Chapter 6 - Close Enough

Later that night, Shake snuck outside behind his house while the other were asleep, because Olivia called him and told him to meet her there.

"'Oli'! Oh, 'Oli'!" Shake mockingly whisper-shouted while starting to get impatient, "come on out, ya little whore!"

"That's not what I am…and don't call me that…that's what that monster called me," Olivia snarled after finally showing up, but then she sighed sadly, "look, we need to talk…"

"Oh, no…no, no, no! You're pregnant, are you?! oh, my worst fears have been realized!" Shake shrieked in terror, only to earn a slap across the face from an ticked Olivia.

"No, I'm not pregnant, you paranoid pussy!"

"Oh, thank God."

"I wanted to talk to you about Dwayne."

"Why? He's gone, out of our lives. We got nothin' ta worry about anymore."

"Yes, we do—especially you. As long as he's alive, you're as good as dead, Shake."

"I already stabbed his ass once."

"You got lucky once."

"Well, if we're in THAT much trouble, then what do you suggest, huh?"

"I don't know! That's what I wanted to talk to you about!"

"Alright, jeez, calm the hell down. Do you need ta sit down or somethin'? Do I need ta get you a drink? Are you gonna be ok?" Shake rambled on mockingly.

"Are you gonna keep being an asshole?" Olivia asked sarcastically.

"Only if it means you'll do me again when this is all over."

"How 'bout no?"

"How 'bout yes?"

"How 'bout you step away from my girl before I blow your fuckin' brains out."

Shake immediately froze when he felt a gun being pressed to the back of his head, and Olivia gasped with fright when she saw none other than Dwayne, with blood-stained bandages over his left shoulder where Shake stabbed him, as he held a handgun to Shake.

"Whatever happens next, I regret absolutely nothing!" Shake blurted out hysterically. But that only made Dwayne even angrier, as he aimed at Shake's straw and blew a bullet through it without warning.

Shake cried out in pain and collapsed as blood spilled from his disfigured straw, and Olivia was panicking while looking back and forth at both Dwayne and Shake.

"You don't regret sleepin' with my Oli?! So, you're not gonna regret it when I kill ya either, right?!" Dwayne barked while picking Shake back up.

"Uh, no…that last one's a good possibility…actually," Shake grunted in pain.

"Leave him alone, Dwayne! I slept with him because I WANTED too, so if you want to blame someone, blame me!" Olivia firmly protested.

"Really? Well, as much as that pisses me off, I think I could forgive you—as soon as I get rid of a 'little' problem," Dwayne growled with an evil smile, as he aimed the gun at Shake's forehead.

"Don't you dare hurt him!"

"Why? you care about this fast food drink? Wow. I never thought you'd stoop so low, Oli. I mean, you're a prostitute with quality and high standards. What changed?"

"Everything. I don't want anything to do with you anymore, Dwayne, so just leave me before I call the cops."

"No need. You'll change your mind after I get rid a' this jerk who corrupted ya. You'll thank me later, Oli."

With that, Dwayne chuckled darkly while staring down at Shake, who finally passed out from fear and too much blood loss, and Olivia's heart raced as the scene played on before her.

But this time, something snapped in Olivia, something much similar to the time when she tried to attack Dwayne to get him off of Shake the first time…and this time, she wasn't going to fail.

Olivia let the wild wolf inside bloom, as she snarled and lunged at Dwayne once more while aiming for his neck. And by the time Dwayne realized what was happening, Olivia had already latched her teeth on his neck in an attempt to tear it apart.

The impact was enough to push Dwayne off of Shake, and sent the two wolf Furries into a tumble across the yard as they continued to snarl, bite and claw at each other. But Olivia's main objective was to get the gun before Dwayne could shoot anyone or anything else with it.

Unfortunately, Olivia wasn't strong enough to hold him off for long, and Dwayne was soon able to pin her down effortlessly.

"You're a monster, Dwayne," Olivia hissed and spit in Dwayne's eyes.

"You're pushin' your luck, whore! You disrespect me like that again, and I'll GLADLY blow your head off too—though, I will admit that I'll miss ya," Dwayne snarled while baring his teeth, but his tone softened at the last part, "please, don't make this any harder than it has ta be, Oli. Ya know I love ya."

"You do?" Olivia asked softly with surprise, and Dwayne loosed his grip on her wrists.

"Yes, I always have," Dwayne replied softly, and he suddenly kissed Olivia passionately, and she kissed back…but it was all a trick.

As Dwayne was distracted with kissing Olivia, she was able to slip his hand gun from his hand. And when she pressed the gun to his head, he gasped and immediately pulled his lips away.

"Well, I never loved you," Olivia grimly pointed out with a glare, and the last expression Dwayne made was a look of horror and regret when Olivia pulled the trigger.

Shake woke to a rather annoying pain in his head and straw, as he blinked a few times at the blinding white walls of the room. And soon, he realized he was lying on a hospital bed in a hospital room, his straw had been sewn back on, there were wires sticking in his wrists, and there was the faint but annoying beeping of the heart monitor.

"Y'know, I really wish you'd stop risking your life for me," a soft voice chuckled, and Shake looked over to finally notice Olivia sitting in a chair next to his bed.

"Listen, all I remember is getting my straw shot off, so what the hell happened?" Shake asked in a hoarse voice.

"Well…I took care of Dwayne…"

"You killed him?"


"You sound guilty."

"Well, yeah, I mean, he WAS going to kill you and everything, but…"

"But nothing. I saved you, you saved me. Now, what about the body? Are the police gonna get involved in this?"

"No. Lucky for us, Frylock understood everything after I told him what happened, so he helped me take you to the hospital, and he disintegrated Dwayne's body with his laser eyes, and he didn't leave any traces of evidence. He's finally out of our lives."

"Frylock or Dwayne?"

"Dwayne, you jerk," Olivia snickered.

"Yeah, I guess I owe Frylock for helpin', huh?" Shake asked reluctantly.

"Yes, that would be nice of you—and me too, after everything I've done," Olivia quietly pointed out while her ears drooped sadly.

"What you've done? Well, lemme list a few of them: you realized you didn't wanna be a whore anymore, you gave me the best sex I ever dreamed of, and you killed the main problem standing between us. Ya know what? I'm pretty sure that's it, actually."

"Well…maybe not ALL of it."

"What do you mean?"

"I have done all those things in the past few weeks, that is true—but I think I might've also fallen in love," Olivia replied sheepishly with a deep red blush.

"Really? Well, who is this mystery man of which you've fallen for?" Shake asked sarcastically with a smirk.

"Well…he's tall, he's somehow human but also not human—kind of like me—and he's a pretty big asshole—but he also saved me and helped me see and do things I couldn't before."

"You're gettin' too sappy for me ta pay attention any longer. Can you just tell me who you're in love with, already?"

"It's YOU, you idiot!"

"Well, that was harsh. I don't think I should tell you who I'm in love with after getting all bitchy like that, now."

"You will if you ever want me to respect you," Olivia demanded with a grin while standing up and leaning over the bed with her arms crossed.

"Respect me how?" Shale asked while grinning evilly once more.

"Well, how else am I gonns keep you from leavin' and cheatin' on my ass?"

"You think I'd leave you?"

"Not if you just tell me you love me."

"Fine. I'm in love with the only woman who slept with me," Shake admitted with a roll of his eyes.

"Close enough," Olivia scoffed and gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

The End

Well, that concludes this story. Now, I know this was MUCH sappier than your usual ATHF episodes, but I really hope I'm not the only one who enjoyed reading this story, because I know enjoyed writing it even more.

Oh, and some of you may be wondering if there'll be a sequel, I'm sure. Well, spoiler alert, yes, there will be a sequel, whether you guys like it or not.

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!