This is my third story, my other two being DC crossovers.. Here is a marvel crossover! love my comic heroes! Anyway, it will be a HP/Avengers crossover. Hope you like!

I'll be updating "The little prince of Gotham" next, then "The future Mrs. Wayne" after that.

This fic was born of watching "Thor", "Avengers", "Thor the dark world" and then "Game of thrones" right after.

Broken Crown

READER BEWARE: There will be a lot of "Game of thrones" action in this chapter.

more then likely, the whole story.

Sigyn was the only wife that Loki has ever taken. She earned his heart many times over by standing by him and helping him threw the many punishments Odin put him threw, disagreements with Thor and Frigga, and all hard times he has ever had. Including the tragic and vicious murder of his son, Vali. She is the only Goddess or God known to had never turned their back on him. Even through he fathered children out of wedlock, Sigyn only had eyes for him. So much so, Odin named her the Goddess of Fidelity and Loyalty.

They had been betrayed...

Her and her husband both. Maybe the whole royal family, She wasn't sure.

Sigyn only knew that the moment her enchanted bracelet warmed and blackened, it signaled the death of Fenrir. And then moments later, the death of Jormungandr.

Panic, terror, and heartbreak grasped her as she realized what was happening. Someone was killing her and Loki's children... She didn't care that she was technically the step-mother to half of Loki's children. They knew no mother but her, and she loved them just as much as any mother loved her children, If not more.

Now her children were being assassinated. Two of them were now dead, one right after the other She had no clue by who, or why, or where they would attack next. The only reason she knew that the two eldest were dead as quick as she did was though the bracelets. That was one of the reason they made the bracelets in the first place. Loki was right to keep them secret from everyone but her, him, and the children...

But now she was standing pregnant, shell-shocked, and alone in the middle of the Royal nursery... If they had already reached Fenrir and Jorum, she had no reason to believe they couldn't reach her here.

If the intention of the attack tonight was to kill off all of her and Loki's children, or even the whole royal family, the nursery would be the next place they looked.

She had to run... She had to run NOW.

The Goddess of Fidelity snatched 10-year-old princess Hela and two-year-old princess Nari out of their nursery beds. She tossed the enchanted cloak that Loki had made for her that she kept hanging by the door around her shoulders. Then, despite her growing stomach, fled as quickly as she could out of the royal wing of the castle. Hela was tired and blurry-eyed but seeing Sigyn in such distress seemed to stop her from asking any questions. Nari, thankfully, fell back asleep... Sigyn hoped to keep it that way.

Her husband Loki was gone with Thor on a diplomatic mission, realms away. She was on her own. But she knew what to do. Loki had taught her that much. If something like this was ever to happen, She was to flee with the children to Midgard or Niffleheim. No stopping from him, Thor, or even Odin himself. For all she knew, they could have killed Odin, Frigga, or Thor already... Only Loki had a charm on her wrist. She had no way to know if the others were alive or not. The royal children where her first and only priority. Loki had made that very clear, even before their marriage. She had reluctantly agreed.

She held onto both her daughters as she ran threw the inner halls of the castle toward the garden exit in the west wing. She saw no servants or maids about, but she also didn't hear any guards fighting or alarms going off. It was eerie and quiet, and she didn't like it. Maybe the enemy hadn't attacked the castle yet. Maybe it was something worse. She tightened her grip on her girls and shivered as she ran through the garden toward the west gate.

She just wished she knew what she was up against... Frost giants? A rebellion? An act of war or treason? Maybe Thor insulted the wrong person during the diplomatic mission... Or far more likely, someone just wanted Loki's children dead. For all she knew, it could have been any of these reasons or more. She didn't know... and that terrified her even more.

Before they walked out the metal bars of the gate and onto the street, she paused for a moment. Just to pull up the hood of the cloak to cover her white-blonde hair. It was a dead giveaway in the dark, and few in Asgaurd had the coloring but her. She checked to make sure that her toddler, Nari, was still sleeping... She was. That was a relief. She then looked down the street to wait for it to clear. As two singing drinkers turned the corner, she decided it was time to move.

She was moving slower then she normally would. Her feet ran as swift as they could given her condition, powered by panic only a mother could know. Sigyn's heart was nearly beating out of her chest as she raced to her last living son... Svadilfari.

He was in the stables, not far from the castle gardens. He was trapped in the body of a horse by Odin... She was sure he was still there, and safe enough for now. Odin would let no harm come to his favored 'war horse.' She would free her boy, and all four of them (Five if you counted the child resting in her womb) would make a break for the Bifrost. Her son would gladly carry her and his sisters to safety, she knew it.

When she saw the doors to the royal stables come into view, she smiled and her heart felt a bit of relief.

She then heard a inhuman howl of pain and her bracelet burned once again. She froze in horror as the horse charm that dangled from her wrist changed. Even with the dark of the night around her, she could see it had turned pitch black... Svadilfari was dead. She looked back hopelessly at the stables in as a string of cruel laughter started rising from behind it's doors. She knew those laughs, and it suddenly it dawned upon her what was happening...

It was Baldur...

It was the kingsgaurd that had assassinated her sons. It was Loki's own illegitimate half-brother, Baldur, and the men under him that were slaughtering her babies. She wondered if Odin ordered his concubine's son to kill for him, or if he was doing this of his own accord.. He hated Loki more then any other man in the kingdom, and she wouldn't put it past him to do this to his children... And of course they would kill the male heirs first. Svadilfari had been the last son standing, and she had ran towards him anyway...

Now the murderers of her sons were just yards away from her and her daughters.

She turned into the nearest darkened alley, and headed straight for the Bi-frost. There was no time to mourn her boys right now. She had two daughters and a unborn babe to save. They still lived, even if their brothers did not.

Her hands were starting to grown cold, and her strength was starting to leave her. She put Hela down, and took her hand instead of carrying her. Hela only looked solemnly at her own bracelet, then said nothing. She was 10, and a smart girl. She knew without having to ask.

They were only a few blocks away from the Bifrost when her feet truly began to fail her... Heimdall would be there, and he wasn't one for murdering girls and pregnant woman. Even on orders. He would let them flee. She hoped so, at least... if not, she had a backup plan. Her cloak from Loki would make her invisible if she wished it. She would not hesitate to use it.

That was when the castle alarms sounded off. Blarring, bright, and frightening. Hela screamed and ran faster. Nari awoke with a piercing cry... Sigyn knew they would be found. She couldn't keep this speed or her cover for much longer... Still, She ran. She had too. They reached the bridge of the Bifrost when Sigyn had to stop... She took her cloak off her shoulders, and wrapped it around Hela as she tried to catch her breath.

"Run.. ahead of me... get to... The Bifrost..." Was all she said before, before pushing her princess forward. Hela looked lost, and like she wanted to protest...

But then they heard the guards yelling down the road... Hela gave a broken hearted look to her mother, then turned and ran. Sigyn held her crying toddler as the pain in her side started to lessen. She was almost there... She had to try and make it...

She started moving again, this time much slower. She saw Hela far ahead of her on the bridge, and was Happy. One of her little girls would make it for sure, and be safe. The guards were getting closer and closer now, she could start to hear the movement of armor. They were gaining on her, and far to quickly for her liking... but she couldn't move any faster. Hela reached the inner room and was screaming, begging Heimdall to open it. She could tell he was leery, but just as Sigyn walked into the door of the traveling chamber, he opened it. She tired to make a mad dash for the last few feet to the portal, but that was when the guards rushed in.

Sigyn looked over her shoulder in panic. She knew she had only moments. The guards had swords and spears already aimed at her and her little girls... Her toddler wouldn't survive the trip through the Bifrost on her own, And Sigyn couldn't reach it in time...

But Hela could do both.

She wasn't proud of what she did, but needs must... She threw a forceful spell at Hela, that tossed her into the air and into the traveling light. Hela screamed in fright, But Sigyn knew that at least one of her children would live...

A moment later, She felt a sword piece threw her back, and out of her stomach.

She had only a second to register the pain, and the fact her and her unborn child wouldn't survive...

Then she fell and everything went black.

Moments later, the Bifrost would open again, This time to allow entrance to Loki... Panic and terror also written on his face and in his steps. Only he arrived to late. Heimdall was fighting four of the kingsgaurd, three already lay dead... And Baldur was standing with a bloodied knife and a smirk over the dead bodies of his wife and toddler...

Loki killed everyone in the room but Heimdall.

His own regret, later on was not keeping Baldur alive just a little bit longer.