~You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star - Friedrich Nietzsche~

Bold - Italian unless stated otherwise

Chapter Two : A (Not So) Warm Welcome To The Famiglia

Getting all the arcobaleno at the mansion at the same time wasn't hard since they were already there and that led her to choose that exact day to introduce Luciana. After checking on Aria, she had called everyone to the living room.

Now, when she planned to introduce her newly adopted baby to the rest of the arcobaleno, she knew it was going to be chaotic; hence, the reason why she only did so after Luciana had fallen asleep. No, she didn't choose that timing so as to lure her guardians to agreeing through the adorableness of Luciana, that is just childish(is it really?). So, their reaction wasn't all that surprising to her.

When they came, it was with varying reactions. Her husband had been by her side, giving her questioning looks but decided to wait for her to explain. Reborn, being the only one from the rest to know what happened, just strutted in with his regular smirk, plopping on the dark leather sofa. Skull, a purple haired stuntman, was immediately drawn to the child but didn't voice any questions. Next, her rains, Colonello had on his regular grin, cooing on how adorable the sleeping baby was as his wife, Lal scowled, dragging him onto another sofa. Viper just simply entered using their mist flames and lastly, Verde walked in, lab coat slightly dishevelled, taking one glance at the baby before narrowing his eyes at her.

"Luce, who's that?" Her husband spoke after everyone was present, he was currently sitting beside her, leaning closer to inspect the child his wife was cradling.

"Everyone, meet Luciana, my newly adopted daughter!" She exclaimed, a timer was set in her mind but it wasn't needed as the reaction was immediate.

"What do you mean by you're adopting this brat?!" A blue haired female teen, clothed in military gear, exclaimed, looking furious. Suddenly, a blonde teen slung an arm across her shoulders, he was wearing military gear as well.

"But Lal, look how adorable she is, kora!" He exclaimed only to receive a slap to the face but she did lean closer, a light blush stained her cheeks at the sight of the sleeping baby; nobody could blame her, the baby was just too adorable for her own good.

"Do you realise how much money needed to take care of a child, nevertheless two children?" This came from a hooded teen, face hidden, a couple of locks of light purple peeked out from beneath; they are Viper, mist arcobaleno.

Due to their body being cloaked and the only facial features of theirs that could be seen, were their cherry red lips, nobody knew their gender, not even Luce. But after spending quite a long time with them and despite the fact that their eyes were covered, Luce knew that they were currently glaring at her.

"Yes, but it would be good for Aria to have someone her age to play with~" She pouted at the mist arcobaleno.

"B-But what about Aria?"That came from the purple-haired teenage stuntman. It wasn't long before a cry escaped his lips as he jumped aside to avoid the bullet that was about to be shot by a certain sun arcobaleno but a sharp glare from Luce forced the hitman to slide his gun back into its holster with a grumble.

"Aren't you going to say anything, Reborn?" A green haired teen wearing a lab coat drawled as he adjusted his glasses, his lips tugged into a lazy smirk. Said hitman narrowed his eyes, daring the scientist to continue, which was what he did, "I would've thought that you would be the first to show your disapproval. My, my, you haven't gone soft, have you?"

If had been any other person, they would've lunged at the scientist, furious. If it had been any other person, said scientist would have been filled with bullet holes. But, Reborn was not like any other person, having trained to hide his emotions since young. The only emotion visible was his usual smirk and the mischievous glint in his pitch black eyes, nothing that showed that he was slightly upset at the greenette's comment.

"Of course not, idiot. Why would I disagree when I was the one found the kid during a mission Luce gave me personally after she had another precognition,"The hitman purred, taking satisfaction at how the look of amusement on the scientist quickly changed to one of annoyance. But he didn't stop there; he wasn't named 'Chaos' himself for nothing "Oh? Didn't she tell you? Oops~"

She sighed at the childish actions of her Sun guardian. In the hitman's defence, he only acted this way for Luce; it wasn't strange for an element to act possessive over their sky. Actually, all arcobaleno were possessive of Luce, even if they never showed it physically. This could be seen as reactions towards the hitman's words were nearly instantaneous, her husband speaking first.

"Is that why you kept spacing out? Was it something bad?" Fon questioned, his face formed an expression of worry for his wife.

Silence followed his words as all the arcobaleno stared at their sky both worriedly and expectantly; for all they know, said precognition could have been something about the arcobaleno curse or worse, that her time was coming. Their worries were slightly eased as a reassuring smile tugged at her lips as she spoke.

"Don't worry, it wasn't anything about the arcobaleno curse, you know I would tell you guys if I had one of that sort," She answered, "It wasn't anything too terrible and I didn't think it was important enough for me to have to inform everyone,"

"Nothing is 'unimportant' if it's you, Luce." Was Fon's answer, making her smile as he held her hand.

"Enough with the lovey dovey stuff," Lal was the one who interrupted, the pair blushed, "Like Viper and Skull said earlier, what about Aria? You know it's not easy to take care of one baby, nevertheless, two babies,"

The commander felt something akin to regret as a wide smile graced Luce's lips and a familiar mischievous glint entered her dark eyes. For the second time that day, another arcobaleno fell for the Sky's trap.

"Ah, there's where all of you come into play," Reborn silently questioned himself as to how he got into his sky's plan again and in the exact same day, "Everyone is going to have turns taking care of Luciana!"

Silence rang in the air as they stared at their sky with blank eyes, mind repeating those words at high speeds. It wasn't long before they snapped out of their reverie.

"What?!" They all snapped at the same time.

She had been playing with her blocks when the door swung open and in came her mother. A grin graced her lips and she stood up to run to her, Luce giggled in response as she led her to a chair before sitting down. Now that her mother was sitting down, she could see the bundle, standing on her tiptoes, she was able to see the small, chubby face of a baby. Excitement thrummed in her heart as her eyes quickly went back to her mother; she had always wanted a younger sibling, it was so awfully boring to play along.

"Mama, who is that?" She spoke up, as Luce picked her up, placing her on her other knee.

"Welcome your new younger sister, Aria~ Her name's Luciana~" Luce smiled at the sight of her daughter smiling at her new sibling. She had known Aria had wanted a sibling and seeing this just made her feel like she truly made the right decision.

"Her eyes are pretty," Aria stated as she stared at the galaxy-like eyes that were peering back at her. Luce agreed, never had she seen eyes that were that detailed. Turning back to Luce, she asks the question she had wanted to ask since she saw the baby. "Can I play with her?"

"Of course you can! But only when she is a bit older," Pouting at the fact she couldn't play with her new younger sister immediately, she nodded in agreement. "For now, you can help take care of your younger sister, okay?"

Her eyes brightened at the question. That, she can do, she thought as she nodded eagerly to her mother's amusement. Leaning closer, she took the baby's hands in hers, grinning when she grasped back. Yes, she was happy to have a younger sister.

After a couple of hours with the dark blue hair, someone she recognised who would be her future mother, she had fallen asleep, still in the bluenette's arms. She was surprised at how easily she did so; all those wars she had gone through had made it difficult for her to get any rest, always worried that something was going to happen. The woman had a warm aura and the same flickering flames in her just like Reborn, the teen that found her, though Reborn had a thick shield of ice surrounding his warmer aura; she had always been a good reader of people and Mavis did say that her intuition was strong. So, if both of her skills said that he was safe, she was going to trust him, even if she could sense a rather thick later of death mixing with his ice; to her, he was similar to Zeref, and if she could accept the dark mage, why couldn't she accept Reborn?

Speaking of similarity, the dark blue-haired woman had reminded her of her own mother, Layla. Seeing this woman, reminded her of the pain she felt whe she lost her mother and thought that maybe, just maybe, she was being granted a second chance to prove that she could protect her family. With that, she swore to protect this woman, even if it costed her own life.

Another thing that surprised her was her new mother's name, Luce. The name just happened to be Natsu's nickname for her and she silently wondered if it was really coincidence that she arrived in this world. But she didn't bother to think further, it was never good for her to worry too much, it always gave her major headaches.

When she awoke once more, she was still in the woman's arms, she was walking when she glanced down to her eyes, a warm smile tugged on the woman's lips.

"Oh, you're awake~" She cooed in a language that she had finally deducted as italian; it was a good thing that she had studied said language, "I'm bringing you to your new older sister, Aria, aren't you excited?"

At that, her eyes brightened; she had always wanted an older sister and luckily, many were more than happy to help her fulfill that wish. It was clear that her mother had saw her response as she giggled, stopping in front of a off-white door before swinging it open.

The first thing she noticed was that the room was filled with child toys, the walls painted in bright rainbow colours. The next was the small, adorable child with black hair and equally black eyes; she guessed that the child was Aria. When Luce sat down, she was able to see Aria closer as Luce had picked Aria up, placing her onto her knee; she looked similar to Reborn.

"Mama, who is that?" Aria questioned, looking curiously at her.

"Welcome your new younger sister, Aria~ Her name's Luciana~" Luce introduced the now-siblings, a soft smile graced her lips.

"Her eyes are pretty," She blushed lightly at the compliment, giggling lightly. "Can I play with her?"

At this, she perked once more. As a child, she had always played alone, everyone seemed to be always busy. It seemed like she was also given another chance at a better childhood. She didn't hear her mother's response as she imagined the things she could play with her sister. She was dragged back to reality as a small hand clasped hers, she grasped back, giggling lightly. Yes, she would protect her family with her life.

Extra : Lucy, I'm Your Grandmother

The silence in the room was broken as a light bang resounded due to her smacking her forehead on her wooden table, her blonde hair splayed around her. Another sigh escaped her lips, this time, it sounded much more irritated and quite close to an angry growl.

Why was she was so agitated, you may ask. Well, it was simple; paperwork. Ever since she had been instated as Tenth Guild Master of Fairy Tail, she had quickly learnt that being a guild master was not fun, especially if it was being the guild master of Fairy Tail. For fuck's sake, she knew Fairy Tail was a destructive guild and she did expect for a fuck load of paperwork but this was more than she imagined or could handle for that matter; a few hundred thousand per week was her estimate after seeing the mountain of paperwork piled on the table.

Opening her eyes, she silently screamed in her mind at the sight. Despite looking down, she could see hundred and hundreds of paperwork and that wasn't the worse; she didn't know if the papers had fallen or were there in the first place. Great, now she had more work!

Raising her head, she blindly grabbed a bottle of vodka and took a long swig, drinking three-quarters of the bottle. Now, she silently thought, now she knew why Makarov drank so much; it was to keep himself sane. Having drunk so much, her senses had dulled but clearly not enough as she faintly heard the door swing open and a pair of footsteps near her. Taking a quick glance, she saw a familiar blonde with green eyes staring at the with concern.

"Tenth, it's not good to drink so much," Mavis spoke, frowning at the bottle.

"Why?" She ignored the First Master's scolding as she stared into her emerald eyes. The latter blinked in confusion, wondering if the alcohol had taken over.

"Why what?"

"Why was I chosen to be Guild Master of Fairy Tail? Unlike the other Guild Masters, I don't have any familial connection to this guild. So, why was I chosen?" She answered back, her words slightly slurred due to the alcohol.

The frown on Mavis immediately disappeared as soon as the blonde fully explained herself, a grin graced her lips.

"But Lucy-chan~ You're my granddaughter~" Mavis giggled.

"Oh, you're my grandmother, okay…" It took a few seconds before Lucy realised what she just said as she abruptly stood up, eyes wide open, "Wait, I'm your granddaughter?!"

Mavis simply giggled once more. Looks like this long day was about to become even longer.

Author's Note

Hey! Sorry for the delay, I recently bought a Nintendo 3DS XL and have been busy looking through the games I bought~

Also, sorry for the short chapter, the reason why added an extra.

My schoolis starting a couple of days but I'll try to post, maybe once a week.

Thank you for the comments ^-^

T4K3N : Thank you, I really appreciate that :)

Guest : I'll add that pairing to the (future)poll ^-^

Lucy : There might be hints of harem but Lucy will only have one spouse/partner. The rest are more like overprotective guardians ^-^ I'll try my best to update more often but no promises as I do have school.

Thank You For Commenting~


1) FonxLuce cause why not?

2) Lucy is Mavis's granddaughter.

~ Warnings To New Readers : I don't have a set schedule when updating but I try to achieve at least once a month.

~ Unless I have stated on my bio or have written an A.N., this story will not be dropped. ~

~ I tend to edit and change stuff a lot ~

~ Please leave a review before leaving, it'll help keep my motivation up, thank you ^-^ ~

Completed (30/09/16)

Edit 1 (-)

Word Count : 2471