I know that I've been gone for a while, but I'm having a huge writers block on all of my other stories. I'm hoping that this one with help me get over the writers block since my mind likes to put ideas for many different stories in my head at one time. Anyways I don't own Fairy Tail and if I did Gajeel wouldn't be with Levy and Acnologia would be in more along with the other dragons.
Chapter 1
Two young women were running through a thick forest. Both of the women had shoulder length hair and wore a blue blouse and a knee length black skirt that flowed around them as they ran. They were both barefoot and had a chain holding a golden key around their waist.
The women were celestial mages from the Heartfilia clan and the younger twin sisters of Anna. Jade had light brown hair with purple and light blue highlights and odd jade green eyes that had purple around her pupils. Her blouse had a small symbol for Leo the Lion on the left breast. At the end of her chain was the golden gate key for the leader of the Zodiacs, Leo. Her sister, Ruby, had blond hair with highlights of black and red with ruby red eyes with green around her pupils. Like her twin Ruby also had a Zodiac symbol on the left breast of her shirt, but her's was for The Scorpion. Her chain held the golden key for the spirit Scorpio.
Both Jade and Ruby had a relationship with their spirits like no other. Leo and Scorpio were both in love with their masters and their masters were in love with them. Knowing that their clan would never accept children of celestial spirits and that they had no way of hiding their children Jade and Ruby left their family. The other spirits did not accept the physical relationship between master and spirit at first by the time was birth of the two half spirits they did.
That was ten years ago before other celestial mages heard about the two half spirits and wanted them. The children were both female and had something that made it known who was where. Both girls had their mothers' eyes, hair highlights, and personalities, but that was all they had from their mothers.
Jade's and Leo's daughter Aurora had shoulder length orange hair with purple highlights and light blue tips that spiked a little. Aurora's eyes were the same jade green and purple like her mother's, but her pupils were slitted like that of a cat. Aurora also had two little lion ears and a lion tail. Aurora's cousin Pandora, the daughter of Ruby and Scorpio, had shoulder length black and red hair split right down the middle of her head (like her father's red and white hair). Her eyes were the same red as her mother's, but without the green around her pupils. Like Aurora she physical showed who her father was by having a tail like him, but her's was solid black. Both of the girls had on outfits like their mothers, but their tops were green not black.
The girls were left behind as their mothers ran from the man who wanted their fathers' keys and them. Jade and Ruby both knew that they wouldn't come back to their daughters and were hoping that their chaser would leave the girls alone. They knew who their chaser was (an older member of their clan) and also knew that the chances of him leaving the girls alone was small. Though that didn't mean they didn't hope that their children were save. Jade had gotten ahold of the celestial dragon Draco and left his key with Aurora since the dragon loved the little girl. Jade didn't want her daughter and niece to be left without protection and knew that Draco could come through his gate whenever he wanted since he was the first dragon and one of the first celestial spirits.
The girls had waited for five days with no signs of their mothers and were scared. Aurora would use what instincts from being part lion to get what food she could for her and Pandora. Aurora was running back to Pandora with two fish (and the front of her black skirt) in her hands from a nearby stream never realizing that she was being watch.
For the last three day Acnologia had been watching the two odd girls in his human form. He had came upon them when the one with a lion tail was just leaving to get food one day. He had been walking back to his cave not that far from there and something had him stopping and keeping anything from hurting the girls. He was just going to wait to see if their parents came back to get them, but that didn't seem to be happening anytime soon.
Aurora had just gotten back to Pandora when she got their fire going again when she heard Acnologia growl at a wolf that had gotten to close to. Aurora quickly handed the fish to her cousin to cook and looked around.
"Aurora what is it?" Pandora asked fearfully as her cousin started to look around growling lowly.
"I don't know, but something is watching us. Just get the food cooked so we can get out of here" was the answer the lion girl gave as she looked around.
Pandora quickly put the fish on a stick and started to cook them over the fire. She knew that Aurora didn't growl unless she was trying to protect her. It's not like she couldn't take care of herself since both her father and Uncle Leo taught her and Aurora how to fight.
Acnologia looked at the girls and watched how they ate the fish partly raw. He was a little shocked that Aurora had heard him since he was a good ways back from them. He had to hand it to the girl her ears were sharp and the other one from what he seen was quick. Acnologia smiled to himself before standing up from the sitting on the ground and walked towards the girls. He may have been against the thought of dragons raising humans and training them to kill him, but he was not against taking in these to half spirits. Oh yes he knew that they were children of a spirits who had a physical relationship with their master.
As he got closer to them Aurora started growling louder and stood in front of Pandora, who quickly put the fire out with a blast of sand from her tail. Acnologia made sure to make noise as he walked to the girls and couldn't help, but smile at the protective nature of the lion girl.
When Acnologia was in sight of the girls Pandora moved her tail to point it at him and Aurora was in a defensive position still growling her tail flicking behind her and ears flat against her head.
"Who are you and what do you want?" Aurora demanded when Acnologia looked at her from her cousin.
Acnologia was still smiling and looked Aurora in the eyes before saying "I am Dragon of Chaos Acnologia and I want to train you in the way of a dragon slayer"
"You don't look like a dragon and from what I've heard Mother and Auntie saying about Acnologia is that he doesn't like humans and wants nothing, but to kill them all and be king of the dragons" Pandora stated making Acnologia look at her before shifting into his dragon form making both of the girls gasp and step back.
"Ok so you really are a dragon and I can only guess that you told the truth about who you are. So why do you want to train us? As I am sure you can tell we can half celestial spirit which may not work with your chaos magic" Aurora said quietly after getting over her shock.
"Because I have watched you these past three days and am impressed at what you both can do. I am sure I can think of same way for your celestial magic and my chaos magic to work together in the same body. All I would need to do is track down the celestial dragon Draco and have him help" Acnologia said calmly after shifting back into his human form (which was easier to travel around in then his dragon form).
Aurora and Pandora looked at each other having a silent conversation between them. Both of them nodded and looked back at Acnologia, who was getting impatient at the two of them, smiling a little.
"Ok then we'll go with you and he have Draco's keys with us" Pandora said as Aurora pulled out a silver chain from around her shirt with a silver key with a black dragon around the handle.
"My mother got him a few weeks ago and he loves me. If you can take care of us then he should want to help train us to get stronger and better" Aurora said as she slowly walked over to Acnologia with the key hanging off her neck. Pandora as walking just behind her.
Acnologia just turned around and started to walk towards his cave telling the girls to follow him. The girls ran after him and would be with him for four hundred more years along with Draco. Both of the girls learned dragon slayer magic from both of the dragons raising them and became dragons themselves. They had even developed gate keys themselves and could stay out for as long as they wanted. They ever did go looking for their fathers in the celestial world, but would ask the King whenever they talked to them how their fathers were doing.