Highschool DxD: Heavenly Fallen

Draco711: Hey my awesome readers! Welcome to the first chapter of Highschool DxD: Heavenly Fallen!

Natsu: Alright!

Happy: Aye sir!

Draco711: Joining us throughout this journey is none other than everyone's favorite pervert: Issei Hyoudou!

Issei: Hey gents and ladies! The future Harem King has arrived!

Draco711: We do have one other co-host who haven't arrived yet. But he will, count on it!

Natsu: Tell us about your newest adventure!

Draco711: Alright! I chose to create a story of Highschool DxD as I finish watching all three seasons some time back. I'm waiting of season four to continue it. But anyway, I already had another idea of this anime, but this came to me instead. It may not be the best, but hopefully it turns out alright.

Issei: Also, it's a harem as you may know. But don't know who will be part of it.

Happy: Aye, you have to read to find out!

Natsu: So what are we waiting for? Let's get to reading!

Draco711: Before that~

Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD for if I did, a few others would be part of Issei's harem.

Draco711&Natsu&Happy&Issei: Hobey Ho Let's go~!

Ch. 1

Issei is heading home after completing his final request. It's been awhile since he went to any of his clients to complete his requests. Well then again, with everything that happened, he didn't have much time to go to his clients. And from the looks of it before he left, the others are in the same boat as he is in. They all went to their own clients to complete requests. He isn't sure how long it will take them to complete the requests.

"I wonder if Rias is home or will be back before the others," Issei thought "I want to talk to her about something important and what she been up to lately." Issei wants to tell Rias he loves her. He been thinking about it for the past month, even during the conflict with the Khaos Brigade. It's because of the conflict he hasn't told her yet. That, and fear. But he gathered the courage to tell her, though he will wait till they're alone. The other topic he want to talk about is to ask if she is alright. For the past week, Rias returns from a client all sweaty and flustered. One time, she didn't return till morning and she seemed to be really tired as if she ran a marathon. But he didn't think much of it as one of his clients kept him till morning watching anime. But something within him wants him to ask regardless, which he assume must be Ddraig. He arrived home, and went inside.

"I'm back," Issei calls "Anyone here?" No reply came, so he figured they were still on requests. As for his parents, they probably in their room or went out for the time being. He went to the kitchen, and got a carton of milk. Figuring to catch some Z's before the others come, Issei left to his room. He walked up the steps, taking a drink of milk from the carton. However, he stopped once he heard a faint sound.

"What the…?" Issei mutters. The faint sound was coming from down the hall. Wondering what it was, he walked toward it. He walked slowly so he don't mixed the sound of his steps with the sounds from the hallway. But he didn't need to worry as the sound became louder, and more distinct. The sounded like the creaking of the bed.

"Huh, my parents must be home and getting busy." Issei guessed.

"Your parent's room is on the bottom floor on the other side of the house from your and the girls' room. I highly doubt it's them." Ddraig said.

"Oh yeah, you're right. Well, let's go see what's up."

"I don't think that would be a good idea, Partner."

"We won't know what's going on. It's probably the girls getting situated or in my room waiting for me." A perverted thought passed through his mind as he grinned perversely, walking forward. The sound did lead him to his own room as the door wasn't fully closed. He grinned as he reached to push the door open, then-

"Ah…fuck…right there…" a voice moans from within the room. Issei stopped as his grin dropped as his heartbeat increased. He recognized the voice like the back of his hand. It was Rias's voice, and it sounds like she is in some type of pleasure.

"Rias? Why is she masturbating in my room?" Issei mutters. Ddraig, knowing what Issei said due to being linked through the mind as well, was about to lie to get Issei away from the room until-

"You like it rough…ah…you princess bitch…" another voice, male, asks. Issei's eyes widen in shock and pain. Another guy was in there, in his room no less, fucking Rias. But he didn't believe, he thought his mind was playing tricks with him, or Ddraig. He pushes the door open, and stepped inside. On his bed was Rias and some guy he didn't even knowing, going at it like their life depended on it. Neither knew Issei had walked into the room as the guy slams into Rias, who matched his thrusts with her own. Issei, for a moment, lost sense of reality and dropped the carton of milk. The sound of the carton hitting the floor, snapped the two on the bed attention to Issei.

"I-Issei…!?" Rias gasps, horrorstruck.

"R-Rias…why…" Issei mutters, voice filled with pain. Rias got up, moving the guy from over her, and covered herself with the blanket in an effort to cover the cum of the guy. She made to move to Issei, but he stepped back from her, causing her to stop.

"Please Issei, let me explain!"

"Explain…? How can you explain this!?" Rias opened her mouth, but her words got caught in her throat. The reason was because Issei's eyes turned crimson, which is not the normal green of the beast within him, and the pain within them were more patented. And that had frightened her. Issei stepped back again before turning and running off.

"Issei!" Rias calls. But Issei did not return to the room. Rias dropped to her knees, covering her mouth with her hand, tears falling from her eyes. The guy walked up, looking awkward.

"I think I should go." He said.

"Yes, that would be for the best," Rias replies "And I believe our contract should be revoke for now on." And with that, Rias sent the guy back home through a teleportation circle. Rias then broke down as she let her sobs go.

After a while, the others began returning from their clients. They were talking among themselves on how their requests went. As they didn't meet up with Rias or Issei, they figured the two are at home or still doing requests, believing the latter is most logical. They entered the home, and walked to the living room. They didn't see Issei nor Rias, which they expected.

"It seems they are still on requests." Kiba said.

"Yes, that does seem the case." Asia replies.

"Well, let's check in Issei's room, just in case." Akeno states. The group went to said room to see if the two were there. It didn't take long for them to arrive to the room. Akeno opened the door, and they walked in. They didn't see Issei, but they saw Rias. She was sitting on the bed, legs held to her chest. Her eyes had a blank state to them, looking straight ahead at the wall. Akeno walked over to her quickly.

"Rias, what's wrong?" Akeno asks, worried. Rias didn't give a reply. Akeno asked again:

"Rias, tell me what's wrong?" Again, Rias gave no reply. This began to worry Akeno and the others even more. Kiba then stepped up, and asked:

"Rias, where is Issei?" The mention of the Red Dragon Emperor's name had gotten a reaction from Rias. She looked over to Kiba, and asks:

"Issei came back?" The question caught the group off-guard. After a moment to recover, Akeno answered:

"Issei...isn't here, Rias." The little hope that showed in Rias's eyes vanished as she hid her face into her legs. The others looked to one another, wondered what had happened while they were out. Akeno looks to Rias, and said:

"Rias, please tell us what happen." Rias slowly looks up to Akeno, tears falling down her eyes, and explained what happened.


"Huff...huff...huff..." Issei pants. He ran as far from his home as possible, and he is getting tired from it. He stopped running for the time being to catch his breath. Luckily, he had stopped by a bench. He sat down, and leans back. As he ran, he tried to erase the image of a naked Rias and some random guy out of his mind. But the more he tried to get rid of it, the harder it was to forget.

"DAMN IT!" he yells. He covered his face with his hands. His heart is in so much pain, it's like it's going to explode.

"Partner, are you alright?" Ddraig asks.

"No! My heart feels like it's going to explode! I'm in so much pain that I don't know what to do!"

"I know how you feel, I seen many of my partners and others suffer great heartbreak. The pain will fade in time, just have to give it that time."

"It's just...that I was going to confess to her...and then..." Issei sighs as he looks into the sky.

"I don't want to go back..."

"You know you will have to go back."

"I know...but not right now..."

"You also must know if you come across a powerful enemy, you will die."

"I know..."

"Luckily for you, you can become stronger. And I don't mean by being a pervert like you been doing."

"I kn-wait, really?"

"Of course."

"If that's the case, why didn't you tell me before? Let's get to it!"

"Hold it, Partner."

"Huh? What is it?"

"There are two things you must know. First of all, the training you will undergo will be the most grueling training you have ever went through."

"If it means becoming stronger, then I will do it. No matter how grueling the training is, I will complete it."

"Alright, then the second reason."

"Lay it on me!"

"...The training will transform you into a dragon with characteristics from me. Don't worry, you still be able to retain human form and use all the powers you obtained up to this point."

"That's awesome! I'll be one badass dragon and-"



"You will cease being a devil."


(Rias Gremory - For me... Live On Begin)

"Through the training, you will become a dragon. However, it will purge any other power within you. Whether you're an Angel, Fallen Angel, or Devil; you will be purge from them. Think of it as being reborn."

"So if I die, I can be brought back as a Devil or Angel or Fallen Angel?"



"Once you become a dragon, you can never become a Devil, or any other, ever again. Even if you never been an Angel or Fallen Angel, you won't be able to become one." Issei didn't give a reply for awhile. This is a decision that required serious thought. If he accepts this training, he can never be a Devil again. So if he die, he die and won't be able to be revived as a Devil or anything else.

"How strong will I be?" Issei asks.

"You will be very powerful, but not invincible. You will have to continue training if you want to stay on top." Ddraig answers. Issei grew silent for a moment, thinking it over. And then, he said:

"Alright, I'll do it."

"Are you sure, Issei?"

Yes, I am sure."

"Very well. In that case, lift your hand." Doing what Ddraig said, Issei lifted his left hand. After a second, a light green glow surrounded it, surprising Issei. A beam shot forward, opening a portal.

"Whoa...can I do that?" Issei asks

"Yes, once you become a dragon." Ddraig answers.


"Step through, and your training will begin." Issei nods as he looked back toward his home.

"See you later, everyone; mom, dad, everyone and-" his heart throbbed in pain "Rias." Issei walked through the portal to begin his training. The portal then closes.

(Rias Gremory - For me... Live On Ends)


Draco711: And complete!

Happy: Aye sir!

Natsu&Issei: Alright!

Draco711: As for who will be in the harem, well, as Happy said, read and find out. Or will I tell you? Well, let's see where that goes.

Natsu; yeah!

Draco711: Anyway, favorite/follow/review and let me know what you think as we go on this adventure.

Natsu: Stay awesome!

Issei: Stay perverted! (Draco: Don't)

Happy: And eat fish!

Draco&Natsu&Happy&Issei: And so we go~