Hi, it's me again! I'm very, very sorry for the huge delay. I've had a huge writer's block, and lot's of other stuff occupying my small brain. Can't think of to much at the same time, can I?

I really hope you like this chapter, I know it's short, but I think rather much happens in this short little chappy. Anyway, Read and Review, please. And thank you all who already have done so.

Please, read my other HP fic in-progress. "True Colour" it's, in my opinion, much better than this one.

Have a great read and stay.


When Dumbledore had placed the bottle on Snape's desk, returned to his seat and gotten his bag, Snape called on him.

"I minute, if you please, Potter."

Ron stared nervously at him while muttering "Good Luck". Dumbledore nodded silently.

As the other students had left the room, Snape called him, "Yes Potter. I was just going to tell you that your little stunt to day with the potion should have called for a week's detention. But as the accident was a mistake of mine, see this as your re-payment," Snape glared, "Now, leave, Potter…"


Meanwhile, Hermione and Ron waited outside with great patience.

"What's taking him so long?"

"Ron… Harry's been there for… well, a maximum of thirty seconds! What's with you to day?"

"Nothing!" he answered a bit too quickly, "I mean… nothing…"

Hermione looked suspiciously at Ron, "Are you sure…?" she fingered nervously at her wand, "Have… have you also noted that Harry's behaving somewhat odd?"

This time, Ron's answer came both to fast and to high-pitched, "No!" he cleared his throat, "No… no! I mean what do you mean with odd?"

"I just… Never mind…" she continued to finger on her wand. She really wanted to tell Ron why she had become suspicious, but what would she tell him? 'His eyes look different. They twinkle in a different way then usual.'? She sighed. If she said that; why not hold up a sign 'I STARE AT HARRY POTTER'S EYES!' So, she kept quiet.

Seconds later, Dumbledore came out again.

Ron smiled nervously, "So, what did he say, mate?"

"Just that, if it would have been under normal circumstances, I would have gotten a detention…"

"For what? What did you do now?" Hermione asked, glancing at both Dumbledore and Ron.

Ron and Dumbledore exchanged worried looks. Even though Dumbledore hadn't said it aloud, Ron knew exactly what he had meant: The little accident with the truth potion…


At breakfast, everything had gone fine for Harry until McGonagall reminded 'Dumbledore' that Professor Lupin and his dog Snuffles was coming that day after breakfast. That gave Harry quite a shock, which almost caused him to spit out the tea he was drinking.

"Is there something wrong, Headmaster?" she asked, while looking suspiciously at him.

"No, no. I'm quite fine, Minerva…" he answered, "I just swallowed a bit too quickly…"

McGonagall stared at him, "Right. Now, may I remind you to meet him at Three Broomsticks at eight fifteen?"

"Why, yes. Yes of course," he glanced at his watch and almost shouted out disbelief. It was only three minutes until the appointed time. He quickly gulped down his tea and rose from his seat, "Ah yes. I'll see you later then, Minerva…"

She nodded slowly, and Harry started to leave.

Then the question was; how to get to the Three Broomsticks in two minutes and twenty seconds? There was only few ways to get from Hogwarts: Taking a carriage, but that would take to long. Second was to Apparate, which firstly was impossible on Hogwarts grounds, and secondly; the facts that Harry didn't know how to Apparate as he was too young. Portkeys was completely out of the question as Harry didn't know how to make one and the fact that you had to have a special allowance from the Ministry to make one.

This left Harry to his last, and least favorite, way: Floo powder.

Harry sighed while quickly walking up to Dumbledore's office. When he finally arrived he grabbed one of Dumbledore's many trip-robes and quickly covered himself with it.

Harry quickly searched through the room, looking after some floo powder. He found some, seconds later, in one of the many drawers on Dumbledore's desk.

He took a pinch, while grabbing his wand to the fireplace. He quickly muttered "Inflamari" and looked at the fireplace with a satisfied grin when he saw the orange flames rising. He threw the pinch of floo powder into the fire while crying out "Three Broomsticks!" and walked into the fire.

He felt himself fall like someone had sucked him up with a gigantic vacuum-cleaner. Harry quickly tried to grab his robe around him, so he wouldn't get too covered with soot, but he failed. And before he new it, he felt himself tumble out from the fireplace in Three Broomsticks, almost tripping on his robe, in a not so very Dumbledore-ish way.

He coughed, and pointed his wand at himself before anyone would see him, "Kleen," he managed to cough out. And a second later; he was clean like before.

"Err… Professor Dumbledore?" he heard behind him, "Are you alright?"

Harry turned around quickly and saw Remus Lupin stand there, "Ah, yes, Pr- Remus… I'm quite alright… Why shouldn't I be?" he asked, nervously.

"I… I thought I saw you trip on your robes earlier…"

Harry could feel his cheeks turn red. Now he was happy for the beard, at least they hid the red color from showing, "Oh… Yes… My tailor should have made it shorter, but he never did listen… Err… Yeah."

Lupin raised an eyebrow, "Right…" he was about to continue when a loud bark cut him off, "Padfoot…" Lupin said warningly.

Sirius barked again and waggled his tail.

"Ah, hello there Snuffles…" Harry reached down and patted Sirius carefully on the head. But Sirius, being the hyperactive person he was, jumped up and down while waggling his tail violently before jumping onto Harry and licking him in the face.

"Snuffles… Stop that!" Lupin shouted, and Sirius promptly looked down to the ground while placing his tail between his legs, "I'm sorry, Padfoot. But we have business to attend to."

"Yes… To my study, then, I presume?"

Lupin nodded shortly.
