Welcome to my first fanfiction in over a year! I decided to write this to quench my thirst for writing and to attempt to break free of my accursed Writer's Block. This isn't your standard romance story. It will probably be slow at first, as I want this to be realistic and not happen all at once. In fact, this is SOMEWHAT based off of something that HAS happened in my life. I'm sorry if the story starts out rather slow, so forgive me! Warnings for this story: strong language; a lot of sexual themes; talk of depressing subjects such as suicide; male-on-male love/sex. Don't like, don't read. Anyway, let's get into this!



Another blistering hot day. I couldn't begin to explain to you just how hot it was. It was currently midway through September and the temperature was just barely grazing one hundred degrees. At least the teachers at my school had the decency to keep the classrooms as frozen as possible. But stepping out those double doors was like walking into a blazing furnace.

School was over for the day. The buses were ready and waiting in the parking lot. Sweat coated my face and my clothes clung to my skin, and my light blue hair was matted to my forehead. I felt absolutely gross. Making my way to my bus, I attempted to avoid getting ran over by the crowds of seemingly endless imbeciles. People at this school had no respect at all. I was pushed and shoved and knocked into about a dozen times before reaching my bus—bus 294—without so much as an "I'm sorry" or an "excuse me".

Stepping onto the bus was not any better. It felt like all of the heat from outside was trapped on the inside of this death wagon. The seats were carved into, drawn on, or ripped to shreds; the ground was covered in candy wrappers and empty chip bags; the windows were either jammed shut or unable to close. The musky scent of body odor lingered in the air.

I sat in my usual seat. The second seat on the left side of the bus, with a dull red number "3" above the window that was torn in half. I was always the fourth or fifth one to get onto the bus. The others that were on before me were decent enough. The others that would get on after me, however, would always wait until the last possible moment to get on, often delaying our bus by one minute and causing the line of buses behind us to be late as well. I hate bus rides.

When the bus finally did take off, I had to grab the back of the seat in front of me for support. The bus always started with that agonizing lurch. I took a good look at my bus's student body. There were about seventeen males, and a only seven or eight females. Most of them were either idiot jocks, stuck-up cheerleaders, stoners and alcoholics, or the two or three kids who would always keep to themselves. I much preferred those guys.

I took my lousy smartphone out of my pocket, plugged in a pair of light blue earbuds, and tried to find a decent tune. When I had stumbled on the right song, I immersed myself in my thoughts. I began to think of several "what-if" scenarios. What if the bus spontaneously combusted due to the extreme heat outside, and in the following explosion, everyone but me were to perish? What if I finally decided to take my dislike for my classmates to extreme measures and brought a gun or a knife to school? What if each and every one of these losers vanished off of the face of the world so I would finally have my peace?

I had to crank up the volume due to excessive screaming coming from a few seats behind me. I tilted my head only slightly so I could get a look without having them wonder why I was staring in their direction. It was the sixth seat on the right side, and there that bastard who was making all the racket was. Lea fucking Kasai. Why was I not surprised? We had sixth period together, and I think I knew him in middle school but we didn't really hang out because he was always a grade lower than me.

He was shouting at the people sitting in the seat to the left of him and in the seat behind him, waving his arms for emphasis. I cranked up the volume even more, almost sure people would start to hear the music exploding from my tiny earbuds.

The bus pulled onto our street and stopped at each of the students' houses. Most of the students would take an agonizing eternity before finally getting off the bus. I don't see why they weren't in any hurry to get off. Instead they would continue talking to their friends, horsing around and pushing each other and laughing. Finally there were around eight people left on the bus.

Most of the idiot schoolmates of mine had already gotten off, and the bus was now almost completely silent. I glanced in Lea's direction and smirked. He was all alone without many people to talk to, so he just pressed his head against the window and closed his eyes.

Six people on the bus remained. The bus had lurched to a halt in front of a driveway leading to a rusty colored trailer. Lea hopped out of his seat and walked down the aisle, looking at the remaining people on the bus as he took his leave. His eyes fell upon me, but he quickly looked away as he stepped off of the bus, crossed the street and walked down his driveway. I watched him walk down the driveway as the bus began moving.

When four people including myself remained, the bus had finally stopped at my driveway, covered with white pebbles and stones instead of having the usual cement driveway. I stepped off of the bus, hearing the bus driver tell me, "Have a nice day," and I crossed the street over to my driveway.

I was so glad to be back home. It was my favorite part of the school year. Sometimes I wish I had a little more recognition, but I quickly dismiss those thoughts when I realize I'm glad I wasn't noticed much. The first and only time anyone paid any real attention to me was when I started to publicly date a guy for three months last school year. People were shocked, disgusted, proud, just about any reaction you can think of from a high school student body. But as soon as him and I ended things, I became yesterday's news and went back to being the school nobody.

I sighed with relief as I entered my air-conditioned abode. My Grandma Lydia greeted me in the doorway, I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and then I headed to my bedroom. I plopped down on my dark blue bedspread, took my laptop out from under my bed, and opened it.

After I logged in with my ultra top secret password of "lunadiviner7", I was greeted by the welcome screen that said in big bold letters, "WELCOME, Isa Tsuki".


So how'd you enjoy the first chapter? Sort of slow, huh? I promise it'll pick up later down the line. Also remember, this story is NOT just ONE BIG SEX STORY. There is actual plot, filler, etc. in between the sexual stuff so if you're looking for a story that's just sex and nothing else, this is not the story for you. I have the rating as Teen for now but should I change it to Mature to accommodate for the sexual stuff in later chapters? Anyway, I will try to update this story quite often. Thanks for reading! Please leave a review, it helps a lot!