Black and White

Prologue The Intro

This story happened a long time ago, in an ancient land far away.

This is an epic story, seemingly created by the stuff that only dreams are made of.

But it has happened, and history has kept the records.

This is a story of love and loss, brotherhood and betrayal, courage, sacrifice, topped with the devastating collision between innocence and maturity. It is a story of the blurred line between our best and our worst.

This is one of the many legends of the legendary Dragon Warrior, whose Kung Fu skills were the stuff of legend. He lived a long, happy, fulfilling life. But just as those before him did and those after him have still yet to do, he had to search for answers. Who was he? Why was he here? What did he have to do? What did he have yet to do?

This is the story that tells us of the Dragon Warrior's Greatest Adventure. His Finest Hour. This is how the safety of Ancient China was ensured once and for all, now and forever. Though this story happened long ago and far from our reality, it is also transpiring right here. Right now. In our very hearts.

This is the Dragon Warrior's Masterpiece.

And it begins… now.

But not yet! This is just the Introduction!

You'll see more next chapter! Pray that I may have the time to do so over the next few days!

Transformers 0 over the moon and out!