Thor past back and forth in Tony's lab, for about a year and a half the avengers didn't have an attack for the god brother, Loki, he been out of asgard and s.h.e.i.l.d eye too, everyone was happy about it, but not thor, a missing Loki alarmed him, he asked his mother about it, she doesn't know she only saw Loki asking for gems and scroll's, thor looked at Loki's private library he hid from Odin every book, scrolls, and magic and item are ether burned or destroy, thor even went to any ally of Loki and they said he cut ties on them. when he went back to the tower, he asked tony to see if he could find Loki magical energy, tony said no then thor taunt him saying he can't do it, them tony accepted the challenge, now tony claim it's nearly finish, Steve is sitting down reading the hunger games, Natasha is looking at her email, Clint and hulk are having a staring contest. Thor remember the day he last saw Loki, the last time he fought Loki is when he and Loki had a face off.


Thor strength is dwindling and his hammer is in the bottom of the ocean and Loki spear is at his throat, they are on one of new York bridges, rain falling down on them and thunder clashing, wind picked up and In a fast rate, an hour fighting his brother thor was bleeding and bruised, the others was trapped in a magical force field all they could do is watch the fight unfold.

"Amit it bother, I won" yelled Loki moving his spear closer to his brother throat, his arms and paralyzed from fighting with his hammer and his legs are tied together.

"Loki, we are brothers, I never cared if you was adopted but I still believe you have some good in you, good where you can show farther" said thor calmly, then Loki lift his spear up and whack thor on the side of his head.

"we were NEVER brothers, you proved that when you told me magic is a weak and useless, and now look at me, you and the ALL farther did this to me, I am a god, I am powerful, you are at my FEET, you and I are never once fight like this and now…." Loki looked at the team trying to break free, and looked down at his brother"…I won" Loki lift his spear to kill thor "and now asgard will acknowledge that my magic is more powerful then thor odinson" just before the spear reached his throat Loki heard a roar and he turned to the captain punch Loki in the face. Loki fell a feet from Thor he looked at the captain and the other avengers "why?"

"Why what Loki?" asked Thor standing up from his now freed legs.

"you, all of you, you all know what I do is meaningless in asgard, I was hurt, tortured, my lips was sewed because of a crime I NEVER COMMITTED, the all farther took my children away, thor, you know I was never meant to fight with swords and hammers, but magic is the only way I can show you how powerful I can become…." The rain lighted up and the clouds lighting the moon light to the villain "….you are cowered of moving forward, I want to embrace change, but you want the thing as they are….." then Loki slowly got back you looking at the team readying their weapons, Loki smiled brought his hands to his eyes and chuckled "….remember when I disappeared for a month when you gone camping with the warriors three and sif?" thor nodded confusedly " and remember I told you it's a place you never been" thor nodded again "that place understood me, they loved my magic, I can write a book about it, even teach a school, but I came back because I was your 'little' brother" then Loki lift his spear and the gem lodged inside glow bright green twilled it around, his eye's glow pure white and the wind circled him like they playing with him "I'm going back there, they loved what I do, I won't miss you or Odin, but tell mother I always loved her, and if I did ruled asgard I would never kill her" then Loki stomp the spear down on the ground and a ring of light surrounded Loki and engulf him, thor eyes widen and tried to grab Loki, but the only thing he grabbed was the golden horned helmet.

Iron man walked up to the god of thunder and put his hand on his shoulder "do you have any idea where he's gone too" thor couldn't answer him, "thor this might be a good thing that be le-" before iron man finish thor punched him in his iron masked.

"No, I will find my brother again, and I'll bring him back"

Flashback end

Thor waited and waited, nothing then the door open and tony emerged in is simple white shirt and black slacks "there, everything is done, now leave me alone I haven't slept in three day tomorrow thor we will activate it and please JARVIS lock the door if thor or anyone go's in"

"yes, sir" said the A.I. that night everyone is sleeping but thor was looking his brother helmet on the shelf sitting there for about a year, tony test it and it has a energy residue showing sign of another dimensions, so tony is making a machine to use the helmet to take them to Loki.

"Loki what are you doing? Where are you?" thor cover his eyes with his arms blocking the little light, he remember the time he and sif and the warrior three went to live in the forest so they can fight more monsters, but Odin forced Loki to go and he didn't want to go, after a while in the forest Loki left


"Loki go back, if you don't want to go with us then go back" said thor, carrying his bag on his back the four friend left to the camp site, right now they are all in their teens and Loki was already branded a magic user, with his spear at his side and his bag in his hand.

"Thor you know if go back farther will force me out again" said Loki

"Will then find a place to stay for a month" Thor turned and walked away from Loki "find another land you can call home" as he continue the saw Loki walking beside him "I knew you won't go off by yourself"

"Well I thought I stay with you for the night then I leave" he said stubbornly.

"Remember when you fought with farther about magic" Loki nodded "well maybe this will help you become stronger"

"My magic is powerful"

"But farther….."

"Do you always going to listen to farther" Thor put if stern face on "well one day you will disobey him, and when that happen I will be there"

"Loki I won't disobey farther, look we're close to camp, there's a cave near the camp rumor has it magic, you might love it" the thor pointed to the direction of the cave up the cliff, there the brothers split up he continue on and look back to see Loki struggling to cliff, "Loki do you need help" thor waited for an answer but nothing.

Thor left Loki alone to do anything he want.


Thor stood up and went to the kitchen and getting a glass of water and standing at the window looking over the city, he never notice he stayed awake all night, morning is coming soon and soon he will Loki. What will happen when he fined Loki, will Loki be more powerful, or did he die? Thor turned to see Clint brining out a plate of leftover pizza "good morning Clint"

"Oh, morning so happy we're going find you brother and finally give you closure" said Clint placing the pizza in the microwave, "you know we all going to bring our weapons, just in case"

"Eye of hawk, my brother might not be there when we arrived" said Thor "either way I'll go and get myself ready"

"Not before eating" then on cue the microwave beeped signaling the pizza is hot and ready as Thor walked out of the kitchen there was a plate shattering and a yelp "GOOD DAMMIT HOT PLATE". A few hours later everyone work up one by one, they ate, talked, shower, and dressed in their outfit, thor waited at the door of Tony's lab waiting for everyone to come.

Tony was the first to arrive with coffee and a tuna sandwich "tony please tell me were going, right?"

Tony looked at him annoyed "thor just bring your brother helmet, and I get everything ready" thor smiled and ran out and left tony alone "FINALLY" tony walked in and there it was the machine to teleport then to Loki, he remember thor bitching to him to help out look for Loki after thor left to go searching for him, tony sipped his coffee and eat the sandwich.

Steve arrive with his shield, he sat down next to the machine "so what are you doing"

"Fine tuning"

"You said that last week, and the week before when you told Thor last night I thought you're finally conferment that your work is finish, now your doubting yourself" said Steve

"well, this is a two way Tran dimensional teleported and I don't want us to be stuck and a different world" said tony, an hour later about 12 everyone is looking at the machine, a platform to stand in, a case for the helmet and a power source "okay with this we will travel to another world, but remember one day there and back" everyone nodded "okay everyone on the platform"

Tony put on his suit and place the helmet in the case, the machine whizzed, whirled, cringed and spark, light glow bright and energy streamed from the helmet to the plat formed, everyone looked around then back at tony "hay its working" then a hole open beneath them.

They all fell in with hulk yelling "I BLAME TIM MAN".


Thor remember the time Loki showed him magic for the first, when they was little around 8 and 10, thor was swinging his sword, with one strong swing he turned to Loki standing a sword length in shock "Loki what are you doing?"

The smaller brother calm down and looked at his older "oh, brother, look what mother showed me" Loki lift his hands and a he close his eyes and cringe his face and there appeared a small ball of fire, Loki open his eyes and smiled widely "look I did this" thor eyes widen "mother teaches me magic, I could learn magic and I don't have to learn how to fight with swords and you and we can fight together"

That smiled was the happiest he ever seen him, the only time thor smiled with Loki and the only time Loki look up to him, and the day Loki showed it to Odin, he was furious and told Loki to never use magic again, but when he told thor about magic being a weak usage, thor wanted to tell his farther it's not weak but everything can and won't change.

Thor walked in Loki's room to see him sobbing in his pillow, the young boy didn't make a himself notice to Loki, all he did is watch to know Loki if he given up but over the years Loki gone behind Odin back and learn more and more magic, and he found powerful magical gems, and items.

Them the day he's gone, the look on his face, the Loki was about to kill him, about to end him, he want to tell Loki he was sorry and sorry about everything.

Thor open his heavy eyes he's on a green grass and the sun was bright, thor groaned and looked around to see if he could see his friends but all he saw was a griffin with glasses and archery gear and an outfit like hawk eye. Thor groaned and try to Stan up but he could only go on all four "ah…stark I believe your machine is broken" then he shook his head and he looked around, then he saw two horses a white mare in black leather and short red mane and a stallion with cream coat and a yellow, blonde mane, wearing a red, white and blue suit with a shield next to him stretching their body, a pony in a armor like iron man and a large pegasi with green coat and darker green mane, but his muscles are big, (think of phar lap (Australia largest and fastest horse)).

"WH-who are you?" said Thor.

"The more important question is how did we turn into horses" said tony looking at the others "my scans are telling me you and you and don't blame my triple T, so where's hawk eye" tony looked around.

"I'm here I'm just not a pony I'm a…." Hawkeye looked at himself "I bird thing"

"a griffin, half lion and half eagle, and what am I?..." thor looked at himself to see he has a unicorn horn and wings "I look like a unicorn and a Pegasus together, but never like this, I'll go searching for my brother, now where Mjolnir?" he turned around not seeing his hammer anywhere.

"Thor it latch to you remember, look" cap pointed to the hammer hanging of Thor "so now what we do now? We can't stay here talking, we should fine the closes place to know where we are"

"And know why Loki like a place like this" said Natasha, she walk to Clint touching his wing, "now that Clint can fly he could fly up and stop a town" Clint eyes light and smiled.

"Yes I can fly, I see you and a bit losers" Clint open his wing and flap them, but he could only get a few feet off the ground.

"Why don't we go to castle" everyone look at hulk pointing to a large castle in the distance "how come you didn't notice it?"

Everyone looked at each other and blushed.

"Okay we go to the castle over at that mountain, oh and Clint don't fly till you know who to use those" said tony. Clint stop flapping and drop to the ground he landed okay, they soon walked off to the castle, along the way Thor head lower down thinking they might not find Loki.