AN: Long time no see. To answer some questions:

Yes, Alice is deaf. More important later.

Yes, Bella is very mysterious and for good reasons that will be revealed as we move further into the story.

Yes, the very prominent foreshadowing is very important.

When I say Immortals I don't mean vampires. Just immortal.

I'm hoping that showing the story in EPOV would be better because this is all new to him, just as it is to you guys.

And yes, this story is very Supernatural. Not ridiculously so but if you can watch Once Upon a Time, you can read this. Just saying.

Anything else I say may give away too much information to the story that has not been revealed yet. I am happy to hear any theories or ideas though.

See you at the end.

She looks at my hand in hers and she tightens her grip, her gaze deep into mine before she closes her eyes. Her mind opens up, like a big bubble spreading over my mind to accept me inside. It's warm and colorful, the colors of memories vibrant with life. I hear her voice as clear as if she was speaking out loud, her tone quiet but strong in its depth.

"The beginning started with how most civilizations start, with an entity that created the early era of what we have today. In Egypt, Atum was that entity. He created the first gods, one for every element. They provided the needs of its people; sunlight, crops and animals. Egypt was bright and full of life; its people were happy and prosperous with their way of life. As time progressed and the world evolved, more and more gods were created to help where it was needed in Egypt. Most took multiple roles to help balance out their counterparts, pharaohs and kings ruled for several millennia. Some were spiteful against the people of Egypt, in turn creating more gods to help protect Egypt against them. One in particular, Seth, was one of the worst. He was the god of chaos and he lived up to his name. He created many epidemics in Egypt, including famine and plagues. So many people prayed to Atum and the other gods to help, making them sacrifice many of their livestock to appease them. Seth had a brother, Osiris, who was pharaoh of Egypt at the time. A very powerful one, with an as much as powerful wife named Isis."

She sighs and images of humans with heads of animals come and go as she speaks, a few in particular circulating her story. Seth is a man with the head of a jackal, evil with dark power surrounding him. And Osiris, a man with very tan features. A strong presence with fearless eyes and a grand headpiece. His wife stands by his side proudly, a beautiful woman with smooth golden-tan skin surrounded with great light power. The image then changes of Isis by herself, crying with gut wrenching tears. Sadness and agony.

"What happened to Osiris?" I implore.

"He was killed, by Seth."

I gasp as she shows me Osiris's body, torn in pieces by his own brother. Isis has then taken into a dark room, no a tomb. It's lit with two torches at a slab of something that resembles an altar. Isis lays his body and pieces it back together, a warm golden glow forming as she does. She speaks in a foreign language, her hands caressing the places he was torn. Osiris is still, his body intact but then it turns a bluish-green hue, like a teal color. He has scars left over, which Isis wraps in a thick gauze around them. He slowly rises, taking in the room and his eyes find Isis' and they embrace. It's like something out of Frankenstein. But, romantic in the care she took into putting him together. And you know, no screaming or lightening.

I arch a brow at her. "A tragic love story; what does this have to do with my mother?"

She arches a brow back at me. "You are not going to get far in any of this if I have to tell you everything. You have to start learning to open your mind again, your heart."

My eyes harden. "The last time I did that my mother was fucking killed."

Her eyes soften but she continues. "A lot of this is hard to believe but you will have to believe in the impossible before I tell you anything else."

"I believe in you. Isn't that enough?"

She shrugs a bit. "It is a start."

I sigh and sit back, mulling over everything she's shown me so far. The way she showed me, everything seemed so familiar. Like I've been there before, even though I haven't.

"You really still think that?"

I feel Bella filtering in through my mind, coaxing memories to the forefront. She brings up memories of my mom, her sweet smile and long hair brushing my shoulder as we play on the piano together. Then to the memory she showed me of my father and mother, that moment before he sent her away. When she was pregnant with me. I switch between those two, their features blurring together and I see now. They were younger when my mother was pregnant but they looked normal, in the tomb they looked like gods.


She nods encouragingly. "Yes.."

"Isis and Osiris are my parents? But they look so different.."

"They were mortal before but they were given great power that made them into gods. Gods choose people to fulfill prophecies that are predestined to happen. They are usually people who have potential for great power, even as a mortal. They have traits born within them that are superior to most. Your mother was given great power first and when she resurrected your father, she gave some of her power to him."

"So that explains why Alice and I have these 'gifts'."

"Somewhat, yes. There are many answers to your questions but that does explain it for now."

My head pounds with all this information but my masochistic nature can't help but ask for more.

"Well you can at least explain to me how in the hell my mother is still alive? I saw..."

She nods, giving my hand a squeeze. "Another complicated answer but some people, where we are from, don't die exactly. Especially beings like your mother and father."

"What do you mean?"

She smiles softly. "Her will is so strong, so fierce and powerful, that it even defied death. When she.. appeared one day, it was strange. Carlisle knew she had died.. he said he felt it. He said his heart broke in two and that a half left when Esme did. He also said that he knew you and Alice were okay because the other half of his heart would have died if you two were gone as well."

I doubt that but I keep silent. "So, she just appeared? Her body was buried, we had a funeral for her and she was buried. How is any of that possible, Bella?"

"The body is just a vessel, never really belonging to us. Our soul is who we really are; our essence. Here, her body died but her soul came back home. In Egypt. Your father may have had something to do with that, he is the god that deals with the dead."

My eyes widen. "What?"

My mind is filled with her glorious soft chuckles, her smile bright.

"Let me guess. I have to talk to my father about that?" I deadpan.

She smiles and nods.

"Alright, I'll talk to him. But only because he's they key to seeing my mother it seems."

I look at her, like really look at her. We've talked about nothing but my parents and she never really told me exactly who she is. She has that far away in her eyes again and I squeeze her hand again lightly. She finds my eyes immediately.

"What do you want to know?"

"Who are you really?"

"There are many answers to that question, depending on who you ask. I am a friend. That is all that you need to know for now." She gives me a firm look.

I arch a brow at her but she's not fucking budging on this. "Fine. For now."

She purses her lips and suddenly stands, her body stiff. Her mind closes in on itself, yet I still feel her. The hair on the back of my neck stands up and I feel the tension of something, something not good. I feel her quiet fear and I'm on my feet. "Alice."

"She is fine. She is not here."

I glare at her. "What the fuck do you mean she isn't here, where is she?" I grab her arm firmly, watching her and her thoughts closely. "If you did something to Alice.."

She gasps softly, immediately showing me her thoughts of Alice. She's smiling and signing with a guy, definitely not here. There's a sky with reddish hues, a big building by a body of huge waters, sand, and-

"Who is that with her and how the fuck did she get there?" I growl at her. I'm tired of these fucking mind games. The tension increases, the wind swirling around us as she trembles.

"Edward, we need to go. Now." Her eyes are shifting to our surroundings, pleading with me at the same time.

"Where?" I demand.

"Home. Egypt." She says simply.

I squint my eyes in confusion. "What..?"

Her soft eyes hold onto mine intently. "Do you trust me?"

I look into her depths, swirling with so much. Beauty, knowledge, mystery. I somehow feel like I can trust her, like it's the right choice to trust her. Her face smooths into one of determination before she closes the distance between us, suddenly grabbing my hand. I gasp quietly at the spark it creates, her soft and delicate hand hot in mine. I pull away abruptly but she holds on tight, forcing me to hold her hand and the wind whips around us, a tornado of leaves and dirt swallowing us up. Bella still holds my hand tightly, my arm instinctively wrapping around her body tight. My eyes are closed by my mind is open, my thoughts wrapped up her hers in fear of them being swept away.

It's ok, just hold onto me.

Her sweet voice reaches out to me in the wind and debris whipping around us.

And I hold on to it.

I don't know how long we were wrapped up in that thing but we eventually land, in soft fucking sand. I begin to say something snippy but I can't and I grasp my neck, gasping for air. I feel Bella behind me, her hands on my back and chest and then a warmth spreads through me. I take a deep breath, breathing in the hot sun and sand, the smell and taste of the salt from the ocean in the air.

"You were a baby the last time you were here; your body is not use to the air."

I turn toward Bella, a word of thanks on my tongue but what I see leaves me speechless.

Bella is no longer dressed in regular clothes. She is clothed in a white flowing gown, frothy layers draped on each side to flare out around her feet. It was held together by an intricate golden collar around her neck. Her skin glowed under then sun, golden and almost shimmering. Her hair a dark chocolate brown was pinned up, highlighted with lighter browns within the tendrils framing around her face. But her eyes, they oozed with innocence and power; docile yet fierce in her beauty. She blushed slightly at hearing my thoughts and starts to walk ahead of me. I watched her walk, her hips swaying underneath the fabric of her dress. And fuck me.. her back is on full display. Her smooth, sexy and feminine muscles move with every step. I silently follow, watching her and her dress swish around her feet.

I stop ogling her lithe form in that fucking dress enough to take in my surroundings as we walk. My feet sink slightly in the warm sand as we walk, making it a little difficult but I'm a little distracted looking at the fucking palace we're approaching. It's literally a palace, a huge structure that looks ancient but sturdy with open space made by wide frames held by large dominating pillars. Trees scatter around the building, swaying slightly in the breeze and in the distance I know for sure is the Nile river, that area pulling me closer for some reason. Bella's steps falter, enough for me to notice but I don't say anything. Neither does she. Come to think of it, she's been pretty damn silent since we got here.

She looks at me over her shoulder, her eyes dark. "Come, we must be quick."

We approach the steps leading up to the palace. I hear people inside, quite a few of them. Workers, servants, and I think others are from a market not too far from the palace. More and more of the palace reveals itself as we ascend, the golden pillars from Alice's pictures and Bella's memories coming into view now. The sights and smells are just like the ones from when Bella showed my mother at the piano. I can't help but think of it as the smell of home, even though I've never been here before. Once we reach the top of the stairs, I get a better look of the pillars. They are tall and grand with pictures on them.

"Hieroglyphics. It is the first written language of our people. They tell stories and messages from a long time ago and we still use them in some capacities today."

Our people. I guess I'll have to get used to hearing that. We stand in between a set of pillars and Bella peeks around the corner, worrying her lip. Her hands are at her side, fidgeting as she quietly looks around.

"Why are you so fucking nervous?"

She doesn't look at me, still looking around. "Because I did not tell Carlisle that I was leaving."

I look at her, thinking that he will be angry and harm her. Anger strikes at me for a moment to think of anyone trying to harm her and I wrap my arm around her waist, feeling a strong need to protect her. Bella blushes but calms my fears when she looks at me with her eyebrows frowning. "No no, Carlisle would never hurt me. He will be upset I am sure.."

I shake my head, still not understanding this woman. Why would she go through all of this trouble for me to meet my father if he would be upset with her?

She still holds my gaze, her eyes swirling with that intense depth.

"It needed to be done. I was able to do it, so I did it." Her thoughts show Carlisle, standing on the balcony of somewhere in this palace. His face is neutral but his eyes speak volumes. Green, stormy orbs of pain and suffering. Longing and self-loathing. I am familiar with this look and I guess Bella is, too because she then shows me. It looks like the university, where we first met. I have many days' worth of hair on my face with dark shadows under my eyes. Eyes that match Carlisle's. My father.

I've never known anyone besides Alice to see me, my pain. With Alice, she always saw me but when mom died I closed her off somewhat emotionally. I used to play the piano for her at school because she said it reminded her of mom and it made her feel better. I was such a mess afterwards, I don't know how I ever fucking made it home. But Alice saw my pain. Not just because she was with me when everything happened; because she saw me. Bella sees me, too. I can see it in her eyes, feel it in her touch and most definitely in her mind. She blushes, her breathing labored a bit and I touch it. Her breath hitches when my finger grazes her cheek, the blush spreading down her chest. Damn, I wonder how far it goes..

Her scent wraps around me, a sweet but light and decadent aroma of Bella. Brown sugar, honey, vanilla and fuck my dick is hard. My nose is in her hair and I need more so I make my way down to her neck. Her body is hot under my hands but I can stand it. I can take it. I hear a gasp but it's not from Bella. Not from me either. Both of our heads snap up at the sound, our haze of lust broken for the moment. I see a young girl wearing a white summer dress with bare feet, her hands carrying a basket of flowers and her eyes wide at us. I look at Bella and her eyes are wide as well. The girl fumbles with the basket, dropping that damn thing like it was on fire before kneeling where she stands. She bows respectfully before looking up at Bella with her wonder-filled eyes. "Your majesty, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were back."

I look at Bella in confusion but she's out of my arms in an instant, walking over to the girl. She looks like an angel standing next to the girl as she gently pulls the girl to her feet. She gracefully kneels in front of the young girl, her smile soft and sweet. "Olive, I told you that you do not have to do that." The young girl smiles just as sweetly, twirling from side to side. "Yes, your majesty." Bella raises her brow at the girl playfully and she grins. "Sorry, Miss Isabella. But your father, your highness, said I had to. It's the rules." Bella smirks, cradling her little face in her hands. "Well I am making it a rule. It is imperative that you, Olive of Upper Egypt, are to call me by my name." The girl's face lights up with her toothy grin and Bella's is just as bright when she smiles.

"Well, we're breaking all of the rules today aren't we?" a deep voice speaks from the entryway of the next room.

I look up and see a man, tall and kind of slim but not lacking muscles. He has short blonde hair and his green eyes are intense and piercing. Carlisle. I take an inventory of him more as he and Bella interact, noticing that I look a lot like him. I have his build and eye color for sure. He has a look about him that makes him seem like he's glowing; a golden sheen of something when the sun catches his skin. He looks like a picture of perfection and relaxation with his white linen clothes and bare feet. Like he doesn't have a fucking care in the world. I step forward from behind the pillar, wanting him to see me. He's still looking at Bella and he doesn't even glance in my direction. I glare at him, hating him even more for ignoring me.

"Carlisle. Good morning." On the outside she is calm but her mind is a mess of worry and nervousness.

I look at her, practically burning a fucking hole in the side of her head and she doesn't look at me either. "What the fuck is going on, Bella?"

Her eyes are still trained on Carlisle as he takes his time coming down some steps. I feel her mind pushing me out and I push my way back in, growling lowly as I come closer to her. "Bella, what the fuck is going on? Why is he ignoring me? You said-"

Dammit Edward, would you shut up for one moment? Just please be quiet for now, this needs to be done delicately.

I immediately shut my mouth, huffing and also feeling kind of turned on that she talked to me like that. She still hasn't acknowledged me in person so I just stand there like a fucking idiot.

Carlisle finally makes his way to stand in front of Bella, his intense green eyes watching her for a moment. "Morning, Isabella."

He and Bella hold some type of staring contest before he pulls her into her arms, wrapping them around her tightly. She wraps her arms tightly around his waist in return and I can see some form of a relationship there. One very close, like father and daughter. It is confirmed when he pulls away and cradles her face gently, that twinkle in his eye that matches the one that my mother had whenever she looked at me or Alice. My heart pangs painfully and I clutch my chest, rubbing it to soothe the ache. The ache that's been there as long as I can remember, buried deep within. He glances up slowly and he looks right at me. He squints slightly and I can vaguely hear his confusion but I can't see shit. I will him to see me but he doesn't. I watch as Carlisle keeps Bella in his arms, his gaze back on her.

His voice is low but the anger simmers beneath his tone. "Do you know how worried I've been? What I was thinking when I found out that you left and to go of all places, after I specifically forbade you.."

"I know, Carlisle. But I am not sorry. I was careful and it was not done out of malice to spite you. I promise." Her voice is soft yet firm, not projecting any of the nervousness I felt from her before.

"Then, pray tell, what were you doing there? You know how dangerous it is, especially by yourself-"


Carlisle stiffens immediately and the look in his eyes match the ones I saw in Bella's thoughts, the ones that match mine. Tortured. Haunted. Hopeless and longing.

"What.. did you find him? Did you see him? Is he alright, Isabella?" His voice is pleading as he clutches Bella's arms. I see her showing him what I look like and he looks like he's gonna break down or something. He cradles Bella's face in his hands again, gentle and caring when he kisses her forehead lightly. "You must take me to him."

I feel her shield from her thoughts receding slowly, carefully. "I can not, Carlisle. I took a risk leaving myself, if you were to leave it would be noticed."

I could not concentrate with you screaming your obscenities, I had to see what was wrong.


He can not see you.

No shit.

She shoots me a pretty scary glare from the corner of her eye and Carlisle notices, wrapping his arms around Bella tightly. He looks back where I'm standing, seeing something. Why can't I see anything? His mind is beyond fuzzy, like trying to hear fucking whispers from the surface while underwater. His eyes are like a green storm of fury, his body tense as he pulls Bella behind him. He raises a hand above his head and a fucking ball of green energy grows. "Who are you? How dare you use trickery against me! Show yourself to me now, I order you!"

"Carlisle, please, no one is trying to attack! Just let me explain!" Bella is frantic as she tries to get from behind Carlisle but he is just as frantically trying to hold her back. I don't fucking like it so I come closer to get to Bella and he somehow sees me and throws that damn ball at me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I growl at him. I don't give a fuck if he can see me or not. I try to get closer to Bella and he's still fucking attacking me. I'm ducking as much as I can, hiding back behind the gigantic pillars that surround us. I hear his angry voice echoing off the walls as he calls for his attacker to show himself again. I close my eyes, leaning back because I'm pretty sure this asshole is going to kill me if these ancient-as-fuck pillars don't hold up.


My eyes snap open at that voice. I've heard it enough times in my life and my damn nightmares to know it anywhere. Her strong voice rings in my ears from its realistic clarity. Now is not the time to be having hallucinations of my mother. But her voice sounds closer now than ever and she's talking to Carlisle. I peek around the pillar and when I don't see anything fucking flying at me I come out further. I stop in my tracks at the scene. Carlisle has stopped and a woman stands with him in a golden type of gown with sparkling sequins scattered about it. Her long dark hair frames her face as she holds his hand in hers. They are having a silent conversation, their eyes glued to each other as they do. I see Bella, far off to the side of them but close enough to feel and hear her. I watch her watching them, a myriad of emotions flickering in her mind. Relief, happiness, longing, jealousy, fear. She catches my eyes then, blocking me again.

"Carlisle, our son.. he's come home." My mother's voice is soft and teary, shaking with emotion. Carlisle is beyond shocked, baffled and confused is more like it. I'm right fucking there with ya, buddy. I watch as my mom shows him something, the way I do. I didn't know she could do that, she never did before.

"How..? What happened?"

"When Edward was born I placed him under protection and I may have placed him under too deep. That's why you can't see him. I made it so that only humans can see him, so that I could keep him safe.."

He nods in understanding. "All with good reason, love."

She looks around the room with wide eyes of hope, searching. "He's come home to us, Carlisle. I knew that I saw him earlier, he was here. And he's here right now."

He suddenly breathes in a sharp breath, looking up and searching and Esme does the same but less frantic. I step closer to them and she sees, something. She narrows her eyes a bit, moving closer to me. I hold my breath as we close in the distance, reaching my hand out to her. I touch her hand with mine and she gasps softly. She closes her eyes and mumbles something in a different language before waving her hand over my head. Slowly her mind clears of the static and I see everything. The immense joy and relief, the sadness, and overflowing love. A breathtaking smile breaks across her lips as she looks at me.

"Edward, my baby. Welcome home."

AN: I know the posting is slow but I really want to focus on the promise of quality of the story versus the quantity of time it takes me to post it. I understand though if you're impatient. Only thing I can promise is a hell of a story.

Until next time.
