
I always wear a bandana on my wrist to cover it up. The sight of it always makes it uneasy. Mom always says that you should be ready for it, anticipate it; but I don't want to. I want the moment to feel right. I want to be able to look up and feel the connection without looking at my wrist all the time. I want the moment to feel natural. I want the numbers to not exist.

Today's the day. I rarely look, but the date has been seared into my brain since the moment it started ticking. I know it's only a few hours from now. The green bandana on my wrist stop my nerves as I walk around. I look around but don't notice anyone. Suddenly, I bump into a girl. I catch her before she falls, though.

"Hey there, gorgeous. I guess you're my soulmate," are my first words to her. Why did I just say that? Oh, but she is beautiful. We fit together so perfectly.

I think we're both in shock. I can't stop looking at her. Say something. "What's your name?"

She just keeps looking at me. Talk to me, please. "Uh, hello? What's your name?"

She stutters as she says it, but at least she's talking, "B-B-Bella."

Gorgeous. "I'm Edward. Nice to meet you, Princess."