A/N: Late last year, I finished posting a story called 'The Kids Are Alright'. Several people hoped for a sequel and I fully intended to write it, but much like the making of a baby, these things take time. Now here we are, 9 months later, and this is the beginning of the long-awaited sequel, which it's likely no-one cares about anymore (except jordana60, 'cause she's awesome). Anywho, it's here, and if you read Chapter 1 and don't hate it, a review might be nice - thanks, folks :)

Disclaimer: All recognisable characters and situations from Gilmore Girls belong to Amy Sherman-Palladino and other folsk who aren't me.

Chapter 1

Jess Mariano had gotten used to not needing people, mostly because when he had before, they always let him down. It was strange at the age of seventeen to realise just how much things had changed, and all inside the last twelve months. Now he had people in his life that really did care, and two that had been absent these past six weeks were due to return any minute. Jess wasn't sappy enough to admit he was excited about that, but he kind of was.

To think that less than a year ago he had been dragged, practically kicking and screaming, from NYC where he was born and raised, to Hartford, Connecticut, all because his mother had decided she was in love. Again. Liz had more husbands and boyfriends than Jess had home cooked meals, and quite honestly, he was surprised he could keep track of all the men who had traipsed through is life over the years.

Ira Geller was different to a lot of the losers that had come before, but Jess was sure from the get go he would fall into the smaller but nonetheless very real second category of men in Liz's life - good guys that she would screw over in the end. An affair with the pool boy of the Geller family's fancy digs was just cliché enough for Liz to make it work, and so they were out before Jess had even completed Junior year at Chilton Prep.

As much as living in the lap of luxury was no bad thing, Jess didn't care about having to give up the house or the private schooling. What hurt was having to go back to New York just when he had built a life for himself in Connecticut. His step-sister, Paris, who had hated him in the beginning and he had taken great delight in driving crazy, had become more family to him than anyone ever had before. Then there was Rory Gilmore.

Jess never thought to have a girlfriend. He dated, obviously, but Rory was the first girl he really wanted to be with on a more permanent basis. In short, he loved her, and he never expected that to happen. He loved Paris too, in a strange 'like a sister' kind of a way, and then there was Uncle Luke. He really had done Jess a solid by bringing him back to Stars Hollow, giving him a place to live, and even offering to pay the money to put Jess back into Chilton for Senior Year. His girlfriend, Lorelai, who was also Rory's mother, was equally supportive of having Jess 'back home' as she phrased it. In spite of always thinking of NYC as the place he belonged for his whole life up to now, Jess couldn't argue that Stars Hollow had fast become home to him. He didn't want to be anywhere else anymore.

"Thanks again for letting me tag along," he said to Lorelai who was stood beside him in the airport.

"No problem, bud," she replied, grinning big. "I know it's not cool for guys to admit these things, but I figure next to me you're probably the most excited that Rory is coming home. Paris too actually."

"I don't hate that they'll be around," he said, shrugging like it was no big deal, but the smile gave him away.

"Must've been lonely for you these past few weeks."

"I guess, but Luke's been keeping me busy."

That was no lie. Jess hadn't just been putting in time at the diner to assist in paying his tuition, and to make a little something for himself too, but a lot of time had been spent in the apartment too. The place just wasn't going to be big enough for two, and so Luke and Lorelai had come up with a plan to purchase the building next door to the diner and knock through upstairs, making the apartment much larger. It was even more money being spent on Jess' behalf and he couldn't help but ask why Luke was bothering. It was a strange moment when his uncle explained how much he cared, first about Jess, and then also about Rory. He wanted them happy, and also safe and comfortable. If that meant laying out some cash, so be it.

"I should've done a lot more, a lot sooner," he had told Jess too seriously.

The 'thank you' he gave him in return for his generosity didn't really seem enough, but it was all Jess had. He knew he couldn't screw up with Luke, and he sure as hell didn't want to screw up with Rory. This year was going to be best behaviour, and Jess wasn't sure how easy that was going to be, especially at Chilton with all its rules and too much talk of college. Not that it was much easier in Stars Hollow with Rory's ex, Dean, giving him the evil eye at every turn. That guy was just asking to be smacked in the teeth.

"Y'know, I meant to thank you," he said to Lorelai then. "I, er... Luke mentioned that he wouldn't have known where to start with the whole bringing me back thing if you hadn't helped out so, thanks for that."

If anybody had ever looked more awkward about anything, Lorelai wouldn't like to have guessed who it was or when and where it happened. Poor Jess. He was a good kid really but he had lived through a whole mass of bad breaks, and certainly had a pretty screwed up childhood. Luke was doing all he could to put right what had been wrong in his nephew's life. Lorelai was only too happy to assist in that.

"I didn't really do so much," she said, shaking her head. "But you're more than welcome for anything I did do. The fact is, Jess, I'm not going to lie, I wasn't sure about you in the beginning. It's not all your fault, I mean, Rory was all happy and settled with Dean and then along you come, all different and... well, you know how people fear the unknown, and change is never good?"

"I get it," Jess assured her, still smiling in spite of the fact she was all but being insulting at this point. "For the record, I didn't come here by choice, and I sure as hell never expected to fall for Rory, but it happened, and I'm not sorry that it did."

"Me either," Lorelai assured him. "You make my daughter very happy, Jess, and honestly, it's nice to see Paris happy too. She needs someone in her life besides Rory. From what I hear, her parents don't care all that much. A brother is not a bad a substitute."

There was no time for anything else to be said as the doors opened then and Rory and Paris were the first to burst through, complete with bags in their hands and grins on their faces. They seemed as happy to be home as Lorelai and Jess were to have them there. Rory clearly didn't know who to hug first and decided she would go with her mom, purely because Paris beat her to Jess. It was still weird to see her be comfortable showing affection for anyone, but it was nice too.

When Lorelai released Rory, she pretty much threw herself at Jess, who didn't mind at all.

"Hey there, Paris," said Lorelai, turning her back the moment the kissing started. "How was Washington?"

"It was great. Very educational," said Paris happily. "And I think I went on my first date last night."

"Wow, that's great, hon." Lorelai smiled. "Oh, hey, look at that. They came up for air," she said of Rory and Jess as they finally released each other.

"Sorry," her daughter apologised, blushing profusely.

"No problem, sweets. He missed you almost as much as I did," she said of Jess, who almost looked as if he might be embarrassed too.

"I missed you both," Rory told them, keeping one arm around Jess and flinging the other around Lorelai's shoulders. "Calls and letters just aren't the same!" she said, bouncing around with the excitement of being home.

Even Paris found it amusing, if not a little embarrassing too.

"Well, you'll be happy to know that the grandparents seem to be labouring under the delusion that your flight doesn't get in until this time tomorrow," said Lorelai happily, "so Friday Night Dinner? So not an issue."

"Unless you're Luke," noted Jess.


"Yes. The unfortunate downside to my generosity in getting you out of Friday Night Dinner so you can in fact spend some Peaches & Herb time with the boyfriend is that my boyfriend got fast-shuffled into officially meeting the parents," said Lorelai, with a huff that blew her hair off her forehead. "But, before all of that, we get to enjoy the awesomeness that is the First Annual Stars Hollow End of Summer Madness Festival!"

Jess rolled his eyes and whispered to Rory; "Also known as a town-wide insanity plea."

"Oh, come on!" she said, encouraging him to get into the spirit the way only Rory could. "It'll be fun."

All she managed to inspire was another eye roll and a hint of a smirk because her joy really was infectious. Besides, having her back was maybe the best thing to happen to Jess since his own return to the Hollow.

"You wanna come along Paris?" Lorelai asked her as they all headed out of the airport together.

"Oh, I don't know," she said, shifting awkwardly. "It seems like a family thing."

"You are family," Rory pointed out, "or close enough."

"It's no problem to me," Lorelai assured her. "I can take you home now if that's what you want, or you can come experience all the fun of a small town event with the coolest people in the state, and then I can drop you home on the way to my parents' house tonight."

She finished her little speech as she dropped both Rory and Paris' bags into the car and closed up the back with a thud. Still Ms Geller looked undecided.

"C'mon, Paris," said Jess, eyeing her with suspicion and a wicked smirk. "What are you afraid of?"

"Nothing," she reacted just as he knew she would, lifting her chin and looking determined. "I'll come along. It might make an interesting piece for the Franklin at least."

Jess laughed as he opened the car door for the girls. "Don't ever change, sis," he told Paris as she got into her seat.

Somehow he already knew she wasn't going to.

The Summer Festival did not fail to disappoint Rory and Lorelai, and even Paris managed to enjoy herself, even if much of her entertainment came from putting down everybody else. Nobody present was much enjoying the barbershop quartet who knew precisely one song for the occasion - the whole town was certain to be singing Hazy, Lazy, Crazy Days of Summer for a week after, if not longer!

Jess rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on when they went into yet another chorus of that same song. Rory winced on his behalf.

"Aww, Jess, I'm sorry. You're really hating this, aren't you?" she sympathised, hugging him from the side with her head on his shoulder.

"I'm fine" he told her, forcing a half a smile. "You're here and you're happy, that's what matters."

"You are the best," she said with a grin, kissing his lips. "And later when all this is over we can be alone and talk properly and stuff."

"Sounds good," he said with a more genuine smile. "I think Lane needs you," he told Rory then, pointing out where her BFF was bouncing and waving. "You should go talk to her."

"You're not coming with?"

"To listen to you two do the girl talk thing? Not really my scene, Ror."

"Point taken. I'll go talk to Lane, track down mom and Luke who really should've been back with those hot dogs by now, and be back in a few."

"Okay." Jess nodded. "If I'm not here I'll be looking for Paris. I get this feeling like I should keep an eye on her, unless of course we want a full scale riot on our hands."

"Probably best to keep her from starting World War Three," Rory agreed, sparing Jess one more kiss before they parted.

It started out as a mere peck but when his arm snaked around her waist and kept he close, Rory didn't object to letting Jess make the moment last. By the time they parted, she was gasping for air, but didn't mind at all. Hurrying over to Lane, she knew she had the biggest grin on her face before her friend ever mentioned it.

"Hey, Smiley Smile," said Lane, hugging Rory tight. "Stars Hollow has missed you."

"And I have missed Stars Hollow. How are you doing?"

"Pretty good," she said, nodding her head. "Actually awful, since I'm sitting here watching all the happy couples enjoying their Summer Madness, knowing that will never be me, not for as long as Mrs Kim is watching."

"Aaw, Lane," said Rory sadly, giving her friend another hug for good measure. "I'm sorry. I'm sure one day Mrs Kim will realise that boys aren't all related to the devil."

"Here's hoping." Lane sighed. "You and Jess are certainly as much in love as ever if that lip-lock moment was anything to go by."

Rory blushed profusely. "I have to admit, it's great to be back and to have him here."

Turning to look in the direction Jess was headed before, Rory's smile faded when she saw a blonde girl talking to him. It wasn't that Rory didn't trust Jess or want him to have friends, be they male or female, but this girl seemed just a little too quick to lean in close and fawn all over him.

"Wow, she seems friendly," she said pointedly.

"Ah, yeah. I wasn't sure whether to mention her or not," said Lane awkwardly. "That would be Shane."

"As in 'come back'?"

"Apparently. She's new in town, due to start Stars Hollow High September 1st. She seems to like the diner a lot," she said with a look that soon got Rory's attention, "but nothing untoward has happened. Jess would never, ever cheat on you," she insisted.

"I know that." Rory nodded. "I do, I know that. Jess can have female friends, it's no big deal."

She looked like she meant it, and yet at the same time, Lane could see Rory wasn't keen on the idea of Jess and Shane being buddies. The way she couldn't stop staring at the pair certainly proved she had her doubts and Lane really couldn't blame her for that.

"There you are!" said Paris as she appeared beside them. "I've been all over this crack pot town looking for you."

"Which is weird because Jess was actually looking for you," Rory noted, gesturing over to where he was.

Paris' eyes went comically wide, her hand rising to block the sun from her face so she could get a better look at Jess and the girl he was talking to.

"Please God tell me he didn't mistake Malibu Whore Barbie for me?" she asked, apparently disgusted by the sight of Shane. "I mean, geez, would you look at that girl. She should have a staple across her stomach from the centre page."

"Paris!" Rory gasped at the implication. "She's probably a really nice person," she insisted, until she saw the look on Lane's face as well as Paris's own. "Maybe. Possibly."

"Go on, get over there," said Pars then, physically shoving Rory in the general direction of her boyfriend.


"Stake your claim, Gilmore!" her friend insisted. "Let that bubble-head know that you're back in town and your man is not up for grabs."

Rory opened her mouth to protest but then changed her mind. She looked over in time to see Shane touching Jess' arm in a particular way. He seemed to shift as if to get away from her and yet their conversation continued.

"Lane?" Rory looked to her other best friend for advice.

"Couldn't hurt," she admitted, shrugging her shoulders.

Rory took a breath, nodded once in determination and strode off towards Jess and Shane.

Alone together now, Lane glanced up at Paris from her place on the bench, then shifted over and gestured for her to sit.

"How's things Paris?" she asked politely.

Paris eyed the bench a moment and then took a seat. "Not bad. I had my first date last night," she said smiling, before that expression quickly faded, "with a guy I'll probably never see again."

"Oh," said Lane. "Well, my mother is doing a great job of ensuring that I never date anyone. Ever."

"Ouch. Sorry," Paris sympathised.

"Thanks," replied Lane, as the two of them sunk further down into their seats with their arms folded across their chests.

They turned their attention to Rory just in time to see her reach Jess' side. They couldn't hear the conversation, but the way Rory made a big deal of putting her arm around Jess' waist the moment she got to him spoke volumes about how well she was 'staking her claim' as Paris put it. Shane was to be left in no doubt of who she was messing with.

"Hey," said Jess, turning to his girlfriend and putting an arm around her back. "I don't know if you saw Luke and Lorelai, but they're still at the hotdog stand. I think the polite explanation would be that they got distracted, by each other," he said, with just a hint of distaste creeping into his expression.

"Well, it's easily done." Rory shrugged. "I can't help being distracted by you."

Before Jess could hardly get a breath in, she crashed her lips against his own, kissing him like her life depended on it. Rory had her fingers tangled in Jess' hair, her body pressed up close to his, and Jess sure wasn't protesting at all.

"Get a room!" said Shane with a sneer.

Soon after, Rory pulled away from Jess, triumph on her face as well as a deep blush. Mostly she was just very glad to see that Shane was long gone from the scene.

"What was that for?" asked Jess, trying to catch his breath.

"Can't I just want to kiss you?" asked Rory in all innocence apparently, and yet he knew better.

It wasn't that Rory didn't love him or want to kiss him, he knew that she did, but that had been quite the PDA. She rarely initiated anything quite so obvious where a whole lot of people could see, including her mother, his uncle, and all the assorted townsfolk. This happened for one reason only, and there was no way he wasn't going to call her on it.

"What's the matter, Gilmore?" he asked with a smirk, pushing strands of hair off her face. "Those baby blues turning a little green because you saw me talking to Shane?"

"No!" Rory denied it hotly, and yet when she met his eyes she had to be honest. "Maybe you were talking, but she was flirting. I could see that from a mile away," she said definitely.

Jess frowned a little. "You don't trust me?"

"I completely trust you!" Rory insisted, holding on tight still, but looking everywhere but at him. "I just don't think it hurts for girls like that to know that you're not available."

Jess smirked at that, lifting Rory's chin on his finger until she was looking at him again. "I kinda love the territorial streak."

"Oh yeah? That's good," she said with a smile, arms locking around his neck, "because it's probably not going anywhere."

He kissed her this time, and they were just getting lost in another beautiful moment when a voice interrupted them.

"Seriously?" said Lorelai. "You can't put each other down for three seconds?"

The young couple parted and Luke and Lorelai dutifully handed over hotdogs and drinks. Still, Jess couldn't help but get back at Rory's mother for what she said.

"Hello, pot? This is kettle - you're black," he said smartly. "I saw you guys at the hotdog stand," he added when both of them dared to look confused.

"Eat your food," said Luke sternly, fit to blush as easily as Rory usually would in such a moment.

Jess said no more, but the smirk he was wearing just wouldn't quit.

To Be Continued...