Hello everyone. I made this story because I couldn't help but feel inspired from Z.R. Stein's story, In Shades of Red and Gold. When I read that story I couldn't help myself but make my own story and I should tell you all right now that it'll be awhile before we reach the main story. The first few chapters will be kinda like prologue but I do hope you all will get to enjoy it.

July 20, 1979

The setting was a room where the wallpapers were blue with rocket ships on them while the floor was a nice, soft carpet while there were many toys all over the floor. In the corner was a desk, littered with wadded up pieces of paper and pens. A few shelves were pushed against the walls and filled with books. Some books sat on the floor in front of the shelves. In the center of the room was a small table with different blue prints on top of it and looking over the blueprints was a young five year old boy, the boy's name was Tony Stark.

The young child had a smile on his face as he continued editing the blueprints on his table but the smile soon vanished when he heard a familiar voice.

"Tony!" A voice shouted, causing him to flinch slightly as he stood up and quickly ran to the source of the voice. He made his way into the living room and in front of him was his father, Howard Stark.

"Y-Yes dad?" Tony asked with a nervous tone. But Tony soon saw a person behind his father's leg, a young girl probably at the same age as him. Tony couldn't help but stare that person in awe due to her unique appearance such as her black and red hair but what was the most interesting thing were her silver eyes.

Howard saw his son looking at the young girl, who was clinging to his leg. He then patted her on the back, gesturing her to move forward towards his son, which she did but she couldn't but look shyly away. "Listen Tony," He spoke up, earning his son's attention.

"This is Summer Rose, due to recent incidents she'll be living with us from now on. I want you to be friends with her, understand?" Howard said before turning away and walking into the kitchen, leaving his son alone with Summer.

Tony couldn't help but feel nervous as well, not sure what exactly to say to this young girl. Soon he spoke up as he offered his hand to her. "Want to play with my toys?"

Summer looked at his hand for a few seconds before nodding her head and taking his hand.

September 14, 1991

Trumpets blare in the distance and crowds yell enthusiastically. The brick buildings tower over the hordes of people and vehicle and inside one of the buildings was an apartment that seems to have a simple decoration. Within the room the floor was an amber-colored wood while the furniture inside the living room was just a white couch, a brown lazy boy recliner and a wooden table with two chairs. One of the most noticeable thing was a young man that was on the couch, he was asleep he lay as still as a brick and the only movement was the slight rise and fall of his chest.

This young man was a seventeen-year-old Tony Stark and without warning, he felt something hit him which caused his eyes to immediately open wide as he sprung up from the couch. He let out a soft groan as he scratched the back of his head.

"Mind telling me why you're in my apartment?" A voice of a young woman asked, earning Tony's attention.

A smirk came across Tony's face as he saw the familiar face. "Aw come on now, is it such a crime for a dear friend to come by for a visit?"

The young woman let out a sigh as she walked towards the table, setting down a school bag before sitting down on one of the chairs. "Honestly Tony, I wouldn't mind you coming over once in a while but I don't want to find you sleeping on my couch."

Tony let out a soft chuckle. "You say that but I know you're happy to have me here, Summer." He said as he looked at the thing she threw at him and saw that it was a newspaper. Tony picked up the newspaper and read the article that was on the front page.

"Besides, I've been pretty bored since I graduated MIT and I know visiting my parents would be something to do but I don't want to deal with my old man's whining with the new stuff they found." Tony said as he turned the newspaper to Summer's direction, showing the front title article. 'Schnee Family Found the Future of Energy and Weapons.'

Tony then turned the newspaper back to him as he continued reading. "Ever since they've found this stuff, my old man, has been worried about the future of Stark Industry since people may use this stuff from now on."

"Well I think it's cool that they found the stuff, it shows that the world still has many secrets that we don't know about." Summer pointed out before digging through her backpack and taking out some school work. "Now you can stay but you have to let me work, after all, not all of us can graduate from one of the best schools in the whole world at the age of seventeen."

Tony chuckled at her comment before placing the newspaper down and picking himself off the couch. "You know, I really would have loved to go with you to your school…Umm…What was it called? Bacon Academy or something?"

Summer let out a soft giggle before crumbling up a piece of paper and throwing it at Tony's face, successfully hitting its target. "It's called Beacon Academy, and though it's not as fancy as MIT, it's still an interesting school to go to. Besides, it's not really lonely since I got some friends there."

Tony placed his hand on his chest, letting out a dramatic gasp. "I've been replaced? I'm hurt Summer, and after all that we've been through together?" Tony said only to receive another ball of paper to the face.

"Calm down, Drama Queen. You're still one of my best friends, after all, besides me and Rhodey I don't think there's that many people that can handle your…unique personality."

Tony had let out a snort. "It's not my fault that other people can't seem to enjoy my lovable self." Tony said as he sat down in front of Summer. "So, mind telling me who your new friends are?"

Summer placed her hand on her cheek before answering. "Well there's a girl name Raven and her brother, Qrow and lastly there's nice guy name Taiyang."

"Taiyang? Well that's a…interesting name, what is that? Japanese?"

"Chinese, it's supposed to mean Sun Little Dragon. Which seems kind of cool to be honest."

Before Tony could say anything else, his phone suddenly rang. He took out his phone and gestured Summer to pause for a moment before answering. "Hello?" He answered, only to let out a sigh. "Do I have to? I don't think he would need me to be with him or you…I guess…Fine." He then hung up the phone and placed it back in his pocket before standing up.

"Well unfortunately I will have to end our time together sooner than expected. My mom wants me to join with them to visit this new research center that wants to partner up with Stark Industry."

Summer's curiosity couldn't help but peak with interest when she heard about a research center that grabbed the attention of Howard Stark himself. "What's the center's name?"

"Genesis Labs…Kinda a cliché name if you ask me."

Summer's attention grew when she heard the familiar name. "Genesis Lab? I've heard about that place, it's supposed to be a research center where they find a way to improve the human body."

"Yeah and if I know my old man, which I do, then I know he'll want to find a way to use their research to help him catch up with this whole 'Dust' thing." Tony said before walking towards the door and opening it but turning to Summer.

"Maybe after this whole thing I could offer a nice dinner between the two of us?" Tony suggested, only to receive another ball of paper to the face. Tony let out a small chuckle before leaving the room, leaving a slightly blushing Summer all by herself.

"That guy…"

Genesis Research Lab

Hours had gone by before the three Stark family members have walked through the door of Genesis Lab. Tony saw that the research lad looked to be the same as any other lab. The white coated scientists move around the facility and some of them were in rooms where he saw them working on some chemicals. In other rooms he saw through the glass were a bunch of machines but in the end he didn't know what made this place so special but his thoughts came to an end when one of the female scientists came in front of them, offering a kind smile.

"Hello there, my name is Luna and we're happy that you and your family have visited our lab, Mr. Stark. I'll be sure to make the grand tour a great one."

Howard nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah I'm sure you will but if you don't mind I would like to meet with the head of the lab."

"Oh I'm sorry," She replied with an upset tone. "I'm afraid Mr. Sozo is unavailable at this time but he has already prepared a presentation for you to see that might give you a good impression. Please follow me." She said as the turned around and walked away, with the Stark family following her.

They continued to walk until they reached a large chemistry lab, where a set of blue liquid inside small tubes were on the table. However, the moment Tony reached the doorway he quickly stopped and cleared his throat to earn his mother's attention. "Well as much fun as it's been I think I should take my leave so I can…" Tony paused as he tried to come up with an excuse but his mother placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Listen Tony, if you want to leave then you can leave. It was still great that you took your time to come with us…Even though it was just for a few minutes." Maria said to her son, earning a light chuckle from him.

"Thanks mom." He said before making his way out of the research lab.

Maria made her way next to her husband, who didn't bother asking where Tony had gone, as Luna had made her way to the table.

"Now Mr. Sozo had made these special vials for the presentation, in hopes of convening you and Stark Industries in a partnership with Genesis Research Lab." She said as she lifted one of the vials. "Now I'm sure you're familiar with the famed Super Hero Captain America?"

Howard nodded his head. "I am, the only soldier that received the Super Soldier Serum without receiving any side effects."

"That's correct and I'm sure you've heard how many people tried their best to duplicate the serum but sadly they were missing that one key component in completing it."

Howard's interest peaked up when she brought that information up. "Are you telling me that Mr. Sozo had actually made a perfect Super Soldier Serum?"

"Not exactly, unfortunately, Mr. Sozo had learned the properties of the Serum will remain unknown but he was still able to produce an alternate solution to the serum. He calls it the Evo Serum, the purpose of it is supposed to help human kind evolve into something great, at least that's the view that Mr. Sozo sees."

She then placed the tube back on the table before taking out a remote from her pocket. "Now allow me to show you an example of the effects of the serum." With a press of a button, two large TV monitors appeared behind her that showed two different people performing some workouts. "While the Evo Serum does not make the subject as strong as Captain America it stills shows impressive results by increasing the subject's strength, agility and even the mind itself."

Howard and his wife looked at the two subjects and it was clearly obvious which of the two had taken the serum as the first subject was able to lift large weights with ease while the second on had difficulty. "So Mr. Sozo is quite certain that these serums do not possess any severe side effects?"

"Of course, and just inform you that we have given the subject the serum a few days ago. So far they have not shown any signs of weakness." Luna replied, giving them a smile.

Howard couldn't help but fall silence as he started pondering on the serum, wondering if he should allow the partnership between Stark Industry with Genesis Research Lab. However, he thought that perhaps the Evo Serum may provide usefulness to him to counter the newest source of weapons which was the Dust. Howard cleared his throat as he made his way to Luna, offering his hand.

"Looks like Genesis Lab have just became a part of the Stark family."

Luna smiled brightly as she shook his hand. "We're so glad to hear that, I'm sure that Mr. Sozo will be happy to hear this." Suddenly Luna's pager started beeping, which she quickly examines before returning her attention back to Howard and his wife. "I'm really sorry but something had come up that requires my attention, I'll have to take my leave but a tour guide should be here soon to give you a tour on the remaining parts of the facility." Luna bowed her head as she left the room.

Her footsteps echoed in the hallways as she started passing through some doors, which the hallways soon began getting empty until she made her way to a steel door. Luna took out her pass and swiped it across the touch pad, causing a small beep and the door to open.

She walked into the room which was gleaming, swathes of stainless steel, sleek black tiled floor, glare of fluorescent tube lighting suspended from steel rafters, floor to ceiling windows down one wall, many scientists in white laboratory jump-suits and black framed glasses. In the center of the room were eight foot high glass cylinders, which each one had violet electricity within them, and they all seem to be powering up a large machine. Luna had walked down a small step to view the machine to see if it was functionally properly.

"She's truly beautiful, isn't she?" A voice spoke up, causing Luna to turn around and smile at the person.

"It certainly is, Mr. Sozo."

Mr. Sozo was a middle age man with brownish skin color, with rather long and curly brown hair as well as brown eyes. Wearing a white lab coat with a black shirt underneath with brown pants. Sozo smirked as he stood next to Luna and looked at the machine. "So, mind telling me if everything went well?"

Luna nodded her head. "Of course, Mr. Stark had claimed that Genesis Research Lab would be a part of his business."

Sozo chuckled at this. "Good, that fool is playing his part so far. All that's left is for him to play the rest of his role and what of the Oracle?"

"The Oracle's vision has still remained the same, the future of our plan is still set in stone."

"That's good, and what of the Evo Serum? How are the true effects coming along?" Sozo asked, turning towards Luna.

Luna turned around and walked away, with Sozo following from behind, until they both reached an elevator and Luna pressing the down button. The elevator took the two of them below a level which revealed to be a large hallway with four different glass windows that each had a metallic gate covering them.

Both Sozo and Luna walked in front of the first glass window, which the gate immediately opened when Luna pressed one of the buttons on the remote. Within the glass window was a small room with a large creature that resembled a werewolf chained to the wall. The creature had black fur with bone like armor on its body while having a bone mask on his face.

"This is the result of a wolf being injected with the sample of the Evo Serum, it was able to change its original DNA code and transform into a creature with enhanced strength and agility but the mind has become completely savage." Luna answered as both she and Sozo saw the creature struggling to break free from its imprisonment but with no success. "We decided to call this the Grimm Virus, in case the public wishes to know what they should call this."

Sozo placed his hand on his chin as he looked at the creature. "Grimm Virus huh?" A smirk soon appeared across his face. "Interesting and what about the others?"

Luna pressed the same button which caused the metal gate to cover the first window and she soon pressed another one to open the second gate. The two moved to the second gate and Sozo was a bit surprised to see a young girl with brown hair but the most noticeable thing was that fact that she had ears that resembled bear ears.

"This girl's DNA was one of the few that experience a different effect when taking the Evo Serum. When a human takes the Evo Serum then, depending on their DNA, will become this hybrid of a human and animal and I believe we call this type of creature a Faunus." Luna explained.

Sozo chuckled at the sight of the Faunus, placing his hand on the glass window. "Thanks to the Evo Serum our plan is about become reality very soon." Sozo then turned to Luna, taking his hand off the glass. "And what if the other humans that didn't have their DNA changed into a Faunus' DNA?"

Luna pressed the button on the remote as the second gate closed and the third one opened. Sozo looked into the window and noticed that the room was pitch black but in the center of the room there was a young man, whose body seem to be covered in blue electricity. The young man kept muttering to himself until his entire body suddenly changed into a bolt of electricity and began bouncing around the entire room, only for his body to return to normal when he reached the same spot he was at before.

"Those who didn't transform into a Faunus they gained special abilities. But we're not sure what we should categorize him as."

"It doesn't matter." Sozo answered quickly. "We'll just place them in the same category as a Mutant. What's the current population of the Mutants?"

"According to our recent calculations there should at least be an eight percentage of the Mutant population in the whole world." Luna replied.

"Good, good, and I'm sure you're aware for the hatred the remaining population has against them?"

"Yes sir."

"Well let's imagine how much hatred will grow when they see the increase of Mutants and now the latest freaks of nature, the Faunus!" Sozo declared before clearing his throat and turning his attention back to Luna. "And what of the distributions?"

"R-Right." Luna replied as she looked at the clipboard in her hand. "The distributions were made months ago, we were able to convert the Evo Serum into different things such as energy drinks, gum, candies, protein bars and medication. Also they were able to make it all over the world in different stores or stands, at this moment their DNA will immediately change when the energy wave is release."

"What about the Grimm Virus?"

"We were able to dump it into any water source for any animals within all the known environments."

"Good." Sozo said before turning around and walking towards the elevator. "Mrs. Luna, what is the purpose of Genesis Research Lab?"

"The purpose of Genesis Research Lab is to create the ultimate race and the only way to achieve that is through evolution." Luna answered.

"That's correct but changing the DNA isn't the only way to achieve evolution. Only the strong shall be decided which shall have the right to evolve."

Luna nodded her head in agreement. "Which is why you wished for us to create new species, to figure out whether it should be the humans, Grimms, Mutants, or Faunus that have the right to be the superior race and evolve into something greater."

"And?" Sozo asked, waiting for a respond.

"All in the name of Salem." She finished.

"Good, now active the machine within five minutes, the energy wave should be released throughout the entire world. The DNA change should be activated on those who have the Evo Serum within them."

"Of course, sir."

With Summer

Summer let out a sigh as she tried her best to figure out the answer to her worksheet but her thoughts was soon interrupted when she heard a knock on the door. She stood up and opened the door, only for her eyebrow to twitch slightly when she saw that it was Tony but he was wearing a tuxedo shirt with a rose in his hand.

"Summer." Tony said as he offered her the rose, giving her a smirk. "I do believe that I requested a date with your lovely self."

Summer took the rose and she let out a scoff. "Man, you really are stubborn."

"Not true," He spoke up. "I'm only stubborn when there's something that I really want and what I want is to be able to take you out on a date."

Summer giggled lightly as she gave the rose one last look before looking back at Tony. "I suppose it would be nice to get out once in awhile. Give me a minute." She said before closing the door, only for minutes to pass and Summer opened the door.

Tony gave her a smile as he got closer to her, placing his arm over her shoulder. "I think you'll enjoy the plans I have for us today." The two of them were about to leave until through the hallways' window they saw a massive beam of purple light shooting high into the sky.

Tony left Summer's side to take a good look through the window to see a wave of energy moving throughout the city, causing the lights to black out. "Summer, get back inside."

"Wait Tony, what's going on?" Summer asked as she tried to get next to Tony but he grabbed her and brought her down when the energy wave hit the building, causing the hallways lights to explode. At that moment, it was the beginning of a new era.