The Note (Chapter 6)
A/N: Hi all! Thank you to the faithful readers for the reminders about this story. Of course I could never forget it but it was nice to know that readers were still interested. Thank you all so much for your continued support. It means so much especially now.
Previously: Rick stands Michonne up for a couple of dates so she decides to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Michonne poses in front of her standing mirror, turning from one side to the other, trying to find a reason to change her outfit yet again. She cannot put a finger on why she is so nervous to be going to the hospital with Rick to visit Lori. Part of it could be guilt because as a cheerleader, she should've gone to see her with the other cheer mates but she signed her name to the card and allowed her resentment for Rick's visits to override any other sympathy she felt.
She sighs heavily and picks up her cell phone again to text Rick that she wouldn't be joining him but recalls how convinced he was that this would solve his issue with his ex-girlfriend believing his visits would lead to a reconciliation between them. Not only that but he really wants Lori to take his new relationship seriously.
New relationship. Who would have thought I'd actually be dating Rick Grimes? The thought has her twirling in front of the mirror with a squeal. The flutter of fabric against her thighs brings her focus back to the task at hand so she concentrates on her reflection and frowns at the dress she picked out. It's a hospital visit, not a funeral. She reminds herself as she walks over to her closet to renew the search for a suitable outfit.
The chiming of the doorbell puts her in a frenzied rush because she is certain it is Rick at the door. She wiggles into a pair of jeans, pulls a striped sweater over her head, pushes her sock covered feet into heeled ankle boots, grabs a leather jacket, steps in front of the mirror one last time, applying a coat of lip gloss while checking her hair, and makes her way out of her room.
Rick is seated in the living area with her parents, talking comfortably as she descends the stairs and joins them. Her boyfriend's eyes rake her from head to toe and she can't help but blush at the appreciative gleam that makes his orbs even lighter.
"Hi. Are you ready?" He asks softly.
She returns the greeting just as softly and nods as she turns to her parents. "We won't be long."
"Take your time. I know this has to be hard on you kids but I also hope it's teaching you a lesson," Walter relays.
"Yes this could've been a horrible tragedy for all of us. We have to be thankful she survived," Mae adds. She snaps her fingers and rushes off to the kitchen area, returning momentarily with a small plant. "I thought about this on the way home today."
Michonne accepts the plant with a bit of relief. She didn't even think of relaying her empathy by presenting the patient with a gift. This could break the ice even further as she is sure Lori won't be too welcoming. At least not to her. "Thanks Mom. I'm glad you thought about this."
"Have f…..well I mean have….a nice visit," Mae corrects herself. She is a bit taken aback by this outing but appreciates the kindness that Rick is exhibiting. She and Walter walk them to the door and see them off.
Moments later, Rick is looking over at Michonne as they come to a stop sign. "Thanks for agreeing to this."
"I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't have."
He reaches over and grabs her hand. "It'll be fine. I promise."
He continues to engage her in small talk until he pulls the truck into a parking space in the hospital's lot. He gives her hand an encouraging squeeze as they exit the vehicle and make their way inside to the elevator. He presses the button for the third floor and waits patiently to arrive at their destination. They make their way to room 306 and he knocks softly.
A female voice calls out, "Come in" and he pushes the handle, opening the door quietly. Michonne finds Lori immediately and watches as her face lights up with a smile at seeing Rick but that smile quickly fades when she notices the girl at his side.
"Hi," Rick offers.
"Hi," Michonne mimics.
Lori grunts as she closes her eyes for a brief second and takes a few deep breaths. "Hi." She clears her throat. "It's nice of you to come and see me."
Michonne is sure she wasn't including her in that sentiment but she refused to get flustered by it. "I'm really glad to see that you're doing better. Practice hasn't been the same without you." As a matter of fact, it's been glorious. The thought causes her to cringe inwardly and to remind herself to think nice thoughts.
Lori doesn't respond so Rick tries to fill the awkward silence. "The school's gonna do a fund raiser on Saturday to help with your hospital bills and Coach Peltier had another prayer vigil. Everybody wants you to get better real soon," Rick extends.
"Does that include you?" Lori asks.
"Of course," Rick answers.
Lori purses her lips but can't help asking. "Then why would you bring her with you?"
He hesitates before answering but realizes he has to remain firm on this subject. "Why wouldn't I? She's my girlfriend and we share everythang."
"Everything?" Lori practically spats the word out as she looks directly at Michonne. "I bet she doesn't know you like I do."
Michonne takes a deep breath, knowing she can't take the bait. "Lori we didn't come here to fight. Rick thought it would be a nice gesture so can we please just have a decent visit? He really is concerned about you…..I am too."
"No one is concerned about me, Michonne. I'm just the dumb girl who can't fall out of love with her ex-boyfriend so she got drunk, wrecked her car, and paralyzed herself. How are those glorious accolades for senior year?" Lori states with heavy sarcasm before she drops her head and starts to cry.
Michonne looks to her boyfriend with concern, ready to tell him maybe they should leave. She never expected to feel sorry for Lori. She knew this would be difficult but she never imagined the other girl would break down and for a brief moment she'd want to take her pain away. "I'm sor….."
Rick takes the plant from Michonne and places it with the other potted flowers. He knew he needed to divert Lori from her pity party especially since it looked like his girlfriend was her victim this time. "Michonne brought you a real nice plant. You can help your mom put it in the flower bed at home."
"Is that supposed to be a joke? Look at me Rick!" The injured girl touches her damp face with shaking hands. "I've got bruises and cuts that will probably leave scars all over my body. Most assuredly my face and…..I…..CAN'T…..WALK, so how can I plant anything?!"
"Calm down," Rick commands.
"Lori I know you're upset but would you please not shout like that? It can't be good for you," Michonne says.
"You're just here to gloat anyway. You got the guy and now you want to rub it in my face," Lori accuses.
Well that switch happened fast. Rick thinks to himself. He opens his mouth to speak but his girlfriend beats him to it.
"I'm here because this is what Rick wanted. He cares about you even after everything that has happened so I'm here to support him…..but….most of all, I'm here because you're the captain of our cheer squad and regardless of what you think, I do want you to get better and to get back on the field."
"Who do you think you're fooling? I know you don't like me. It was your intent to steal Rick away from me all along. I bet…." Lori stops as Rick interrupts.
"Hey. You're not gonna talk to her like that and if this is the way you're gonna act then I'm sorry we ever decided to visit you."
Lori gasps as she watches Rick take Michonne by the hand and move towards the door. "Rick wait! Don't go! You just got here."
"Are you gonna behave now?" He asks with an angry scowl. He could accept Lori speaking to him harshly but he would not tolerate her mistreating Michonne.
"I'll do anything for you but please…..can't you take her home and come back? Our visits are the best when it's just you and me," Lori states.
Rick rolls his eyes and grabs the door handle. He looks back at his ex-girlfriend and says, "Bye Lori. I really do hope you get better."
"Wait! You're coming back aren't you?"
He ushers Michonne out of the door without responding, closing it softly behind him.
The two of them remain quiet as they exit the hospital and climb into his truck.
"I'm sorry. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," Michonne offers.
"It's not us. It's her. She's just….hateful. I'm sorry she said those things to you," he apologizes.
Michonne sighs. "She's always been that way Rick. I've wondered for a long time what you saw in her."
He scoffs as he ponders her words. He starts the truck and puts it in reverse. "Me too."
The following week is a frenzy of activity and Michonne is basking in all the attention her boyfriend is bestowing upon her. Their day consists of school, practice, and then they are either hanging out with friends or spending time together at her house or his. They end each night on the phone right before going to bed.
It's Thursday evening and they have just left practice. He is supposed to be driving her home as they both agreed they needed to study for tomorrow's exams.
"So do you really have to go straight home?" He asks softly.
She smiles over at him. "Well I should….but I could be persuaded not to."
"Really now? And just how could I persuade you?"
She hesitates. "Hmm…..well for some reason, I can never get enough of your kisses."
"I think I can handle that but how about a little detour first?"
"A detour? Where?" She wonders.
"Just enjoy the ride. We'll be there in a bit," he advises.
She notices the moment they leave King County. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
Twenty minutes later, they are pulling into a shopping plaza but her eyes light up as she sees the illuminated rides, food vendors, and game booths spread out across the grassy area alongside the plaza.
"A fair?" She asks excitedly.
He mirrors her excitement as they exit the truck and rush to the entrance. The night is filled with laughter, scream inducing rides, favorite delicacies, and games. The latter has her appreciating her boyfriend's physique as he takes off his varsity jacket and tests his strength with the hammer game. His biceps bulge with the effort of lifting the hammer and striking the lever. She gasps with happiness as his first attempt rings the bell loudly, signaling victory.
The game host tells him to choose any prize he wants so he motions for her to pick one. She smiles brightly and points at a huge tan teddy bear with a blue bow-tie. The host retrieves her prize and hands it over with a nod of his head.
Rick puts his jacket back on and takes the bear out of her hands, holding it for her. "Is this big enough for you?" They both laugh and move on to the next game.
She finds one she'd like to try and prepares herself for dart throwing. Her boyfriend stands by, watching and admiring as her jacket swings open with her movements, revealing the fitted performance shirt underneath. His eyes drop to her perfectly rounded boobs and he quickly clears his throat, diverting his gaze. Her face is a much safer option with her sparkling eyes and smooth skin.
Her loud yelp brings his attention back to the game as he realizes she has won a prize. She turns to him with the most beautiful smile he has ever seen and says, "Now it's your turn to pick a prize."
He returns her smile shyly and chooses a red stuffed angry bird. They both laugh as he continues to hold her bear and she holds his bird.
They are now walking around and eating cotton candy, oblivious to the late hour until Rick checks his watch.
"Dang! I didn't realize how late it is. Did you text your mom?"
Michonne allows the cotton candy to melt in her mouth before answering. "No. I didn't think about it and I left my phone in the truck."
"Me too. We'd better go."
As soon as they enter the truck, Michonne checks her phone to see several missed calls and a few texts from both her mom and dad. Rick does the same and they immediately make calls to assure their parents they are ok.
Once their conversations are over, they both take deep breaths and sit in silence for a few moments.
"I think I'm in trouble," he announces.
"Me too," she agrees.
His heart was racing with fear after his mom relayed to him in her calm voice that he should make his way home as soon as possible. He knew the calm voice didn't mean anything good. He looks over to his girlfriend and smiles despite his anxiety. "But it was worth it."
She returns the smile. "It sure was." She slides across the seat to get closer to him and touches his cheek gently before leaning in to kiss him. They share a deep, meaningful kiss before he starts the truck and drives in the direction of King County. She sits right next to him the entire time, one of her arms looped through one of his and her head on his shoulder.
Their night ends with Michonne wishing she could stand before Rick's parents and defend him like he is doing for her with her parents right now.
"It's really all my fault. I just wanted to make up for the dates I messed up before. I guess we got a bit excited about the fair and lost track of time," he explains to Walter and Mae.
"We were worried and this isn't like you Michonne. You either Rick," Walter states.
"I'm sorry Daddy. It won't happen again," Michonne apologizes.
"You better make sure it doesn't," Walter returns. He looks to the younger man. "I think you should be getting home now. I'm sure your parents were just as worried."
"Yes sir and I really am sorry."
Mae sighs with compassion, feeling that the kids are being sincere. "We know." She watches as her daughter walks her boyfriend to the door and boldly kisses him on the cheek. She steals a glance at her husband who is frowning then looks to the kids again to see Rick looking at them nervously. She hides a smile but knows it might be time to give more details about the birds and the bees.
His night ends with his parents confiscating his cell phone and revoking his phone privileges. Gladys knows how he and Michonne talk before bed so she uses that as a punishment. He sighs heavily as he lays in bed, staring up at the ceiling, wishing he could tell his girlfriend good night again. He consoles himself with the knowledge he'd see her first thing tomorrow morning then closes his eyes, preparing for sleep. His eyes pop open again with a gasp as he remembers he was supposed to study for chemistry and English. He leaves the bed and walks over to his desk, grabbing his backpack. It's going to be a long night.
They had to go a week without phone privileges which was torture but they survived it. They were sitting in his room with the door open, studying. Only they weren't looking at their notes, they were looking at each other, smiling.
Their time together had been so welcoming and so much fun that neither of them could get enough of the other. Michonne looks away as her feelings of guilt about him not going to see Lori surface again. They hadn't discussed it since their visit together so she thought she'd bring it up.
"Are we going back to see Lori anytime soon?"
He sighs. "I don't know if I wanna put you through that again."
"But you haven't even gone back alone. Why?" She prods.
"To be honest, I don't wannna risk us like that again. I didn't like you being upset with me, so…."
"Yeah but we solved that and I don't want you to feel like you have to choose between making me upset and going to see her. It's ok. I understand."
"I'm glad you do but the thing is….well, I was feeling a lot of guilt before. Like maybe if I hadn't broken up with her, she wouldn't have had the accident. I felt like I was supposed to go and see her, that it was the right thing to do or the least I could do, you know. My mom reminded me that it wasn't my fault and that I didn't have to give up the things I wanted to do just to show her how sorry I am."
"Your mom made a valid point. It's not your fault that Lori had an accident and if you want to visit her, I'll be fine with it."
"So you wanna try again?"
She nods. "I think we should."
Their next visit with Lori was just as awkward as before but she was on much better behavior as her mother remained in the room with them. They were preparing to leave when there was a knock at the door. Her mom granted entrance to a guy Rick nor Michonne expected to see.
"Eugene….Hi. So glad you could come by again," Mrs. Petersen greets.
Eugene Porter was a nerdy freshman at their high school whose uncle was the local sheriff. He was also someone a popular high school senior like Lori Petersen never gave the time of day.
Rick and Michonne share a look as Lori smiles brightly and welcomes Eugene into the room.
"You remember my ex-boyfriend, Rick Grimes don't you? And that's his new girlfriend, Michonne," Lori introduces. "They were just leaving."
Rick eyebrows go up with surprise but he knows when he's being dismissed so he takes Michonne's elbow and ushers her out of the room, as they bid the Petersens and Eugene good night.
Once they were outside, they share a laugh and Michonne asks, "What just happened? Was she seriously happy to see Eugene Porter?"
Rick considers it before answering but finally says, "Yeah. I think she was. Like genuinely happy to see him."
"Well that's odd isn't it?"
He agrees. "Very."
"You think it has anything to do with the fact that Sheriff Bass is Eugene's uncle?" Michonne wonders. She watches as Rick's face lights up with clarity.
"That has everything to do with it." He shakes his head. "I wish him the best of luck."
They share another laugh and leave the hospital to have a late dinner at Dale's.
Thanksgiving break is coming up soon and Michonne feels anxious as she will be away from Rick the entire week. Her family is going to Columbus to her aunt's and his family will be spending time at his grandparents' place in Tennessee.
They were at her house, in her room and she knew her mom wouldn't be home for another hour and she wanted to take advantage of that. They hadn't had a heavy make out session since he told her he wanted them to wait but surely he desired her as much as she desired him.
She grabs the pencil he was writing with and says, "Kiss me."
"Kiss me."
He obliges with a quick kiss to the lips. He smiles and reaches for his pencil only to have her press her mouth against his again, pushing her tongue into his mouth. He accepts her kiss but places his hands at her shoulders to keep the space between them.
She reaches for him but he maintains the distance and finally breaks their connection. The two of them sprawled on her bed with nothing between them but books and paper was way too inviting. She sighs with disappointment and brings her eyes up to his.
"If I ask you something, will you be honest with me?"
He gives her a nod. "Ok."
"Why don't you wanna have sex with me?"
He drops his eyes, trying to think of something to say. The truth has always been the best option but he's not sure how she'll handle it. He meets her eyes again. "I want to have sex with you more than anythang but…we just have to be careful. We shouldn't rush things."
"But we aren't rushing things. It's been months. Are you afraid I'll get pregnant?"
"No. I…….it's our age difference." He sighs heavily. "If we have sex and your parents find out, they could have me arrested for statutory rape."
Michonne gasps incredulously. "WHAT?! My parents would never do that and they'd never find out."
Rick sits up straight and folds his arms across his chest. "Yeah….maybe but I don't think we should take that chance."
She scoffs. "This is ridiculous. You're seriously not going to have sex with me because you think I'd accuse you of rape?" She touches his thigh, trying to reassure him. "Rick, it's me. I'd never do that to you."
He places a hand on top of hers. "I know but….I just think we should wait. I'm willing to wait for however long it takes. I know you're worth it."
She can't think of anything to say that wouldn't make her sound like a heel so she acquiesces. "You'll be worth it too." She takes a deep breath. "We'll wait."
Thanksgiving comes and goes and Rick is happy to be able to spend time with Michonne again. He missed her while they were apart but they talked every day over the phone.
They were sitting in his truck, outside of her house preparing to say good bye for the night. He leans in to kiss her, leading with his tongue as he always does. She accepts him as usual but doesn't pull him in and doesn't deepen the kiss. Instead she ends the connection all too soon and tells him she needs to get inside.
He is slightly taken aback but escorts her to the front door, kisses her on the cheek, and watches as she goes inside, closing the door softly. He ponders her actions for only a moment then returns to his truck and goes home.
It's Saturday and Michonne is having a sleepover with Maggie and Sasha at the latter's house. They are sitting in Sasha's bedroom, watching a romantic comedy and eating popcorn.
"Ooohhh….this is getting good. She's gonna sleep with him on the first date?" Sasha asks as the couple on the screen start to undress each other.
Maggie elbows Michonne and wiggles her eyebrows. "You didn't sleep with Rick after the first date did you?" She laughs at her own joke, knowing the ridiculousness of it.
"I haven't slept with Rick at all," Michonne utters then cringes as she knows she should've thought better about revealing anything.
"What?" Sasha asks.
"Nothing. Never mind," Michonne returns.
"No. Wait. You said that like it was a bad thing," Sasha offers.
Michonne sighs. "No it's not a bad thing. He wants to wait so we're going to wait."
"He wants to wait?" Maggie inquires. With Michonne's nod, she gets a dreamy look in her eyes and tilts her head to the side. "Aww…..I think I'm falling in love with Rick Grimes."
"Oh man Michonne….Rick is totally serious about you," Sasha states.
Her friend scoffs. "Really? For some reason, I don't feel that way. I mean, he's gonna graduate in May and go off to college with all those college girls and I'll still be an inexperienced virgin. I can't compete with them."
"And who says you have to? Rick is not worried about anyone else. I think he's in love with you," Maggie responds.
"Ok but aren't people who are in love supposed to make love?"
"Michonne you've got a good guy. Don't mess it up," Maggie warns.
Sasha rolls her eyes. "I don't see what the problem is. There is more to do than just sex you know."
"What do you mean by that and how would you know? You're not doing anything," Michonne retorts.
"And neither are you but at least I watch TV and I've got an older brother who will answer questions when he's in a sharing mood."
Maggie frowns. "You talk to Tyreese about this stuff? Shawn would kill me if I asked."
"Tyreese knows I'm not fooling around but he doesn't see anything wrong with me educating myself."
"So what types of things can we do without actually having sex?" Michonne wants to know.
Sasha smiles and moves to grab her laptop out of her backpack. "The internet will be your best friend tonight."