Ch 3

The day ended and both tony and thor are laying in the castle medic bay bed, their hooves are in pain, tony drank three glass of water and still question who he can pick up a glass cup with no fingers, thor he just laying down thinking back to Loki teaching the young one magic and his stories about his youth, the time he save thor from a dragon, which was true, thor ignore his brother and went to fight a dragon, but he almost die if it haven't been for Loki following him. the door open and there was Steve walking in "well you guys are too tried to fight, wow, well loki like to introduce his fiancée" the Steve walked out, thor eye light up and got off the bed and follow Steve, tony sigh and follow.

"So thor did your brother told you about his wife to be?"

"Yes and no, he describe how he and her met and how he descried her but mostly no" they met Natasha, hulk and Clint in the hall way.

"So we going to meet this princess Loki going to marry" said Clint

"I saw her she's pretty, and nice" said hulk, thor look at the green pony.

"What she's like" asked Thor.

"She asked about where we live and I told her" he smiled

"Let's go" said Clint. they reach a room with a large table with maps, charts, and builders there, Loki and a another mare was there talking then Loki look to the door and he smiled lightly he tapped the mare shoulder and she look at the door too, she told the other to finish up and continue work, she and Loki walked to the team and smile.

"Welcome to equestrian, my name is princess Luna, I rise and lower moon you must be thor, Loki told me all about you" said Luna, thor stare and in awe how beautiful she is "so what the rest of you team name is?"

"well my name is tony stark, CEO of stark industries and this is agent Natasha and Clint of S.H.I.E.L.D and the man from the past Steve rogers and of course you know hulk" said tony he walked to the table and looked at the plans there "so what are you doing here?"

"Stark!" hissed Natasha

"no its okay" she smile "it's just plans for repairs you Couse" she said blandly "we have to ask for builders in the next town because we don't have enough, I'll be back I have to rise the moon, I'll meet you back for dinner" then Luna left the room, tony look outside and see her flying out of the castle in high in the sky and the sun lower down and the moon came up.

"So Loki you're literally marrying the princess of darkness" chuckled Clint, Loki frown and his horn glowed a green hue and a green hue appeared at Clint's wings and pulled "AHH…who did that?"

"Me, you birdbrain she is the princess of the night, not dark, she like me, hurt in the past…." Loki stop and pulled Clint's wings again "…just don't make fun of my wife to be, and her sister, they both are rulers here"

"So…." He asked. Loki shook his head and walked to the door "explore the castle if you want, I have business to attend"

"Like what?" asked hulk

"Prepare for the first anural moon light festival" then Loki walked out and Thor follow.

"Loki, I want you and I to be brothers again, I want to do anything to help you and I just missed you" Loki looked at him sadly "and I want to know what you done here so when I our family again I'll tell them you're in good hooves" the Thor realized what he said and just ignore it.

"okay but I have to leave canterlot in the morning for more preparation, you can come with me, but first I think i should show you magic, because unicorns and alicorn use magic on a daily bases and I'll teach"

"Really Loki, I don't know any magic"

"Thor I'm a teacher, I'll teach you" then Loki horn glow green again and the door next to them open and there was the castle library, "okay first lesson levitation, A filly could do this" they walked to a table and Loki pulled out a book with his magic and place it on the table, "okay levitate the book"

Thor look at him and back at the book, he squint his eyes and racked his brain and trying to move the book, he twist his head, bulging his eyes and twists his face too "is that the face when too confused or you can't do magic" he smiled

"Loki, just tell me how you do it?"

"well for me when I use it years ago I just imagine the item moving closer to me or lift it up, try that or you don't have a imagination" thor tilt his brow and look back at the book and close his eyes, he did a Loki said imagine the book moving, floating. A yellow glow light up from Thor horn and the yellow aura appeared around the book and said book light off the table.

"Am I doing it?" asked Thor.

"yes" answer Loki, thor open his eyes and see the book floating about a foot off the table, "now that's levitation, okay now move it" thor nodded and close his eyes once again and imagine the book going to the left, and it did. For the rest of the night Loki taught thor basic magic like, teleportation, tying a rope into a bow, simple energy shot for defense, even helping his lift hammer Mjolnir, Loki also give thor the basic lives of earth ponies, unicorn and Pegasus, basic history and some of the pleases Loki have been, little did they know Luna watch them silently.


Thor woke up in first light, took a bath, and the only thing thor is choosing what to do is, bring Mjolnir or not, Loki told him the land is mostly peaceful, so thor is dripping wet with a towel over his mane, unsure to bring a weapon to a little town, then there's a knock on the door and there was celestia "oh good morning your ma-"

"Thor we will soon be family, celestia will be okay"

"Ah so celestia what bring you're here?"

"Well since you and Loki are trying to connect again I must tell you something"

"What is it?" celestia walked to the window and look out, watching Luna talking to the guards.

"Promise me you won't tell Loki please?" Thor tent is brow and look at her confused but if she asked if he could keep a secret from his brother, then he nodded "after my sister marry Loki, they will be the new rulers of equestria"


"it's the rules since Luna and I was little filly, once there was two lands equestrian and the equinox, my mother rules here while my farther ruled the equinox land, my sister lived there too in the midnight kingdom and home to the nocturne ponies, ponies with moonlight mane and glowing cutie marks like neon's, they created most of the constellations, the most beautiful kingdom I've ever seen but one day dark forces took over the land and killed him, the last act my farther did was to send my sister to canterlot and send the moonlight ponies into the night sky, my farther lost his life and the equinox forever lost to the darkness, then our mother made a decision since we can't both rule the kingdom so she said when one of us gotten married we will be king and queen, but I've ruled here longer and everyone love me ruling….."

"Do you want me to break them up?" asked Thor

"WHAT!? Nononono, I just while you both travel, I'll help Luna prepare rule and you can slowly tell Loki, about this" said celestia

"Okay I tell Loki when the time is right" said Thor and celestia put her hoof on his shoulder.

"we're older sibling must be cautious about their feeling and lives, Loki told us about who he is and what he has done to your world, but here he is happy, loved and all he ever want it peace"

"Then ignore the rules"

"I cannot" then celestia left the room. About two hours later Loki is waiting and pacing at the train station for Thor, he told Thor where the train station is last night, as he waited, Loki open the bag he has and looked at a list of places that want to put up stalls or preformed. Then he looked up and see Thor crashing down and face plated at in the floor board.

"You tried flying?"

"What's the point of having wings if I can't fly" smiled Thor, Loki shook his head "so where are we going?"

"PonyVille then over the week if possible, cloudsdale, then the crystal empire then back here"

"What are we doing over there?"

"Getting shops and performers to attend to the moonlight festival and going to schools there's a contest for the filly and colts to create a new constellation it might as well be special for the first festival" then the whistle of the train echo and they looked at the direction and see the oncoming train, "and I also see you didn't bring Mjolnir"

"Well it is a peaceful land Loki, like you told me" they smiled and walked in the train "don't you have guards escorting you?"

"yes" then Loki pointed out to two soldiers running towards the train, the door closes and drove off, Loki pop his head out of the open window waving at them "I'll see you in a week!" he yelled, pulling his head laughing he looked at his brother "oh come on, at least I have some fun" then they walked to the carriages and sat down at the window seat he pulled out a scroll and looked in it.

"So brother that are we doing in 'ponyville'?" asked Thor, Loki look up from the scroll and answered.

"thor when we get to ponyville we have to go to sweet apple acres, I tried their apple based meals it good, you have to try the pie its good, then a family own a bakery call sugar cube corner they wanted a stall too, them to two musician called Octavia and vinyl, oh and we have to first go to the castle to see princess twilight" said Loki placing the scroll back in his bag, and look out the window. Hours passed and Thor was just at awe at the land seeing birds and Pegasus flying pass, ponies talking among themselves and a sweet trolley can by, Thor took toffee and Loki pay for it. In the distance they can see PonyVille and the crystal castle.

"Loki that's the village?"

"Yes, Thor remember twilight have a baby dragon with her so remember dragon are a mild threat here, but spike it harmless"

"I know you told me last night" then the train slowdown and stopped at the station, as they walked out of the station, they was greeted and the brother walked to the castle, thor looked and see many different ponies talking and he even saw a zebra but soon they reached the castle and there they saw princess twilight and spike.

"Loki, welcome back to ponyville, oh how is this?"

"good to be back twilight and allow me to introduce my brother thor odinson, prince of asgard" said Loki, thor bowed his head "so how's everything, tia told me you was tired after the meeting last week when I was away to check on the moonlights pony colony, they seem happy but they missed home"

"I'm fine, I found out, you fight a panda bee, he spit honey at you" they laughed. "well thor and I are going to AJ I got her and the family good news"

"they get their own stall?"


"oh what is it Loki" ahe smiled

"a temporary store for her and the cakes, they have to share, the store owner moved to trotingham and I left to store empty for the two you can tell the cakes if you want to" twilight smiled

"okay, I bet pinkie will be happy too" said twilight, she looked at spike talking to thor just about ponyville

"well we should go and tell applejack, thor lets go" the brother went off leaving twilight to finish off her other things.

About a 25 minutes' walk they reached the farm "wow, Loki this place is full of –"

"Apples, yes this farm been here since the pony was first built, the mare we're going to see is applejack she like the boss here so don't be you" he said a little rude, thor knows what he was talking about.

Back at the castle in cantolot tony was at aw that his suit was half functioning, Steve stayed with him in case he went mental or rampage "I can't believe this, my suit is ruin, without my….with these hooves I can't fight, or repair my suit and also I need the necessary tools'

"tony you need to calm down, do you see anyone else complaining, no, so I suggest you asked either of the princesses if they have an engineer's here to help you out" said Steve walked next to tony.

"Well I could but…" tony stop and look around.

"You don't want help"

"No I don't want help but…."

"You want to find out first then you ask" asked Steve walking to the door.

"actually I was hoping I go home and fix it over there and bring a spear suit just in case, and I should call pepper I'll be gone, and tell J.A.R.V.I.S to look after the place and make sure no villains fighting in new York" said tony.

"I was thinking tony how do you get back to our world?" tony stop inspecting and pulled out the left front leg and show a control panel.

"With this it will send us back, but with Loki helmet only have enough residue to take here and back once I need something here so I can come back later"

"just buy a trinket here and you could take hulk new souvenir back home, and bring back a few spare suits, this place is worth a few more days, furry, S.H.E.I.L.D, fantastic four and x men will look after the city, you need some days off" said Steve, tony frown.

"Yes I know but I just don't trust Loki here, he's up to something?"

"yes getting married to a princess, and being a teacher, he have a okay lift tony what other evil can he do" Steven turned and left the room, tony then took out a button and pressed it, sparks fly and there a portal open up and tony went through without taking hulks new souvenir.