Ch 1: Dove Bronzewing/Arslan Altan

(Romance, Hurt/Comfort)

"Fucking Cardin." The frustrated words echoed off of the locker room walls around Dove as his fist collided with the metal door of one of the lockers. He knew that he was perhaps acting a bit strongly, but he didn't care- he was so fucking angry. It was something that had began to build up over the course of the last few weeks, and it seemed like it was culminating at a breaking point now. Maybe it was something that he shouldn't have been as bothered by as he was, but he couldn't help it. For too long now he'd put up with the bullshit, and now it was making him want to break- or break something. And that bullshit was dished out courtesy of his own team leader, Cardin fucking Winchester.

Cardin acting like the top dog at Beacon wasn't anything new- he'd pretty much been an asshole since his first day at the academy. But during their initiation, it wasn't something that Dove let bother him. Sure, Cardin was arrogant and self-interested since the first time they met, but there seemed to be at least some semblance of effort on his part to make friends. And the longer they talked and spent time together, Dove found out that Cardin wasn't an entirely awful person. He may have bullied those around him, which Dove couldn't really say much about as he himself hadn't always been the nicest guy to others either, but Cardin did seem like a really great friend to him and his teammates. He trained with them, helping improve their skills and did have a decent personality and sense of humor- well, when he wasn't doing it at the expense of others. But whether this ended up being some sort of act on Cardin's part or not, Dove couldn't fully be sure, things didn't last like this. The longer Dove, Russel and Sky spent time with their leader, the more of a jerk he started to be towards them. Dove wasn't sure if Cardin thought they were holding him back as a hunter, if they weren't as strong as he perceived himself to be, or if he was just now showing his true colors, but it was more than enough to piss off the rest of the team. But the difference between Dove and his teammates was that whereas Russel and Sky could simply roll their eyes at their leader's belittling and insults and move on with their day, Dove allowed it to genuinely bother him. Perhaps it was due to the fact that he once considered Cardin to be one of his best friends, or perhaps Dove just took things more personally than others. Whatever it was, it infuriated Dove. He would try to brush off the insults and verbal abuse that Cardin would now often hit him with, but all it ended up doing was bottling his true feelings about the situations inside until they were now overflowing. And what made it spill over wasn't even something significant- it was just a stupid passing comment. But it struck something within Dove, and it made it impossible to ignore.

They had just been walking out of the mess hall, Dove and his teammates. Nothing more- just strolling out of the room after a nice meal. But all it took was one comment, one off hand remark on behalf of his leader that made Dove begin to see red. Cardin glanced over his shoulder at Dove and snickered before delivering the statement. "Geez Dove, you should probably lay off the cake- no wonder you've gotten slower during training."

That was it. It had no prompting, nothing was said during dinner or the cake dessert Cardin was referencing to provoke such an insulting comment, but that seemed to be Cardin's speciality. Just hit someone with a completely fucking uncalled for statement for absolutely no reason. Dove had fallen victim to one, or two, or three hundred of these from Cardin in the past, but this was the one that struck a chord within him. It enraged him to the point where he almost socked Cardin in the face right there in the hallway, but he held back- physically at least. Keeping his lips tight and his tone relatively low, Dove just met his leader's smug gaze and uttered one phrase.

"Fuck you."

With that, Dove had turned a briskly walked down an opposite hallway of where they had been heading. He didn't stop to look back at Cardin's reaction, he didn't even slow at Sky or Russel calling his name. He just walked, the rage in his eyes threatening to bubble over if he even reduced his pace. Not even being able to see clearly due to how angry he was, Dove just allowed his feet to carry him to wherever they were going, as he had no destination in mind. Eventually, after suppressing his fury for longer than he even thought possible, Dove found himself in the men's locker room, right outside the training arena. Why he ended up here, he didn't know, yet he didn't question. He just let his anger consume him- which is how he found himself in his current position.

Dove cursed as his fist crashed into the locker door once again, his mind seeming to numb in his rage. How dare Cardin push him around like that! They were friends- or at least, they had been. What possessed Cardin to be such a dick all the time? What on Remnant made him think that abusing everyone around him built him up in any way? Dove couldn't even begin to understand it, and that made him even more angry. He deserved better than to be treated like that, didn't he? He was a Bronzewing, after all! Sure, that might not have meant much to anyone else, as it wasn't as though his family was publicly known or anything, but surely just the fact that he was a living person meant that he deserved some sort of respect, right? Or at the very least, common decency! What gave Cardin the right to treat him like shit? What made him think that he could treat anyone like shit?

Dove's fist slammed into the metal door again, his brain yelling furious questions at itself. What makes Cardin think he's better than me? Better than everyone?

Another slam.

Who does he think he is?


He's nothing! He's nothing but a fucking asshole! An arrogant, smug, piece of shit bully asshole!



SLAM! The last punch that Dove delivered to the locker door caused a significant amount of pain to shoot up his arm. Breathing heavily, the brunette rested his forehead against the cool metal, his eyes studying the dent he had made in it. He squeezed his eyes shut, both in an attempt to ignore the pain in his hand and to hold back the frustrated tears that stung the corners of his eyes. The last thing that he wanted to cry- it just seemed like such an obvious sign of weakness to him. But the emotions burning within him were fighting back against his willpower, and despite his best efforts, Dove couldn't stop a tear from sliding down his cheek. Raising the hand that he didn't just injure up to his face, the hunter rubbed at his eyes, his forehead still pressed against the locker, and muttered a defeated "fuck".

"It's alright to be upset."

The sound of a soft voice from behind him caused Dove to whirl around, his eyes widening for a moment at who he saw standing before him. A beautiful woman stood in front of the closed locker room door, a look of what appeared to be sympathy on her face. She had brilliantly blonde hair, so platinum that it nearly appeared white. Her clothing was rather simple, consisting of black pants and shoes, save for the red sash around her waist and her top, which looked to be a short yellow robe covering a black crop top. What was most interesting about the robe was that it was missing a sleeve, leaving the woman's entire left arm and most of her chest and neck area exposed, which is how Dove could tell she was wearing a black crop top underneath. Her eyes were a mesmerizing gold color, which Dove surely would be interested in studying more extensively had he not quickly averted his gaze to hide any signs that he was beginning to cry.

"What are you doing here? This is the men's locker room!" Internally, Dove cursed himself for how harsh his tone was- he didn't even know this woman, and here he was almost yelling at him.

The woman, however, seemed to take no offense to hs tone, and answered him in her own soft and warm voice. "I saw you come into here, and wished to make sure you were alright."

Dove scoffed, leaning back against the lockers, his eyes still avoiding those of the mysterious woman. "... How much did you see?"

"Well," the woman began. "I was leaving the dining hall behind you and your team, and I overheard the comment your leader made to you. I watched as you stormed down the hall and made your way here. I followed you in and watched unleash your frustrations on that locker, and now here we are."

Dove groaned at hearing what she said- the mere idea that someone watched him beat up a metal door made him feel utterly stupid. Looking off to the side of the room, the hunter exhaled and scuffed his foot on the ground. "Yeah, so? Why do you care?"

"I don't particularly enjoy seeing anyone upset."

Dove snorted. "Yeah well, I don't particularly like being upset, but shit happens."

There was no immediate response from the woman, but after a short pause, she stepped forward and placed a hand on Dove's cheek, guiding his head up so that she could meet her eyes. Dove nearly gasped now that he could clearly tell just how incredible her golden irises looked. They complimented her facial structure and expression, which appeared strong and powerful, but also held a certain softness to them. "But you're completely justified in being upset! What your leader said to you was uncalled for- no one should have to put up with such cruelty from a friend."

Despite her words seeming so sweet that they could be mistaken for honey, Dove let out a sigh and once again averted his gaze away to his feet. "It's whatever- I'm used to it by now…"

The woman frowned slightly, instantly making Dove regret answering the way he did- her face was filled with so much beauty that anything but a smile being upon it made Dove feel more upset. It only lasted an instant however, as one side of her mouth curled upwards as she studied him. "Would you allow me to help you feel better?"

Even with the comforting feeling that he felt upon her request, Dove couldn't help but scoff again, this time much softer than before. "I… Thanks, but I don't really think you can."

"Would you allow me an opportunity to do so?" Her persistence was what finally prompted him to look back into her eyes. The warmth of her kindness almost seemed to radiate off of her and her small smile. "I believe that I could help you feel better, if you'd give me the chance to attempt it."

Both the offer and the kindness was something foreign to Dove, but just by looking at her expression, he could tell that she was being genuine- so much so that refusing her seemed like it would be completely out of the question. So Dove nodded, finding himself too perplexed to verbally answer. Giving a small nod herself, the woman gently began to pull him into the center of the room towards one of the benches. As he stepped in front of it, the woman placed a hand on Dove's chest and lightly pushed him back, making him sit down. She then slowly began to saunter around Dove, her eyes focused on him all the while, until she was standing behind him. Unsure of what exactly was going on, Dove was about to turn his head to look at her when he felt her hands softly glide up his back and across his shoulders. Almost instantaneously, Dove's eyelids became incredibly heavy and every tense muscle in his body relaxed. The woman's hands were both caring and powerful, so much so that Dove couldn't even fully believe that what was happening was real. Her thumbs pressed in a spot at the base of his neck, and the intense pressure caused him to groan, his vision going blurry momentarily. He vaguely heard the woman chuckle as she worked on him, practically forcing the stress out of his body and mind.

"My name is Arslan, by the way."

"Arslan…" The word fell loosely out of Dove's mouth, as he was not fully able to form his thoughts coherently due to the pleasure in his back. "How come I've never seen you around before?"

"I'm only up here in Vale for the tournament. I came from Haven about a week ago."

"Oh." It was all that Dove could respond with as Arslan's seemingly magical hands moved further down to his lower back, working out all the tension with each inch. "... Do you always massage strangers who look upset?"

She chuckled softly. "No- I have a number of different meditation methods to use during different situations. Some simple, some complex, and requiring more focus. For you, however…" She pressed into the spaces beside his spine. "You seemed very tense after your sparring match with that metal door- something that a simple massage should work out."

"That… Makes sense, I guess." Again, Dove was sort of at a loss for words.

"I'm more interested in you, to be quite honest." Arslan slid her hands around Dove's waist and up towards his chest. "I'm aware that discussing problems isn't always the easiest thing to do, but I would like to hear about yours so that I may help- if you're alright with that."

Dove sighed, due to both the request and the work of her hands. "It's just… I don't know. It's complicated."

Arslan nodded, resting her forehead in the center of his back as she rubbed his chest. "Emotions usually are- especially for those who do not spend time discussing them with others."

Dove closed his eyes, rubbing his sore palm with his other hand. "I don't know… Our leader, his name's Cardin. He's an asshole to everyone… Including me."

"Why is that?"

"Who knows? He always puts us down, me and the rest of our team. Acts like he's top shit, like he's untouchable and amazing in every way. I thought we used to be friends, but I guess that doesn't count for much anymore."

Arslan moved her hands down Dove's chest hand slid them down his thighs to his knees, then back up. "That's awful. If he were really your friend, he should never even think to do or say those things."

Dove nodded, running a hand up through his hair. It seemed odd that ranting to a complete stranger felt as good as it did, but continued, seeing as how Arslan didn't seem to be judging him. "You'd think so, huh? I'm not even sure if he really thinks he's being as much of a dick as he is, but I hate it nonetheless. It's probably the main reason that we suck so hard as a team. He just barks orders at us and tries to make himself look good in battle. We have no coordination, no strategies… We really have nothing anymore."

A small noise of disgust came from Arslan's mouth. "I can't stand people like that- I'd understand it completely if you hated him."

"I don't hate him… I just…" Something twisted inside Dove as he paused, before shaking his head. "Never mind, it's stupid."

As soon as he said this, the hands that were working so much magic on him had disappeared. Dove's brow furrowed in confusion as he watched Arslan leave her place behind him and step to stand directly in front of him. She then slowly knelt down so that she was sitting on her heels and looking up at him. Dove's confusion morphed in slight unease and nervousness as Arslan slid her hands up his thighs once again, her golden gaze never leaving his all the while, with a somewhat serious look on her face. "The way that you feel is not stupid- not to me. It makes you human, and acknowledging it helps you to better understand it."

Dove blinked, hearing the truth and wisdom in her words. She really did seem like she wished to help, after all. So, tilting his head down to look at his hands, Dove allowed himself to sigh. "I… I hate what Cardin does for us. Not just to us, but for us. He's our leader- he's supposed to represent all of us! What we all stand for as a team! But he's such a dick to everyone, he encourages us to be dicks to everyone, and because of that, everyone hates us! I mean… I know that I haven't always been the nicest person myself, but…" Dove rubbed at his eyes, exhaling shakily. "But I don't want people to just assume that we're like him! I'm not all like him, and… I feel like shit for making anyone think that I am. He treats us like garbage, and everyone assumes that we're garbage for being a part of his team. I just want them to know that I'm not like that! I'm better than that! But… I couldn't convince anyone of that. They all hate Cardin, and they hate us for just being his goons."

Dove squeezed his good hand into a fist, a fresh heat stinging at his eyes. "I'm just one of his goons. I don't matter… I'm not worth anything… I'm just there to be hated. By everyone."

For a moment, the room was silent. All that Dove could hear was his own uneven breathing as he attempted to hold back his emotions. It didn't even occur to him, as he internally struggled, that Arslan's hands stopped moving along his thighs. A brief look at her face revealed a very troubled and concerned expression. There seemed to be a deeply evident look of thought going on in her mind, as she bit her bottom lip in a sort of indecision of sorts. Dove didn't really know how to take this, or, in fact, even ask the beautiful girl what she was thinking in regards to what he had just told her. After a moment of seemingly internal debate, Arslan's facial expression visibly lit up, as if the idea that just struck her was one of genius. Gazing back into Dove's eyes, she smiled a strong, sweet smile at him. "Would it be alright if I tried another meditation form with you?"

Taken aback a little at the somewhat unrelated request, Dove cocked his head to the side. "Uh… Yeah, sure."

Arslan nodded slowly, her hands running up his legs again. Dove figured whatever she had in store for him now would be similar to what she was doing before, but his confusion deepened as her hands continued past his thighs and up to his waist. Before he could think of anything else, he felt her skilled fingers undo the button on his pants, followed by his zipper. The brunette's reaction to this could have best been described as startled and nervous. "Woah, hey! Wh-What're you doing?"

Arslan's eyes seemed to sparkle as one of hands began to maneuver its way into his briefs, the corners of her lips curving upwards. "Trust me- this may be a more… Obscure method of meditation, but I promise that it will succeed in making you feel better."

The incredibly soothing, nearly angelic voice of the huntress was more than enough to convince Dove that she was speaking the truth and that he could, indeed, trust her. Still at a loss for words however due to the situation he found himself in, the boy could only nod dumbly at the beautiful woman kneeling before him. Arslan grinned at this as her hand came into contact with Dove's erection. He shuddered at the feeling of her warm, soft fingers curling around his shaft. He hadn't even realized that he had become hard at all from the previous massage, let alone hard enough to put a strain on his pants. Luckily, he didn't have to spend much time with it trapped in his clothing, as Arslan pulled it free through the opening in his briefs. She slid her hand agonizingly slow up his shaft until it reached the tip, before bringing it back to the bottom with the same torturous speed. Dove was totally flabbergasted by the situation- how had this even happened? Why had this even happened? He didn't have the answers to these questions, but didn't stop to think about for too long. If he had thought that her work on his back was amazing, this was an entirely new level of pleasure. Her hands felt far more experienced than Dove could have imagined, though that wasn't saying much- it wasn't as though he had ever been in a situation like this one to compare it to. Being associated with Cardin never really made him popular in the eyes of women, which in hindsight, didn't come as much of a surprise to him.

The very idea of Cardin began to melt away from Dove's mind as Arslan reached up to gently grasp his balls, caressing them as her other hand continued to slowly slide along his throbbing shaft. "It seems to me like this is exactly what you could use right now."

"Uh…" Dove felt any and every word that was coming to mind get caught in his throat, rendering him unable to say anything remotely intelligible. Arslan seemed to understand his plight, and with a small chuckle, she shifted so that she was on her knees as opposed to on her heels.

"I must admit, you have a rather amusing expression on your face at the moment."

Dove, figuring that he should probably say something in regards to the current situation they were in, swallowed back the jumbled mess of unspoken phrases and questions. "C-Can you blame me?"

"Not at all. I just hope that this is sufficient for you."

"Fuck yeah."

The words escaped Dove's mouth before he even had time to process them, causing Arslan to giggle slightly. "Good. After everything that you've been through, I think it's safe to say you deserve it."

While hearing her say that was beyond kind of her, Dove simply couldn't agree. "I-I don't know about that. I haven't really been the… Greatest person in the past, either."

"If we dwell on the past, we'd never be able to move on with our futures." Arslan's grip on his erection tightened the slightest bit as she said this, making Dove groan softly. Her brilliant eyes never left his as she lowered her head dangerously close to his crotch."Allow me to ask you something Dove- do you truly believe that you're like Cardin?"

The sudden feeling of Arslan's tongue sliding across his head caused Dove to moan suddenly, shuddering as he did so. "I… Uh, I don't…"

"You said that you're better than him, and that you were sorry if you made anyone think you were like him. Is that something that you truly mean?" Her amazingly, almost unbelievably smooth and soft tongue trailed down his shaft, stopping to swirl around the base teasingly.

"Y-Yeah, I-I mean it!" Dove was finding that his words were coming to his lips with increasing difficulty as the arousal and pleasured feelings intensified. "I mean, I know that I've been a jerk, but I'm sorry for it. I'm… Not like Cardin, and I want people to see that!"

Arslan smirked with approval, her hand picking up its pace ever so slightly in jerking him off. "And they will! I can tell that you mean it when you apologize, and others will see that too- all you must do is be yourself, rather than like Cardin."

A sudden moan broke through out of Dove at the feeling of Arslan covering his dick with her mouth. She wasted little time in taking him deep in her throat, shocking Dove with how much ease she seemed to have executing such an action. The warmth that engulfed him was now something more than he had ever experienced, and he couldn't stop his breath from becoming ragged and fast. Arslan, despite her position, seemed to smile wider at his reaction, and responded to it by bringing her head down even farther onto his erection until it hit the back of her throat. She held herself there for a moment before pulling back off of him to take a breath. All the while, Dove was seriously contemplating if he had died and gone to heaven. "Sh-Shit! Damn, I…"

Arslan studied him as a guilty look seemed to glisten in his eyes. "Dove?"

He sighed, once again avoiding her gaze. Despite wanting to enjoy himself, so badly in fact, Dove couldn't. It felt wrong to avoid telling her what was on his mind, especially given their situation. "I don't know if… I can't be myself, Arslan. Everyone hates me, and they don't even know me, not the real me- not that I can blame them for it. How will they give me a chance if they just see me like Cardin?"

Arslan slowly began trailing kisses down from his tip to his balls. "You must make them see! Show them who you really are- who you want to be." She moved back to his tip and took him in her mouth again, this time bobbing her head up and down a little faster, applying more pressure with her lips all the while. Dove's eyes rolled back as he groaned, his left hand moving to rest on the back of her head. He could feel her smile at the encouraging action, and his fingers began to entwine in her hair as she continued to work her mouth on him. Dove could feel himself building up towards climax, his heartbeat gaining speed every time Arslan sucked, licked, and caressed him. He couldn't help but tug on her hair a little as his muscles tensed, which earned himself a small moan from the huntress. From what he could tell, Arslan's eyes mirrored his own, reflecting the arousal that he surely had present in his. The same thought was running through Dove's mind on repeat- Is this really happening? There was no doubt that it was indeed happening, however, when Arslan removed her mouth from his dick and grinned lustfully.

"Lie down."

That definitely wasn't something that Dove needed to be told twice. Shifting to the side in order to lay on the bench, Dove watched in stunned amazement and disbelief as Arslan stood from her position on the floor and reached up to her waist band before slowly pushing down the black pants and panties she wore to the floor. Then, after giving him a small wink, Arslan straddled Dove, one of her hands grabbing his shaft in the process.

Dove inhaled sharply at this, a dumbfounded look no doubt plastered on his face by this point. "S-So, what's this then? A-Another massage technique?"

Arslan's grin widened slightly, her eyes sparking with the tiniest amount of mischief. "Something like that." As she spoke, her hand guided the Dove's dick to her entrance, and she wasted no time lowering herself onto him. Dove, once again, took in a sharp breath and moaned, the feeling of her getting farther down on his length consuming every section of his brain. Arslan felt, or at least, it seemed to Dove like she felt, the same as he did, as she let out a ragged sigh and looked towards the ceiling. Once she got used to the feeling of him being inside of her, the beautiful young woman began to roll her hips slightly, resting her hands on his chest in the process. Dove's eyes squeezed shut as the incredible sensations consumed him, but only for an instant, as he did not want to miss out on anything that was unfolding before him. Arslan's hands grasped the shirt's fabric over Dove's chest as she rode him, her speed increasing ever so slightly as time went on. What had the hunter absolutely captivated more than anything else in the situation was Arslan's expression. She was gently biting her bottom lip in what Dove perceived as an incredibly sexy manner, and she sported a small blush on her cheeks, something that seemed a little uncharacteristic of her strong demeanor. Her brilliant golden eyes seemed to shine a hundred times brighter than they already did, something that made Dove's heart skip several beats. This woman was unbelievably beautiful- which made the idea of her riding his dick seem that much more impossible to Dove. Yet, here they were, her hips grinding downward as he could feel himself hitting all of the best spots within her.

Arslan leaned down suddenly, her face mere inches from Dove's. He could feel her wetness running down his shaft and thighs as she gazed into his eyes with a peculiar intensity. "You… Are not a bad person."

"... Wha?" It was the most intelligent thing that Dove could force out of his mouth, given the circumstances.

Arslan attempted to stifle a groan as Dove's hips began to move to meet her movements. "Fuck… I said, you are not a bad person. People will see that… If you show them." One of her hands slid up Dove's chest to rest on his cheek. "Will you show them?"

The words resonated within his mind, and in that moment, Dove knew that she couldn't be lying to him. She was right- he could show others that he wasn't like Cardin. He was better than Cardin. "Y-Yes."

As he said this, Arslan picked up her speed, riding him with an intensity and speed that Dove had not yet experienced. "You are… A good person, Dove… You are your own person… You are not Cardin… You are not bad… You are you. And you are good."

Dove moaned as he felt himself building once again, the combination of the physical sensations and her sweet words causing a truly pleasant feeling within him that left him feeling something he had not felt in awhile- like he was worth something. "I'm… I'm not like Cardin. I'm better! I'm… Shit…"

Arslan cocked her head, her thumb brushing across his face as if to encourage him to finish his statement. "What are you, Dove?"

His hands gripped her ass as he thrusted upwards into her as he began to climax. "I'm Dove fucking Bronzewing!"

Giggling as he fired off inside of her, Arslan smiled widely and sighed with content, her hips slowing to a halt as he rode out his orgasm. She waited for him to catch his breath before running the back of her hand down his flushed cheek. "Yes- you are Dove Bronzewing. You are your own man. Show people that, and they will never label you as bad again." Before he could respond, Arslan closed the distance between them, pressing her lips gently against his. Dove was too worn out and surprised to reciprocate the kiss, but Arslan had pulled back only seconds later.

"You are worth so much more than to just be a background character for someone else's story. Never forget that."

With that, the huntress got off of Dove and pulled on her pants. Dove laid on the bench, utterly speechless, as Arslan began making her way to the locker room door. As she grasped the handle, Dove extended an arm towards where she stood. "Wait!"

Arslan turned her head, a curious look on her face. Dove sat up and rubbed the back of his neck. "Um… Listen, I… I just wanted to say…"

"You're welcome, Dove." The image of Arslan's brilliant smile and depthless golden irises would forever be burned into Dove's mind as she opened the door and exited the room, leaving Dove to himself.

Slowly, Dove stood and did up his pants, his thoughts never leaving what Arslan said to him. Such sweet words that held so much weight for him. He could tell by her eyes that she had meant everything she had told him- and he believed her. He trusted her, he knew that he could. He was his own man, he was a good person,and he would show people that he was not Cardin. He was good. He was not a background character. He was Dove Bronzewing.

Dove walked over to and leaned against the locker that he dented earlier that evening and crossed his arms over his chest. He felt a fresh sting of tears at the corner of his eyes, but this time, he didn't view them as a weakness. And this time, the corners of his mouth turned upwards into a smile.

Hit me with your worst, Cardin. Because no matter what, I'm Dove Bronzewing. And I am WORTH something.

Notes: All my future pairing ideas for this fic are on my profile. If anyone likes one of them, feel free to comment saying which one you'd like to see. Or suggest your own pairing- if I like the suggestion I'll add it to the list.

Also, this fic will not get updated regularly. As much as I wish that I could do so, I suffer from terrible writer's block, and my day to day life often prevents me from finding the time and inspiration to write new chapters. So this fic doesn't have a set schedule and will basically be added to whenever I have something new to put onto it.

Thank you for reading, reviewing and requesting. Love you all!
