Story: Ocean's daughter

Chapter: 2

Title: Training

Rating story: M for violence and language at later points. And mentions of rape and abuse at later point

Warning: Percy breaks her wrist just a few weeks into training... she is so reckless at times *sigh*

Notes: I am going to update even less then I already am. Sorry for this, but I really don't have time and I should actually be learning Biology right now, but I am writing this because I want to finish this for all of you. So sorry guys. Oh and I am beginning the rewrite of Black's New Heir! So my writing time will be split between two stories now instead of just one.

Percy is a little shit to Gabe omg. I am not really happy with this chapter, but it has to do. This chapter is mostly focused on training, next chapter will be too, but Percy will be going to Atlantis and meet Kaldur, Tula and Garth!

I have a question for a pairing all the way down the line for somewhere between season 1 and season 2, probably close to season 2. What do you guys think of Annabeth/Kaldur? I was trying to find a guy for Annabeth so Percy could play matchmaker for her best friend and suddenly this came up? I am unsure about it though...

Please help me out planning the next few chapters better. There is a poll up for this story now and the basic idea is: Diana is the representative of S.T.A.R. Labs and also works really high up in the food chain there. This causes her to be invited to all kinds of gala's like Bruce Wayne is so that is where Percy will meet both Rachel and Dick.

Please enjoy and review!

Percy grunted as Diana's fist connected with her shoulder. She stumbled backwards and twisted to stay upright. "You think to much." Diana stood up straight as she watched her protégé nurse her painful shoulder. This was their first week in physical training, second in general training.

"Never thought I would hear that." Percy said through gritted teeth. Diana didn't pull her punches and she was pretty sure she could already feel a bruise forming. Her clothing didn't help at all, just a simple shirt did not protect you from the punch of an Amazon.

Diana's lips quirked upwards slightly. "You do tend to be impulsive." She agreed. "Fighting is not about impulses. It is about instinct. Let your body move for you when you are on defence so you can think about how to attack." Percy frowned slightly, but kept listening.

"You were thinking about your next move. Block, dodge or duck? You couldn't decide fast enough. That is one of the many points where you can lose a fight." Diana took a few steps towards Percy. "If you think to much in the now, you won't be able to move forward. You won't be able to act and you do not want to react, you are guaranteed to lose if you do that."

Suddenly she struck out her fist. Percy felt her heart speed up, her senses sharpen and before Diana's fist could connect with the same shoulder she had already bruised Percy turned on one heel, her body parallel to Diana's punch. Her body moved out of itself, like a defense mechanism. Her hands grabbed the outstretched arm. Twisting her body down Percy pulled the fist to the ground.

Diana went flying over Percy's now hunched body, pulled her arm free, twisted in the air and landed lightly on her feet halfway through the room. Diana blinked before a real smile made it's way up on her lips. "Your instincts and reflexes are better than I anticipated. Good."

Percy just stared, mouth slightly ajar in shock. She just threw an Amazon, a warrior, Wonder Woman through the room. "How did- What did- How can- What?" The girl asked weakly. Diana chuckled and walked closer again.

"You didn't think about anything, did you?" Percy shook her head, still slightly in shock. "As a demigod your instincts and reflexes are above those of an average human. Your greater speed is an advantage of course, but you will have to train to get all of your gifts under control. The Mist suppresses every gift you have, until you unlock them. This is unique to the children of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. These demigods are more powerful and if they do not know how to control their powers, they are a danger to both others around them and themselves."

Percy blinked and nodded. She had made the sink explode once, maybe twice, if she really lost control she could make the sewers explode. Probably. Definitely. "But you have to force the Mist to release it's grip on you. Training will help, but you have to test your limits, surpass them. So" Diana crouched a little, ready for the next sparring session. "Again."

She lunched forward. Percy threw herself sideways, placed one hand on the ground and flipped herself over it. The objective was to land a punch on Diana, just one well placed punch. It was harder than it sounded. Percy threw herself at Diana, who stepped out of her way. This was to be expected, but still dampered Percy's spirits.

The girl ducked underneath a punch thrown at her head before jumping backwards to avoid a foot in her stomach. She had to go in the offence fast, otherwise she would be overrun. She would probably still be overrun by Diana, but she had to try.

She ducked underneath another fist, grabbing her mentor's wrist before jumping in close and using her other hand to punch Diana. That was the intention anyway. Somehow Percy found herself lying on the ground on her back, again. "You learn very fast, but you still have a long way to go." Diana said as she dusted of her hands. "That was sparring for today."

Percy climbed to her feet. "Okay." She took a few breaths before looking back up to Diana. "You said you had criticism for the uniform designs?" She had expected it, but also hoped her design would be good enough.

"Yes." Diana agreed. "Let's go to the monitor room." Percy followed Diana through the underground base. The training room was as big as a football field and forty feet high. The whole room was high tech Justice League qualified and could generate all types of holographic enemies.

Diana had bought her own building right next to Central Park. She had done so half with the money she made from being S.T.A.R. Labs representative and the other half was paid with the resources she had from Themyscira.

The building had a secret hallway in the basement that reached to the middle of Central Park. The main area was also called the monitor room. The room was as big as three classrooms and almost twice as high as one. There was a big screen covering one wall almost completely that reacted to both voice commands and touch there were also smaller computers and the option for three holographic screens.

The medical bay was right next to the monitor room, as was the training room. From the monitor room there was a network of tunnels to all areas of the city where Diana would normally fly through to reach the latest robbery.

They stood in front of the head monitor a few minutes later. Diana pushed in a few codes and different windows popped up on screen. "I realised after I saw your design that I gave you an assignment that you could not complete." Percy frowned, insulted. She opened her mouth, but Diana hastily explained herself. "Not because you are incapable, but because I did not give you all the needed information." She tapped one of the windows and a file on Atlantean clothing came up.

"I understand from your design that you want to combine both the Amazonian and Atlantean styles." Percy nodded, still frowning, but now more in concentration than anything else. "I would recommend the most pronounced style to be Amazonian. Not because I am your mentor, but because we can provide you of Adamantine armour and weapons. This is lightweight metal, as strong as my own bracelets and four times lighter than steel."

Percy tilted her head to the side. "Alright, I can get that. But I object your clothing style." Diana raised an eyebrow. "No offence, but I like to cover my chest, and I really like pants." She gave Diana a small smile. "My mom agrees."

Diana chuckled and nodded. "Of course. All Amazons are adults and because of our stronger skin do not need protection on less than vital places. You, as a demigod, do have extraordinary power, both in raw strength and speed and in your elemental control, but your biology is still human." Percy nodded her eyes back on the screen. Diana tapped a different window and Percy's design came up. Another window showed Diana's own outfit.

"Do you want your outfit to resemble mine? Or do you want to do your own thing?" Percy cocked her head to the side.

"A bit of both? I like the red and blue, but not together." She pursed her lips. "Can I keep the blue? I like blue." Diana's lips quirked upwards a little as she nodded.

"Your armour can be in any colour of your wishes, as the material we use can be coloured endlessly. Adamantine is nearly indestructible and very lightweight. It is the same metal the gods use in their armour. I would also recommend this. It is comparable with what the mortals call Kevlar, but there is a big difference; it works for both mortal and demigod metals." Percy nodded slowly as Diana showed a few pictures on screen.

"I like the general design for Atlantean uniforms. Skin tight, so no flapping clothes, and it only has sleeves when you want it, but does have a high collar." Percy stared at the holographic images and walked a little closer. "Can you make this." She poked at Holo-Diana's breastplate, her finger hitting the image to her surprise. "Wow… uhm. Can you make this blue instead of red? But not the blue your skirt thing is, lighter blue." Diana's lips quirked up again.

"Of course. I take it you want a Kevlar undersuit in Atlantean style with an Amazonian breastplate?" Percy smiled widely. "What colour do you want your undersuit to be?"

"Uh… Black?" Diana nodded and typed in some commands. Suddenly Holo-Percy was dressed in a black skintight suit that covered everything but her arms and head. Her chest was wrapped in the same breastplate Diana had, but then blue.

It looked good, for armour without armour. The blue was more green than sky blue, more like a breaking wave on a sunny day. "Wait, can the neckline end like a normal T-shirt? It looks more comfortable." Diana gave a small smile at Percy's enthusiasm and hummed in agreement. A second later the turtle neck was gone and replaced by a standard T-shirt neckline.

Percy nodded, this was better. "As my partner, you will have the same kind of bracelets as I have." The hologram was now wearing golden bracelets. "You can choose the colour of course." Diana watched as Percy switched her gaze from her future suit to Diana's current one.

"Silver, like yours." Another nod and within a blink the bracelets were silver. Diana walked up to Percy, taking in the outfit critically.

"You will need boots, of course." Walking back to the monitor Diana started talking. "There are the Amazonian boots for combat, but I wouldn't recommend them. They are very heavy and mostly used when there are great numbers of fighters fighting at the same side. The Atlantean's do not wear any footwear, which I wouldn't recommend either."

Percy was silent for a few seconds. "What about knee high leather combat boots? From the mortal world?" Diana tilted her head in thought. Percy thought it was a good option. Thick leather isn't easy to cut through, but very silent when you walk.

"A very good idea. I'll look into it." Percy grinned at the praise. "Now, for the rest of your armour..."

Diana circled around a very irritated Percy. The girl had a big shield strapped to her arm and a metal spear in her other hand. "Serie 1" Percy scowled before getting into action. They had been practicing like this for more than two hours and it was boring. Percy first had had to memorise fifteen different series and now she was practicing them in the air. Against nothing. While Diana criticised her every move.

"Faster." Percy gritted her teeth and moved up the pace. Stab, duck, roll, block, shield, stab, block, swipe, duck, dodge, shield, stab. When the serie was done she stood up straight again, waiting for the next order. Percy hated this. She hated every minute of it.

"Can we quit now?" Diana gave Percy a flat stare, which Percy met head on. They stood there in silence for what seemed like hours, but neither looked away. Diana sighed and closed her eyes.

"I understand that this is not an exercise you expected you have to do, but you have to familiarise with your weapons. Swords are used in close combat, but you will need other weapons for different circumstances." Percy glowered for a second. They had already tried giving Percy a lasso, that hadn't worked at all. Her aim was as bad as it was with a bow.

"You have to practice until you know how to use any weapon in all circumstances." Diana reminds Percy yet again.

"Can I at least have a dummy I can stab?" Percy still isn't happy about this. She just wants to fend off some frustrations. "It's oddly dissatisfying to stab air." Percy blinked when a small grin appeared on Diana's face.

It wasn't that Diana never showed emotion, far from it, she was just the perfect princess. Always polite, kind and nice. Well except when they were sparring, she was a warrior through and through. And even then she would be well mannered and didn't actually react to most of Percy's jabbing and every try to get her at least a little irritated.

"A real Amazon already I see." It was kind of humiliating how much she enjoyed getting praise. The only other person who ever gave her praise was her mother and it gave Percy a weird feeling in her chest whenever she got a compliment, even if that compliment was being called a fierce killing female warrior.

That was a point Percy found herself conflicted over. Diana killed. She didn't like it, but she did whenever it was necessary. That was the only way to avoid having your own personal Joker as Diana explained it. Luckily most of the times Diana killed was when her enemy was a monster, so they would reform… If that is what you want to call lucky.

Diana snapped her fingers in front of Percy's eyes. "Percy!" She blinked and smiled sheepishly at her mentor. ADHD was a real pain in the ass at times. Most of the time actually.


Diana gave a small smile and placed a hand on the girl's shoulders. "No need to apologise." Then she stepped away and walked to the back of the training room. A hidden door slid open as she approached. A second later Diana reappeared from the door with a straw dummy. She placed it right in front of Percy who inspected it from a distance. The dummy was tall. Not as tall as Diana was, but way taller than Percy.

Not that Percy tall was, she was actually pretty small and thin. "Serie 7." Percy focused solely on destroying the dummy and found it was easier and more fun.

Pummeling a puppet made of straw was, from now on, her new hobby.

Percy moved her body carefully across the beam. Fifteen feet was a big drop, even for a demigod. Her right foot before her left. Left before her right. Diana was standing on the ground, watching her every move.

Acrobatics had been something Diana wanted Percy to know. Apparently it was useful in a fight. They began with the simple things. Handstands, cartwheels, walkovers. Percy knew those things already. It was probably something every girl did when she was younger, playing ballerina and standing on your hands. Percy just never got out of that phase.

Or maybe she did grow out of it but did she just like irritating Gabe by suddenly dropping in a handstand whenever he was talking to her to much to stop.

So now they had moved on to the 'good stuff' as Percy had called it. Salto with and without a trampoline, backflips, flips without hands. As long as Percy could move fast enough, she could manage. She had ran into a wall with one of her salto's and her landings were useless. But she did actually land on her feet most of the time, she just didn't stay upright.

The beam was more difficult though. She could keep her balance on a skateboard, but a beam was apparently to much for the daughter of Poseidon. Her foot slipped for the tenth time in twenty minutes, but this time she yelled out as she hit the mat with a loud snap.

Sally sighed. "Percy are you sure you want to go through with this?" Percy looked up in her mother's eyes, frowning slightly. "I know you want… you want to help people. I know. But this is dangerous." Percy just stared, listening to her mother's silent plea. "You haven't even been out on the patrol and you already broke your wrist."

Percy stayed silent, even when Sally grabbed her good wrist and squeezed it gently. "I know this is important for you. But I can't just let you get injured." Diana was standing in the corner of the med-bay. Her eyes sad with understanding.

Percy glanced from her mother to her mentor. The girl had closed herself of, not wanting to hear what her mother was saying. "I know you want this Percy, want to go out there in the world, but you are hurting yourself in the process." Sally fell silent after that, staring at Percy who didn't avert her gaze from the wall.

Sally wanted her daughter to be happy, yes. But she also wanted her daughter to survive. Sally would have done anything to keep her daughter safe from those monsters. Anything. And now, four weeks in her training with Wonder Woman and she had broken her wrist, falling from a fifteen foot high beam.

Percy had always been the adventurous type and of course she had agreed to this training. Working next to a superhero had been the opportunity to get an adventurous life. But Sally wanted her daughter to live, instead of being confronted with the horrors of the world. She might not be able to shield her from the Greek World, but she could shield her daughter from the mortal one.

Minutes followed in complete silence. All three in their own head. "You don't understand." It was whispered so soft Diana had to strain her ears to pick it up. Percy didn't look away from the wall right in front of her, but her voice was clearer when she spoke again. "This isn't some whim." Sally's eyes softened a little. Of course Percy's mind would jump to that conclusion.

"I know you are trying to protect me. You tried to protect me from the gods for years." Sally was surprised by how angry Percy's eyes were. "But look where that got us." Sally's eyes widened a little at her daughter's tone. So much anger and frustration. She sounded so grown up. Then Percy's body sagged, her voice vulnerable. "Gabe didn't just hit you." Diana tensed, her eyes narrowing as Sally froze. "You tried to protect me. And you did. You kept me alive." Sally's eyes were brimming with tears. "But Gabe was also a danger, just not a lethal one."

That was when Percy looked up, her eyes determined again. "I don't just want adventure and adrenaline. I want to help people. Demigods are born weapons. We can handle a lot more than normal people can and I want to help, I want to protect others from people like Gabe. From bullies who think they are oh so powerful."

Percy opened her mouth again, but whatever she was going to say when Sally pulled her in a tight hug. A few tears rolled down the woman's cheeks and Percy buried her face in her mother's hair.

Percy tightened her hold on her mother when Sally began to mutter apologies. For marrying Gabe. For not realising what he was doing. When they pulled back some time later Percy gave Diana a small smile and Sally flushed red in embarrassment. Diana smiled and walked closer to the pair, sitting down at the other side of Percy's bed. The girl really didn't need a bed, but her mother had forced her to rest.

"I do not know who this Gabe is." Diana's eyes pierced right into Percy's soul. "But I understand that you have the right motivation for becoming a hero. It is sad." Diana had such a sad and grave expression on her face that Percy could barely breathe. "But heroes are made, not born. They have to go through hardship like no one else would survive and overcome this, before they truly can become a hero." Diana placed a hand on one of Sally's.

"I will do anything I can to protect your daughter." Percy watched, it felt like she was watching a movie. "But she is strong and even the gods will not stand a chance of going against her when her training is finished. You have to believe she can stand on her own feet before she is able to reach heights no one has ever been to."

Percy felt confusion well up in her. Apparently her mother did understand what Diana was saying, as she nodded and turned to Percy. "Honey, I love you. That will never change." Percy was pulled into another hug. "Just remember that okay?"

Percy hugged her mother back and smiled. "Of course."

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! Please review!