A/N: Here is chapter two. I decided to scrap my other start for Bella and Sam. This one has so much potential and I love how it's been written!

Chapter 2

Sam felt cold...and there was a constant ache in his chest. At first he thought it was the guilt of being forced to end things with Leah, but even her pain and heartbreak didn't make it worse. It also didn't make it better, although his wolf seemed more settled now that he wasn't spending so much time with her. He found the pain would lessen gradually if he ever did come close enough to Bella Swan, but it would flair up renewed when he would finally slip away, blending in with the trees and the shadows of the night. Embry had joined the pack finally, making them a pack of four now. And to make things...worse or more interesting, Jared had imprinted on a girl in his homeroom class named Kimberly. Sam watched as she was a bit hesitant but only seemed to grow closer to Jared, creating this sickening happiness that made Sam almost sick at the stomach for it because he knew if Bella wasn't heartbroken...he and her would feel the same.

He had taken to spending a lot of his time fixing things around the reservation and in doing so built a name and reputation for himself and his quickly growing company. He went from repairs to construction easily, building a new learning center in the middle of the village for students to use. He took odd jobs in Forks, hoping to at least see Bella from a distance if only to ease the ache in his chest. And the fact that Jared imprinted did not help that in the least. He was constantly reminded of what he didn't have. Which is why today is wasn't looking forward to the bonfire.

It was called by the elders to officially welcome Kim into the pack, the tribe, and the way of life with a wolf as a mate. Even though he wasn't meant to be the alpha, Sam would be looked down on for the fact his own imprint was still not within the group, since he had imprinted on her two months ago now. She was acting like a zombie, just going through the motions of life and Sam knew her father was worried sick for her, afraid that she would possibly take her own life. Sam considered going to her but somehow...he knew that wasn't what she needed. Not from him. He needed to keep his distance and protect her from afar.

He sighed as he stepped out of the trees, adjusting his shorts on his hips. He saw Jared and Kim were already there...but so were Leah and Seth. He frowned, knowing that they weren't supposed to be here. He saw Harry and assumed his children just came along and would leave before the true bonfire would begin. He saw an old white truck pull up and adjusted his course. Paul was driving and Embry was with him. He would stick close to his beta, since Paul had a temper and lost control easily. At least until Leah and Embry left. Paul smirked when he saw Sam.

"Patrolling again?" Paul asked.

Sam nodded, face serious. "There's been a redheaded leech...I've kept my distance but she seems to be hanging around Forks."

Paul's face darkened. "Fucking blood sucker. She'll get hers."

Embry looked between them, curious. "Will we...can we really beat her?"

Sam raised a brow. "Of course. IT's what we are made for, Embry. Don't be scared. Revel in the power and own it."

"Spreading lies, Sam?" a voice asked from behind him, bitterly.

Sam turned, stiffening as his eyes met the dark brown eyes of Leah. "Leah. I was unaware you were coming."

His voice was polite but it only made her eyes darken in anger. "Why? Because you tore my heart out after bringing up marriage? Fuck you Sam!"

Paul snorted. "You still got fire, Clearwater."

Leah sneered. "You shut the fuck up, Lahote. You're no better...avoiding everyone and everything. You have no right to even speak to me when you won't even look me in the eye!"

"Listen here you little-" Paul snapped but cut off when he finally looked into her eyes. Even Leah's eyes widened in shock.

Sam felt both bitter and elated when he realized what had happened. Paul had imprinted on Leah. Another wolf with a nearly perfect match...assuming Leah would agree to this. Paul shifted once the shock wore off and released a breath.

"Leah. Let's talk," he said with authority.

Leah narrowed her eyes but nodded. She thought she had felt something...odd. And who knows maybe he could have some answers for why Sam had broken apart their relationship. Paul stepped past her, leading her to the beach as the sun began to set. Sam turned away from them, seeing the bonfire being lit. He sighed as Embry walked up, touching his shoulder.

"How is Bella doing?" he asked quietly.

Sam shook his head. "Barely existing. She's just going through the motions, not really doing anything except sleeping and staring at nothing. Charlie even has to force her to eat."

Embry nodded, his eyes sad. "She'll heal Sam. She just...needs something I am sure."

Sam looked pained. "But she doesn't need me."

Paul stopped near the water, staring at the waves crashing onto the shore. Then he turned to Leah.

"Thanks for coming...um...what do you remember of those legends from when we were kids?" he asked lamely.

Leah narrowed her eyes. "We grew up on them, Paul. What's this got to do with anything?"

Paul sighed and nodded. "They're all true, Leah. Especially about the wolves and I'm a wolf...the beta to the pack."

Her eyes weren't wide. Just narrowed as she stared at him. "The pack?"

"Yes. Embry and Jared are members and Sam….Sam's our alpha."

"Why tell me this? Assuming I believe you."

"Because….well do you remember the legend about imprinting?" Paul asked carefully.

Leah grabbed her purse and left the house, her heart heavy and mind full of so much information. The wolves of the legends were real. Her ex was the alpha and broke up with her because he imprinted...but had to keep his distance because she didn't need him. And it was hurting him. She had been imprinted on the the hot headed one of the pack, but he wasn't that bad any longer. Leah honestly liked him. At least a little. But she wasn't leaving the house for Paul. She was doing it for Sam. She was a bitter bitch sometimes but she knew Sam left her because he loves her. He wanted to save her the heartache of him falling in love with someone else, and she knew now that if they had stayed together, even if they married, they wouldn't have been happy.

But now Sam was unhappy and she was going to fix it. Which meant she needed to kick Bella Swan's ass into gear.

The drive to the two story white house in Forks seemed quick, and Leah was sure she was speeding as she went. She walked up to the front door and knocked, but there was no answer. She glared at the wood, glancing behind her again to double check that the police chief was gone. Bella's hideous red truck was there still but the cruiser wasn't. So she felt around the frame, under the mat, and beneath a pot until she found the key, and then let herself into the cozy house. She walked up the stairs and straight to Bella's room. She found the teenager sitting in a chair staring out the window and sighed, glaring and shaking her head. She turned, went to the bathroom and checked for towels and stuff before deciding against warming the water.

Bella Swan needed a shock.

So Leah returned to the girl, bodily grabbed her out of the chair, and all but dragged the still unresponsive girl to the shower. She forced her inside, ripping off her shirt and sweats, before turning on the ice cold water. Isabella Swan shrieked in shock, covering her body and trying to escape the water. Leah glared.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Swan. So suck it up. Boyfriends can be dicks and if he hurt you like this, it wasn't meant to be and there is someone out there who is better for you," she said coldly.

Bella stared at the girl in shock.

"NOw hurry up, shower, and meet me downstairs. You need a reality check so I'm your new best friend whether you like me or not," Leah said.

When Bella continued to stare with her wide brown eyes, Leah sighed.

"I mean it. Shower or I'll do it for you," she said.

Bella swallowed and nodded, turning to the shower and making the water hotter. Leah waited, making sure she was doing as told and nodded to herself before going downstairs. She made some sandwiches and poured some tea before sitting down and waiting for Bella. She hoped Sam appreciated this.

A/N: Review if you'd like!