KFP owned by Dreamworks.

There'll be a load of kissing in this chapter, so brace yourself!

Credit to crackers-me (tumblr) for the beta.

"Po? POOO!"

"Owwwwww… You don't have to slap me that hard!"

She withdrew at his exclamation. Cracking his eyes open, Po found the most beautiful, exotic creature to ever live staring at him. Her crimson orbs looked deeply into him. Her figure had a strange halo from the ashen brilliance of the moonlight.

Now, dad told me that death came in the form of a beautiful woman, this must be it.

But the way she frowned thunderously, the darkening of her expression, gave him a cue that things might not be as they seemed. He tried to sit up, but a sudden jolt of pain assaulted his right shoulder, causing him to wince in agony and surrender his burly mass back on the hard, cold floor.

The disquieted, perturbed expression of the goddess in front of him melted into a mischievous chuckle. "Men are wimps when it comes to injuries," she commented as he was reduced into a writhing, whimpering mess. She touched his shoulder to confirm her initial suspicion. "It's only a dislocated shoulder, panda." Despite her cynical attitude, deep in her heart, she was sincerely thanking him for his unbidden, brazen and selfless decision, for coming to her rescue without a second thought.

You could have died right here saving me, you fool!

However, the mental words were said fondly, with a glint of genuine affection and relief. Po just snickered quietly in response.

Tigress let out a consoled sigh. Her tense muscles relaxed after the sudden gruesome experience of falling hundreds of feet and being resigned to the sickening chance that Po was either dead or very close to it. The panda just grinned stupidly as usual, either completely ignorant about how the whole saga could've ended, unconcerned of his own well-being, or downright demented for thinking he could fly like Crane.

What the hell was he thinking right there when he jumped?

She was pleased that the panda phenomenally survived, only bearing a superficial laceration, bruises, scraping and a dislocated shoulder, while she herself was pretty much left unscathed, being padded by the panda's ample torso that held a generous amount of fluffiness.

Maybe his ample figure wasn't a con after all. It just saved us both today.

As if realisation finally sunk into his dimwitted skull, the panda suddenly asked, "Wait… I'm not dead?" His face shone in pure incredulity. Tigress shook her head stiffly and smiled at Po's antics.

Even in the direst situation, he can still make a fool of himself.

"If you're not sure, I can slap you again," Tigress said deviously.

"Awww… I am thrilled, but no thanks, Tigress… I'm not gonna take your kind offer this time," he bantered back, the tone of his voice identical to hers, and grinned sardonically.

She's not a typical goddess, but better to be here, accompanied by her, than dead.

Tigress reexamined the rest of Po's injuries.

"So… how can we… owww! …get back… ouch! ...to the palace?" The panda glanced up into the gloom, trying to find the top of the infinite rock walls around them. "We're quite far down here," he commented, watching Tigress' calm, almost dispassionate facade as she listened to his repetitive whimpers.

"I don't know," she answered him tersely. Her paws labouriously tore her own silk trousers and part of her tunic to bandage Po's bleeding wound as tightly as possible, while the panda submitted under her merciless care and lay still to avoid aggravating the damage. She smirked slyly every time the panda's face contorted in pain, winced or cringed. Po knew, this suffering was necessary, so he bit his tongue and endured the torture.

The second thing that happened nearly sent Po to the Spirit Realm. He wasn't sure if he should thank Tigress, with her no-nonsense, ever-practical, overbearing attitude, who had decided to take charge fully and resolutely to put Po's shoulder back into place. Without any hesitation, warning, mercy nor apparent concern, and employing her unnatural strength to her benefit, she grabbed his arm and jerked his shoulder into its proper alignment. It was a split second, but Po swore it was the most agonizing moment of his mortal life. He nearly bit his tongue off—luckily, he opted instead to let out a blood-curdling scream on her murderous attempt to fix him.

"You didn't have to scream bloody murder at me, Po, I could very well hear you," she joked, while Po was unable to reciprocate her banter, heaving and sweating from the sudden jab of pain inflicted by the tiger.

Once she was done with Po's shoulder, she assisted him to perch on the wall beside them, and started tending to some of the laceration on his arms. After the throbbing pain on his shoulder dissolved, Po watched in sincere gratitude and pure admiration as Tigress nonchalantly continued to nurse his wounds. It was true that Shifu had raised her well, to prepare her to be a well-rounded warrior who wasn't just capable of fighting well, but also dealing with the aftermath.

"Thanks, Tigress…" Po smiled with his usual wide, toothy grin.

Mirroring the intonation of his voice, she said, "Glad to be of service, Dragon Warrior." She smiled back, obviously registering his appreciation.

He looked into her sunset eyes, and she looked into his emerald orbs. Instantly, their souls connected, and something that was hidden under her stoic facade and his tranquil demeanor began to stir. She felt something strange creep into her chest. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling… in fact, it was quite the opposite.

What! Tigress… You're not gonna do this! Are you crazy?

But it was too late, she was unable to tear her gaze from his mesmerizing jade eyes, the tender gaze he gave her, his strong arms that suddenly found themselves reaching her slender waist. No matter what her brain was shouting, her heart and the rest of her body wouldn't just listen. They both closed the gap. As soon as their lips touched each other, an electrifying bolt travelled through their bodies, sending an instant shockwave of pleasure. They both abruptly pulled from the kiss, staring at each other in immense surprise.

In a moment of repose, the sound of hooting owls and other feral animals filled up the silence. They both just stared, until their hearts once again commanded them to let go, submit, and proclaim their deepest desire.

Tigress hesitated at first, her heart still slamming against her ribcage. Her cheeks burned with potent heat at the feel of his warm breath and his lips grazing over hers, as if seeking her permission. But something inside her encouraged her to reciprocate, to lean deeper into the kiss. She slowly complied, closing her eyes and tilting her head slightly, letting passion and love be trapped between their lips, like a gap of unfilled words that were far too raw and embarrassing to be spoken, yet could not be denied. After a while, both of their paws slipped unwittingly, their bodies entwined in a close embrace. Tigress found herself absorbed completely into the kiss, and melted in his touch. Everything around her felt so distant, unrelated and surreal. She could only feel the thrilling taste of him on her tongue, tingling every fibre of her body, while taking immense pleasure on the generous proclamation of his love.

So this is the love drug Viper was talking about.

As both of them ended the earnest battle, they slowly parted, eyes fluttering open, gazing into each other contentedly. Their chests heaving, their breathing ragged.

Woa… that was… woah… Po thought with great wonderment. He almost believed he could instantly combust from desire and passion after Tigress set every inch of his body aflame.

Gosh, yes, the Dragon Warrior is certainly… a good kisser. That one was… amazing! Judging from the enthralled look in his eyes, and the way he voiced his passion earlier, Tigress knew he felt the same.

Without further ado, they resume their intimate engagement, each one getting more intense, lustful and dare punctuating it with soft moans and gentle grunts. The rest of their limbs just fluently follow at their own decree. Even Po had forgotten that he was actually… injured. Until Tigress accidentally touched his bandaged arm.

"Owww…" Po was the first to pull away.

"Po… I-I am sorry. Did… did I, hurt you?" Tigress stammered, her cheeks were still flushed and her breathing still erratic. But she was somewhat pleased to see Po was equally nervous.

"I hope… emm… my breath didn't smell today." He chuckled nervously, and squirmed where he sat.

"No." She smiled as he gave him her definite answer.

"I am quite gutted though, I wanted to take you to the festival… and we both ended up down here."

"That's okay, Po. Both of us still alive and that bunny must have returned safely with Crane. Initially, I thought you were going to massacre those bandits in the market square, judging from the bitter look on your face."

"I barely held my temper there…" he admitted. "But, I thought you find me… attractive when I'm agitated?"

"What?" Tigress's eyebrows knotted artfully, eyes lock, compelling recognition.

He fidgeted a little uncomfortably."Nevermind."

There was a pregnant bubble of silence. His grogginess invited her sly smile. She came closer to him, running her claw on the portion of his bare chest, making him shudder in excitement as her paws made contact with his skin.

"Well, you are….terribly sexy when you're angry, Dragon Warrior." She said seductively, and without warning, forcefully pulled the collar of his vest and mashed her lips into his, kissing him fervently with heady passion. Now it was the panda's turn to be caught completely off guard, but he quickly upped his game, fighting her tongue for dominance. Tigress suddenly parted her lips, smirked impishly, and pushed him with all her strength (which was quite colossal), sending him tumbling down the ledge where they were at, it wasn't that far (since they are quite close to the bottom of the trench) but enough to give him a lesson.

"Arrrghhhhhhhhhh!" Po shrieked as he lost his balance and rolled uncontrollably under the mercy of gravity.

"That is for prying over my list, panda!" he heard her triumphant voice from above.

Hell, that was one heck of a love touch.

Obviously, Tigress helped him and apologised afterward. (Not that she felt immensely sorry for what she did). But she was insistent about keeping the watch for the night.

"Tigresssss, you are kiddin' me, right? There are no bandits in the chasm! Why would you want to keep a watch?" Tigress heard the panda whined.

"Expect the unexpected, panda," she rebutted, making use Shifu usual line of wisdom as her impenetrable defense. Po just wished Tigress quit her belligerent attitude, and for once… just once, just listened to him.

"Come onnnnnn… you are shivering, and half your clothes are on me now." Tigress looked at herself. For once Po was right, her qipao had reduced slightly above her waist, and her long silk trousers had turned into a short. It was no wonder that she felt the piercing cold autumn wind against her skin. But admitting defeat wasn't her natural tendency, Tigress was adamant to stay put where she was.

After a hell of persuasion, tons of pleading, and promise of being her sparring partner for the whole year, the panda finally managed to influence the tiger to sleep next to him. Tigress was actually quite relieved when she finally felt Po's plushy, warm arms surrounding her as she curled up to sleep.

A few hours later, just at the breaking of the dawn.

"We found them! They are here!"

That familiar voice echoed through the wall of the chasm.

"Eh-hem…," and yes, that clearing of the throat sounded characteristically familiar too.

I see you are still alive, Panda. Even had a gut to clutch my daughter that way the WHOLE night. And….she is BARELY wearing any clothes.

Once his spirit made its way into his body, Po snapped back into consciousness.

"M-Master Shifu," aware of the presence of his Master (and the father of the creature that still cleaving closely by his chest) Po hastily rubbed his eyes to clear his vision, and immediately tried to detach Tigress from him. Strange enough, the feline master that notoriously known for her light sleep, still purring contentedly disregarding all the conversation around her.

Tigress was right, expect the unexpected. Po talked to himself, while stealing a nervous glance at the miffed looking fossil with big ears in front of him. Geez, even to the depth of the abyss, he would still be able to sneak up like a ghost.

"Is this how a master behaved with his pupil, Dragon Teacher?" Shifu eyed him vindictively.

"I think she was tired from all the work last night."

Shifu ears and eyes twitched arbitrary hearing the panda's vague explanation.

You better elaborate what kind of work she was doing last night, or the only work you have would be at the emperor's harem serving as a eunuch.

"...I mean bandaging me, and...erm… keep the watch," Po stammered as he expounded further, hoping Shifu would buy his excuses.

"Master… the rest of the geese are here." Zheng informed. They had prepared some kind of hammock, so a number of them could carry the giant panda out of the depth of the chasm. While Crane would take Tigress.

"Thank you Zeng," replied the Grand Master.

"Wait… Zeng, you can fly?" Po asked incredulously, he actually forgot that similar to his father, Zeng was a goose.

"I am a bird, Master Po."

Later on that afternoon.

"Master... "

"Yes Tigress, do come in," Shifu invited.

"I wish to discuss something…. personal," the tiger prompted with her typical phlegmatic fortitude.

"Go ahead, I am listening," Shifu invited her to sit down in front of him.

"I overheard Po talking to Crane. He said you gave him a blessing to court me, is that true?"

Shifu chuckled. A smug smile like Tigress had never seen before, was tugged firmly on his thin lips."You think that panda told a lie?"

At first, she exhibited no response. "N-no… it's just-" Her voice sounded strained and reluctant, while uncertainty creeping into her usually stoic posture.

"Just what, Tigress?" Shifu stared at her, trying to capture the truth.

"I-I just want to make sure… that-that you are okay with this," she elicited, her face tightened with apprehension.

They had this conversation before, it maybe not specifically about Po, but Shifu had mentioned to her about her freedom to choose a man she wanted to share her future with. Back then, she had never foreseen that occurring - imagining herself to be a subject, bounded by honour to a man in a relationship, was a distant concept, but now it was imminent, it was happening - maybe that was why his daughter just wanted his reassurance.

"Tigress, for all my life, I've mistaken to raise you and Tai Lung to be strong, unemotional and solitary warrior," he said, a hint of remorseful note entering his voice, "and having the same experience as you both did, I do not wish you to travel the same path and make the same mistake as I did," he sighed and retorted ruefully, "...now that I know - caring for someone does not make you weak, in fact quite contrary, compel you to be a better warrior." He observed his adopted daughter carefully with empathizing eyes. The tiger just sat silently, digesting every wisdom her father imparted.

The old master stood next to her, rubbing his skinny hand on the back of Tigress paw, fondling it sincerely, "So, if you are here to ask me for my opinion, I say…. follow your heart, love freely with your soul, and pursue things that make you happy," he then reached his hand to her chin and invite her to look at him, before he continued, "Because….. it makes me happy to see that you do, Tigress. I really do."

The words strummed the string of her heart, Tigress felt her eyes begin to mist, she planned to close her eyes to clear her waterlogging vision, but Shifu beat her to it, and wiped her eyes gently and swiftly with his hands.

"You are not a replacement of Tai Lung," his words were harsh to his own ears, more bitter than bile and more hurtful than a blade. But he realised he needed to say it. "You are Tigress… my daughter."

They both fell silent. Shifu decided to end the repose with an edgy chuckle.

"I take it that panda really makes you happy, doesn't he?"

Tigress confronted her thoughts yet again, letting her mind fell into the trance of nostalgia. She had befriended Po for so long, but he never bored her, in fact, she wanted to see more of him, to understand him, to comfort him, to be with him. She recalled how their lips pressed together in a passionate surrender, even when he never told her that he loved her, that night - his kiss had served as a concrete proof of his devotion to her.

Tigress dipped her head into a nod and smiled fondly. Her answer somehow made Shifu's expression mellowed - a gulf of unexplainable contentment washed his soul and all the worry, oppression and guilt that haunted him for many years for causing Tigress much suffering because of his bad parenting skill, suddenly dissolved.

She finally found her happiness she truly deserved.

And a rare scene began to unfold, as a deeply moving reconciliation took place.

"I am sorry for not giving the love you deserve, Tigress." She nearly reeled back in shock, her crimson eyes widened in surprise, which alternately narrowed into a frown. But her feature quickly softened, as if those words finally set her soul to breathe free, no longer holding resentment, or feeling relegated as second class child, Tai Lung's shadow, forgotten and brushed aside. Shifu just stood there, probably expecting some verbal lashing after years inflicting her emotional conflict. However, inexplicably, as if urged by an invisible force, she lurched forward in pure impulse, and encased her father deceptively fragile form in a rareness, most sincere, emotional hug. "I forgive you….father."

Both of them parted, and Shifu smiled and wiped the remnant of her tears.

"I always proud of you Tigress. I know I had to say that more often than just keeping it to myself. Now, go to him, and tell him what he needs to know."

Shifu sighed pensively as his daughter closed the door behind her. He would never expect the day would come that Tigress had found satisfaction in other thing outside kung fu, no longer alone, and no longer being cut off from her own emotion.

That night Tigress went to her bedroom, hastily grabbed her list to scribble an additional note at the bottom, and slid it under Po's door.

In the morning, a few minutes before the gong, Po woke up. The taste of Tigress' kiss still lingered on his lips. He smiled, reminiscing last night. As he panned his gaze, he quickly registered the same parchment he saw in Tigress' bedroom, trapped between his door and the floor.

He scooped it up and meticulously read the list.

Then a smug, rather cocky smirk came over his face.

There was a large cross upon the cons list, and something new was added to the pros list.

He owns the softest lips (I'll be willing to taste them again, just to make sure)


I love him

"Yippe….! Awesome!"

The next afternoon inside the palace kitchen.

"Oh Po, come on… spill the beans! What happened last night in that chasm?" Monkey leaned forward to force the panda to tell them the truth.

"Nothing… I said nothing!" Po refuted concisely, quickly busied himself kneading the noodle dough zealously with his paws.

"Really? Nothing?... Then, why you smile like a mindless lunatic the whole morning? Even when Shifu told you to run up and down the thousand stairs ten times today," Mantis butted in, narrowing his eyes pointedly in disbelief.

"We knew you were hiding something, Po." Crane interjected, smiling despicably before he continued, "...especially when I saw the way you girding Tigress…. and the way she purred and slept soundly in your arms. She is not normally sleeping like that."

The langur and the insect immediately eyeing the panda sharply, realising he was indeed keeping a secret from them. Po laughed, "You guys will know eventually…"

However, today the divine power was indeed siding the langur, the insect, and the bird, as they heard a conversation right on behind of the leaf of the closed kitchen door.

"So, sister… tell me, do you think you two compatible to have a cub together?" They heard Viper feminine giggle.

And there was a loud crash sound as the plates and bowls broke and scattered around the floor, as the panda suddenly found his limbs surrendering themselves to the force of gravity and accidentally knock the dresser on the process.

W-What? Having cubs together? Am I missing something here? He bit his lips as a lethal dose of embarrassment radiated under his fur. His ultimate shock look invited the gale of boisterous laughter from the rest of the males in the room. Mantis rubbed his teary eyes, Monkey had his hands pounding the table earnestly, and Crane bit his straw hat to curb the overwhelming desire to cackle.

"You might want to read this Po. Just so that you understand." Monkey stifled the urge to guffaw as he pushed the article from Viper's magazine. They immediately deduced what might have happened between the panda and the tiger the night prior down the crevasse.

This Week's Contagious Conundrum: the Five Benefits of Kissing, REVEALED.

Kissing is a fundamental part of signaling how compatible one person is with another. When two people lock lips or engage in a romantic encounter, they receive information about the other person from the smell, taste, sound, and signals that subconsciously decide whether they are compatible to have cubs together. The benefits of kissing include: improving teeth hygiene, relieving stress… strengthening the immune system, slowing down aging by exercising muscles in the face and... it can even help you lose weight!

"Expect Tigress to do that more often with you, I think she had taken the benefit of the kissing a little too seriously, especially the last one." Monkey explained, his mouth spread in a wide grin, while Mantis convoluted smile had erupted into a distinct, scandalous laugh.

And with that Tigress and Viper obviously had done with their own chat and pushed the door open.

"Hi, Guys. What happened?" The serpent watched the disarrayed kitchen floor, muddled with all assortments of breakables, three weepy males, and one distressed looking panda.

"Let just say that we've finally solved the kissing conundrum," Crane concluded after returning his composure.

"It won't be long until Mr. Ping's wish come true," the insect snickered with a chuckle of mischief at both panda and tiger who grew one shade redder. He swiftly herded the rest of the masters to exit the kitchen, leaving two lethally embarrassed creatures at their own device.

"Hi…" Po initiated awkwardly, rubbing his floury paw on the back of his neck.


And there was a pregnant silence, as the stark contrast of the shadow of both of their figure danced in the light of a solitary candle in the kitchen. Tigress glanced at the abandoned noodle dough that was sitting in mute appeal on the top of kitchen worktop. A rather sensuous image of a panda, using his deliciously meaty palm to massage the dough abruptly emerged in her mind, which eventually transpired into a cunning plan.



"I…I want to borrow something," she cast her gaze on the parchment, her pros and cons list, which was peeking from the pocket of the panda's slack. She knew Po had read her amended list.

"I promise I give you back," a mischievous, clever smirk tugged her lips had transformed into an inviting smile, as her tail wrapped around one of his legs. The panda got a little edgy, he knew the gesture mean invitation in his book.

No, now way. Not here! She can't possibly be serious.

But he was completely stoned, as if paralyzed by Tai Lung's nerve attack. She stepped closer, lurched forward, and pressed her lips to his with searing passion that could send him back to the spirit realm. She ended the kiss with a tiny nip on his lower lips, sending electrifying sense of exhilaration to his entire being. Po was positive he must have been ogling and absorbed like an outright opium addict by now, completely powerless to do anything - anything but to obey. Inexplicably - what would normally feel embarrassing, was instead liberating and amazingly reassuring.

"And now… I'll give you back," she announced with the voice as sultry and blissful as her kiss - call it a subtle suggestion to reward him a rightful prize for his exceptional charm. Subsequently, she leaned forward again, this time grazing her lips slowly on his, watching the euphoric sense of her gesture settled back in his face. He reciprocated in kind, tilting his head to fit the motion, and let his body sing on the touch of her hand.

After a moment that felt like forever, they both parted from the kiss.

"Wait… what time is it?"

"It's past noon time."

"Wooooah… so we'd been doing this… that long?"

"Shut it panda, it's not like we are going to break a record or something."

"Ugh, no…. But, Tigress, I think I know the answer to the conundrum in Viper's magazine," he said,"...well, the answer for my case anyway." He briefly reminisced the taste of her in his lips. I didn't know tofu could taste that good, he thought to himself. The was nothing more energizing, monumental, and epic than having his lips locked with his heroine, the leader of Furious Five, and… his best friend.

"It's you."

His admittance resounded sweetly in her ears. A contented smile graced her lips. She moved closer, traced her claws gently on his back, before commanding her lips to approach the nape of his neck, and gave him an affectionate nuzzle. His body shivered in sheer anticipation of what she was about to do next.


Shhh… kiss now, question later. She placed her finger on his lips in her wordless appeal.

"Wait Tigress…!" He hindered her action "...if you kiss my neck, I am not responsible for what happen next," he retorted.

"That would be an entire new conundrum…. and best not to be done in the kitchen."

The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand of times between the eyes before it reaches the lips.

For it wasn't my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It wasn't my lips you kissed, but my soul.

The scene where Tigress and Po fell down to the crevasse was an idea came from 'A different lesson' by nievelion (credit to him). Also, I would like to remind all writers and KFP fans about the competition (you can check on my profile, under 'Ancient China non-Kung Fu competition' for the rule). If you wished to join, do let me or M4DGR4L know. So far there are about 13 stories submitted (you can check under my community tab from my profile), feel free to drop a review for your favourite writers, send them a little encouragement by letting them know you love their work. And if you liked me to write this kind of story again, do let me know... to be honest, I don't normally write a lot of fluff like this (I find it hard!), but yes... open for request! And thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this!