds passed before the two pulled away from each other, gazing into each other eyes until Summer pulled herself away. She went to go pick up her weapon while placing her bag over her shoulder but she soon went back to Tony, placing her hand on his cheek as she gave him one last smile. "Try to be good and make sure not to stay up too late. I'll see you when I get back, okay?"

"There's nothing to worry about, Ruby and I will have a good time." Tony reassured.

"Uh huh, the last time you said that we had to call the Fire Department to take care of a lab explosion." Summer countered, causing Tony to flinch at the mention of that incident.

"Now to be fair, I didn't think Ruby would be able to reach for those dust." Tony countered.

Summer let out one last giggle before planting another kiss on his cheek, pulling away as she soon made her way towards the door. Tony saw Summer leaving the house and he decided that it may be a good time to work on the invention he was working on earlier.

"JARVIS?" Tony called out.

"Yes sir?"

"Bring up project Rose, I want to see if there's more features that I can add to that weapon." Tony answered, soon seeing the holographic image of the weapon appearing in front of him. "Let's get to work." Tony muttered as he began working.


The office was painted grey, and it had only one floor-to-ceiling window, which the outside of New York. On the grey desk sat a desktop computer, stacks of papers on the desk and there was a swivel chair in the middle of the office. In the chair was Dr. Sozo as he was looking through some files that all seem to have images of Grimm and different types of people that each seem to be labeled with a certain letter from the alphabet. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock on the door, looking up and saw that it was his assistant, Luna.

"Dr. Sozo, sorry to interrupt, but we've just received the latest Intel from the Oracle." She said as she placed a folder in front of Sozo, who picked it up and began looking over it.

"Are you sure the Oracle had viewed this as a necessity?" Dr. Sozo asked, earning a nod from Luna.

"He did sir, it seems we have to take care of this person if we wish for the future to remain on the right path." Luna replied.

Dr. Sozo let out a sigh as he placed the folder down and stood up. "Well if that's the case then send in V, he'll handle a job like this with ease."

Luna couldn't help but flinch slightly at the mention of V. "A-Are you sure sir? I mean, I don't think V is one to fulfil this mission with compliance."

Dr. Sozo let out a soft chuckle. "Don't worry, Miss Luna, V is still under our control and it would be a perfect opportunity for us to see how he does against an opponent like her."

Luna nodded her head. "Understood sir, I'll make sure V is mission ready soon enough." She stated before turning around and leaving the office. Dr. Sozo watched as she left before looking back at the folder he just placed down.

"Such a shame," He spoke up. "And here I thought she would have been more useful to us."

With Tony

It's been a few days since Summer had left for her job and Tony was currently in his garage and was working with Ruby on what looks to be a very important project. "Alright, so I think small LED light bulbs would be a great thing to use as its eyes."

Besides him was his daughter, who was currently holding the specific tools that Tony needed to build their little machine.

"So, Rose, pass me the ratchet wrench." Tony requested as he opened his hand, waiting for the tool. Ruby looked at her hand, trying to remember which one was the the tool her dad wanted. She picked a tool at random and placed it in Tony's hand, who looked at the tool before looking at Ruby with a soft smile on his face. "Thanks." he said as he used his free hand to rub Ruby's head, causing her to let out a giggle.

Tony soon heard the phone ringing, letting out an irritated sigh as he placed the tool down and looked at his daughter. "Be right back." Tony then reached the phone and answered. "Hello?" He asked, only for him to have a shocked expression when he heard what the person on the other line had to say.
